Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle)

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Changer's Blood (Balancer's Soul cycle) Page 9

by Lee Morgan

Mark came up with a solution.

  As Connor read his mind he nodded. Mark walked behind him, and using an index claw, he sliced the back of the shirt from collar to tail in one clean cut. Jack swiftly took Sarah from Connor before she could hold on to him again. She struggled to get away and back to him, but Connor stopped her by saying “Keep your eyes on me. Focus on me. Don’t think about the fall. I caught you and you’re safe, Princess. Stop fighting!”

  Her green eyes opened and were filled with tears, but she ceased struggling as her father clutched her back against his flat chest. Jack held her close and comfortably, but Mark could tell she would be able to outmuscle her father’s grasp if she wanted to. Somehow she had become even stronger than a fully bonded male Balancer.

  The three men sighed in relief as she had finally become docile. Then her mother and sister-in-law sat to either side of her. They each took one of her hands, saying nothing. All they did was slowly rub her hands tenderly. Nothing else could be said to reassure Sarah in this condition.

  “Let’s go, Mark.” Connor tapped his shoulder. As they started walking away Mark noticed Tool was sitting on the ground beside Kara.

  He wondered how his friend could fight against him without a weapon.

  Before they split up to go their separate ways, Connor said “Don’t hold back on my account. I want to keep her mind occupied on me and the best way to do that is to make the fight as real as possible.”

  “You got it. No holds bar.” And they split up to take their positions.

  As Mark lowered himself to the ground he saw Connor take his forward battle stance. Even in the deadly wolf form Connor still frightened him on a level he couldn’t fully comprehend. Never before had a Balancer make him pause. Mark did a shelf check to get his mind off such thoughts. Mark’s bones were connected properly, his hair had fused correctly to not have a single flaw, claws were sharp, muscles are firm yet flexible and his heightened senses were all working perfectly.

  Suddenly Connor started running at a speed that Mark has never seen from another of his kind. Mark bunched his muscles and leapt above him just as he came within range. As he flipped in the air a sharp pain exploded from his tail. Suddenly he found himself thrown in the air, in the opposite direction from which he sprung from. Mark re-rotated his body in the air as he hit the ground on all fours. He recognized a moment later that the pain from his tail came from Connor grabbing it. It was the first time someone evaded his aerial dodge, let alone being grasped in such a way.

  Connor entered his mind saying “That trick won’t work twice with me. I saw you fight the bear remember?” His hazel eyes were dangerously focused.

  “Since I have never fought a Balancer of your caliber before, it looks like I’ll really have to go all out!”

  Mark focused on making the necessary adjustments to his body. He made his lungs larger to allow more oxygen to be collected and his heart began to pump quicker. He then activated his adrenal glands and endorphins. The surge of adrenaline made his heart pump quicker to allow more oxygen to flood into his circulatory system and muscles. Endorphins numbed any pain. Finally he increased the size of his arm and back muscles. His shoulder muscles probably looked now like that of a fighting bull.

  When everything was changed in three seconds, Mark charged at Connor who was already expecting a head on fight.

  Connor had his left leg in front of his right, preparing for a collision. At least he didn’t back down or cringe from the burst of speed. Fifteen feet from Connor, Mark launched himself directly at his middle. He pulled his right clawed hand back, trying to cut at his chest, but found himself suddenly stopped. Mark looked at a solid black X before his eyes. Mark then glanced at his attacking hand to see Connor’s left hand gripping his wrist tightly, cracking the fused hair.

  Mark realized with startled awe that Connor stopped his entire movement and momentum with a single hand. Not even his advanced weight seemed to matter. None have ever done that before. Mark also knew that he didn’t use his elemental power against the charge. It was strictly his raw physical strength, a strength that shouldn’t be possible against a Changer. If Mark had collided with a parked pick-up truck with its breaks locked his weight and momentum would push the truck back a solid fifteen feet yet Connor didn’t budge.

  Looking down at his feet Mark understood why Connor didn’t get pushed back. He made the ground encase his legs and lock him in place. He secured his position to stop the attack.

  Mark quickly dropped his back leg’s, kicked the ground and twisted his body to force his arm away from Connor’s grasp. When he released it Mark checked and noticed that no damage had been sustained outside the furry wrist. He quickly repaired the fur and re-fused it again.

  As he began stepping out of the ground Mark quickly started running at his ultimate speed, in a circle around him. As he kicked up a storm of sand and rock he searched for Connor’s blind spot. Connor stood there motionless in the center of Mark’s tornado-like ring. Mark couldn’t see or find a single weak point to attack and exploit when he crouched in his battle stance. Even with his eyes closed Mark could tell his defense is flawless.

  Deciding to take a chance Mark pulled out of the circle and tried striking his backside. As he leapt for his back Mark though he could wrap his legs around his friend’s and hold his chest, but he was wrong.

  Just before he grappled his friends to the ground, Connor open his eyes and they were glowing. He was using his sonar to track Mark’s movements. His eyes were startling and unnerving. Connor took that moment of opportunity and hesitation to vanish from Mark’s line of sight.

  Suddenly, massive arm enfold around his armored neck and large legs wrapped around his ribcage. Then Mark felt the immense pressure of his squeeze when Connor’s other arm locked his head. Mark had to react quickly or else he’d make him lose consciousness in a few seconds. Only one way had been left available for Mark to keep Connor from making him pass out.

  Mark focused on his sleek hair armor. The strands began to unwind and then came back together into sharpened, needle thin spikes. Mark made his mane also become a single pointed spike instead of a defensive shield. All over, his entire body transformed into sharp, needlelike spikes ready to puncture any who dared to touch him. They protruded from every angle from the top of his head, down the back and arms and even his legs were well defended.

  As Connor felt the defensive spikes he released his hold and Mark spun, trying to subdue him. Connor quickly took his legs out from underneath Mark by spinning on one leg and the other being straight. Mark fell on his back and Connor did as well, after completing the spin.

  They both laid there on the ground, side by side as they tried catching their breath. Mark spoke first. “I haven’t had a workout like that in over three centuries.” Mark continued breathing hard from the exquisite release from the tension of true battle. It was one of his most remarkable fights.

  “You almost had me back there with them spikes of yours.” Connor said while still breathing heavily. “I would look like a pincushion if I didn’t move away in time.”

  “You’re only the second person who has forced me to use my armor like that and the very first one to survive.” Mark admitted without remorse.

  “I feel honored for that, Bud.”

  Moments later Mark turned his pointed ears, after hearing four sets of footfalls quickly heading in their direction.

  Jack was the first to say “That was one hell of a fight, boys. I could barely keep up with either of their movements.” He started laughing to someone.

  Someone’s head moved and blocked the sun from Mark’s eyes. Kara bent closer and as her sandy blonde hair was now undone, it fell around her face making her look breathtaking. “Honey, are you ok?”

  “I have never had a fight that fun before.” He barked a laugh.

  He saw her look at his chest in an odd way. Mark looked down and saw his hair still remained spiked all over his body. She reached to touch one of the spikes and before he could say n
o, she touched one.

  “Ouch!” She quickly jerked her finger back after being pricked. He watched as a drop of blood pooled from the small puncture wound on her index finger.

  He instantly made his hair armor change back into its soft furry form. Mark sat up and asked “Did it hurt you too badly?” She sucked the blood from her finger while shaking her head no. She is a terrible liar.

  Mark turned his head and saw Connor still laying on his back. Sarah kneeling beside him with her hand on his exposed chest. Mark figured they were having an intense and private conversation because just before he sat up, they smiled at the same time. He began to wonder what that would be like, to share true thoughts with the one you love...

  Connor and Mark stood at the same time. Mark asked calmly “Sarah, are you doing any better?”

  She smiled weakly and her tone matched. “Yes, and thank you for helping Connor take my mind off the um…incident.”

  He nodded and said he do it any time and Connor said quickly, as he glanced at the sky “It is almost one and I think we should call it a day. We all have things to do before the day’s over.” Mark thought personally, I don’t have any more plans. “How about we meet here again at the same time in two days?” Connor asked the group.

  Kara pulled her pricked finger from her mouth. “Brother, why not meet back here tomorrow? I liked today.” She asked while petting Mark’s arm with her other hand.

  “Because, I’m going to start up my business.” He stated.

  “What kind of business?” Jillian finally spoke up.

  “Survival and outdoors camping.” He said simply as he began walking away. He stopped and Mark saw him look at something. Suddenly Tool and his ripped black shirt shot across the field and Connor caught them in each hand and slid his weapon in his pants before he wrapped the ripped shirt around his hand. Both Sarah and his best friend started running and waving goodbye.

  Jillian started walking and Jack followed later, carrying his weapon over his shoulder. And they too vanished as they waved goodbye.

  “So what are your plans for the rest of the day?” Kara asked Mark while wearing a hilarious grin.

  “What ever you want to do, Sweetheart.” He spoke too soon.

  “Good, because I want to go to your place and I want to know more about you and what you are.” Her feral grin returned.

  She retrieved her bow and hooked it over her back. She adjusted her belt as he went back down on his forelegs, after he reduced the size of his muscles back to their original size that he usually uses.

  She then leapt atop his back without pause. When Mark felt her get a solid grip of his mane he started gliding through the trees at a measured pace.

  Looking down Kara watched Mark’s powerful muscles move as he ran. With her legs wrapped over his middle she could feel each breath he made. He was a powerful creature that held a tranquil side that soothed all who met him. His furry hair remained soft at the moment and comfortable, feeling like she was riding a horse, bareback. It was a different experience, but also fun in a way. She also watched as his pointed ears twitched and swerved to and fro as he listened to things even she possibly couldn’t hear.

  Just before they reached the Branderson’s property, Mark stopped and looked back at her with those dreamy silver eyes again and her heart sputtered. She hoped that his hearing couldn’t detect her heart’s reaction towards him. His muzzle pulled back into a smile and she knew it was time to exit the living vehicle.

  As she dismounted he stood. He began brushing his hands over his fur while he started shedding all of his body hair again. When he finished Kara listened as his bones started breaking as he changed back to his usual self. She also saw his tail vanish back under that small flap in his leather pants.

  Looking at his muscled back she saw his former mane cascaded to the middle of his back loosely. He reached in his leather pocket and pulled out a small, straight razor. He turned to smile at her, asking in his usual human voice “Do you mind giving a trim?”

  He handed her the folded razor and Kara pulled all of his long hair back and using the razor, she cut his hair short again. She then handed him the blade back and threw the long hair into the forest. She had to ask him a personal question. “Mark, being a Changer, I have seen how you can make yourself bigger. My question is why do you go back to this height?” She shook her hand in his hair, trying to get rid any straggling little hairs while she began imagining him taller.

  He sighed as he turned around to look at her. “Do you really want to know?” She said nothing, but she smiled at him. He slid the straight razor back in his pocket as he explained “Being a Changer, neither I nor my kind can reduce our skeletal structure any further than when we originally were. I can make myself much taller and bigger and if I forced myself, I could stand at seven feet and ten inches tall. But then I will really stand out in any crowd.” Yeah like changing to a wolf isn’t suspicious enough. “This was how tall I was nine hundred years ago. Back then, even I was tall compared to everyone else in my home village. I was five foot seven back then and at that time I stood out like Connor does now. Lucky for me I’m now at an average height and you’re brother is the tall one.” His bright white teeth were shining along with his smile.

  So that’s why he always goes back to this size. Kara said quickly as she looked closer at his teeth “Mark, your teeth are still a little sharp and pointed.”

  He reached up, and with his thumb, felt his teeth. His circular silver eyes twinkled as he said “Thanks, Sweetheart.” His pupils started glowing again and she saw his teeth flatten and become like they should for normal humans.

  Together they walked across the Branderson’s yard and crossed the street to her house.

  Jenny was up, sitting on the couch while reading a book as Mark and Kara walked in the front door. She sat a thick novel on her lap as she heard them coming in. Looking up, her mom’s eyes went wide for only a moment as she saw Mark’s exposed chest and knew instantly who it reminded her of, but she said nothing on that subject. “Good afternoon. What were you two doing today?”

  Kara took her bow from around her back and sat it on the wall. As she unbelted the belt quiver she answered “We went with Brother and Sarah and did a little archery.”

  “And did anyone come close to beating you?” Jenny asked with a smile.

  “Not even close.” Mark said while smiling.

  Then a thought hit Kara like a freight train.

  She blurted out “Well Sarah can throw a knife as well as I can shoot.” She watched as Mark stiffened as she turned to her mom.

  Jenny started to laugh and then she said “Now that I have to see…” She kept laughing. “A compliment like that says a lot about her skill.” Mark cleared his throat and she looked at him and asked “What’s with that getup?” She pointed at his brown leather pants.

  He looked down at his pants and said as he looked back at her “I haven’t did my laundry in awhile and this was all I had left.”

  Kara then said quickly “That’s why I’m going over to his place. I just need to change my clothes real quick.” He nodded and she left him in the living room.

  Entering her room Kara undressed quickly. She threw her clothes in the hamper at the other corner of the room. She went over to her dresser, that her brother crafted, and pulled out a shirt, shorts and the new socks that she bought when Sarah, Jenny, Jillian and Kara all went shopping together. She made sure that the hallway remained clear and walked into the bathroom and quickly cleaned up. After a quick shower Kara put on the clothes and brushed her hair.

  Entering the living room again she saw that her mom returned to her book and Mark sat on the sofa watching TV. When he saw Kara he turned off the station he was watching and stood up.

  “Ready to go?” Kara asked, he nodded. “I’ll see you later tonight, Mom.”

  “Have a good day kids.” She waved goodbye while still reading her book.

  Going outside, Mark opened his jeep door for her and she hopped
into the passenger seat. After he turned down the road they sat in silence as he drove to his apartment.

  At the end of their small town is a family owned apartment complex. The three, two story buildings were built in the shape of a U. The outside walls were all painted a light brown. All of the roofs have high slopes to keep the snow from collapsing under the weight during the winter months. Beautiful, late Spring wildflowers surrounded the front of the buildings and skipping areas where there were concrete sidewalks going up to the first floor apartments.

  Pulling into the apartments twenty minutes later he said “Where here.”

  Getting out of the jeep they walked up the steps to his second story apartment. He unlocked his front door and allowed Kara to enter first. His room has always been clean and smelled nice and fresh. This time it didn’t disappoint her at all. For the fourth time she came into his place, but this time Kara noticed everything in a new light; this is the home of a nine hundred year old Changer. Everything now had a different feel when one’s perception changes

  The walls were all painted a silver-white and the curtains at the windows were all see through blue. The floor was all hardwood and didn’t have any carpet except in the bedroom. He had a three person sofa in the living room that was made of brown leather. He had a small and fully stocked kitchen and next to his bathroom held a small single person washer and dryer. Kara glanced in the trashcan as she walked to sit on his sofa. It was full of meat packages and cartons of milk and eggs. “Did you eat all that this week?” She asked as she sat down to look at him shutting the front door.

  “Nope, I ate all that last night before I went to bed.” He said with a feral smile as he walked in her direction. He still looked good after eating so much.

  “Shouldn’t you be writhing in pain from putting away so much?” Kara couldn’t help but smile back at the man, or whatever he is, that she loves.

  “Nope, it’s one of the benefits of being what I am.” He finally sat down next to her and the cushion sank from his heavy weight.


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