Bev: The Interview

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Bev: The Interview Page 4

by Bobbi Ross

  Did she want to be his? Only his? Bypassing the whole dating and courting ritual had robbed them of the chance to discuss how they felt about each other or where they stood.

  “I need to hear that you want this much as I do. I’ll understand if you don’t-.”

  “I want you too Armon,” she heard herself responding. Her heart had taken charge before her brain had time to make up its mind. “You think I make a habit of jumping people at work? I love you and I’ve wanted you too from the moment I laid eyes on you,” she admitted. “But...”

  His body went stiff, perfectly still and his lips pressed tight. He was bracing for impact.

  “We’ve lost enough time already, don’t you think?” Her lips pulled into the biggest smile she could muster.

  His head dropped slightly as tension left his body. His face delved low while his luscious lips took possession of her mouth, his previous restraint taking flight. He kissed her deeply and urgently. His sleek tongue weaved greedily into her warm crevice engaging in a sultry grapevine motion; a soft, smooth, tantalizing dance, teasing hers to come out and play.

  Her cheeks flushed and her pulse quickened. Her body quivered, one part aroused, one part excited and one part angry that they'd waited so long to express how they felt to one another. She kissed him back, tasting and sucking on his plumb, sensual lips, softly in the beginning, then hard and deep. Trying to express all that she felt for him through this one kiss.

  She twined her delicate fingers about his rich, unruly, deep ocean blue hair on the back of his gorgeous head and pulled him closer, locking their faces together. He said he loved her. He wanted her. The chairman of the board of the largest, most prestigious firm in the Syalantian Empire, the man that every woman went to bed fantasizing about wanted her. Just her. And the best part is that she was completely, head over heels in love with him. He was hers and nothing else mattered. She was finally happy. Her body overflowed with hot desire for him.

  She gasped as he kissed her neck, nibbling his way down to her collar bone while his big hand explored her excited breast through the layers of her blouse. He fumbled with the strange clasp -favored by designers in their quadrant of space- that would free her bountiful bosom from imprisonment. He pulled and twisted and finally looked into her face, his eyes desperate and pleading. She let the corners of her open mouth pull up and nodded her approval to him. His eyes glowed savagely before several hooks and the silver clasp that held them in place were torn from her shirt along with the thin strips of white Andovian silk, leaving only perfect breasts still partially trapped in the lacy purple Benzidite bra she wore. He touched a small sensor on the right side of the main strap, allowing the cups and the remaining straps to retract and disappear. His hypnotizing forest green gaze blazed hot at the sight of her bare naked breasts, electrifying her body.

  His large hand kneaded her breast softly in the beginning, taking in its ample size and flicking her pebbled, sensitive nipple with his thumb. Her eyelids shut and a deep groan filled with need purred in her chest, urging him on. His grasp got tighter, he squeezed harder, and his teeth bit softly in the hard nipple, sucking it deep. Her spine arched and her breasts pushed forward deeper into his mouth. Then, he switched breasts repeating the sweet, continuous kneading, sucking and nipping. She bit her lip not to scream and to hold her climax back. She wanted to get there with him inside her and didn’t want to tip off the entire office of their sexual escapades. Or was it too late for that?

  His large cock was firmly pressed up against her dripping mound, only two thin strips of clothing keeping him from sliding into her hot cave.

  "Beautiful," he whispered. Her eyes opened to find his locked tightly into hers. Gone was the meager man that clammed up whenever he spoke to her. Gone was the boss that had gone out of his way to avoid her. Now he was everything she'd ever seen in him. Of course as long as he dealt with anyone but her. But at this moment, this perfect male specimen cocooning her body with his was totally focused on her. He was powerful, confident and knew what he wanted. From the look in his eye to the low rumble of his chest Victoria new that he wanted the exact same thing that she did – for him to come inside her, to finally claim her.

  Anticipating her needs, he slid her soft, silky, purple lace panties aside, using his thumb to rub her sensitive slickness up and down along the length of her swollen, wet lips, while his other hand gloriously freed his massive cock. He allowed it to replace his thumb’s ministrations, gliding up and down along her sex which was flooded with the juices of her arousal.

  Then suddenly he pulled back, perched on all fours above her. His ravenous gaze took her in, a mischievous glint in his eye, “I have to taste you my sweet Victoria.” His strong muscular arms pulled back and his hands squeezed the top of her thighs.

  Victoria moaned and nodded licking her lips. His fingers grazed softly her skin as he pulled her panties off and gently pushed her knees apart baring her wet, swollen pussy to him. In that moment she felt unbelievably vulnerable and incredibly hot. Her most intimate area was exposed and ready for him. His green forest eyes went dark before he dropped his head fiercely between her thighs. He kissed her lower lips softly before he lapped hungrily the sweet juices of her arousal. His fingers pulled her outer folds apart to allow his tongue to delve deeper into the soft swelling of her silky entrance. He licked and sucked in relentless repetition on her sensitive nub.

  Her body was assailed by crashing waves of unbelievable pleasure. She groaned, craving even more for him. “I need to feel you inside me, Armon. I need your hardness inside me. Please take me now,” she pleaded.

  She didn’t have to ask twice. Armon lined up the tip of his hard cock with her swollen pussy. His thumb continued to stimulate her pearlescent nub as he slowly worked his length in inch by glorious inch, stretching and filling her warm sheath. Claiming her body as he did her heart. When her core was completely invaded by his length, allowing her to get used to his size, he started a slow, rhythmic thrust. Short and gentle in the beginning, not wanting to hurt her. Then he pushed a little harder and she moaned in pleasure. His next thrust was harder and deeper.

  “Yes Armon, yes, that’s it,” she screamed, her body pushing up toward him, thrashing about with each powerful thrust. Tendrils of ecstasy raced from her core, to her spine and back again, as her lower lips gripped and tugged at his ever-increasing, throbbing cock, until her world exploded into a looping kaleidoscope of pleasure and color. Wave after wave of satisfaction crashing into her center then receding only to crest even higher the next time. Her only connection to the outside world, the gasping and shuttering of the powerful man inside her as they both climaxed together.

  They lay together with him still inside her for a few minutes catching their breaths, allowing their heart rates to settle. Both blissfully spent, they enjoyed each others’ warm embrace in silence. The moment was so perfect Victoria felt time itself had stopped. Only the rhythmic beats of his heart seemed to exist. A big, silly smile adorned his flushed face and she was in heaven.

  Without notice, he started to rise, the long, sensuous muscles in his naked body moving and stretching, increasing the distance between them. Her heart dropped to her feet. In one quick jump, he was off the desk and stood before her in all his beautiful, naked glory, his eyes glowing with adoration and love. He howled like an animal, then he bent down and pulled her into his arms, “You are amazing Victoria! I’d imagined a thousand different ways our first time together would be but none of my dreams ever came close to this.” He leaned forward and his lips sucked tenderly on hers.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. Her fingers raked through his thick, deep ocean blue hair. “You should thank Bev, she’s the love genius,” she chuckled, trying to think of a way to truly pay back the large, not-so-scary blue goddess who brought happiness into her life.

  Chapter 7

  "I'll show that bitch," he growled.

  Tentatively, the man palpated the swell of his split lip for the seventh
time after he had pulled himself into the chair of the first working terminal he found. The angry ex-VP of marketing furiously typed in the darkened outer office on the top floor of the Extravagance Corporation. By the time he regained consciousness in the fire stairwell, everyone but the chairman and his bitch were gone. He knew what he had to do.

  Nobody treated Lassiter Quagmire like that and got away with it. Jackpot.

  Financial documents and databases from the last six months popped up on the screen in front of him. One by one he began to search out his digital signatures and replace them with that of Victoria Paisley’s. Invoices, bank transfers and expense account documents were all digitally scrubbed and then re-stamped. He was so proud of himself for hiring that dirty six-armed hacker to make him a backdoor into the corporation’s data banks, he was practically beaming. "If the galactic revenue service ever gets an anonymous tip and audit Extravagance, her ass will spend the next 20 years in a Holian ice jail planet."

  He found a nice little rhythm, punctuated by the loud thumping and moaning that emanated from the chairman's office on the floor right above his. He was so wrapped up in his hate that he took little notice of the large figure standing behind him.

  "Oh hell no!"

  Lassiter swiveled in his chair to come face to thigh with a large blue statue. Recognition sucker punched him – the scary Zedrovian female from earlier. But before he had a chance to react she reached out and grabbed him by the ear.

  "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" The grown male cried as she twisted him out of the chair, maneuvering him so she could sit down herself.

  With one hand on the keyboard and the other firmly pinching the ear of the crying ex-VP of marketing, Bev carefully tapped in a code and began to carefully undo everything the slimy little bastard had done, destroying the forged documents before the local servers had a chance to overwrite the main data banks during their hourly backups. But not before she dropped a note to the Galactic Revenue service and alerted the local Syalantian police outpost.

  "You can't do anything to me, you destroyed all the proof." He cried, alternatively swiping at the hand that was holding him and releasing a very unmanly whimper.

  Bev snickered at the pathetic excuse for a male. She had dealt with his type before. "Please, I’ve all the proof I need. And I think the GRS will find the original files I sent to them very interesting. But you are correct, I don't have anything legally to tie y'all with tampering corporate records or your attempted sabotage, but as far as a punishment is concerned, I believe I saw earlier that you enjoyed a good spanking."

  Pain morphed into confusion as Lassiter’s addled brain tried to discern the meaning of her words.

  Bev proceeded to fold the grown man over her knee. She lifted one arm, and his eyes went wide with panicked understanding…

  Whack! Whack! Whack!

  "Whoops, sorry there," Bev grinned sheepishly, "forgot about the nails."

  The End

  Thank you so much for reading Bev!

  -Big Hug!-

  There will be more of her in the future, along with the entire cast of Titan Rising.

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  Continue on for more tasty treats >>>

  Defying the Alliance: Book One

  By Bobbi Ross

  What captain in her right mind could resist saving the smoldering hot, ferocious alien dipped in delicious muscles and cooked to a golden sexy perfection?

  Caspia Jones, the headstrong and sassy little captain of the Warbird Razor, was once a proud agent of law and order in her galaxy. That is until the Novokin Alliance invaded her world, enslaving her people and killing everyone near and dear to her. Most of her crew are dead. Her fleet disbanded. To save the last remaining crestfallen members of her ship from certain death, she had to run. Become a fugitive. An outlaw.

  But Caspia couldn’t leave well enough alone.

  She just had to go and free the slaves on the Deep Proteus space station, along with a hunky barbarian alien -who dares to challenge her authority, infuriates the prak out of her and yet tantalizes all of her body’s senses.

  Now, her ship and crew are once again in the enemy’s crosshairs with nowhere to run.

  Will she choose to break her Protectorate Captain’s code to save them? Will she go against everything she believes in? Everything she stands for? Will Caspia choose the mysterious, intoxicating, hazel green-eyed alien commander over her principles, her ship and the lives of her crew?

  Alpha males, savage beasts and pregnant men, oh my!

  Continue for a preview of Defying the Alliance: Book One

  Defying the Alliance: Book One Preview

  Chapter 1

  "Capt. Jones, will these holographic disguises be enough to fool the bio-metric sensors?"

  Before I had a chance to slap the young ensign into next week, Jaxx had him by the throat and pinned to the stained metal wall of the corridor. "Sheetek! I will not die today because of your incompetence!" My trusted friend, one-time chief of security and now second in command roared in fury.

  No matter how well the holographic projections shielded our faces or the bio-metric scrambling capability of our brand new implants were, announcing my name on a Novokin Alliance controlled space station, was simply asking for trouble. I tapped Jaxx on his massive arm through the thick sleeve of his disguise. "Ease off my friend, he didn't mean any harm."

  Jaxx was still fuming, and the ensign was turning my least favorite shade of purple. "No holograms or biometric sensors will do us any good Captain, if this sheetek is shouting our names to the sensors."

  "Come on Jaxx, let him go." A few more hard stares and the man relented. The ensign, once again under the purview of the station’s artificial gravity dropped to the floor, gasping for air.

  I knelt down beside him. "Ensign, do you remember what we discussed about stealth protocols before venturing onto the station?"

  He shook his head vigorously, still trying to pull air through the swelling in his throat. I shot my normally peaceful first officer a look that could melt the hull of a ship, but he was too busy pacing to be fully chastised by it. Males. Pfft!

  The ensign coughed a few times and then whispered in a raspy voice, “All communication is to take place -cough- using code names -cough- and never ever the real names of the crew -cough-."

  “What’s the purpose of the protocol Ensign?” I deadpanned.

  “…to prevent detection by hostile forces Captain –.” A short coughing spell cut the last of his words.

  “Are you trying to get us killed ensign?” I growled.

  “No Captain,” he gulped. His eyes pleaded with me while his face burned crimson like a red dwarf star. I grabbed the underside of his arm and helped him up to his feet. I thought of brushing him off, but the dirt added a certain sense of authenticity to his disguise.

  When constantly running for your life, and looking over your shoulder becomes a way of life, there's not much time left for drills. Adhering to protocol begins to fall short, and yet more often than not, it's the edge we need to survive. Ensign Chandles was well aware of this. Still, I felt responsible.

  “Ok then Ensign, keep your head on straight and your tongue in check."

  “Yes, Captain!” He responded with a sharp salute, then turned to my second in command Jaxx. “I’m truly sorry Sir. It will not happen again,” he assured the large man behind me, while dropping his chin to his chest. The contrite look in his face matched the sincerity in his voice.

  “Ensign go on up ahead and keep watch for hostiles...Dismissed” I commanded, and he scurried off down the corridor.

  Once the young recruit was out of earshot, I turned to my second in command whose rage had simmered down to a light boil. "We've got a timeta
ble to keep my friend, and you know at this stage in your pregnancy your hormones are wreaking total havoc with your system."

  I began to rub his upper back directly over his spine at his fourth dorsal vertebra. The tension in his wide shoulders relaxed instantly and he let out an audible sigh. At least I’d hoped it was a sigh. The book said that in his condition he’d be prone to multiple gaseous releases, with delayed olfactory recognition for the non-Floturans in the vicinity. And they might be deadly.

  He dropped his voice to a near whisper. "I'm sorry Captain. These praking emotions are impossible to contain sometimes. One moment I’m euphoric like flowers in the spring, the next I’m depressed like the great willow, or worse I’m spiraling into a violent rage like I'm being uprooted.” In a decisively uncharacteristic move of my normally calm, well-restrained and rational friend, he folded his massive green arms around me squeezing the air out of my lungs. Pregnancy sure was doing a job on him. I could feel the two spawning buds on his large bellies kick and wiggle while he wept on my shoulder. Small drops of green ran down the sleeve of my well-worn brown coat.

  "It's alright my friend." I consoled him by making small circles with light pressure over his mid-back just below his shoulder blades to stimulate the release of a balancing hormone chloraxin; a midwifery technique I had also learned from the book. If we made it off the station alive, I'd be sure to disseminate a copy of Spiritual Mid-husbandry: Special Edition for Floturan Males to every member of the crew. Mandatory reading.


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