Beautiful Girl: Modern Beauty and Beast (Happy Ever After Standalone Series) (Happy Ever After Standalone Novel Series Book 2)

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Beautiful Girl: Modern Beauty and Beast (Happy Ever After Standalone Series) (Happy Ever After Standalone Novel Series Book 2) Page 9

by Kailin Gow

  “What?” I asked, rubbing my eyes and hoping that I didn’t look like a wild mess that morning. I’d slept soundly after barely sleeping the night before.

  “I made us breakfast and it’ll be served on the balcony off my bedroom,” he said, smiling at me.

  “If your intent on our casual date was to spoil me, you’ve done a wonderful job, Mason.”

  “That’s great to hear. You’re worth spoiling,” he said. He offered his hand and I looked down to make sure that no parts of me were exposed. Rather silly, I suppose, since he’d ravaged me like crazy just two nights ago. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, and wanting more. And admittedly, I was a bit thrown off that he hadn’t tried it again. True to his word, he was being a gentleman and taking it slow. Maybe he was waiting for me to make the next move.

  We walked out onto his balcony and sat down in the two comfortable chairs overlooking the ocean. In the center of the table was a bowl of fruit, croissants, and two heated chafing dishes. “I made eggs and sausage. Hopefully that works,” he said.

  “It does,” I said, sitting down. “It smells so good, thanks for putting this together, Mason.”

  “My pleasure. Do you want some orange juice?” he asked.

  “That would be great.” I watched him get up and oh my gosh—he started to fresh squeeze the orange juice. I couldn’t believe it. This weekend definitely made up the ultimate date.

  After he handed me my juice, Mason reached over and took my hand. “I have to tell you something kind of sudden, Charisma.”

  “Sure, what is it?”

  Mason breathed in deeply and then exhaled. The breeze from the ocean was gently blowing his hair, too, making him look even more handsome. “Ever since my father died, knowing that he never got to become a grandfather—something he wanted badly—I’ve really been thinking about life and what’s important. Life is too short to waste and to not go after what you want. I’m lucky, because I know what I want and I’ve gotten it up until this point. There’s only one missing piece.”

  “What’s that?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

  “A woman to share it with. And Charisma, I think that may be you. I know I have feelings for you and they’re growing deeper with each minute we spend together. I know it’s sudden and I don’t want to scare you, but please know that I am not like my brother and that if I were to offer myself to you, it would be because of my heart. I’d treat you like you were my entire world. I want you to know that I am not my brother and until the day I die, I’ll be ashamed of the way he treated you and your mother.”

  Mason’s words were so impassioned by his emotions and I saw how genuine they were, but at that moment I realized something crazy; something that hadn’t crossed my mind. He had no idea where Callum was.

  “So, how is Callum doing with his recovery?” I asked. Maybe a bit of a loaded question, but I had to gauge Mason.

  Mason’s face darkened at my question and he leaned back and looked me in the eyes as he expressed himself. “Frankly Charisma, I don’t know. And after what he’s done, I don’t care, either. He made his bed and now he’s lying in it, and if he gets a taste of how other people who were less fortunate than him treat him now, then that’s good. He needs to grow up and stop being an embarrassment to this family.”

  The past weeks had been crazy and in a way, Callum had become a part of my family. He took on a role within it and never complained—helping with meals, cleaning, watching TV with us, and even doing some of the heavy lifting that we’d always had to get help to do. “He’s come a long way since that night,” I said softly.

  “What? How do you know that?” Mason was now leaning in and looking at me with scrutiny in his eyes that hadn’t been there just a second before.

  I smiled weakly and said, “Well, I was shocked at first, but he’s staying with us…”

  Mason cut me off and slapped his fist down on the table, making it rattle a bit. “What? You mean at your house with you and your mom?” He was shaking his head back and forth.

  “Yeah, surprisingly,” I said, feeling a bit awkward now. “My mom opened the door for him to stay in our guest room. He had nowhere else to go and he was visiting my mom to apologize, but Mom put him to work for us and gave him a place to stay.”

  Mason looked angry and then jealous. It was noticeable. His hand clenched into a fist, and his jaws tighten. “And you never thought to tell me this? I don’t even see how you could forgive him. He’s an ass. Much less let him into your home and your work environment. He’s toxic.”

  “Mason…” I began, but clamped my lips together. He wasn’t done.

  “Do you see him every day? At work? What about at home?”

  I nodded yes. “I know, it’s hard to believe, but Mom believes in paying it forward, and in karma. She is also incredibly grateful for every single blessing she’s ever received so she could never have any hate for anyone…at least not for long.”

  “I’ll say,” Mason said. “Your mother is truly one of a kind just like you are.”

  Mason got up and walked around the table and gave me a kiss on the lips, hard and urgent. It reminded me of an animal claiming its territory. “He hasn’t seen you naked, has he?” he asked, a hiss in his voice.

  “No, and knock it off, Mason. We live in the same house so he sees me at my worst, sweats, no make-up on, and it’s casual. It is not a big deal.”

  “Does he leave you alone?” he asked, now on a rant again.

  “I’m not sure what you mean. We have a routine. I drive him to work since he lost his license, we talk every day. This weekend is the first time I haven’t seen him for a day since he moved in.”

  “I see,” Mason said, clenching his jaw. “That weasel. He knew I was interested in you.”

  “He’s never mentioned anything like that. Honestly Mason, I think he’s just grateful to be able to have a place to stay and a job.”

  “Modeling make-up to hide his scars,” Mason spat.

  “Ouch. That’s pretty cold,” I said, not liking that tone.

  “Charisma, don’t you see that Callum hates you and your mother enough that he’s willing to take his joke this far. He’ll get the last laugh on you, because he’s a bastard. I don’t trust him with you, or your mother. I guarantee you that he’s going to try to get close to you and steal your virginity and brag it up to his frat friends. It’s one of his favorite conquests. If I was your mother, I’d kick him out right away.”

  “But this is your own brother you’re talking about,” I justified. “I don’t understand. Why would anyone be that cruel and mean?”

  “There are mean people out there, people who would lie to you, befriend you even, and when you trust them the most, they will stab you in the back. I’ve seen it a lot with Father’s friends and colleagues. I know Callum Beast, although he’s my brother, would be like that to get ahead, or even to win. He’ll play dirty, Charisma. He’ll infiltrate into your company and your home, steal your company’s secrets and seduce you. Then break your heart. He’ll hurt you again. Don’t trust him.”

  “I’ll be careful around him, then,” I said, still feeling like Mason was overreacting a bit. It had to be jealousy, because the way he spoke was not the way people really acted, was it? “But remember, it isn’t my decision about him staying at the house or working at the company. It’s my mother’s.”

  “Just be prepared to act when his true colors show, and don’t say that I didn’t warn you, Charisma.”

  After that conversation, I lost some enthusiasm for my Catalina adventure, and Mason did, too. We ended up going home early and Mason dropped me off. Before I got out of the car, he gave me a long and deep kiss. It was different than the others had been, because it was a “gotcha kiss.” You know, one that was for the purpose of getting even with his brother, rather than pleasing me. I was disappointed, but I did understand.

  “Mason, I did have an incredible weekend, thank you,” I said. “And, I’ll keep in mind what you told me, to

  “Good,” he said, reverting back to the man who could look at me with a killer sexy expression.

  I walked into the house just to find that no one was home. But on the kitchen table there was a note.


  Your mother and I went out for a combination of work and fun adventure. We didn’t realize that you’d be gone for the entire weekend.


  I felt a lump in my throat and wasn’t sure what to think of the note. It worried me. What if Callum wasn’t to be trusted? What if he really wanted to get close to us just to hurt us, especially my mother? Whatever his intentions were, I wanted to find out what they were as quickly as possible. I’d do anything I had to in order to protect my mother.

  Chapter 14


  My heart was racing and I felt so unsettled. I’d sold myself on the fact that Callum was changing, but Mason’s words made me second guess myself, leaving me agonizing over Mom’s safety. Where did they go?

  I called Mom, relieved that she answered right away. She sounded really, happy. “Are you okay?” I asked cautiously.

  “Fantastic,” she said and then she laughed and I heard her say, “Oh Callum” with her mouth away from the phone.

  “Where are you at?” I asked, trying to sound relaxed, but feeling like my stomach was dropping out like I was going downhill fast on a thrill ride.

  “We’re over at the Moon Festival Celebration,” Mom said.

  As soon as she said that, I remembered. We were doing the contestant’s make-up as a fun way to launch the Heavenly Beauty line. How could I have forgotten? “Mom, I’m sorry. It completely slipped my mind. Do I still have time to get down there?”

  “Don’t worry, honey. You were having fun. It’s okay. If it works out, it would be great if you could come down here. I tried to call Stryker to see if he could come and do photos, but he’s out of town.”

  “I’ll be down there as quickly as I can and send you a text when I enter the festival grounds,” I said.

  We hung up and I quickly changed, finding a t-shirt and jeans to put on, along with some fun sandals. The Moon Festival was a fun event, filled with interesting people, beautiful decorations, and yummy food. I was shocked that I’d forgotten. Mason had me in such a tailspin that I’d just lost my senses, I guess. I was grateful to Callum for going with her to it.

  With my camera in hand, I charged out of the house and into the garage and then drove off, heading toward LA. The traffic wasn’t too heavy because it was the weekend—thank goodness and I made relatively good time. Where I lost that time was finding a place to park downtown. There was a lot of action—sporting events, festivals, and even a parade for something or another, I wasn’t sure what. By the time I found a parking space, I had to walk about a half mile just to enter the festival grounds.

  Pulling my phone back out I called Mom, but Callum answered her phone. “Hey, she’s talking with the contestants, but told me to wait for your call,” he said to me.

  “Oh, where are you guys at?” I asked. This was so strange. I just wanted to see Mom and make sure—with my own eyes—that she was okay.

  “We’re over by the stage. I’m under the large paper mâché cherry blossom tree. You can’t miss it,” Callum said.

  “See you in a few,” I said. I hung up and began to navigate my way through the crowd, taking in the festivities and scents of the event. It really was quite magical and special, a beautiful tribute to the Asian culture and how nicely it could be infused with the western world.

  I made my way toward the tall paper mâché cherry tree and Callum was right about it being hard to miss. That tree was incredible; must have taken an entire year to make. Intricate details that made it seem quite real from a distance and the illusion didn’t change the closer I got. My mother’ shiny black hair with a slight streak of gray finally came into view. She was polished, as always, wearing a beautiful silk dress that fit the occasion perfectly. And next to her was Callum, although his back was to me. I immediately noticed his broad shoulders, despite them being covered by a plaid shirt and jeans that showed just how muscular his legs were. When he turned around, I almost gasped. He really was good looking and I saw his muscular chest because his shirt was unbuttoned just enough to tease me with it.

  From where I was at that moment, you’d never have known that the beautiful Callum Beast had ever been in an accident. Between the skin treatments he’d been receiving, the medical attention, and his work-outs, he looked just like that underwear model. It was only when I got up close that I could see those scars. I’d been around him so much that I’d forgotten how good looking he was, exactly. Well, I was reminded at that moment and it was distracting. What were these Beast brothers trying to do to me?

  “Charisma, dear,” Mom said, smiling at me and waving me over.

  “Hi, looks like you guys are having fun,” I said, smiling at the two of them. Mom looked like she was glowing, at ease and completely relaxed. That was good! It meant that Callum hadn’t been saying anything that wasn’t kind. If he had, I know I would have been able to read it on my mother’s face.

  “This is amazing,” Callum said, almost in forced eagerness, but when I looked at him, his eyes were smiling. Beautiful smiling eyes. “Helen has been so kind as to teach me all sorts of things. I’ve even tried a few things.”

  “Yeah, like what?” I asked, tilting my head. My hair fell over my shoulder and I watched him curiously.

  “I tried some paper mâché, an authentic bowl of Chinese noodles. Did you know that American Chinese is different from native Chinese?” His eyes were so expressive.

  I laughed. “Yes, I knew that, Callum.”

  “Of course,” he replied, playfully palming his forehead. “Really, though, I can’t believe that I’ve never been to this before.”

  “Your frat friends don’t do festivals?” I asked in lighthearted sarcasm.

  “Definitely not, but I’m not so sure if they’re my friends, Charisma.”

  Mom came over to me and said, “I’ve been asked to judge, Charisma, so, if you don’t mind, could you make sure Callum has a fun time—and take some pictures.” She had a sly smile on her face.

  “No problem,” I said, looking at her curiously. She was up to something, but why? And what?

  Then she walked away, leaving me with a few quick thoughts. First, I was absolutely delighted to see how happy she was and that Callum was being so respectful with her. He’d been since he lived with us, of course, but I still had a hard time assuming that’s how he’d remain. I guess I was waiting for him to expose his real self, if it was different, or any ulterior motives he may have.

  “Do you want to stand backstage? I’ll be running around taking pictures.” I looked at Callum and his arms were folded casually, making him seem so relaxed and approachable. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought it was his alter ego—definitely not the Callum I first met.

  “I’d rather be a part of the crowd,” he said. “I must say, Helen is so talented at putting make-up on. Those shades are exquisite.”

  My jaw wanted to drop, but it didn’t. “You are getting into make-up, aren’t you?”

  “Well, you always wear it for shoots, I guess, but the last few weeks of being around the cosmetics company and spending time with you and your mother…well, let’s just say I have a new appreciation for it.”

  “That’s nice to say,” I said.

  “I meant it, Charisma.” That was all he said and then he turned back toward the stage, clapping and watching the pageant enthusiastically. I was impressed, thinking that he definitely had more of a capacity to kick back and relax and enjoy the various adventures that life had to offer than Mason did. From the same blood, but so different.

  An hour later the pageant was done and Mom came back over by us. “So, what did you two think? The winner was quite lovely, yes?”

  “Very striking. She photographed well,” I said.

  “Good, because w
hile I didn’t announce it, my thoughts were that she could be our signature face for the Heavenly Beauty line. What do you think, Charisma?”

  “That’s a great idea,” I said, always in awe of my mom’s insight into things and how to make the most out of every situation—professionally and personally.

  “And what do you think, Callum?” she asked.

  “You want my opinion?” he commented, looking genuinely humbled.

  Mom nodded her head subtly and said, “Of course, you know the camera better than anyone here.”

  “I think she’d be fantastic. Her right side is a bit better than her left, but hey, we all have a better side, right?” Then he laughed. He was joking at himself, which made me laugh along with him.

  “Very well said, Callum,” Mom said. “Now, if you two don’t mind, I think that I’ll head home and leave you two to it. I’m quite tired and have to go over the quarterly statements for the accountant later.”


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