Touch of Heartache

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Touch of Heartache Page 21

by Joy Penny

  They sat nearest the window that overlooked all of the park and she could see everything from the peak of the mountain hiding Tildy’s Cavern to the cabin in Tildy Town where Tildy Tapir supposedly hung her hat each night. The evening had settled in and there was a thin line of amber glow retreating over the horizon.

  “To Tildy,” said Nolan, holding up his champagne glass.

  Lilac laughed and picked up her own, clinking it against his. “To Tildy,” she agreed, taking a sip. Then she held it out again. “And to Silly Sandgrouse and the handsome, patient, supportive man who wears his head.”

  Embarrassed, Nolan seemed the spitting image of his foolish sandgrouse companion then as he raised his glass to hers. “I’ll drink to Silly,” he said. “But as for the rest… I’ll just drink to a beautiful, kind, and supportive friend.”

  Lilac’s smile faltered at that one, but she took a sip anyway. “Just a friend?”

  One of Nolan’s eyebrows cocked mischievously. “Did I say who that friend was?” he asked. He snickered as he put his glass back down. “I’m sorry. I did mean you. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want us to be more than that. Just trying to keep it casual.”

  He picked up his fork and dug into his salad.

  Lilac exchanged her glass for her fork and looked out at the park, thinking over her own words thrown back at her. “This is a new beginning, right?”

  “Right,” said Nolan. “Though I don’t think we necessarily got off on the wrong foot before.”

  “The thing is, I might have booked us a suite,” said Lilac. “The Tent Tildy penthouse.”

  Nolan actually dropped his fork at that. “That’s for honeymooners.”

  “And yet no one had booked it this weekend.” She casually picked up several leaves of greens with her fork. “I know you work tomorrow and if you need to go home first, I understand—”

  “Nope,” said Nolan. “I cleared it with my dad. We’re all good.”

  Lilac grinned as she wrapped her mouth around her first bite. “You hoped you’d be out all night?” she asked. “Did I ruin plans to take me elsewhere?”

  “No,” said Nolan, clearing his throat as he took a sip of water. “I mean, I was going to ask—maybe get us one of the economy rooms at Tent Tildy. Or a hotel off-site or…”

  That was one drawback of the both of them still living with family.

  “Well, it’s my turn to treat you,” said Lilac. She put down her fork and bent down to grab her purse, sneakily slipping out just the tip of a very familiar wrapping. “I brought strawberry again,” she teased.

  Nolan’s grip nearly slipped on his glass of water, but he caught it in time before it made a big mess.

  Lilac tittered and stuffed the condom back into her purse just as the waiter came back to fill their glasses with more water. Nolan handed his to the server sheepishly, his gaze flickering from Lilac to the window and back. His elbow went on the table and he cradled his face with his hand. Lilac wanted to crawl across the table and smash all of Queen Animaliao’s finest china to the ground to replace that hand with her lips.

  But she could stay civilized for another hour or so. Nolan was making one of her dreams come true. She picked up her champagne glass and stared out at the park again as the park came to life, an electric array of lights against a black sky.

  “Wait for it,” said Nolan.

  And then that sky lit up in a great cacophony of scarlet as Tildy’s nightly fireworks show began.

  “We’re in the best seat for this,” said Lilac, her mouth open into a perfect ‘o’ as her jaw dropped.

  The colors shifted to blue and green as more fireworks shot up from the lagoon beside the castle.

  “I know,” said Nolan. “I’m loving this view.”

  Lilac shifted her gaze back to Nolan to find him staring unabashedly in her direction. She groaned, but she laughed, too. “Cheeseball.”

  Nolan looked comically affronted. “I’ve seen the fireworks,” he said. “Let me enjoy you.”

  Lilac scooched her chair around the side of the table so she could slide her arm through his. “Later,” she said. “Back at Tent Tildy.”

  He took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and pressed his lips to hers. “That’s to hold me over,” he said.

  Lilac leaned her head against his shoulder, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort wash over her from head to toe. He was everything she wanted—who cared if she was older than him by just a bit? Maybe she’d gotten the formula flipped this whole time. Baby-faced college boys had suddenly become her thing.

  “Does Tildy really make dreams come true?” whispered Nolan.

  “She does,” said Lilac. “But I’m thinking I owe this night all to Silly.”

  Silly Sandgrouse was nowhere to be found that night in the Tent Tildy penthouse suite, though. That was all Nolan—and Lilac felt some new dreams spring to life that night, dreams she would work to make reality, with or without her tapir fairy godmother’s help.


  “Nolan would like me to translate for him,” said Angie as she walked over to Lilac, arm-in-wing with Silly Sandgrouse.

  Arching an eyebrow, Lilac kept swinging the hands of the elementary schooler who’d glomped on to her for the past half an hour instead of making the rounds through the Ballroom to engage in all the Tent Tildy camping activities. “I don’t see Nolan anywhere,” she said smugly, trying to meet Silly’s eye. She didn’t imagine Nolan could see her that well. She’d asked him to put the head on her in the break room about a month back and she’d quickly panicked—everything was a mesh-covered blur in there. She knew now why so many of Nolan’s co-workers preferred working as Queen Animaliao or Prince Beastly, but Nolan knew Silly inside and out. He hardly ever got placed on another shift, whether he wanted one or not. He got more photographs as Silly than anyone.

  “Silly!” said the girl who’d been dancing with Lilac’s hands. She ran over and hugged Silly Sandgrouse by the yellow legs. Silly patted her back and Lilac cocked her head, waiting for Nolan to turn on the Silly charm and make the girl laugh, but she was off like a bolt before he’d done much more than give her a pat.

  Angie leaned conspiratorially toward Lilac. She liked Angie. They’d been out for a few drinks over the past few months. She had her claws dug deep in Eddie, but apparently, that had caused some drama in the break room before Eddie’s ex, Josephine, had left to start college a few years late. Jo had told Lilac dryly once that she had Eddie to thank for finally getting her “act together” and setting out for “greener pastures” in the form of a liberal arts school. Somehow Lilac didn’t think Eddie had lovingly encouraged Jo to focus on her studies forthright.

  “He says your legs look great,” whispered Angie.

  Lilac stared down at her bare legs—this was the first time she’d gotten to wear the Tildy Scout outfit. It seemed appropriate for the weekend of the big Ballroom/Tent Tildy crossover event. Tonight was the first of two sleepovers and they had scads of daytime activities for the kids just dropping by, too.

  “He did not say that,” said Lilac, staring accusingly at Silly. Silly Sandgrouse didn’t speak.

  Angie nudged Silly with her elbow and Silly jumped, waving his hand. He was totally off today. He probably wasn’t used to the Ballroom venue.

  “We have our own secret language,” said Angie, and she slid her arm around his wing again. “See you around!”

  Lilac nodded and resisted the urge to pinch Silly in the butt. She didn’t think it’d do good to have any kids witness her digging around under the goofy bird’s tail.

  She’d only turned around a second before she heard someone call her name.

  “Landon wants you to look at his dreamcatcher,” said Willow, her arm wrapped around another little girl’s shoulder. “This is Bev,” she said.

  “Hi,” said Lilac. Landon had checked in with her every half hour at least throughout the day. He loved telling her about kindergarten. Whenever she came over to their house to have dinner
or hang out—not too often, but it’d happened at least half a dozen times since she and Nolan had officially started dating—Landon literally managed to get between her and Nolan, sitting one leg on each of their laps on the couch or pushing his little chair with a booster seat to squish in between theirs at the table.

  “Are you having fun?” she asked the girls. Willow had just gotten her casts off not too long before and she’d certainly wasted no time in running around like a triathlete, despite the physical therapy that was supposed to be necessary to have her fully back on her feet.

  “Yeah!” said Willow and Bev at once. They giggled and wove their fingers together, Willow’s free hand reaching to grab Lilac’s. “I told him I’d go get you.”

  Lilac allowed herself to be dragged along to the crafting table, where Landon was sitting, holding his dreamcatcher high above his head. His grin was so adorable with that missing tooth.

  Lilac slid in beside him at the table as Willow and Bev took off toward Tildy Tapir in the corner. Tildy waved to everyone around her as she stood by Cheryl, who was passing out S’mores.

  “Nice,” Lilac said, allowing Landon to put the dreamcatcher in her hand.

  “That’s for you,” he said, then he picked up some supplies to start all over again.

  “Thank you,” said Lilac, ruffling his hair. “Take it home and give it to me when I come over, okay?” She nodded at Tanya, who was seated a few spaces away, leading the kids collected there in crafts.

  “Looking forward to more of this next week?” asked Tanya.

  Lilac beamed. She’d accepted Tanya’s offer to work at Tildy’s Tots—pay cut and all. She’d just wanted to finish out the summer planning this big event before she’d be ready to transfer. Christian hadn’t minded at all and had offered Jillian the position of assistant manager. The woman had become much less frigid toward Lilac in the days since that conversation had taken place.

  “You bet,” said Lilac and she and a little boy across from her just stared at each other, smiling.

  He was having fun. Everyone was having fun. Her event was going better than she’d imagined it. And she was about to put her degree to use—a little different use than she’d initially expected, but to more appropriate use than being the assistant manager of a resort. And she’d still be at Tildy World.

  It had just felt right.

  Someone tapped Lilac’s shoulder and she turned. Gyu-ri, also wearing a Tildy Scout outfit for the first time that Lilac had witnessed, gestured over her shoulder. “Time for your break,” she said. “See you in half an hour.”

  Lilac nodded and stood up, assuring Landon she would be back shortly—though it took some distraction from Tanya to avoid the waterworks—and she headed for the entryway, which took her to the hidden door leading back to the offices. She sat down in Gyu-ri’s office, relaxing in the near-silence of the empty rooms. The echoing boom of the music from the Ballroom had faded to a mere buzz this far removed from it all.

  She closed her eyes and rested a moment before her phone started buzzing and she picked it up, checking the screen. A group text from Gavin. You busy? he asked. Lilac, I know you have your camp ball thing today.

  Lilac snorted. Queen Animaliao’s Campside Ball, she typed, correcting him. And I’m on break.

  Pembroke was already joining the chat. She typed, Sounds fun! I’m sure you did an amazing job!

  Wish you all could be here, typed Lilac, wondering why Pembroke’s journeys hadn’t yet taken her down to the Sunshine State. Though it’s mostly for kids anyway.

  Take pictures, typed Gavin, though that went without saying.

  What? typed Brielle, joining the conversation. Sorry. Busy. Papers flying everywhere. Mom having epiphany.

  “Damn,” said Lilac aloud to no one but herself. “Someone’s having a busy day.” She knew Brielle was working a museum job in her hometown now—and that she’d gotten back together with that hot pseudo-celebrity some months back. Off work and about to shag hot comic guy? Lilac typed, always happy to tease Brielle.

  Basically, wrote Brielle, not even denying it. Why, your dorky mascot still in his costume and you’re trying to fill the time while he gets his handler to get him unstuck?

  Shut up, wrote Lilac, though she was grinning. She added a grinning emoji for good measure. No one gets him out of his costume but me. Not entirely accurate, given the sanctity of the dressing and undressing ritual Nolan and his crew adhered to, but Lilac’s friends didn’t need to know that. Sworn Tildy Scout secrets and all.

  Okay, dirty ladies, wrote Gavin. Can we move on please? I gathered you here today for a very important announcement.

  How are we ‘gathered’ anywhere exactly? wrote Lilac, in a mood to be snarky.

  First… wrote Gavin, not rising to her bait. Pembroke has something to say.

  Pembroke started working on her line of text, but it took her a little while. Lilac had time to take a sip of water.

  I think I’m in love, wrote Pembroke at last.

  Lilac stared at the phone in shock. She’d talked to Pembroke a bit during her travels this summer and the girl had seemed so uninterested in the idea of finding someone to shag in every port. Lilac sent a few questioning emoji her way. How? she wrote. I thought you weren’t into romance.

  She isn’t into sex, wrote Gavin. Big difference.

  That made zero sense to Lilac. Maybe for you, she wrote, her toes curling as she thought of the way Nolan had grabbed her by the wrists and pressed her against the bedroom wall of their new condo just the night before. They were supposed to be unpacking their things, but they’d gotten as far as putting together the new bed the previous weekend and that had been about all they’d needed thus far. Told you you just hadn’t found the one, Pem.

  That’s not how it works, said Gavin. Always the one to take on the mediator role. Lilac, open your mind already.

  Scoffing, Lilac took another sip of her water. Brielle used the space to speak up. Guys. Can we let Pembroke talk please?

  She did, after another pause. I still don’t want sex. But I don’t know… I kind of like kissing. Maybe someday. Maybe with them.

  “Them”? asked Gavin. So he didn’t know everything there was to know after all.

  I told you she was gay, wrote Lilac smugly. She’d had this conversation with Gavin before.

  Not quite, typed Pembroke. Romantic ace. I don’t have the rest defined.

  The rest? asked Brielle.

  Questioning, wrote both Gavin and Pembroke.

  Lilac was dying to know more, but she’d ask Gavin when she had him alone later.

  In any case… wrote Brielle. Glad to hear! Happy for you.

  Lilac felt like she should say something, though she didn’t quite understand. Yeah. Good for you.

  ANYWAY, wrote Gavin then. I’m super happy for Pem, but I wanted all three of you here at once to ask you one thing: Will you be my groomsmaids? Boyfriends, partners, and dorky mascots welcome to come as guests.

  Lilac dropped her phone. The thing actually slipped free of her fingers and fell to the ground.

  SHUT UP, she wrote the instant she scooped it up again. How could you not tell me you were getting married? She was ecstatic for him, though bewildered that so little time had passed since he’d started dating Gabriel—hot, hot Gabriel, who’d come to Orlando for Labor Day weekend with Gavin to meet her and Nolan. But mostly she was just a tiny bit pissed Gavin hadn’t told her first.

  Holy cow, wrote Pembroke. You just started dating! It’d been a few months, but true enough. Who got married after a few months? Then again, she had moved in with her boyfriend after a rather short amount of time herself. Lilac was happier and more settled than she’d ever been and yet… The idea of marriage made her head spin.

  Um, yes! wrote Brielle and it took a second for Lilac to even figure out what she meant. Yes, she’d be his groomsmaid.

  …So only Brielle is going to stand beside me? Gavin sent a frowny face.

HT? He owed her that much for not coming to her first.

  I’d love to! typed Pembroke. It didn’t seem like anyone would be competing with her for it.

  Congrats, wrote Brielle. Send more details soon. Sorry, got to go! She logged off.

  I should get going, too, wrote Pembroke. Got another train to catch.

  Pictures, please! wrote Lilac. Pembroke had been sending her pics from her travels and having her guess where she was.

  Pembroke sent a winky face and logged off.

  That just left Lilac and Gavin. She had so any questions, so many things she wanted to discuss, but she caught the time on her phone and knew she needed to get back out there.

  Li, he wrote. Are you angry with me?

  Why the hell would I be angry? she typed as fast as her fingers would allow. She stood up then, typing as she walked down the hallways.

  For not telling you first. He could read her like a book.

  Just a touch miffed, she admitted. But, Gavvy, I’m so happy for you. Gabriel’s amazing.

  Gavin sent a laughing face. Don’t ever tell him I hated his guts earlier this summer, okay?

  Lilac sent an emoji with one finger to its lips. You never hated him, she wrote. He just drove you crazy. I should have known that was a sign you were in love.

  Ha ha, wrote Gavin as Lilac reached the door that would take her back out to that magical world. The music was louder now—a campfire song instead of the classical music that often played in the Ballroom.

  Break’s over, she wrote. But we are having a LONG conversation sometime this weekend. After my Ballroom sleepovers are over.

  Gavin sent a thumbs up. Yes, ma’am. Now get out there and dance with a campfire or whatever it is you do in a camp ball!

  Snorting, Lilac slipped the phone into the pockets in her shorts. She liked these uniforms. Unlike with her dress pants, you could always count on them to have pockets. Stepping out into the entryway and making her way back to the Ballroom, she arrived just in time for the music to cut out.

  “Everyone,” said a voice over the loudspeaker—Gyu-ri’s, Lilac noted, and not the usual pre-recorded message. “Please stand at attention to welcome Her Majesty, Queen Animaliao, and her princely consort, Prince Beastly!”


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