Healed by the Dragon: Boxed Set (Parts #1-4)

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Healed by the Dragon: Boxed Set (Parts #1-4) Page 25

by Jessie Donovan

  Tristan threw one last glare at Finn before grunting.

  Finn moved to stand beside her and wrap his arm around her waist before he addressed Bram. “So, why are you here, Bram? Not that I don’t love our wonderful conversations, but between my newly pregnant mate and the recent attack on my clan, tea and scones really should wait until later.”

  Bram shook his head. “If I hadn’t seen you in action myself, I would never have understood how you’re clan leader.”

  Arabella leaned into Finn’s side and she jumped in. “Once you get to know the Lochguard clan members, it will make a whole lot more sense.”

  Finn chuckled as Bram looked between them. Stonefire’s leader motioned toward the table. “How about we sit down? The last thing I need is for Finn or his dragon to get huffy about Arabella standing too long.”

  Arabella sighed. “I am literally days pregnant. Until I look like a giant whale and waddle when I walk, no one gets to fuss about me.”

  Finn’s grip tightened on her waist. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

  Approval flashed in both Bram and Tristan’s eyes and she knew she was fighting a losing battle. “Fine, I’ll sit. Just know that if anyone tells me to go take a nap or offers me something to eat every three seconds, I will punch that person. You three have been warned and know I’m not bluffing.”

  Pulling out a chair, Arabella sat down as Bram replied, “Aye, and I’d heed her warning, Stewart. My own mate has already kicked me a few times.”

  “Aye?” Finn asked. “Your Evie seems tame in comparison. Mine has threatened my bollocks a few times. And my cock.” He lowered his voice to a dramatic whisper. “Her dragon is a feisty one, if you know what I mean.”

  Arabella slapped Finn’s side. “She’ll carry out her threat, too, if you don’t stop it.”

  Bram smiled. “Threats from her dragon? Handling my Evie is enough. I can’t imagine her with an inner dragon.”

  Regaling Bram with tales of her dragon’s behavior, Finn looked to be enjoying himself a little too much.

  Arabella resisted a sigh. Bram’s mate was six-months pregnant and Tristan had a pair of seven-month-old twins. If she let them, Bram and Tristan might give Finn ideas about the best way to handle her.

  And she bloody well wasn’t having that.

  Kicking Finn under the table, she demanded, “Why are you here, Bram?” Surprise flashed in her former clan leader’s eyes and she softened her tone. “Not that I’m not happy to see you, but this isn’t the best time for a social call.”

  “It’s not really a social call, Ara,” Bram answered. “I contacted Grant the other day with news, but since I didn’t have the clearance to tell him, he notified me as soon as you two were done with the frenzy. I have an offer from the Department of Dragon Affairs.”


  Finn’s ease and teasing died at Bram’s words. “Tell me the news.”

  To his credit, Bram didn’t waste time asking if Arabella should leave. Bram had enough experience with his mate to guess at their partnership. “In light of the recent attacks, they want to propose a few changes to the agreements the British dragon-shifters have signed over the years. They refuse to give me all of the details until the both of us agree to work together. If we both don’t sign, then nothing will change.”

  Arabella’s voice filled the room as she asked, “They must have given you something. No one is daft enough to agree to anything without at least some knowledge.”

  “Aye,” Bram answered dryly. “I see your impatience hasn’t changed.”

  She straightened her shoulders. “You’re intruding on my honeymoon period with my mate. Would you be patient if the same had happened right after you claimed Evie?”

  Finn’s hand moved to her neck and squeezed. Looking to Arabella, he smiled at her and then moved his gaze to Bram. “Well? What do you know?”

  Bram crossed his arms over his chest. “They want to work with Lochguard and Stonefire to better contain the Dragon Knights.”

  “What’s in it for us?” Finn asked.

  “In addition to regular patrols by the DDA, they promise to focus more on the dragon hunters’ illegal activities as well,” Bram explained.

  Finn drummed his fingers of his free hand on the table. “That hardly seems like a fair exchange.”

  Tristan finally spoke up. “He wasn’t done, Stewart. Impatience for my sister is one thing, but it’s bad form for a clan leader.”

  Finn’s voice was like steel. “Until you’ve done my job, you have no right to criticize. Playing teacher is hardly the same.”

  Arabella laid her hand on his thigh and squeezed. “What’s the rest, Bram? And quick, before they have a fistfight to settle their differences. I’d rather not have Finn with a black eye at my mating ceremony.”

  Finn tapped his hand against the table. “I wouldn’t resort to fighting. It wouldn’t be fair.”

  Tristan growled. “Not fair to you, I agree.”

  Finn’s dragon spoke up. Challenge him later, in secret. Then we can show him we are faster and stronger.

  I might just do that.

  Arabella cleared her throat and everyone looked to her. “Can we focus on what’s important for the moment?”

  Despite Arabella’s bastard brother, Finn was proud of his lass. Judging by the approval in Bram’s eyes, he felt the same.

  His dragon said, Of course. Why are people surprised? Our mate has a will of steel.

  Aye, but don’t forget she can use it against us as well.

  I’m not worried. A few caresses and she will beg us to fuck her.

  You and the sex. Now who’s the randy one?

  His beast harrumphed just as Bram’s voice cut through his thoughts. “I’d never thought I’d see a MacLeod as a peacekeeper.”

  Finn looked over at his mate and Arabella raised an eyebrow.

  Bram laughed. “Okay, okay. They also mentioned something about transitioning authority over to the clans who prove themselves.”

  Finn stilled his fingers. “More autonomy? Somehow that seems like a bad idea given the recent claims by the Dragon Knights, of how we wish to take over Great Britain.”

  Shrugging, Bram replied, “My guess is that it’ll be a slow transition. They’ll probably give us boring, crap powers first, such as allowing us to suggest better practices for a DDA inspection or improvements to the sacrifice paperwork process. It’ll be a long time before we can do something as powerful as choose our own sacrifices or be allowed to develop our own justice system for all crimes committed within a clan.”

  Still, the DDA even considering handing over more power was massive. “When do they need an answer by?”

  “Soon,” Bram said. “They understand your need to clean up the mess here first, as well as the fact you just took a mate. But we need to meet with them in the next three weeks for the remaining details. Any longer, and the offer will expire.”

  Finn nodded. As if he would pass up a meeting of a lifetime.

  His dragon huffed. I would rather spend the time with Ara.

  Well, one of us has to think of the future.

  I think of the future. Politics is just a human invention to make life more complicated.

  I won’t deny it, but we need to play by their rules, at least, for now.


  Just hush. I need to concentrate.

  His beast fell quiet and Finn spoke up. “If nothing else, a meeting couldn’t hurt. As Ara mentioned before, no one would agree to anything without enough information. I only hope the DDA understands that.”

  “Evie is setting it all up,” Bram explained. “She’ll make sure at least one competent DDA employee attends.”

  “Good.” Finn glanced to Arabella. While his mate would deny it, the circles under her eyes were more pronounced and she was slightly pale; Arabella was exhausted. Finn looked back to Bram. “Send me anything else you can think of, including what little information you received from the DDA, but unless there’s anything else pressing you can
’t share via Grant or my other Protectors, then I need to feed my mate and then call a clan gathering.”

  “And a mating ceremony,” Arabella added.

  Staring into Arabella’s eyes, he saw tenderness and something he swore was possessiveness. “Afraid I’ll change my mind in a few days, love?”

  She dug her nails into his leg under the table. “Tease me some more about that, I dare you, Finn.” She moved her hand a few inches closer to his crotch and he understood her warning.

  Leaning forward, he placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “I’m as anxious as you, but you deserve a proper ceremony, Ara. That takes some time.”

  Arabella tilted her head. “Knowing your aunt, things are already in full swing. Maybe not for today, but in the next few days, for sure.”

  Bram’s voice interrupted them. “Your aunt wouldn’t be the dragonwoman who insisted I call her Aunt Lorna, is she?”

  “Aye, that’s the one.” Finn grinned. “Did you give in?”

  “Like I had a choice,” Bram muttered. “That bloody woman won’t take no for an answer.”

  “Be careful what you say about my aunt, Bram.”

  Bram put up his hands. “I meant no disrespect. We don’t really have anyone like her in Stonefire, that’s all.”

  Arabella laughed. “Oh, just wait until you meet Meg.”

  Bram blinked. “Who is Meg?”

  Arabella patted Finn’s leg. “Oh, you’ll know her when you see her.” Arabella’s voice turned more serious as she looked to Bram and Tristan. “Will you two, Evie, and Mel come to my mating ceremony? I’ll postpone it a few days if you can.”

  Bram answered, “We’ll try, lass, we’ll try.”

  Squeezing Arabella’s hand under the table, Finn moved it off his leg and stood up. “Next time, I promise to walk you out.”

  Standing up, Bram put out his hand and Finn shook it. “I understand.” Bram looked to Arabella. “And I’ll talk with Evie and Mel about the mating ceremony.”

  Arabella stood up and asked, “You’ll let Evie come?”

  Bram looked to Finn. “If Finn allows some of Stonefire’s Protectors to escort us and an escape plan is devised to my satisfaction, then yes.”

  Giving Bram’s hand one last shake, Finn released it. “I’m sure we can arrange something. Have your head Protector contact Grant and have them work things out.”

  “Aye, Kai will be in touch,” Bram said before moving toward the door.

  Tristan stopped in front of Finn and studied him. Even though Finn was an inch taller, it felt as if Tristan were glaring down at him. “Don’t hurt my sister. She’s had enough pain in her life.”

  For once, Finn didn’t disagree. “Her happiness is my top priority, MacLeod. I would never hurt her.”

  Arabella mumbled, “Just constantly irritate me.”

  Finn looked to Arabella and winked. “You know you love it.”

  From the corner of his eye, Finn saw Tristan put out his hand and he took it. Tristan tightened his grip and looked to Arabella. “If he so much as breathes the wrong way, you tell me. Just because he’s clan leader doesn’t mean I can’t take him.”

  Arabella sighed. “Fine, yes, I’ll tell you. Will you leave now?”

  Tristan released Finn’s hand and focused on his sister. His tone softened a fraction when he asked, “Is the Scottish bastard what you really want?”

  Finn’s dragon growled, but he pushed his beast into a mental maze and waited for Arabella’s answer.

  Arabella moved closer to Finn, wrapped her arm around his waist, and leaned against him. “More than anything.”

  Her declaration warmed his heart. Even with the frenzy finished, she still wanted him for him.

  The only question was did she love him?

  Before he could dwell too long in his thoughts, Tristan grunted and went to stand with Bram. After a few more niceties, the door shut behind them and Finn was alone again with Arabella.

  Chapter Eight

  The instant the door closed behind Bram and Tristan, Arabella shut her eyes and took a deep breath. While her brother had been a bit of an arsehole, the meeting had gone better than expected. The best news was her family would probably be at her mating ceremony. As irritating as her brother and Bram’s protectiveness was, she loved them and would miss them.

  She’d just have to make sure Grant came up with a good enough plan so Evie could come, too.

  Finn’s hands rested on her shoulders and he kneaded her muscles. With a sigh, she opened her eyes to look at her mate’s upside down face. “My brother is exhausting.”

  He dug his fingers a little harder as he worked and she moaned. He replied, “Aye, but given he’s your brother, I wasn’t expecting any less.”

  “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

  Finn raised an eyebrow. “Did you really expect your brother to pat me on the back and say well done?”

  “No. But if I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was brooding.”

  “His mate will sort him out soon enough.”

  At the thought of Melanie and the twins, Arabella’s heart squeezed. “I hope so. Knowing Mel, she’ll succeed in convincing Tristan to bring her up here for the ceremony.”

  Finn stopped his massage and moved to kneel in front of her. “We can postpone the mating ceremony until later, love. It doesn’t need to be so soon. I don’t care if I have to fight Aunt Lorna or even Bram. I’ll find a way to delay the ceremony to ensure your whole family can attend.”

  Staring down at her dragonman, Arabella wasn’t sure if she wanted to cry or kiss the living shit out of him.

  Her dragon rumbled. Why cry? I don’t understand.

  He means so much to me and I can’t imagine life without him. This feeling is new.

  The feeling has a name.

  Arabella knew it, but she wasn’t quite ready to say the words.

  Her beast grunted. As I said before, humans make everything complicated.

  Finn looked about ready to ask if she was okay, so Arabella brushed his cheek with her fingers. “Sooner is better. Besides, Bram wouldn’t mention the possibility of attending if there wasn’t a real chance.” She smiled. “And in a few weeks, we can have a big celebration to help the clans mingle.”

  Her mate’s eyes turned heated. “Then we can try some more dancing.”

  Remembering the feather touches from last week sent a small thrill through her body. “Maybe. You haven’t asked properly, yet.”

  He bowed his head. “Oh lady of Lochguard, would you do the honor of dancing with me at this as-yet unplanned celebration?”

  “Well…I don’t know. Maybe I should ask you to convince me to say yes.”

  Finn looked up with slitted pupils. “Even with my schedule, I think that can be arranged.”

  Arabella’s dragon hummed. I want him, but not until tomorrow. I won’t be able to use him properly before then.

  Arabella laughed and Finn asked, “What?”

  “My dragon isn’t at full power yet. She said to wait until tomorrow.”

  “Aye, so she can break my cock.”

  “Probably. But in all seriousness, you have the clan gathering to call. The sooner we deal with Duncan, the sooner we can focus on working with Bram and developing closer relations with Stonefire.”

  Amusement danced in her mate’s eyes. “So you’ve decided to agree to the DDA’s proposal already, then, without me?”

  “Don’t be silly. I just want to make sure my sister-in-law can come and help with babysitting later. She owes me big time.”

  Finn laughed and then stood. Pulling her out of her chair, he held her close. “Believe me, we have plenty of prospective babysitters on Lochguard. Ours will be the first for Aunt Lorna. She may technically be my aunt, but she’ll be grandma to our baby boy.”

  “As long as she keeps our baby girl away from your twin cousins, at least until they’ve been tamed. Fraser, in particular, will give her bad ideas.”

  Nuzzling her cheek, Finn murmured, “S
omehow, I think our boy will come up with enough trouble on his own.”

  As Finn’s comforting scent surrounded her, she murmured, “Girl.”


  She pulled back to meet Finn’s eyes. “Be careful, or I’ll have twins just to spite you.”

  Finn smiled slowly. “You do that, and you’re giving yourself double the trouble.”

  “Damn you, Finlay Stewart.”

  Chuckling, he laid his forehead against hers as he rubbed her lower back. “I’ll love whatever you give me, Arabella MacLeod, because it’s a part of you.”

  “What about a three-headed toad?”

  He winked. “Even a three-headed toad.”

  Love shined out of Finn’s eyes. In that moment, she couldn’t imagine being anywhere else but with her clever, funny, and slightly irritating dragonman. After so many years of isolation and fear, Arabella finally felt whole again.

  All because of Finn.

  She wanted to claim him in the proper way, with three words that described the whole bundle of opinions she had about him. Finlay Ian Stewart might be her true mate because of her dragon, but he’d earned his place as the true mate of her heart.

  Yet voicing her feelings was hard. Not because Finn would be cocky about it later on purpose, because of course he would, but because it would be a major turning point in her life. Loving Finn and their child would replace the lingering fear and sadness of her past.

  Her dragon spoke up. That’s what you want. Do it, already.

  Sometimes, dragon, I wonder about your methods.

  I’m a dragon not a human. I don’t dance around the issue. We love him. Tell him. Then we can eat, sleep, and fuck our mate again.

  I hate to see what pregnancy hormones will do to your crankiness.

  I’m not cranky. I’m impatient. There’s a difference.

  Her beast’s words made her smile. And despite her heart hammering away inside her chest, she took a deep breath. Her dragon was right—it was time to stop stalling.

  Looking into her dragonman’s eyes, she blurted out, “I love you, Finn.”

  A slow smile took over his face and she waited for a cocky comment.


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