Healed by the Dragon: Boxed Set (Parts #1-4)

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Healed by the Dragon: Boxed Set (Parts #1-4) Page 27

by Jessie Donovan

  Someone shouted, “Then why hold this meeting at all?”

  Finn answered, “Because I wanted to hear your thoughts and ensure everyone knows what happens to our clan’s traitor.” He looked around the room again and met her eyes briefly. “I have plans not just for Lochguard, but all of the dragon clans in Europe. My opinion is we should focus our resources on building alliances and changing the laws to our favor. Am I the only one who wants to someday have full autonomy?” Murmurs of no answered. “Right then, by a show of hands, who wishes to ship Duncan off to the DDA and use all of our resources to focus on the future rather than the past?”

  In addition to Arabella and Aunt Lorna at her side, more than three-quarters of the room raised their hands.

  Finn’s voice boomed again. “Then it’s decided. I’ll contact the DDA and work out the details.” He gave a sweeping stern look. “Any other traitors will face the same fate. My plans are to strengthen relations with both humans and other dragon clans. If you’re not with me, then leave within the next twenty-four hours. I won’t waste my time dealing with petty plans that could end up endangering our clan as a whole. I’m not the only one with a mate and bairn on the way. I won’t risk any more lives over politics. I’m the clan leader. Accept it or leave to form your own clan.”

  Arabella’s heart rate kicked up as the room fell silent. While Duncan’s co-conspirators were all locked away, there were more than a few older dragon-shifters who viewed Finn as a weakness. She waited to see if any of them would leave.

  One older dragonman turned and exited the door. Four more followed.

  She held her breath to see if any more would go.

  They didn’t.

  After two minutes, Finn nodded. “Aye, that’s for the best. As for the rest, look for information over the coming weeks. While I have plans for the clan, I won’t keep any of you in the dark. My door is always open. Well, unless I’m alone and naked with my mate, of course.”

  Finn winked and Arabella’s cheeks flushed. Deep down, she knew he was doing it to ease the tension, but it didn’t mean she wouldn’t speak her mind when they were alone. She really needed to establish them handling the clan together soon. She was so much more than a prop.

  Her dragon’s voice was sleepy. Don’t worry. I will help you get him back.

  As long as it doesn’t break his penis, bring it.

  I still say we should try.

  Finn’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “I will start taking questions tomorrow. Tonight, I need to take care of my mate. I’m sure every male in the room understands.”

  Arabella rolled her eyes as every adult dragonman agreed with him. Maybe she should form a coalition with the other females in the clan to battle some of the males’ overprotectiveness.

  Her dragon chuckled. Good luck with that.

  Finn motioned for Duncan to be taken away. Once the traitor was out of the room, Finn headed straight for her.

  Lorna elbowed her in the side. “My stint as your guard is over. Take care of my lad, will you?”

  Arabella blinked. “Um, of course.”

  Before Lorna could reply, Finn was right in front of her. He drew her close and whispered into her ear, “You were laughing at me.”

  “I should have, considering what you just did.”

  He moved to look into her eyes. “Do you want me to call everyone back so you can make a quip or two?”

  She sighed. “Of course not. But from tomorrow, we need to work on handling this clan together. I can be the co-clan leader. Yes, I like the sound of that.”

  Finn gave her a skeptical look. “I want your help, but I’m afraid the ‘co-clan leader’ might eventually become ‘clan leader.’ Promise not to take the clan away from me?”

  “It’s taking everything I have not to roll my eyes again. You sound bloody ridiculous.”

  He nuzzled her cheek. “I’m tired, love. All I want to do is hold you close and sleep for twelve hours.”

  She softened at the exhaustion in his voice. “Then let’s do that.” Finn pulled away and opened his mouth, but she cut him off. “Everything’s done for tonight, right?” He nodded. “And if we put a little note on the door that you’ll start seeing people after ten a.m., then we can sleep and take it easy. I think we both deserve it.”

  Cupping her cheek, Finn smiled. “You’re not going to let me say no, are you?”

  She raised an eyebrow. “What do you think?”

  “I think I’m going to say yes or risk you kicking me in the balls,” he answered.

  Shaking her head, Arabella murmured, “I wonder half the time why I love you, Finlay Stewart. You’re a right pain in my arse.”

  “Aye, but a good kind of pain.” He leaned down and whispered, “Like when I spank you as I take you from behind.”

  Her dragon yawned. Not again. I’m too tired. Maybe tomorrow morning.

  Arabella laughed. Finn looked at her funny and she explained, “My dragon says you have to wait until tomorrow morning.”

  Heat flashed in his eyes. “Then I say we hurry up and go to sleep. That way, when I wake up, I can make you beg for my cock.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to scold him, but instead, she said, “Maybe I’ll wake up first and tie you to the bed. Then I’ll have the chance to make you beg.”

  “Lass, you can tie me to the bed anytime.”

  Smiling, Arabella motioned with her head toward the door. “Then I say we go to bed straight away. I have plans for you in the morning.”

  “Just don’t be too rough. After all, you’re going to sit with me and listen to any clan grievances.”

  Her eyes widened. “You finally are going to let me help you?”

  Cupping her cheek, his voice was husky when he answered, “You’ve been helping me all along, Arabella. Before you, I was drowning in clan duties. Now, with you at my side, I feel as if I can tackle anything.”


  After giving her a gentle kiss, he looped his arm around her waist. “Come, love. I’ll introduce to you to a few people as we walk out. It’s time for them to know you’re much more than the mother of my child. You’re my other half and I want to show you off.”

  “Why does that worry me a little?”

  His face turned serious. “Do you think I would embarrass you again?” She raised her brows and a grin spread across his face. “All right, bloody woman, of course I’ll do it again. But not when it comes to important matters. Does that sound fair?”

  Tapping her chin, she took a second to answer. “For now. But I still say we’ll renegotiate as we go.”

  Finn tickled her side and she laughed. When he finally stopped, he trapped her against his chest and kissed her. He took his time nibbling and sucking her lower lip before stroking inside her mouth.

  Once he pulled away, he murmured, “As long as you’re with me, Ara, I’ll renegotiate until we’re old and wrinkly. You’re worth just about anything, love.”

  “Just about? I’m not sure I like the sound of that.”

  He winked. “A man is attached to his cock and I’m not about to give it up.”

  Linking her hands behind his neck, she rubbed against his hard cock between them. “And you know what? I’m a little attached to it myself, so consider it safe.”

  Finn laughed and Arabella smiled. She and her dragonman might not be the most conventional couple, but together, they fit.

  The only thing left to do was claim him in front of the clan. But for good measure, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. After all, it never hurt to cover Finn in her scent. He was hers and she was never letting him go.


  Six days later

  Arabella rubbed the silky dark blue material of her dress between her fingers. Any second, Lorna would fetch her. Arabella was almost afraid of what she’d find on the other side of the door.

  Her dragon grunted. It will be fine. Finn won’t embarrass us.

  You must have a selective memory. That must be nice.

>   A dragon never forgets. You are the one forgetting important things, such as last night.

  Lochguard tradition dictated that a male and female slept apart the night before a mating ceremony. Why it was still practiced, Arabella didn’t know since it seemed rather old-fashioned, but Lorna and Meg had eventually worn her down.

  Arabella had been nervous that she’d have a nightmare without Finn at her side. However, a half hour before bed, there was a knock. Even though no one was there, she found a large box. Inside had been two pillows covered in shirts Finn had worn, along with a note: The all-powerful eau de Finn will keep you safe in your dreams.

  Even with her heart beating double-time for the ceremony, she couldn’t resist smiling at the cocky words.

  Her dragon added, Trust him. All will be well.

  Before she could reply, the door opened to reveal Aunt Lorna’s smiling face. “There’s my lass. Everything’s ready if you are.”

  Arabella straightened her shoulder. “I’m ready.”

  Her dragon chuckled. Sure, be strong for everyone but me.

  Oh, shush.

  Lorna motioned for them to start walking. Once Arabella was at Lorna’s side, she placed a hand on Arabella’s lower back and kept pace with her strides. “You look beautiful, Ara. So much so I’m not sure my nephew can keep his wits about him.”

  Arabella smiled and looked to Lorna. “He would be fine if you hadn’t kicked him out of our cottage yesterday evening.”

  The older dragonwoman shrugged. “Finn knows the traditions. He’s already gotten you with child. He can’t really make a bigger claim than that.”

  “Gee, glad to be of service,” Arabella answer dryly.

  “Oh, come, hen, you know what I mean. Besides, take a dragonman away from his mate for a night and the results can be quite spectacular.”

  “Do I really want to know the reasons for that statement?”

  Lorna clicked her tongue. “Don’t be a prude. You wouldn’t be here if not for your own parents having sex.”

  A few weeks ago, a simple statement about her parents would’ve made Arabella sad and want to hide. However, that was no longer the case.

  Instead, Arabella dropped her voice low. “Make sure to mention that to my brother, often and very loudly.”

  Amusement flashed in Lorna’s eyes. “Aye, I have plans for your brother. Just wait.”

  Grinning, Arabella noticed they were at the secret side entrance to the great hall. Thanks to Lorna, she’d all but forgotten her nervousness.

  Her dragon snorted. Next time, I can tease you about sex to calm you down. I have lots of fantasies to share.

  I’m sure you do. Just behave for a little while, okay?

  Her beast huffed. If I must.

  Lorna placed her hand on the doorknob and looked to Arabella. “Ready, lass?” She nodded and Lorna added, “Right then, it’s time to impress the crowd.”

  Impress was maybe too strong of a word. All Arabella cared about was finishing the ceremony without any problems. For some reason, things kept happening at clan gatherings, whether here or back on Stonefire.

  Her dragon chimed in. Nothing happened during Duncan’s presentation and sentencing.

  Rather than acknowledge her dragon was correct, Arabella created a mental maze and shoved her dragon inside. Her beast roared, but Arabella didn’t care. She needed a respite from her dragon’s commentary.

  Amazing how things had changed over the last year.

  Lorna guided her into the room and up the stairs of the dais. Standing in the middle of the stage was Finn, dressed in a deep blue traditional outfit, with material hanging around his hips and a sash thrown over one shoulder. Her eyes fell to his bicep without the dragon-shifter tattoo. Soon, it wouldn’t be naked.

  Looking back to Finn’s eyes, his pupils flashed to slits and back. A mixture of love, appreciation, and desire burned in his gaze.

  Even though she knew his body well after the frenzy and a week of exploring him at her pleasure, the mere thought of him covering her with his powerful, broad chest made wetness rush between her legs.

  Lorna cleared her throat and whispered, “You two can go at it like rabbits later. Focus for a bit, aye?”

  The older dragonwoman’s voice snapped Arabella back to the present and she remembered everyone was watching. Straightening her shoulders, she gave a slight nod. “I’m switching to co-clan leader mode.”

  “Has he accepted that title yet?”

  Since Finn was now less than a foot away, he murmured, “Just about, but I’m enjoying how she tries to convince me.”

  Lorna rolled her eyes and handed Arabella to Finn. “Use the head on your shoulders, nephew.”

  Finn held out his hand and Arabella placed hers in his. Once he squeezed it, he murmured, “You can go now, Auntie. I can handle Arabella from here.”

  “Aye, it’s the handling I’m afraid will turn into manhandling.”

  Arabella bit her lip to keep from smiling. “I’ll keep him in line, Aunt Lorna.”

  “Right then, I trust your word over his.” Finn opened his mouth and Lorna raised an eyebrow. “I love you, nephew, but I also know how you act where Ara is concerned.”

  Finn gave a stiff nod and Lorna left. Arabella barely heard the murmuring of the crowd in the hall; all she could see were Finn’s warm, brown eyes filled with mischief. Arabella resisted a frown. “I don’t want to know what you have planned.” Glancing out at the hall, there weren’t any decorations; most dragon-shifter mating ceremonies were bare so that the focus was on the couple. She looked back at her dragonman. “Embarrass me and there will be payback.”

  Placing his hand on her waist, he winked. “You’ll just have to wait and find out.”

  “Fine. Can we start already?”

  Worry crossed his expression. “Is the baby giving you trouble?”

  She should say yes to get him to focus on getting the ceremony over with as quick as possible, but Arabella wasn’t about to lie. “No, but you’re killing my patience.”

  He leaned down to her ear and whispered, “Oh, I know a few ways where testing your patience only makes you scream louder.”

  She slapped his side. “Finn, focus.”

  He gave a dramatic sigh. “I suppose. The sooner we’re done, the sooner I can have you to myself.”

  “What about our guests?”

  “We’ll slip out and come back. No one will notice.”

  “You do remember that my brother is here, don’t you? He’ll be watching us like a hawk.”

  Finn shrugged one shoulder. “Who cares? If he sees us leave, then he’ll just have to suffer the knowledge I’m having a go at his sister.”

  “I’m not sure I need a baby when I have you acting like a ten-year-old.”

  “Hey now, I resent that. I’m more like an eight-year-old.”

  She shook her head. “Is there a difference?”

  “Of course there is. Eight-year-olds don’t have puberty looming over them.”

  Aware they could keep going back and forth for an hour, Arabella decided to steer them back on topic. “Fine, torture my brother. I might even enjoy it a little. But for now, can we get started? The sooner we’re mated, the sooner the celebrations will start, giving the Stonefire visitors a chance to mingle with Lochguard.”

  Bowing his head, Finn murmured, “As you wish.”


  Finn brought Arabella’s hand to his lips and his dragon sighed. Why waste time kissing her hand? There are so many better places to kiss her. And not just her lips.

  Behave, dragon. We can kiss and lick her entire body later.

  Fine. Finish the unnecessary ceremony quickly.

  Since Finn had argued with his beast before about carrying out clan traditions—his dragon cared about them less each day they were with Arabella—he stood up, smiled at his female, and faced the crowd. Raising his hand, Finn waited for the noise to die down.

  Once the hall was quiet, he began. “First, I want to thank everyone f
or coming, including our small group of guests from Stonefire. Some of you believed I would never claim a mate, but sometimes, the wait is worth it.” He glanced to Arabella with love in his eyes and then back to the crowd. “Of course, I know you all are just here for the food and dancing, but give me a few minutes and you can enjoy the party.”

  Cheers rose up from the crowd. A lesser dragonman would’ve resented the action, but Finn knew his clan was desperate for a chance at fun after the last few weeks.

  His eyes found Faye sitting off to the side in a wheelchair. She needed fun most of all. While she would walk with time, and he hoped fly as well, she wasn’t strong enough yet to stand unaided. If that weren’t enough, her former spark was barely noticeable these days. Instead, she was more solemn and reserved. He only hoped it was a phase because if the changes were permanent, it would break his heart.

  Faye’s eyes met his and his cousin smiled. He took the small gesture as encouragement and focused back on the crowd. “For once, I’m going to spare the dramatics. It’s time for me to claim what’s mine, so let’s begin.”

  A quick glance told him Arabella wanted to say something, but in a rare occurrence, she kept her opinions to herself.

  Reaching to the small box laying on a table behind them, Finn took out the silver arm cuff with “Finn’s” engraved in the old dragon language. Most bands were plain, but he’d had a few sprigs of heather engraved to each side of his name. Arabella noticed and gave a mini-eye roll, which made him grin. He spoke loudly so the clan could hear. “Arabella Kathleen MacLeod, you have already claimed my heart, but today I claim you as my mate in front of the clan. You are strong, clever, beautiful, and with a sense of humor to boot. We’ll be arguing until we’re both gray and wrinkly, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I offer you my mate claim. Will you accept it?”

  Arabella smiled. “With an offer like that, I’m tempted to refuse, but then I’d be lonely and bored. So, I accept.”


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