Suddenly Begins

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Suddenly Begins Page 8

by J. A. Low

  “How’s Ness feeling?” Evan asks.

  “She’s okay, no throwing up yet, but I’m guessing she might be a little early.”

  “Each woman is different, this time Sienna says she feels different, I mean our first baby was a surprise…we had no idea, and again this baby is a super surprise even though we have been trying. But this time she is much more sensitive to smells, that’s how we knew, she started to gag at the smell of coffee, then my cologne and so on.” he chuckles.

  “Smells make them sick?” I question him. Shit, I had no idea.

  “Yep, especially at the start. She will also go off certain foods, but I will say they do get a hell of a lot hornier.” My eyes widen and Evan laughs. “I thought my dick was going to fall off with the amount of sex Sienna wanted. Man, I thought I had a high sex drive but hers was crazy, I had to beg her to stop harassing me because I needed a break.”

  This makes me laugh, I remember now, I sent him a box of horny goat weed to help with his stamina. Shit, maybe that prank is going to come back to me. “I guess I better stock up on horny goat weed then.”

  Evan elbows me in the side. “Not going to lie, man, I tried some of it, it fucking helps. I still have a billon boxes left, might send them to you, you’re going to need it.” We both burst out laughing.

  “Do you want another boy?”

  Evan smiles before saying, “Yeah, would be great for Ryder to have a brother, but if it’s a girl, I’ll be happy with that. But man I am scared shitless if it’s going to be a girl. I am going to have to carry a shotgun around because I don’t want a fucker like me turning up trying to get into my daughter’s pants.” I start to laugh then I realize Ness could be pregnant with a girl as well.

  “Fuck, no way man. No way in the word will I be letting a rock star date my little girl…nope, never.”

  “We will both have to get shotguns then, and maybe I will train Ryder as well so he can make sure no fuckers mess with his little sister.” We both nod in agreement.

  “Or we could have boys and then not worry about any of that stuff.”

  “True, but then we would have to worry about groupies and gold diggers,” Evan reminds me. Either way we are screwed.

  “Do you think I am going to be a good dad?” I ask, feeling a little vulnerable about what a big thing this is, bringing a little person into the world.

  “Man, if I can do it, you can do it. Those little fuckers change you, they are the best things in the entire world. Even when they are screaming at two in the morning, or shitting themselves, or pissing on you, or vomiting up god only knows what like a damn exorcist. Even dealing with all that, you still love them to death. So yeah, I think you are going to be a good dad, and don’t worry if you don’t know what you’re doing, you will work it out. Plus, I kind of take my cues from Si, she seems to know what to do most of the time. I think it’s ingrained into women, this special knowledge on how to deal with kids. She is fucking amazing and Ness is going to be the same. And when you see her with your baby in her arms, rocking them back to sleep, that’s when you realize that everything else you have in your life means nothing, or is not worth as much as that moment is right there.” Evan clasps my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. “I’m here for ya, anytime.” He walks off back toward the rest of the guys. Shit, my life is about to change, and for the better.

  “Oh my God, you are here,” Camryn screams, wrapping her arms around Olivia, one of our closest friends from London.

  “I have missed you so much, it’s been too long,” Olivia says with the cutest British accent, oh how I have missed hearing it. “And you!” She points at me. “Marrying a rock star in Vegas, oh the cliché of it all.” She smiles at me as she wraps me in her arms. Olivia is this petite little thing, the perfect English rose with her silky, chocolate brown hair, porcelain white skin and rugby red lips. But it’s those doe brown eyes that pull you in.

  “It has been too long,” I say, looking at my old friend.

  “I know; I have been so slack.”

  “Please, we understand.” Camryn, squeezes her hands. Olivia is the oldest daughter of the Duke of Northumberland, her father has been suffering ill health for the past couple of years and she gave up her career in international business to come home and run the estate for him, with no help from her younger sister, Penelope, I might add, who is too busy living the life of a socialite. Olivia has turned the estate around from financial ruin to a multimillion dollar business. She has opened the estate up for visitors and functions, especially weddings in the stunning gardens that surround the property. She moved her parents to Edinburgh where her father can get full time medical care and she has been living in that big old estate by herself for the past couple of years while her sister lives this exciting life in London.

  “I am so happy you are here.” Sienna steps forward.

  “No way, Sienna, is that you?” Olivia smiles, giving her a hug.

  “I know it’s been a while.” Sienna caught up with Olivia a couple of times when she visited us in London and when she was married to Beau.

  “Ness told me you are married to a rock star and had a baby.”

  Sienna smiles before confirming, “Yep, sure did, and couldn’t be happier.”

  “The party is here.” Derrick busts through the door with three very hot men behind him. “I have brought the entertainment,” he smirks as the men enter our penthouse and make their way over to where the makeshift bar is kept. All the women in the room track their movements as they start taking off their clothes.

  “Derrick,” I squeal.

  “What? Hello, this is a bachelorette party.” Thankfully the men stop at their boxer briefs. Each of them tie an apron around themselves and quickly pull off their underwear. My eyes widen and I shoot Derrick a glare. He just smiles and blows me a kiss.

  “Is this Lady Olivia Pearce I see before me?” Derrick asks cheekily.

  “Is that Sir Derrick of Boner I see before me,” she replies. A joke the two of them had when they would catch up in London. Derrick always believed he should have been a royal. He whisks her off her feet, the five foot nothing there is of her.

  “Milady, I have missed you.” He gives her a big wet kiss on her cheek. “I’ve heard my princess has been locked up in the castle for a while…thankfully Sir Derrick is here to save the day. I bet the princess is pretty horny.”

  “Derrick,” she gasps, her cheeks turning a lovely shade of pink.

  “Hmm.” He scrutinizers her. “I can tell, sweetheart, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Olivia rolls her eyes at him. “And I am not talking about the manual kind of play.” Olivia turns a deeper shade of pink.

  “Derrick, leave her alone.” Camryn comes to her rescue.

  “Cammie, this girl needs me. Look at my princess, she has been stuck up in that tower waiting for her Prince Charming to come along, but he has been waylaid by some skanky wench. It is my duty to help her.”

  Derrick is probably right. Olivia was always the good girl because of who she was related to. The media always watched her every move, and she never wanted to give her family any scandal, unlike her sister, Penelope, who didn’t care what people thought of her. Penny would regularly be on the news for dating married men, sun bathing topless in St Bart’s and partying her way around Europe every summer, while poor Olivia kept her in the lifestyle she had become accustomed to. If it wasn’t for Olivia giving up her life and turning the estate around, Penny would never have the money to fund her extravagant lifestyle, plus it doesn’t help that her parents indulge Penny.

  “Actually, Derrick, I am engaged.” The room goes quiet, we all freeze.

  “Engaged,” Derrick says slowing, nearly stumbling over his words.

  “Yes, it’s only just happened.” Her cheeks go pink again.

  “How the hell did I not know about this?” Camryn asks.

  “Honestly, it’s not a big deal.” She shrugs her shoulders.

  “You’re telling me getting engaged isn’t a big de
al?” Derrick asks.

  “No, well not for me anyway.” Olivia frowns. “It’s not like we got engaged because we love each other.” You could hear a pin drop.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “My father is dying…” Tears well up in Olivia’s eyes and she tries to push them back, but a couple escape.

  “Hey, come here.” Derrick pulls her into his lap and wraps himself around her, she gives him a weak smile.

  “Dad’s best friend is Duke of Roxburghe and they believe if I marry his son that will strengthen both of our estates. My father agrees with him and so they have arranged for me to marry his son, Marquess Edmund Lumley.”

  “It’s the twenty first century, arranged marriages don’t exist,” Charlotte pipes up.

  “Unfortunately in noble circles the practice is alive and kicking.” She gives us a sad smile.

  “At least tell me the man is good looking and not old enough to be your father,” Derrick adds.

  This makes her laugh, “No, no, far from it.” She takes her phone out of her bag and types into it then turns the screen to Derrick. His jaw drops.

  “I would let him arrange anything on me.” He takes the phone and hands it around. All the women agree; the man is hot.

  “Yep, I could have done a lot worse in the looks department. But the problem is…he is a notorious womanizer, and I am…well…” She lets the words trail off.

  “You are what? A beautiful woman? A smart, intelligent, sexy woman?” Derrick answers for her.

  Olivia blushes. “Thank you, but I mean, I am…well…you know, not as experienced as he is. I have only been with a couple of men and they were lackluster at best.” Looking down at her hands, she twists them in knots, embarrassed by her confession.

  “Then it’s lucky you have come to the right place. Especially when we are partying with rock stars.” Derrick smiles at her. “Think of me as your white knight of non-virtue here to corrupt you.” This makes her laugh. “You want to learn things that will help you feel more confident in the bedroom with his royal hotness…then you are going to get the best education this weekend. I’m sure one of the Dirty Texas boys would love to show you the ropes.”

  “Just not Evan,” Sienna pipes up.

  “Or Christian,” I add.

  “Yes, yes, ladies, retract those claws, and Finn is off limits.” He looks at Isla.

  “Remember, I am staying strong,” Isla adds.

  “Yeah, not this weekend you’re not, I’m totally psychic and you two are totally doing the nasty. And probably not Oscar, ʼcause he and Stacey have some Fifty Shades of Grey thing happening.”

  Stacey just shrugs and smiles.

  “That leaves Axel. Yes, he is kind of perfect. I bet he would totally be up for some sexual experimenting.”

  Olivia shakes her head. “He is too experienced for me.”

  “No, he is perfect, seriously, plus you are totally his type. He likes brunettes and we all know Axel doesn’t do relationships.” Everyone nods in agreement.

  “I’m pretty sure Axel could get any woman he wants, there is no way in the world he would look at me,” Olivia tells Derrick, who just laughs.

  “Um, hello, have you not heard about Derrick Jones, stylist to the stars, I can so totally transform you. But you are already gorgeous.”

  Olivia gives him a big smile. “Okay, why not. It’s the only weekend I am going be able to do something reckless, go big or go home,” she says.

  “That’s what I like to hear. First things first, stand up.” He pushes her off the chair. “Now, sit down right here.” He motions her to take his place on the chair. “Seeing as Ness is already married and won’t even look at another beefcake because…well she doesn't have to as she gets to screw Christian Taylor every night.” I give Derrick a high five, damn right I do. “I think Olivia should take her obligatory bachelorette lap dance instead.” The girls all agree, and Olivia looks like a deer caught in headlights. Derrick stands over her. “Do you trust me, princess?” She nods her head slowly. “I promise I won’t push you too far, just enough to have some fun.” Olivia slowly nods her head. “Great, boys,” Derrick calls out to the three naked waiters. “I need you to shake what your mama gave ya for this beautiful woman sitting here.” He points to Olivia who is sitting up so straight she is as stiff as a board. The three men nod, one of them plays around with his phone and connects it up to the stereo in the room. Stripper music starts pumping though the speakers.

  The three men move closer to Olivia, in time with the music, her cheeks have turned pink and I can see the red flush rushing up her neck. The rest of the room is hollering and urging her on. Before long I am joining them, this is what friends are for, to corrupt the innocent. We watch as a wide-eyed Olivia notices that the three topless waiters are naked under their aprons and she lets out a gasp when one of them places her hands on his bare ass. This kind of sets us off into hysterics. Derrick is dancing around the room encouraging her; he pours a couple of shots of something down her throat which makes her wince. The men continue giving her a lap dance, their hands roaming all over her body, her hands slowly, and cautiously, exploring theirs.

  “That’s it, princess, squeeze their butts,” Derrick hollers at her. She does it and it makes her giggle. “Now, test what’s under the apron.” Olivia stills and shakes her head. But one of the strippers grabs her hand and places it on his hardening dick. Olivia’s mouth forms the perfect ‘O’ in surprise as the stripper moves her hand up and down along his length. Not sure what kind of strippers Derrick bought, but he obviously got the all-inclusive type. Olivia is shrieking and giggling, and trying to not look at what her hand is doing. Derrick gives her a couple more shots which loosen her up.

  “What else do you want to do?” Derrick asks Olivia. She looks at him confused. “These men are all yours for the night, if you want them,” Derrick tells her and she shakes her head. One of the men leans over and nuzzles her neck, making her squeal and she lets go of the other man’s dick.

  “Liv, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” I call out to her over the music. She nods and I can see she is looking a little shocked.

  “Okay, fellas, we might take a break.” Derrick pulls the music and the gyrating men slow their thrusts. “I think we could do with some more drinks,” he tells the topless waiters. They understand their duties and quickly make their way back to the bar. “You did so well,” Derrick tells Olivia while she buries her face in her hands.

  “His dick was so thick, that can’t be real,” she gasps, finally looking at us all. We burst out laughing. “What?” she looks at us all confused.

  “I think you have definitely been with the wrong men then,” Camryn adds which makes Olivia groan.

  “I am such a reject.”

  “Hey, no, remember I was married for ten years before I hooked up with Evan, I had such self-doubt because I hadn't been with that many people, but let me tell you, when the sex is that good, it doesn’t matter how experienced you are, human instinct takes over and you just go with the flow,” Sienna tells Olivia.

  “Well we all know I was a slut before hooking up with Christian, so I have no advice.”

  “Same here, babe, before Harris,” Camryn adds, we high five each other.

  “Thanks, guys. I’m sorry to have kind of crashed your bachelorette party like this, Ness.”

  “Hey, I am most definitely not touching thick, stripper dick, so someone should be enjoying it.”

  We are back from our amazing weekend in Monaco, and all the craziness of the bachelor and bachelorette parties are over. Thankfully Christian behaved himself, even though there were some strippers and naked women running around. I guess it was no diffident than the three naked waiters in our suite.

  Today is an exciting day as we get to meet our little nugget. Our parents are still here and are at home eagerly waiting for the first pictures of their grandbaby.

  “I am so nervous.” I hold Christian’s hand as we wait in the doc
tor’s office. Today is the first day that we get to check out our baby and I just hope nothing is wrong. Morning sickness has kicked in like the bitch that she is, making me throw up each time I brush my teeth, which defeats the purpose of cleaning my teeth.

  “Everything is going to be okay with our little nugget, okay,” Christian reassures me. I know it is, but it’s still kind of scary, I just hope the baby is healthy.

  “Vanessa Taylor,” the doctor calls my name and we follow her from the waiting room to her office.

  “Welcome, I’m Doctor Robyn Phillips and I will be your obstetrician for this pregnancy.” The perky blonde smiles at me as my eyes look around the room at all the smiling photos of babies that she has delivered and all her awards. I also give her extra points for not ogling my husband like the receptionist did. She pretty much ignores him within reason. “Now, today we want to check the baby’s heartbeat and double check how far along you are.” She points to a second room where a bed is situated with an ultrasound machine. “This is exciting, hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time.” She smiles, ushering us into the room. “Please jump up on the bed, pull your top up and open up your jeans so I can see your belly.”

  I lay back and unbutton my jeans. Note to self, wear more accessible clothing rather than my favorite skinny jeans, which if I’m honest don’t really fit me like they used to. “Sorry this is going to be cold,” she says as she squirts some jelly onto the machine and places it onto my belly. Instantly, the machine’s screen lights up and the heartbeat can be heard straight away. She moves the scanner around my belly looking at different aspects of the baby. “Oh, my,” she gasps. Christian and I flinch.

  “What is it, Doc?” I can hear the concern in Christian’s voice.

  “There is a second baby, right behind this one.” She points to the two little jelly beans on the screen. Um, what did she just say?

  “There’s two?” I squeak out.


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