Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 6

by Lee Morgan

  Mark drove up to Jenny’s and Kara’s home in the dead of the night and turned off the ignition as he pulled in the driveway at four in the morning.

  The May’s house looked closed up since the lights were all off.

  Remembering the message that Sarah whispered in his ear Mark silently walked around the house. When he reached the backside he saw Kara sitting on the windowsill of Connor’s old bedroom. She was looking up at the stars as she swung her feet idly. Below her, on the ground, her bow and quiver of arrows leaned against the house. She had on a pair of denim blue jeans and her tight pink top that would send shivers down any man’s spine. Her sandy blonde hair was pulled back and tied with a pink hair tie. When she heard him intentionally step on the dry grass she looked and smiled beautifully. “Good morning, Mark.”

  She launched herself off the ledge and strolled right up to him, kissing his lips. The attraction he felt towards someone such her has never been matched throughout his countless years. Not even his late wife held a candle to Kara. When she released her embrace, she shut the window, strapped on the packed quiver and held the center of her bow in the left hand. “Why are you bringing that?” He asked after regaining his senses from her sudden, ambush kiss.

  “I thought it would be a good idea to get some practice in while we are at Brother’s training grounds.” She answered with a shrug. He sighed in defeat. Mark has been worried about the danger she might soon face and here she is thinking of getting in some target practice that he knows she’s perfected to a frightening degree. At least she hasn’t changed after learning about everything. She still enjoyed life, even after learning about an entirely new world.

  Together they walked silently across the dirt road without anyone else awake except for nighttime animals and when they entered the tree line, heading to his friend’s house, she asked “It’s too dark for me to see. Can you walk in front of me?” he didn’t miss a beat as he listened out for any signs of danger.

  “Sure, but why?” Mark turned to look at her fair and flawless features. She was squinting at the ground while trying not to trip. Her hiking boots crunched dry twigs.

  “Because you said you can change your body. Can you make your eyes more sensitive to the light?” She looked up at him and she still squinted for normal human’s lack necessary night vision.

  She is as observant as her brother. “Yes I can, but my eyes will glow.”

  “I know and it doesn’t bother me at all.” His heart leapt with joy at hearing this simple confession.

  “Ok, then.” He spun back around and started walking again as a smile spread and played across his lips. Mark focused on his eyes and made them focus to take in more light. He made the rods and cones in his eyes become more sensitive to the weak lighting from the overhead stars and absent moon and moments later saw the dark forest now looked as if it were about midday.

  Walking through the forest became much easier.

  When they were about five minutes from Connor’s home Mark felt something poke his backside. Cool morning air chilled his suddenly exposed crack. He spun quickly to see Kara pull the end of her bow away and try hiding it behind her back. She was acting like nothing happened and failed miserably. She always had an inquisitive and uninhibited personality, but it is a trait that he adored. “What did you do that for?”

  “I was curious about that little leather flap thing covering your butt. I saw that you aren’t wearing any boxers.” She started giggling and he couldn’t help but join in too.

  As they reached the clearing to Connor’s home he changed his eyes back to normal because the kitchen lights were on, emanating from the cottage window. If he didn’t desensitize his eyes he’d be blinded by the light.

  Connor built this small cottage for Sarah when he showed her the black mark up on his chest. Off to the side of the house runs a spring fed stream. Connor built a closed system of electricity for his house and the main generating source of that energy comes from a waterwheel that’s propelled from the stream. It is one of the most amazing places Mark has ever laid eyes on.

  Kara and Mark walked up to the front door and she knocked. Before someone answered he looked up at the eve above the door and silently laughed to himself. There is the carving of an old scale with two plates held evenly by a center point. If that isn’t a redundant sign. Why doesn’t he just say “Welcome…this is a home of Balancers.”

  Connor opened the door and invited them in with a smile. “Sarah will be out in a moment. Did you two already eat breakfast?”

  “I’m fine, Brother.” And Mark nodded in agreement with her.

  Surprise and Shock

  Both Mark and his strangely subdued sister sat together in his small living room, talking amongst themselves. Sarah finally stepped out of their room looking as beautiful as ever. Her long luscious hair had been pulled back in a single ponytail. She had on a solid black, short sleeved shirt and black pants. Her shirt formed a second skin and her fair and curvaceous assets offered total movement and a sexy appeal. It didn’t have any loose material that would be easy to grab in a tense situation. There is a diamond shape cut out of the fabric in her sleeveless shirt that was cut out just under the neckline that showed a classy amount of her firm cleavage. Her ethereal beauty couldn’t be built upon by any makeup because she is absolutely perfect. The anklet he made couldn’t be easily seen, but Connor knew that it was covered by the jeans she attired.

  When they got married they merged bank accounts for ease of use and access. At the market yesterday Sarah walked across the street to the clothing store while Connor paid for rest of the groceries. After putting the groceries in the car he became curious and walked into the store since nothing else needed attention. It was a clothing store with a lot of high end apparel with designer labels. He knew through the bond they shared that she was close and suddenly happy about something that went beyond being closer. Connor tried forcing his mind to understand her excitement, but she blocked him out saying “Uh. Uh. Uh. Wait a moment and you’ll see for yourself soon enough.”

  As a result to being blocked Connor sat down in the men’s boredom area. At least the couch felt comfortable and he didn’t have to carry her purse like other nearby emasculated men. A few minutes later Connor heard “How are you feeling, Connor? You’re looking better than the last time I saw you.”

  He turned to see Deputy Burrow in his everyday street clothes. It must have been his day off. He wore a white and blue t-shirt and dark blue shorts with sneakers. His head and jaw line seemed freshly shaved and waxed to a glossy shine while his smile is as bright as ever. “Hey Deputy Burrow. What brings you in here?”

  Connor stood and they shook each other’s hand. “The same as you I suppose. Is your little wife also shopping for clothes?”

  They sat down together as he was answered “What gave me away, the bored, defeated look on my face or the fact that I’m still in a clothing store and not already gone after finding what I needed within three minutes?” and his smile was still beaming.

  “Every married and unmarried man, since the dawn of time has had to wait outside for a woman who goes clothes shopping. It’s a cruel rite of passage that will never come to an end. No matter how we try. For your information, it doesn’t get any better.” The deputy started to laugh. “Plus, it was the look of frustration and pure boredom that tipped me off. I know because I’ve used the same look for decades.”

  Moments later Connor asked “How’s your wife and three kids?”

  “They are all doing quite well actually. My youngest son finished in first place in his karate masters tournament in Louisiana. His older brother was just accepted to MIT. And my oldest daughter, who just graduated college, made me a first time grandfather a few days ago.” His dark ebony skin stretched into a full blown grin to show how proud he became.

  “Congratulations, Gramps.” And he laughed, patting Connor on the back.

  “I am happy with my age, but when Mrs. Burrow found out that our daughter was first pregnan
t she started crying inconsolably. Don’t get me wrong, she is ecstatic about becoming a grandparent too, but she knows that she’s becoming an older woman now that her baby just had one of her own. Now she’s being vain and trying to recapture her youth again.” He shook his head while still smiling, “I keep telling her she is still beautiful, but try convincing that to a grandmother. At least one good thing came out of it, I can corrupt yet another generation with my personality.”

  After they finished that short laugh Connor reluctantly and seriously asked “Any news about them?”

  Deputy Burrow’s smile vanished instantly as he understood the question. “Yes, there is some news on that front you might need to hear about.” Connor intently looked at the man until he continued speaking in a tight, scornful voice. “You’re teacher will be in prison for the next twenty years or so for giving a weapon to a student and for holding your lovely young wife hostage. That part was easy. The judge saw him that night I booked him and did his job to my satisfaction. The bad news is that the county mayor, Mathew’s father, caught wind of his son’s arrest nearly moments after I booked him. The mayor pulled his authority and had nearly everything dropped. That boy was released yesterday morning and the only thing the mayor couldn’t sweep under the rug was the paperwork I filed. Mathew got a get out of jail free card thanks to Daddy.

  “I’ve met the mayor a time or two before and he’s as demeaning and disrespectful as his son. I about backhanded the boy when he woke up at the station and spit in my face and called me a few unflattering and racial remarks. But at least the judge still saw reason and gave Mathew six weeks of community service for assault and battery. I should also have charged him for disrespect, but I’m not petty.” Regardless, the look in his onyx colored eyes showed rage from the assault. If Deputy Borrow was born Caucasian Connor would bet that his features would be blood red with fury. Connor felt his own face flame in rage and it was red enough for them both. “There is a little bit of good news though.” He had a weak smile on that warred with his rage. “I have tailed Mathew’s every destination these past two days, making sure he wouldn’t come near you or your kin. The last place I followed him to was an army recruiters office an hour ago and he stayed in there for well over an hour before I had to pick up the misses. My guess and hope is that very soon he will no longer be around this town for the next few years and gets beaten up a few good times during Boot Camp.

  “Thanks for all your help.” He waved Connor off because it was his job and he was watching his back. Connor sighed with relief and so did the older friend. He then asked a serious question in a lower tone. “Deputy, if Mathew ever threatens any of my loved ones; do I have the right to permanently get rid of him?”

  Deputy Burrow looked away to see his beautiful wife starting towards the two of them from the dressing rooms. Before she came within hearing range he said icily serious “If he does…” He pulled a card from his wallet and handed it over. “call me and I will personally help dispose of the body.” He turned to look at Connor with his goofy smile yet his the look in his eyes remained serious. “But only if he comes at you or your family with an evil intent. If you chase him down for vengeance, I won’t help. Do you understand the difference?”

  “Do you have anything to write with?” He cocked his shaved head in confusion, but didn’t question as he handed over a pen from his breast pocket and another of his cards. Connor wrote down his mom’s home phone number and Jack’s for the time being. Connor explained as he handed him back the numbers and the pen “This is my mom’s number and this is my in-laws. Please call either of these numbers if you have need of me.” Mrs. Burrow was now standing and listening in on their conversation. He peered at the numbers before putting it back in his wallet, but he put it in a different leather slide.

  Mrs. Burrow asked Connor politely “What would he need to call you for, Honey?”

  Through the bond Connor felt Sarah’s approach, but he didn’t bother to look in her direction as he held the deputy’s wife’s eyes. She stepped back involuntarily from under his direct stare. “I’m a tracker and an outdoorsman, have been for longer than I can remember.” Connor turned his head to look at the older friend. “If anyone goes ever goes missing or goes camping and winds up lost, don’t hesitate to call on me for help. I’ll hunt anyone down and bring them back.”

  Deputy Burrow had his prideful smile back on again. “Are you any good?”

  “You bet he is!” Sarah said and as Connor turned to look at her his heart about blew through his chest. The impact with his ribs should have made an audible thud. “I wound up lost out in the woods several months ago because I didn’t know the area and night fell before I realized my situation. Connor tracked me down without any moonlight or any flashlights for that matter. I can say honestly that there isn’t anyone better if someone ends up lost.”

  “Thank you Mrs. May. That is all I needed to hear.” Both himself and the deputy stood. As he shook Connor’s hand goodbye he spoke carefree, but his eyes said otherwise. “Keep in touch and don’t forget to call.”

  “Same goes to you.” And he snickered as he walked away.

  “What was that all about?” Sarah caught Connor’s attention again.

  “Mr. V. is in prison, but Mathew got off relatively clean. Apparently the mayor can do something, but only when it involves his boy.” Her warm face paled and became ashen. She had been afraid that something like this would happen. “Deputy Burrow said that we shouldn’t worry because he might be joining the military. Fingers crossed… He said that if anything happens in self-defense, he will help us. So I wanted to repay his kindness and I said that if he needed a tracker, he could always call on me.”

  “At least we have someone human also watching our backs incase an emergency arises.” The color slowly came back in her face.

  “By the way… why did you pick those clothes?” He said with a wry smile.

  “For some reason I favor this color now. It is like how my mother likes red because it is Father’s attribute…” She left it hanging for him to fill in.

  She twirled, showing off her exquisite attributes.

  “It really works for you…” His thumping pulse agreed with the sentiment.

  As Sarah walked into the living room of their home, she greeted Mark and Kara warmly. When his sister stood she asked “Are you ready yet…? Wow Sarah you look Hot!”

  “Almost and thank you for that compliment, Kara.” Sarah smiled and walked over to a box beside the front door and opened it. Without looking behind, she grabbed and tossed Tool over her shoulder with an effortless flick of her wrist and Connor caught it in midair. It slid in his belt loop, on his right hip, in one fluid motion. She then pulled out her dagger and after unclasping her belt, she slid the sheathed dagger into a secure position at her left hip. She shut the lid of the box saying “Now I’m ready.”

  Mark stood and asked “So what’s the plan for today, Buddy?”

  Connor took an unneeded deep breath as he answered “Judging from your leather pants, I’m guessing that you’re prepared to change at a moment’s notice.” Mark nodded as Sarah came to stand by her mate’s side. Connor looked at his sister and gave her an option. “You’ll need to either be carried by Sarah, myself or Mark to get there with enough time…”

  Mark announced, before Connor could finish “She’ll ride me.”

  Kara’s face went beet red as she took the statement the wrong way. “Mark… umm… can’t we discuss that without my brother and sister in the room?”

  Connor glanced at Sarah; she had a tight lipped smile on as she strained not to outright laugh as the comment was harmless, but became an innuendo. Mark got his attention next as he scratched his head. “What are you talking about?” A moment later he understood how his words had affected her. “Oh…” He cleared his throat as his neck became slightly flushed. His silver eyes became glazed for some reason. He wanted to, but couldn’t for some reason.

  “Ok you two…” Sarah said, getting back
their attention to the here and now. “We need to do this immediately or we lose this chance and meet my parents immediately.” Mark and Kara nodded.

  Connor was the last one out of the front door and looking up at the sky he noticed the first streaks of sunlight started brightening in the dark morning. Mark asked Kara to stand back as he walked a few steps ahead.

  Mark’s eyes started glowing as everyone gathered heard his bones breaking and reforming at an amazing rate. His black hair started growing all over his body again and remained loose and looked reasonably soft. His facial features altered into that of a muzzle along with sharpened canines instead of the dull human kind. His fingernails became menacing claws and his chest broke and barreled out again. Finally Connor noticed what that small flap on his hind end was for because his long black tail started growing from it.

  When he turned around Connor had to ask “Mark, can I ask why your hair fuses together sometimes?”

  In his deep rumbling and animalistic voice he explained. “I got the idea from a rhinoceros. Their horn is actually a modified hair and not bone, like most people believe. If you cut it off it’ll grow back. I took that idea and put my own spin on it to encase my body in a shell of modified hair. I’m kind of like a beetle, only without an actual exoskeleton.” He turned his head and pointed to his long mane that grew down the back of his spine. “This mane of mine serves as a hand hold if I ever needed to carry someone as well as protection for the back of my neck. Like all humans the back of the neck cannot be seen and that is a blind spot which could get you killed.”


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