Brock: A Bad Boy Romance

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Brock: A Bad Boy Romance Page 63

by Amy Kyle

  “I don’t want to do this, but I need to excuse myself. I see somebody that I need to talk to, even though I really don’t want to. Stay here and enjoy the rest of your dessert. Don’t worry your head about anything. I’m sure that I can handle the situation.” Royce made it sound like a business transaction, but it went beyond that. The man sitting at the bar should’ve been a thousand miles away, but he was right now sitting and drinking what looked like a cosmopolitan. “I wouldn’t do this, unless it was absolutely necessary. I just want to make that perfectly clear. I don’t want you ditching me out the window of the bathroom or the exit at the back of the building. I want you to stay here.” He got up without hearing her response and made his way over to the man.

  Nicole craned her neck to see what was going on and why he seemed, so troubled. She wanted to be there for some kind of support, but it didn’t look like he wanted her to stand by his side. She could barely make out Royce through the crowd and then he vanished like he wasn’t even there in the first place. She got the sense of abandonment and it brought to mind a painful memory that had her thinking that she had done something wrong. Leaving that life was not the only thing that she left behind. There was a man.” I think that I was ashamed of who I was. I did love Gregory, but what I saw in his eyes was not something that I wanted to live with for the rest of my life. I’d made a mistake by making things personal. I’d taken money from him and his family and they lost everything in the one day that I didn’t predict what was going to happen. I convinced myself that I made a mistake because I was too personally involved.”

  Royce got over to the bar and had his hand on the man’s trench coat to turn around to face him. He didn’t want to do this, but it didn’t look like he was going to have any other choice. He swiveled him in his direction, but the face that greeted him was not the one that he was expecting.

  “Let me guess, you’re here to give me $1,000,000.” Royce found that to be a strange thing for him to say and decided to question him further on that particular statement.

  “Would you and like to elaborate on what you mean by that?” He breathed a sigh of relief to see that he was only imagining things. He was starting to see his face everywhere again. He thought that he was over that, but it was like this deep seated memory that he couldn’t shake.

  “This man gave me his barstool and even his trench coat. I found about $300 in the pocket and I guess I would consider this to be my lucky day.” Michael was the crown prosecutor. He had been invited to this opening by the mayor of the city. He didn’t want to come. He was never comfortable in these situations. He knew that if he wanted to jump on the political bandwagon that he was going to have to learn to be amongst the people.

  Royce got this sinking feeling. He thought that he was imagining things, but now the truth was right there. He looked around frantically to see where this man had gone, but there was no sign of him anywhere. The letter and now his presence were causing him to think that the life that he had known had come to its inevitable end.

  “I can see why you would think that, but maybe you can tell me more about him. What he sounded like and any other distinguishing things that might give me an idea of who that might be.” He was grasping at straws and it felt like he was flailing in water and going under every few seconds with no way to breathe.

  “No way. He said that somebody would come over and ask me about him. He told me that you should hold onto that letter, because that is the only thing that you’re going to have at the end of this. That was kind of weird, but I would say from the look on your face that you know exactly what he’s talking about. If you’re in any trouble, I’m sure that I could help you with the resources in my office.” Michael was always after the next hard luck case, but he didn’t think that Mr. Hamilton would be that hard luck case. He probably wiped his ass with $100 bill every night before going to bed. He could imagine that his mattress was covered in money and that he lay amongst his fortune with a smile on his face.

  “I think that it’s time to get back to my date. If I am in need of your help, I’ll be sure to reach out, but I wouldn’t hold your breath.” Royce didn’t like that he could show up at a moment’s notice. He was no longer that dirty little secret. He was sickened that he allowed it to go this far. It was like he was dealing with the devil himself.

  “I can tell on your face that things didn’t go exactly as you predicted. Is this something that you need to tell me, or are you still under the impression that I have no idea what makes you tick? I’ve known that there is something holding you back from letting go all evening. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that it was a matter of life and death.” “I want him to lay his head on my lap and tell me all those things that keep him up at night. I have no doubt that he has enemies that are willing to push back like animals to take what is his. He will fight with every breath that he has left. I really do feel like I have found my best friend and lover rolled up into one nice neat little package. I just wish that he could open up. I know that he doesn’t want tell me because it hurts, but I’m here to listen and I would never look at him differently.”

  “I told you in the limo that I was ready to tell you, but I’m not sure how to say the words. I have only a handful of words and all of them are in response to the breathtaking beauty that has walked into my life. I told you not to worry about me. I don’t need anybody’s help. I have everything well in hand.” Royce felt this crushing

  blow and the only way that he was going to rid himself of those thoughts was to concentrate on something more pleasing.

  “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I’m willing to take away your pain. Can you let me do that for the night? Put yourself in my hands and I will not disappoint you. You may not want to talk about it, but you need someplace to go other than to dwell on something that you can’t possibly do anything about tonight. Let me take your body and give you a memory that can overshadow the one that you are allowing to have that power over you.” “He thinks that he’s hiding something from me, but I can see the angst and worry written on his face. I sometimes forget that there’s no reason to pity him. We all have our own regrets. Some are bigger than others. I want him to give me those worries. He’s allowing it to chew him up inside.”

  Chapter 3

  “I do believe that you are singing my song. This meal has been an eye opening experience. The investment that I have in this place is something that is going to pay off in big dividends. You are right and we should end this evening with a bang. I told you earlier that I was going to make you mine and that’s a promise that I am going to keep.” Royce paid for the meal before hand and they walked out hand in hand back to the white limousine parked at the curb. “I don’t want to be presumptuous, but do you think that we can finish what we started in the limo? I don’t want you to feel like you are a slut, but I do think that you want to be a dirty girl.” He touched her cheek and saw that he was causing her to shiver and it wasn’t from the cold or the chill in the air.

  “I would love to tell you to go to hell, but I think we both know that it would only be some kind of defense mechanism. I think you know what my answer is going to be, but let me help you by responding with an action of my own.” She was behind the door and with an impish little grin on our face; she slipped her panties off from underneath the dress. She handed the warm garment to Royce and saw his eyes light up like he was given a gift that he would cherish for the rest of his life. “The wetness in the center should tell you everything that you need to know. I’ve been stewing in my own juices for the last hour wanting nothing more than to contain a certain part of your anatomy in my mouth.” “I know that my words are making him hot under the collar. I can see that he’s pulling at his tuxedo tie. He’s not thinking of anything other than me and that’s exactly the way that I want it.”

  “I can’t believe that you just did that. I’m holding your soiled underwear in my hands. I can feel the heat emanating from within and I know that it was pressed up against
that sweet little mound of yours. If I could get away with it, I would stuff them in my mouth, but I know that would be tantamount to career suicide. I think you know that I’m a private person. I don’t really like people to know my business. I work behind the scenes. The only thing that people really know about me is my name. I am scared to face my fears, but nobody told me that you would be here.” Royce motioned for her to get inside and noticed that she bent over to give him the full moon. He saw the glimpse of her slippery lips and was almost compelled to get down on his knees and stick his tongue deep inside her.

  “I know that I’m making this hard and you.” To prove her point, she outstretched her red heel and touched the crotch of his pants. He saw the formidable bulging presence. She remembered how easily she was able to consume him and had every desire to do it again. She was about to sit down, but his hands were right there to keep her in exactly the same position. She had crawled into the inside of the limo on her hands and knees. She looked back to see him smiling. It gave her a jolt of excitement to see people walking by and having no idea what was occurring within. “I love the look in his eyes and having me in this position is exactly what he needs. He’s not the only one that is being bad and unpredictable. It’s not something of my natural nature. Losing myself like this is like a fairy tale that I never thought was possible. I look at these people walking by and it makes me smile to think that they are completely oblivious. If I were to call out his name in passion, they would most likely stop and try to peer through the window to see what was going on.”

  “I can’t get enough of your body and that ass is a marvel that needs to be properly appreciated. I have a very distinctive eye for art. You would make the perfect subject for some up and coming talent that needs a muse. I can get you in touch with a few of

  these creative masters. To see you captured on the canvas looking so lovely and innocent would be a dream come true for me. I wish that I had that creative side to myself, but I’ve never been able to draw much more than stick figures.” Royce lifted up her dress and saw the naked cheeks waiting for his eager and wanton ways to take advantage of her.

  What he said confused Nicole. She had read somewhere that Royce Hamilton was a man of many faces. He was a businessman, but he also prided himself on finding those creative outlets. When she read that he liked to paint it made her think that he was a well accomplished man with a lot to offer. She actually reached out, but never got anything back from her queries. She had no idea what he looked like, but his name was synonymous for bringing companies back from the brink of devastation. He was ruthless, but caring and that was a strange combination to have in a man quite like him.

  “Your hand on my ass makes me yearn for something more and I think you know that. You know that you’ve got me. I hope that you haven’t got me all wrong. I’m not looking to become some sort of gold digger. I’m not going to say that I don’t like the way that you treat me, because I don’t think that I could do that with a straight face.” “I can feel his lips on my ass and his tongue trailing down the center to tickle at my rosebud. I’ve never had a man do that before and I’m not sure that I should think that it’s disgusting or the most erotic thing that I’ve ever felt in my life. I’m going with the latter. It just feels too damn good for me to think of it as wrong somehow.”

  Nicole didn’t understand why a man like him would deny his creative side. Was he embarrassed by showing his softer side, or was there something else going on here that she didn’t know about? She didn’t have much time to open up that can of worms. His tongue had insinuated itself into her darkest recesses. Her body opened up and allowed him to find a way in. Her hole welcomed the intrusion and tried to literally rip his tongue out by the root.

  Royce wasn’t expecting to give her this rim job, but his tongue seemed to be drawn to that hole. He had set his sights on the petals of her sex, but her hidden hole was almost whispering to him to give it the kind of attention that the rest of her body was craving at this very moment. He stabbed her back and forth and enjoyed the way that she moaned and bit into her tongue to prevent any kind of exclamation of pleasure.

  Nicole was bent over and then she collapsed with her head now pressed into the softness of the leather. Her teeth bit into it and her fingernails scratched like that of an animal. Her entire body vibrated with a certain sexual energy that could only be accomplished by that fat tongue in her ass. She found herself pushing up against him and enjoying the deep exploration of his tongue. She could hear the wet sound and the obscene nature of what he was doing right here in a semi public place was not lost on her. “This man really does think outside of the box when it comes to sex. I think I just had my first anal induced orgasm and it was something that I don’t think that I ever want to be without again. It’s different than others that I’ve had, but it’s the kind of pleasure that all women should experience more than one time in their life.”

  Royce had fished out his cock and was now stroking it in rhythm to what he was doing to her with his tongue. He noticed that her other hole was already showing its excitement from being tongue fucked in the back passage. He rubbed the wetness into those lips and that shiny surface was begging for him to slam it with the meaty goodness between his legs. He was anxious to do that, but he was also consciously aware that he wanted her to be practically begging for it. Her moans were a delight and the perfect after dinner treat from the meal that they had just consumed.

  “I can’t take it…anymore. You better fuck me, or I’m going to open up that window and call for the first available man to fill that hole.” She didn’t mean a word of it, but it sounded nasty and was the perfect complement to his tongue deep inside her ass. “I always thought that this was gross, but maybe I was fooling myself into thinking something that wasn’t true. I need this. This had pretty much made me a slave to my own body. I do wonder what he would do if I was to try the same thing and maybe I will find out shortly one way or the other. I know that he won’t be able to keep his cock away for me. He heard what I said and that is going to fuel him into action. It’s going to ignite that competition to give me something that no man can.”

  “I love the way that you become wild and crazy. It’s a nice contrast to the delicate words that come from your lips like fine wine on a summer’s afternoon. I am going to fuck you, but I’m going to do it on my time and not yours. You have begged for it, but what I haven’t seen is that need in your eyes. Show me that and I will be glad to give you what you want.” He saw her turn with mouth wide open and gasped out loud at the realization of what she was going to do. He had his hands on either side of the limo and watched with bated breath to see how she was going to outdo herself.

  Nicole pulled down his hot shaft towards her mouth. She breathed deeply over the top and saw it jerk in response. She opened her mouth and moved closer, but then denied him what he was begging with his eyes for. She had her hand around him and there was no slack in the hardness that welcomed her. She squeezed and this of course got a little bit of the reward that would come even quicker with the administration of her mouth. “He does like to push the envelope. I don’t think that I would feel this way with any other man, but he’s not like any other man. He’s something different and there’s no way that I can possibly let him go without holding onto him with everything that I have. Royce is confident, but there’s also a glimmer of someone that is hiding something. I know that it has something do with the letter, but I’m not going to make the mistake of trying to look at it without his permission. He already caught me and I only got a brief peek at the words. I got something about the past…paying for it…and not getting away with something. God damn…that cock looks very appetizing and the creamy center is exactly the perfect way to put the finishing touches on a meal fit for a queen.

  “You can’t do this to me, Nicole. You have your hand on me and your mouth is this close to making it very difficult not to just grab your hair and take what I want. You’ve already experience that for yourself and you’r
e this close to finding out that I’m not a man to be trifled with.” Royce could not buy this kind of feeling. Prostitutes give you what you want, but Nicole was doing everything that she could to let that anticipation grow until there was only one thing left to do. “I think that I’ve already begged you with my eyes. A little bit at a time, you have shown me that I don’t have to hide who I am. You’re burning in my heart and in my loins and that is a combination that is deadly in the right hands.”

  “I don’t think that my words will fall flat when I tell you that it’s going to be worth it to wait just a little bit longer. I felt like I was worthless and that no man could love me. I was too caught up in my work that I never allowed anybody to get close. There was only one that was persistent. He found out that I was ready to pack my bags at a moment’s notice. I digress and I do believe that I have something here that demands a little extra something for waiting patiently.” “I know that he can’t take much more. I can see that his cock and balls are basically mine to be had. I’m not going to give him much, but it’s going to be enough to make that chain of repression shatter into a million pieces around my neck.”

  “I want to make believe that you’ve never been hurt before, but I see that pain in your eyes. I want to give you a reason not to be lonely. I thought that I could never feel a thing, but then you showed me that I wasn’t, as numb as I thought I was. I don’t need just your body, but right now all I need is your body.” Royce believed that it was better to be loved than to be left to climb the mango tree with his two hands to bring him the kind of pleasure that he was looking for. There was nothing wrong with starting over and that regret of a time that was lost had come back even stronger with the letter. Everybody needs affection and her eyes were definitely pointing him in the right direction. He really did believe that he could find happiness in her arms, but he was also vividly aware that it could be taken away. He would fight like his life depended on it and it very much might depend on it.


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