Forgiveness and Second Chances

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Forgiveness and Second Chances Page 7

by Ancelli

  “No man has the right to put his hands on a woman,” he said, gazing at her. “At least not in a violent way.”

  He just gazed at her, and slowly brought his hand to a lock of her hair and started rubbing it between his fingers. “I missed this,” he whispered, moving forward.

  She picked up the goblet and took another sip, gazing into his eyes. “I missed our friendship.”

  “Is that all you missed?” he asked, still touching her hair.

  She put down the glass. “I made so many mistakes. If only I could do things over.”

  “We both made mistakes. Mistakes we are trying to make right.”

  She stared at the last bit of wine. “What if it’s too late?”

  “It’s never too late….” He cupped her face.

  She leaned in and their lips finally met, opening for each other, after almost eleven years apart. It felt like slow motion. His entire body went numb with arousal. As if trying to make up for all the lost time, his tongue took control of hers, making love to her mouth, tasting her wine.

  No kiss had ever made her feel so wanted or desired. His tongue was talented, leading her to do anything it commanded. A moan escaped her as she placed her fingertips in his silky, brown hair.

  His hands made their way around her waist, pulling her closer before he backed away, trying to catch his breath. He was about to kiss her again when she put her hands on his chest. “I think I should leave,” she sighed, out of breath.

  He gave her a soft, lingering kiss and released her. “You’re right.”

  They went to the living room and Malanie grabbed her purse. Jeremy followed her to the front door and opened it. “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”


  “Would you be my date to the Navy Ball?”


  “Next month. October 13th.”

  She gazed at him, smiling. “Yes, I would love to.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Good morning, Ace Accounting. This is Malanie Johnson. How can I help you?”

  “Don’t hang up, it’s Carmen. I need to apologize.” Malanie kept silent. “Can we meet for lunch?”

  “Fine, I’ll meet you at the small Chinese restaurant on Phillips Road. But I have to go. I’m very busy right now. Twelve thirty?”

  “I’ll see you there.” She hung up.

  Malanie just stared at the phone. What is she up to now?


  Malanie chose that specific restaurant because she knew Jeremy usually went there for lunch. She sat near the exit, waiting for Carmen to make her grand entrance.

  Something was up. She had a bad feeling, as she sat sipping on her glass of lemonade.

  Carmen came in with a big grin on her face. “You came. I thought you would stand me up.” She sat in front of Malanie, looking around.

  “I told you I would.” She looked at her former friend suspiciously.

  “Malanie, I’m so sorry for the things I said to you. I didn’t mean it. I know Luis needs help and I told him.”

  “He does needs help, but that’s not my problem anymore.”

  “I always thought you could fix him.”

  “Fix him, Carmen? He is not a machine. He needs professional help. Maybe something happened to him as a child or he is mimicking what he saw. Therapy has helped me a lot. It might help him too.”

  Jeremy, Derrick, and Briana entered the restaurant. Malanie could overhear they were talking about work. Jeremy’s gaze met hers and she smiled.

  Carmen looked over to where she was smiling. “Damn, who’s that?”

  Jeremy waved, and continued past with the waitress.

  Carmen followed him with her eyes, then focused back on her. “I love men in uniform.”

  “That’s Jeremy.”

  “Naw….” She looked over at his table. “He sure has grown up to a fine specimen.”

  Malanie cleared her throat. “I thought you didn’t like him?”

  “That was then, but now….”

  She didn’t like how Carmen was gawking at Jeremy. “So, what have you been up to lately?”

  “Nothing much. I broke up with Devin, and that’s why I’m back. I need to find someone better, someone that can take care of me,” she said, taking a glance over at Jeremy again.

  “You need to get a job, and stop using men.”

  “Look at me.” She touched her body. “They use me as much as I use them. Why shouldn’t I collect?”

  “Carmen, you give women like me a bad name.”

  “Oh, hush…you’re just jealous.”

  “Of what?”

  “Me, my body….”

  She really believed it. Malanie started laughing. “Please, I’m my own woman. I don’t depend on any man to give me what I want or need. But believe me, when I’m ready, I’ll find a strong man who can handle me.”

  “The way my cousin did?”

  “No, Carmen! A man that can handle me without laying his hands on me.” At that moment she thought of Jeremy.

  “Fuck,” Carmen said, looking outside.

  “What?” She turned too.

  “Luis is here, and before you ask me, I didn’t invite him. I bet he followed me,” Carmen said, pissed off, getting up.

  “Sit down.” She tugged on her arm. “I can handle him. He can’t hurt me anymore.” She looked up as Luis entered the restaurant.

  He strolled over to their table and sat without being invited. “Hi, Carmen. Hey, baby.”

  “What are you doing here?” Carmen asked.

  “I wanted to see Malanie, since she banned me from her home, and I don’t want to impose on her at work.” He gazed at Malanie. “I miss you.”

  She didn’t answer, feeling tense. She was about to lose her composure. This man in front of her had the nerve to talk to her after all he’d done. Don’t lose it. Remain calm. He can’t hurt you.

  Malanie smiled, giving him hope, until she said, “Well, I haven’t missed you.” She glared at him without even blinking.

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “I meant what I said. I’ve moved on, and I’m finally happy again. You tried to break my spirit, but it didn’t work. You’re just a coward, trying to prey on the weak. Guess what? I’m not weak anymore.” Despite the direct words, her hands shook, and her left eye started twitching.

  “I promise I’ll get help. I love you.” He tried to grab hold of her hands.

  On automatic, she pulled them away. “I don’t love you,” she said sternly.

  “Don’t say that!” He raised his voice. “Enough is enough, Malanie. You’ve been away too long.”

  “You’re right. It’s been over seven months since I broke up with you and you still don’t get it. It’s over between you and me. I’m not in love with you.”


  As soon as Jeremy saw Luis come in, his jaw clenched. He was about to stand up when Derrick grabbed his arm. “Don’t.”

  “That’s the asshole that beat her up.”

  “She’s not alone. If she needs you, she’s got us. We’ll be right here.”

  Jeremy sat back down, gawking over at her table. “If he touches her….”

  “What Jeremy? What?” Briana asked, upset. “Is she worth you going to Captain’s mast?”

  Jeremy gave Briana his attention. “Yes, she is worth it.”

  With that, she kept silent and finished eating. His appetite gone, he pushed his meal away and glared at her table, waiting for her ex to make a move.

  He could tell she was about to fall apart. Her eye was twitching and even from across the room, he could see her hands shaking. “She needs me.”

  “Fuck, Jeremy, you make me sick. She doesn’t need you.” Briana stood and stormed out of the restaurant.

  “What the fuck was that about?”

  “I don’t know and I don’t care. Check out her hands.”

  Derrick looked over. “Jeremy, she might need to handle this on her own. This is a part of the healing process.”
He thought for a second. “When I was finally face to face with my abuser, I felt like I was going to fall apart, but I kept telling myself I needed it for closure. I told him how I felt about everything he did to me. I finally realized it wasn’t my fault. He was to blame, not me.” Derrick had been physically abused as a child, by his mother’s boyfriend. “We are right here. If he lifts a finger toward her, I personally will take care of him.”

  “You’re right.”

  “You’re very possessive of Malanie. Are you falling for her?”

  “I think I never fell out.”


  Luis stood up and leaned near Malanie’s face, but Carmen pulled his arm. “I swear, if you touch her—”

  He snatched her hands off his arm, and Malanie stood up to him. “I’m not afraid of you, so give me your best shot,” she yelled.

  “You’re going to regret talking to me like you just did. You never knew when to shut up.”

  She smiled. He took a step closer to her, balling his fist.

  Before Jeremy could get up, Derrick was already out of his seat, rushing over. He pushed Luis out of Malanie’s face and turned to her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes…” she whispered.

  Jeremy was right behind him. “I told you to keep away from her.”

  Carmen grabbed Luis’s arm and pulled him away. “Come on. You’re already on thin ice.”

  “You’ll regret this,” he yelled.

  “Sorry, Malanie,” Carmen said, leaving the restaurant.

  When Jeremy made sure Luis was gone, he rushed over to Malanie, and grabbed her in his large arms. Caressing her head, he kissed the top of her hair. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m finally okay,” she whispered.

  He pulled away to look into her in her eyes. “I’m proud of you.”

  “Therapy does work.” She laughed, like nothing had happened. “Derrick, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. If something would’ve happened to you, Stefanie would kill me.”

  “I’ll walk you to your car. We need to get back to work,” Jeremy said, walking her out.

  They made sure Luis wasn’t around and waited until she left the parking lot. They even took the precaution of following her to her building.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jeremy couldn’t stop thinking of Malanie and the satisfaction in her eyes when she’d stood up to Luis.

  His phone rang, and he picked it up.

  “Daddy!” Alanie sang happily.

  “Yes, princess?” he sang back, laughing.

  “I got an A in my math class. Yeah….”

  He was a little suspicious, because Alanie usually made straight As. “I’m so proud of you!”

  “Thanks to mom. She said if I did better, she would get me a new iPad.”

  “She did?”

  “I wanted to give you the good news. I’m going to call her now. Oh, Daddy, remember I’m going to the movies with Briana! I love you! Bye.” She didn’t even wait for him to answer or say goodbye.

  After a while, his phone rang again.

  “She got an A. I’m so freaking proud of her,” Malanie said, all excited with a high-pitched voice. “Why are you laughing?”

  “Because she got you.” He continued to laugh.


  “Alanie is a straight-A student.”

  “But she told me she got a C on her last test and needed help.”

  “Yes, she did, but once you explained it, she got it. She played you!”

  She laughed. “I guess she did, but I’m still proud of her.”

  “She’s a clever little girl.”

  “Just like her daddy.”

  “Where’s her iPad?”

  “In my car. I already bought it, because I had faith in her.”

  He got serious. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For making her smile, and for being you.”


  Alanie came through the front door and was headed straight to her room, with her head down. Jeremy stepped in front of her. “Hey, how was the movie?”

  She’d attended the movies with Briana, who’d formed a bond together before he’d crossed the line and slept with her. He didn’t want to interfere with their relationship, even though Malanie had come back, because Briana had always been kind and loving toward his daughter. She’d used to take her shopping, movies, and the salon, helping him out with women stuff. Things he didn’t understand. But that was before Malanie had come back into their life.

  “I guess okay. Can I please go to my room?”

  He could hear the sadness in her voice. “Sugar, what’s wrong?”

  She looked up at him, her eyes glistering with tears. “Nothing,” she said as she passed by him, entering her room.

  He heard her lock the door. He knocked. “Princess, talk to me.” There was no answer. “Alanie, you know we don’t lock doors in this house.” He heard her get up and unlock the door. He turned the knob. She sat on her bed with her iPad in her hand, looking at a picture of herself with her mother.

  He went over and took the device out of her hands. “Talk to me. You know you can talk to me about anything.”

  Her tears rolled down her beautiful, cinnamon face. “Why did mom really leave me?”

  He wiped her tears. “I told you.” Jeremy sat next to her. “Where is this coming from? Your mom has been back for months now.”

  “Did you tell me the truth?”

  “Alanie, I will never lie to you. What happened?”

  “Ms. Briana said mom didn’t love me and that’s why she abandoned me. I was a mistake. She only came back because of you.” Her lips quivered.

  Jeremy could feel the anger boiling up inside of him. His ears started to burn. What kind of person would say such hurtful things to a child? “Alanie, I have never lied to you about your mother. She loves you, and that’s why she did what she did. We’ve made lots of mistakes, and we are really trying to make them right, but one thing’s for sure: we love you.” He pulled her into his arms, hugging her. “I love you.”

  “But Ms. Briana—”

  “Ms. Briana nothing. Do you think I would let anyone hurt you, even your mother?”

  She shook her head.

  He stared into her eyes. “What do you think of your mom?”

  Her mouth curled into a big smile, and her eyes sparkled. “I think she’s awesome. Funny! She makes me laugh all the time.” She giggled. “She helps me with my homework. Mom goes to all my games and fights for me.” The giggle turned in to a chuckle. “Like the time she got in my coach’s face for not letting me play.” Alanie stared at him. “She calls me every day to check up on me.”

  “So does that sound like a mom that doesn’t loves you?”


  “Don’t ever let anyone make you feel what you don’t want to. Your mother went through a lot. Most people don’t know, and that’s because its none of their business, only ours.”

  “Can you tell me?” She looked up with those big brown eyes he loved so much.

  He held her small hands and told her as much as he thought she should know. He mentioned what her mom had gone through, from her being homeless, to bad people trying to take her away, and to Malanie being sick. At the end of the story, Alanie was crying, but this time for her mother.

  “She does love me….”


  The next morning Jeremy stormed into Briana’s office.

  “Lt. Combs,” he said as she looked up at him. “From this day forward, keep away from my daughter.”

  Briana, looked up turning red as a tomato. “Why?”

  “You have no right telling Alanie, her mother doesn’t love her.” He tried really hard to control his anger, but Alanie was his world and when she hurt, watch out to the person who’d caused it.

  “It just slipped out. I didn’t mean to tell her.”

  “You didn’t mean to break a little girl’s heart!” he yelled.

  “She wa
s praising her, and I snapped. I tried to take it back but it was too late. The words had left my mouth.”

  “Why shouldn’t she praise her mom? She’s an amazing woman who overcame so much.”

  “She abandoned her!”

  “You don’t know half the story.”

  “I’m the one that was there for you and her.”

  “Briana, we have always been just friends, and I’m very thankful for your help with Alanie, but you still didn’t have the right to tell her all those lies. You are not her mother. Malanie is.”

  “Now you’re pushing me away because she’s back.”

  “I’m not pushing you away. We are still friends. Just please stay away from Alanie.”

  “But I love her and you. I’m in love with you,” she said amid unshed tears.

  There it is. She finally admitted it to me. “If I knew that’s how you felt, I would’ve told you a long time ago that it would never be. Even if Malanie weren’t back, we could’ve never been. We are not compatible.” He could see the hurt in her eyes. Her lips got thinner.

  “But you’re compatible with her? He didn’t answer. “So what now?”

  “We’re just friends. Nothing more.” He turned and left.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The night of the Navy Ball

  When Malanie opened her door, she took Jeremy’s breath away. “Wow, you look gorgeous,” he said, taking her hand and kissing it. Malanie wore an elegant, long black halter top silky gown with high black sandals. He was amazed at how beautiful she looked. He’d never seen her hair straightened. The diamond studs and her tennis bracelet sparkled on her mocha skin. “Lanie, you’re beautiful.”

  She smiled. “You’re just being nice. I know I need to lose some weight.” She rubbed her thighs and ass.

  “I love your curves just the way they are.” He stepped into her home, making sure he rubbed against her ass, and whispered in her ear. “You look amazing.”


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