Catullus' Bedspread

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Catullus' Bedspread Page 26

by Daisy Dunn

  struggles to understand castration 171–3

  survival of his poems 241–3

  told he is a ‘joke’ by a ‘filthy slut’ 44

  translates a Greek poem into Latin 124

  turns his attention to the Gallic War and Mamurra 211–21

  verses on Caesar 92

  wars and politics 8–12

  wealth of 42–3

  wedding verse 100–4

  as writer of mimes 271–2

  writes about the old centre of Rome 207–8

  writes disgustedly of diseases spread between men and women 83

  writes poems for Hortalus and Manlius 123–4, 125, 126–7

  writes several poems about Mamurra 212–15

  Catullus, Valerius 241

  Catulus, Quintus Lutatius 30, 90, 192, 278

  Caucasus mountains 12, 151–2, 286

  Chalcedon 137

  Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (Byron) 135

  Chronica (Cornelius Nepos) 42


  alludes to Euphorion 284

  believes Clodia to be related to Claudia Quinta 288

  comment on the Bona Dea 34

  comment on Catullus and his friends 50, 55, 278

  comment on Memmius 133

  comment on Metellus Celer 26, 274

  concerned at fate of Epicurus former house and garden 133–4

  defends Publius Sestius 229

  defends Vatinius at his trial 230–1, 232

  delivers speech in defence of Caelius Rufus 195, 198, 199

  dislike of Baiae 182

  dislike of Clodius 64–5, 190

  dislike of Piso 185–6

  in exile 115–17, 190–2

  family background 36

  fondness for Cato the Younger 48

  as friend of Caelius Rufus 108

  gives evidence against Clodius Pulcher 36

  as great orator 5

  love of grandiloquence 52

  and the murder of Dio 290

  murder of 240

  orders execution of rogue senators 20

  praised by Catullus 231

  praises Caesar’s prose style 212

  prejudice against Clodia 58, 182, 198, 199–200

  recall from exile 192, 224, 228

  refuses to leave Rome 115

  reliance on hearsay to add colour to orations 75

  remarks on good health of Metellus Celer 97

  residence in Rome 30

  treatment of Catilinarian conspirators 20, 115

  tries to explain earthquakes 193

  vetoed from making parting address 274

  Cilicia 34, 204, 273

  Cimbri 273

  Cinna, Gaius Helvius 283

  accompanies Catullus to Bithynia 132, 134

  friendship with Caesar 220

  friendship with Catullus 47, 175

  murder of 239

  poetic skills 55, 147–8, 161

  political ambitions 148–9

  unable to profit from Bithynia 140–1

  Cisalpine Gaul 3, 20, 26, 47, 97, 205, 242, 273, 274

  see also Gaul, Gauls; Transalpine Gaul

  Claudia Quinta 288

  Claudius dynasty 31

  Cleïs 32

  Clitumnus 241

  Clodia see Metelli, Clodia (or ‘Lesbia’) (née Pulchra)

  Clodii Pulchri 76, 171, 193, 200

  Colchis 12, 145, 152, 273

  College of Augurs 25

  concubines 45

  Conon 125

  Corinna 275, 279

  Cornelia Fausta 132

  Cornelia (wife of Caesar) 11, 33

  Cornelius Nepos 41–3, 217

  Cornificia 58–9, 279

  Cornificius, Quintus 279

  Corsica 3

  Cos 53

  courtesans 78–9

  Crassus, Marcus Licinius 3, 10, 11, 25–6

  agrees to demotion of Clodius 113

  death of 237

  granted five year command in Syria 205, 227–8

  as guardian to Caelius Rufus 108

  lends Caesar money for Further Spain venture 37

  Parthian expeditions 234

  strained relationship with Caesar and Pompey 204–5

  supports Caelius Rufus at his trial 198, 200

  supports Caesar in his bid for consulship 93

  underestimates Clodius Pulcher 190

  Cremona 74

  Crete 134–5, 171

  Cybele 170–1, 194

  Cyclades 287

  Cyprus 115, 148, 204

  Cyrene 53, 68, 75, 125

  Cytoris 176

  Dacian people 97

  Daedalus 135

  Darius III 176

  De Rerum Natura (Lucretius) 133, 134

  Delos 135, 177

  Diana (Publius Valerius Cato) 278

  Dido 161

  Dio 198, 273, 290

  disabilities 60, 279

  Dolabella, Publius Cornelius 280

  Domitian, Emperor 241

  Drusus, Saturninus 283

  Dyrrachium (Durrës in Albania) 117

  Egnatius 186, 195, 207, 289

  Egypt 124, 233, 234

  Ennius 50, 155, 163, 199

  Ephesus 135

  Epicurus 133

  Equicola, Mario 295

  Ethiopia 281

  Etruscans 17, 18, 181, 274

  Euphorion 278, 284

  Fabullus 185, 186, 187, 289

  Falernian wine 40, 277

  Flavius 81–2

  Fordyce, C. J. 51

  Formiae 212, 215, 240

  France 3, 117, 242

  Fulvia (wife of Clodius Pulcher) 112, 240

  Furius see Bibaculus, Marcus Furius

  Further Spain 36–7, 89, 143, 227

  Gabinius, Aulus 114

  Gallic War 17, 211, 216, 217–18

  Gallic War (Caesar) 211, 216

  Ganymede 139

  garum (fish sauce) 142–3, 285

  Gaul, Gauls 17, 34, 43, 47, 132, 214, 217, 228, 231, 234

  see also Cisalpine Gaul; Transalpine Gaul

  Gellius see Publicola, Lucius Gellius

  Geneva 117

  Genoa 273

  Georgia 9, 12, 273

  Germanic tribes 117, 217

  Gracchus, Gaius 114–15, 274

  Gracchus, Tiberius 114

  Greece, Greeks 4, 75, 78–9, 132

  Greek poets 53, 109, 146

  Hannibal 170, 171

  Hecale (Callimachus) 54

  Hellespont 136, 142, 164

  Helvetii 117

  Heracleia 9

  Heracles 177, 287

  Herakles, Leukios Mustios 286

  Herodotus 274

  Hispo, Publius Terentius 140, 285

  Hispulla 241, 294

  Histories (Pollio) 289

  Homer 3, 50, 99, 129, 138, 146, 150, 164, 230, 279

  Horace 5, 156, 183, 187, 211, 275

  Hortalus, Quintus Hortensius 123–4, 125

  Iberia 273

  Iliad (Homer) 129, 146

  Illyricum 97, 132

  In Praise of Baldness (Synesius of Cyrene) 46

  In Praise of Hair (Dio Chrysostom) 46

  India 228, 234

  Io 149

  Iolcus (Volos) 151

  Ionian Sea 228

  Ipsitilla 69

  Isis 177

  Italy, Italians 3, 141, 238

  Izmir (Smyrna) 170, 274, 286

  Jason and the Argonauts 4, 8, 12, 53, 151–65, 200

  Judaea 273

  Julia (daughter of Caesar) 94, 230, 232–3

  Jupiter 134, 152, 155, 157–8, 205

  Juvenal 6, 241, 294

  Juventius 85, 86–7

  Kent 216

  Laevius 5, 278, 289

  Lake Garda (Benacus) 2, 13, 17, 178, 182, 236

  Lampsacus 136

  Laocoön 243

  Laodamia, myth of 67, 129

  Larisa 151

  Lepidus, Marcus Aemilius 240

bia see Metelli, Clodia

  Lesbos 32, 136, 171, 177, 206

  Lesser Armenia 9

  Libya 53, 235

  Licinius see Calvus (Gaius Licinius Calvus Macer)

  Livy 76–7

  Lucca 204

  Lucilius, Gaius 278

  Lucretia 2

  Lucretius 133, 134

  Lucullus, Lucius Licinius 64

  awarded a triumph 133, 227

  extravagance of 29

  succeeded by Pompey 11

  Luxemburg 117

  Lydia (place) 17–18, 274, 287

  Lydia (Publius Valerius Cato) 278

  Macedonia 3, 4, 31, 185, 186

  Macer, Calvus see Calvus (Gaius Licinius Calvus Macer)

  Macer, Gaius Licinius (historian and politician) 46

  Macrobius 289

  Mamurra 212–15, 217–18

  Mantua 275

  Marius, Gaius 8–9, 11, 50

  Mark Antony 224, 238, 240

  marriage 100–4, 126

  Martial 6, 80, 81, 207, 275

  Medea 151, 152, 155, 161, 163, 199, 200

  Medea (Ennius) 155

  Megalensia 194, 200

  Meleager 53, 81, 103, 279

  Melos 135

  Memmius, Gaius 114, 132–4, 135, 139, 140–1, 146, 174–5, 186, 238, 284, 288

  Memnon, king of Ethiopia 281

  Mesopotamia 273

  Messalinus, Valerius Catullus 241

  Messallinus, Lucius Valerius Catullus 241

  Metamorphoses (Ovid) 275

  Metella (or Perilla) 67–8, 279, 280

  Metelli, Clodia (or ‘Lesbia’) (née Pulchra) 275, 280

  attempts to help her brother in his quest for plebeian status 64–5

  attends trial of Caelius Rufus 197

  believed to have poisoned her husband 97, 283

  Catullus smitten with 32–3, 40, 58, 59–61, 73–6, 78–81, 82, 83–4, 94, 106, 150, 201, 203–4, 208–10

  character and description 31–3, 60

  Cicero’s dislike of 58, 182, 198, 199–200

  considered a mere coquette or courtesan 78–9

  as experienced poet 58

  family background 31

  as famous as Helen of Troy 75–6

  lascivious reputation 171

  as lover of Caelius Rufus 108–9, 195

  as lover of Catullus 65–71, 89, 98, 109–12

  outlives Catullus and Calvus 238

  poems addressed to 7, 32–3, 58, 61, 62–3, 66, 69–71, 74, 79–80, 95–6, 98–9, 102–3, 109–12, 118, 163, 171, 208–9, 279

  and possible incestuous relationship with her brother 111–12, 283

  Metellus Celer 63, 64

  Catullus’ comments on 95–6, 112

  character of 20, 26–7

  discovered dead in his house 97, 104

  furious at treatment of his sister by Pompey 38–9

  gives up consular seat in elections 90

  intends to achieve a consulship 26

  and marriage to Clodia 112

  obliged to invite Catullus to dine with him 26, 27

  political ambitions 75–6

  refuses to grant demotion to Clodius 113

  residence of 28, 30–1

  tells the tale of the king of Suebi 43

  Metellus Nepos 191, 274–5

  Milo, Titus Annius 224, 240

  Minerva 155, 158

  miniature epic 147, 161

  Minos, King 134–5, 243

  Minotaur 135, 160

  Mithridates VI Eupator

  campaigns against 8–9, 10, 11, 12, 29, 34, 39, 133, 152, 234, 283

  commits suicide 12, 273

  golden statue of 39

  lays waste to Greek Islands 135, 177

  library of 146–7

  western points of his kingdom 176

  Mitylene, Greek theatre of 206

  Molon, Apollonius 212

  Monte Baldo 178

  Mount El’brus 151

  Mount Ida (Crete) 134

  Mount Ida (Asia) 170, 173

  Mount Pelion 155

  Mucia (or Maecilia) 38, 94, 274–5

  Muses 123

  Mykonos 177

  Mysian Olympus 137

  myth of the Ages

  Bronze Age 7–8, 156

  Golden Age 7, 77, 156, 158–9, 164, 165, 236, 287

  Heroic Age 8, 157, 159, 165, 192, 200, 201, 236

  Iron Age 8, 157, 164, 193, 200, 226

  Silver Age 7, 156

  Naples 29

  Naxos 135, 243

  Nearer Spain 227

  Nero, Emperor 183

  Nicaea (modern Iznik) 137–8, 146

  Nicomedes III 185

  Nicomedes IV 12, 138, 139

  Nicomedia 138

  Normandy 215

  North Africa 3, 53

  Octavian (later Emperor Augustus) 240

  Odysseus 177

  Odyssey (Homer) 50, 146, 230

  On Famous Men (Cornelius Nepos) 41

  Ostia 171

  Outstanding Generals of Foreign Peoples (Cornelius Nepos) 41

  Ovid 5–6, 66, 84–5, 102, 133, 171, 207, 275, 295

  Palestine 273

  Palla 195, 292

  Pandora 287

  Paphlagonia 273

  Parthenius 146, 147, 150, 161

  Parthia, Parthians 227, 228, 233, 234, 237

  Peleus 155–6, 158, 159, 160, 164, 238

  Persian Empire 176

  Pessinus 170

  Pharsalus 238

  Phasis river (River Rioni in Georgia) 152

  Philip II 136

  Philippics (Cicero) 240

  Philomela 136

  Phlegraean Fields 289

  Phoenicia 273

  Phrygia 169–70, 174

  Pindar 150

  Piso see Caesoninus, Lucius Calpurnius Piso

  Pliny the Elder 291

  Pliny the Younger 135, 140, 288

  Plutarch 66

  Po river 131–2

  Po Valley 148, 242


  Fragment I 136, 292

  Fragment II 281

  Poem no. 1 18, 43

  Poem no. 2 62–3

  Poem no. 3 109

  Poem no. 4 176–7

  Poem no. 5 4, 56, 70, 140

  Poem no. 6 1, 82

  Poem no. 7 71, 147–8

  Poem no. 8 66, 74

  Poem no. 9 186, 274

  Poem no. 10 183–4

  Poem no. 11 233–4, 235

  Poem no. 12 187

  Poem no. 13 43

  Poem no. 14 49, 194

  Poem no. 15 86–7

  Poem no. 16 (‘I shall fuck you anally and orally’) 79, 80, 86

  Poem no. 17 291

  Poem no. 20 204

  Poem no. 22 49

  Poem no. 23 51, 86

  Poem no. 25 188

  Poem no. 26 86

  Poem no. 27 40

  Poem no. 28 174–5, 186

  Poem no. 29 94, 215–16, 218

  Poem no. 31 178–9, 181

  Poem no. 32 69

  Poem no. 33 83

  Poem no. 36 49, 117, 118

  Poem no. 37 207–8

  Poem no. 39 186

  Poem no. 40 87–8

  Poem no. 41 213

  Poem no. 42 44

  Poem no. 43 213

  Poem no. 44 229

  Poem no. 45 235

  Poem no. 46 175

  Poem no. 47 186

  Poem no. 48 85

  Poem no. 49 30, 49, 231

  Poem no. 50 44–5

  Poem no. 51 32

  Poem no. 53 232, 277

  Poem no. 54 221

  Poem no. 55 30, 206

  Poem no. 56 47–8

  Poem no. 57 218

  Poem no. 58 201

  Poem no. 59 107

  Poem no. 61 45, 101, 150

  Poem no. 62 (a wedding hymn) 101–2, 150, 241

  Poem no. 63 (Attis and castration) 172–4

  Poem no. 64 (‘Bedspread Poem�
��) 7, 8, 13, 15, 23, 41, 54, 55, 57, 73, 77, 89, 103, 105, 114, 121, 131, 135, 145, 150–65, 169, 173, 176, 189, 192, 199–200, 203, 223, 226, 235, 245–67, 290, 295

  Poem no. 65 123, 127

  Poem no. 66 125

  Poem no. 67 (‘door’ poem) 16–17

  Poem no. 68 (written for Manlius) 19, 66, 69, 74, 83–4, 123, 126–9, 283–4

  Poem no. 69 (on Caelius Rufus) 196

  Poem no. 70 102–3, 163

  Poem no. 71 (on Caelius Rufus) 196

  Poem no. 72 74, 110

  Poem no. 75 201

  Poem no. 76 80, 208–9

  Poem no. 77 108

  Poem no. 78 226

  Poem no. 78b 83

  Poem no. 79 113

  Poem no. 80 225

  Poem no. 82 74

  Poem no. 83 94

  Poem no. 84 91

  Poem no. 85 (‘I hate and I love’) 6, 106

  Poem no. 86 60, 279

  Poem no. 87 76, 208

  Poem no. 90 228

  Poem no. 91 225

  Poem no. 92 84

  Poem no. 93 92

  Poem no. 94 213

  Poem no. 95 148

  Poem no. 95b 55

  Poem no. 96 149

  Poem no. 99 85

  Poem no. 100 51, 52

  Poem no. 101 167

  Poem no. 104 74

  Poem no. 105 213

  Poem no. 109 98–9

  Poem no. 110 61

  Poem no. 113 38–9

  Poem no. 114 212

  Poem no. 115 214

  Pollio, Gaius Asinius 187, 289, 293

  Pollux 207, 287

  Pompeia (wife of Julius Caesar) 33, 94

  Pompey the Great

  agrees to demotion of Clodius 113

  awaits arrival of first child with Julia 230

  battles in the Senate 64

  brother-in-law of Metellus Celer 20

  builds Rome’s first stone theatre 205–7, 291

  character of 10

  and the civil war 232

  files for divorce from his wife 38

  given control over Bithynia 273

  granted five-year command in Spain 205

  greatness of 10–11, 38–40

  head presented to Caesar 238

  leads army in obliterating Mithridates’ forces 11, 12, 39

  marries Caesar’s daughter Julia 94

  mourns death of Julia and her baby 233

  as politician 3, 93

  proposes Caesar as governor of Transalpine Gaul 104

  proud of his achievements in Bithynia 141

  purchases a villa at Baiae 183

  refuses to help Cicero 115–16

  searches for ancient myths 152

  shows mercy to captured pirates 39–40

  strained relationship with Caesar and Crassus 204

  supported by Metellus Nepos 274

  supports return of Cicero 191

  underestimates Clodius Pulcher 190

  usurps Lucullus as commander 29

  verse lampooning 218

  Pontus 8, 12, 39, 214, 273

  Pound, Ezra 179

  Priapus 136

  Procne 136

  Prometheus 152, 157, 158, 159, 287

  Prometheus Lyomenos (Aeschylus) 287

  Propertius 5, 207

  Propontis (Sea of Marmara) 136, 177

  Protesilaos, myth of 67, 129

  Ptolemy III Euergetes 124–5, 129, 283


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