A Tale of Two Goblins

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A Tale of Two Goblins Page 2

by Mallory, H P

  I jammed the key into the lock and nearly lost my focus when I felt the heat of Knight’s body just behind me. The iciness of the air seemed doubly cold in front of me while Knight’s heat penetrated my back. I closed my eyes at the feel of his hands massaging my forearms. Thank Hades my back was to him and he couldn’t see my reaction. Course, the goose bumps on my arms could be compared to a big arrow sign pointing at me with the words: “she’s hot for you” emblazoned on it.

  “You have goose flesh,” he whispered and caused a seizure in my stomach.

  “I, uh, it’s…it’s cold out here.”

  He chuckled and lifted the heavy curtain of my honey blond hair over one shoulder, trailing the back of my neck with his index finger. I couldn’t help the shudder that raced through me.

  “I haven’t stopped thinking about you, Dulcie.” His voice was a mere breath whispering against my skin, and I closed my eyes, reveling in the feel of him. The touch of his lips against my neck brought a hiss of air from my mouth, and before I lost all sense of reason right there, Blue walked over and pawed my toes, as if reminding me I’d been attempting to unlock the door and more so, that I was acting like an idiot.

  I opened my eyes and silently praised the dog for bringing me back to my senses. Cranking the key to the left, I pushed the door open with such strength, I nearly lost my footing. But, I was inside and away from Knight…things were looking up.

  Turning on the light, I flung myself into my computer desk chair, making sure to sit somewhere Knight couldn’t sit beside me. I wheeled around and faced him, finding the air in my tiny apartment considerably stuffy. Knight closed the door behind him and lumbered into my living room, seating himself on my couch.

  “One of these days, Dulce, you aren’t going to be able to deny there is something between us.”

  Irritation bled through me. I didn’t like people telling me what I could and couldn’t do. “Regardless of what you think, I’m not interested.”

  Knight cocked a brow and chuckled, but said nothing.

  “So, let’s talk about the reason you’re here,” I said.

  “There have been quite a few cases recently of comatose victims, both here in Splendor but also in Estuary and Moon.” His tone was suddenly all business, and I breathed an inward sigh of relief. All business Knight I could handle.

  Estuary was in our district—we provided police work for Splendor, Estuary and Haven. Moon, though, was out of our district and had its own ANC force. But, back to the comatose victims… “So, why should I be concerned?”

  Knight shrugged. “All victims were otherwise healthy, according to their friends and family. Then one night they go to sleep and never wake up the next morning.”

  I nodded, feeling a cramp building in my calf. I propped one leg over my knee, leaned forward and started my after exercise stretch routine. “Has anyone died?”

  “One death.”

  Stretching my calf, I winced against the pain.

  “Cramp?” Knight asked. “I can do wonders on sore muscles.”

  “I’m fine,” I started and, not wanting to appear so out of sorts, added: “Thanks.”

  Knight, apparently not used to hearing no for an answer, stood up and approached me. “Lay with your back on the floor and I’ll show you a good one for leg cramps and for stretching your quads.”

  The cramp in my calf suddenly started pounding as if it wanted nothing more than to be massaged by the incredibly handsome Loki, and before I knew it, I was lying on the floor, looking up at him. He reached for my right leg and cradled it against his thigh as he massaged my calf, kneading my sore muscles with his large hands. Little by little, the cramp stopped throbbing and eventually went away. Hmm, another Knight Vander Loki ability?

  “When did these comas start?” I asked quickly, trying to pull my attention from his hands. He worked up my thigh and then took my foot in his hand and bent my leg at the knee, pushing my knee up into my stomach.

  “How does that feel?” Knight asked.

  “Good,” I managed. He pulled my leg straight and put it back on the floor, reaching for the other one. A massage of my other thigh followed, and although I didn’t want to admit it to myself, I was getting incredibly turned on.

  “We’ve been noticing these sudden comas popping up for over two months,” he said. Hmm, hence his repeated calls to me over the last couple of months. He didn’t say it but it was there in his eyes. I felt a little bit guilty, but quickly banished the feeling. If Knight had really needed to get in touch with me, he would have invaded my happy little jog months earlier.

  “So, I guess you want me to review the files?” I asked, thinking I could use some consultant work. My savings account had been dwindling recently, but I just hadn’t been able to bring myself to call Knight for work—it wasn’t that I was avoiding jobs, I was avoiding Knight.

  “If you feel so inclined,” he answered with a grin and brought my foot back to the ground, offering his hands. I took them, and he pulled me up.

  “Any ideas on what could be causing all the comas?” I asked.

  He made his way back to the couch and sunk into it, stretching his arms above his head and clasped them behind his neck. I was convinced he liked showing off his chest and huge biceps. “Healthy victim one day, comatose the next.”

  “Toad Wallow?” Toad Wallow was a potion—one drop and you’d be dead to the world for a week at the most, then you’d wake up with one raging headache, but at least you’d wake up. Course, it didn’t seem the same could be said for these victims.

  Knight shook his head. “None of the patients have reflexes, and their EKGs come back inactive.”

  “Somnogobelinus,” I whispered. “A sleep goblin, a Dreamstalker.”

  Knight nodded. “All roads lead to Rome, or a Dreamstalker in this case.”

  I shook my head. “There are only two registered Dreamstalkers in the ANC files: one has been locked away in a Netherworld prison for centuries and…”

  “The second was locked away five years ago,” Knight finished for me, with an approving smile.

  “Ah, so you have done your homework.” Apprehending Druiva, the Dreamstalker in question, had been one of the most difficult cases Splendor ANC had ever seen. I’d been a junior Regulator at the time and hadn’t really been involved, but it was one of those legendary cases that was still discussed, even now.

  “I have.”

  “And are they still locked away?” I demanded, thinking we’d found our solution if the answer was “no.”

  “Yes, as of yesterday, they are both doing time in Banshee Prison from here until eternity, both under extra security.”

  “How can this be then?” I asked, and slunk back into the computer chair, suddenly irritated by the fact that I’d let Knight touch me. I was like mush in his hands—if I was going to keep my distance, I needed to avoid him. Damn it all, I’d been doing a pretty good job before he’d just waltzed back into my life as pretty as he pleased.

  Knight shook his head and dropped his arms, thank Hades. A chest that broad should have been illegal. “We’re baffled, which is why I wanted to bring you into the case.” He stood up and approached me, causing me to shrink back into my chair. “Will you help me, Dulce?”

  I just nodded before the vision of his lips against my neck slapped me back into reality. Knight needed to know this arrangement would be purely professional, purely business. “Yes, on a few conditions.”

  Knight sighed and started pacing my living room. “Name them.”

  “One, you have to be professional.”

  He faced me, his mouth open in mock offense. “I’m always…”

  “No flirting, no accidental touches, no running your fingers down my neck, no lips on my shoulders…”

  He chuckled. “You enjoyed that; don’t deny it.”

  I had enjoyed it and couldn’t deny it, so I merely ignored him. “No double-entendres, no gifts…”

  “Okay, I get it,” he said none too happily. “Is that

  “No sex jokes, no invading my personal space, no comments on my appearance, no lustful glances and absolutely no winking.”

  Knight threw himself back into the couch and faced me with a perturbed expression. “I should have found someone else to help with the case.”

  I laughed. “Don’t be a spoil sport. You know I’m the best.”

  He offered me a boyish grin. “Yes, you are.”

  Inwardly, I breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe this would be easier than I’d assumed. As long as Knight kept his distance, I could keep my guard up. “Good, now that we’ve reached an understanding, let’s meet up again tomorrow night. Bring the files with you.”

  “What about tonight?”

  “Tonight’s not good; I have plans.” And plans I wasn’t thrilled about. I had a date with a vampire. Well, I didn’t exactly think of it as a date—more like two people accompanying one another to a party.

  “Plans?” Knight asked, warily.

  “Yes,” I started before interrupting myself. “Add that to the list of rules: no being nosy and definitely no being jealous.”

  He dropped his pinched lip expression and exchanged it for one of detached indifference. “I’m not jealous.”

  “No use in lying,” I said with a broad smile. “I know you are—call it my instincts, one hundred percent pure Dulcie O’Neil.”

  With a chuckle, Knight stood and approached the door, the sunlight of morning just peeking through my windows, basking him in a yellow glow until he looked like an angel. Ha, Knight was no angel.

  “Until tomorrow night then,” he said and reached for the doorknob.


  He smiled. “It’s a date.” Then he opened the door, winked and walked into the daylight.



  As I mentioned earlier, Bram was a vampire and it just happened to be his three hundredth birthday. Every hundred year birthday found a vampire stronger, quicker, more powerful and in Bram’s case, he’d even gotten better looking. His day old stubble was still in full effect but that wasn’t something he’d ever be able to do anything about, seeing as how he’d had it when he’d been turned. But, there was something about him that was just more attractive—maybe it wasn’t so much his features that had improved but more his control over what other people thought of him.

  “Ah, Sweet, you are ravishing,” Bram said in his lofty English accent and kissed my hand as his eyes devoured every inch of me.

  I smiled my thanks and accepted his arm as he escorted me down my front walkway and into the leather plushness of a black stretch Hummer. Our driver, a were, doffed his head politely as I pulled myself into the stretch limo. Bram was just behind me and once he’d taken his seat across from mine, eyed me with undisguised admiration.

  “Dulcie, these many months of separation have been difficult on my memory. I do not recall you appearing quite so beautiful.”

  I sighed and tried to smile. I was just not good at accepting compliments. Was Bram sincere? Yeah, I thought so. Did he want to get into my pants? Yeppers and always had. But, regardless of Bram’s intentions, I had to admit I did feel…pretty.

  I’d worn a knee-length, strapless black evening gown in a diaphanous material that graced my skin like a whisper. Even though the gossamer material hinted at the curves of my body, it was just that—a hint. My lace thong panties were my only undergarments, the dress not lending itself to a bra. Not exactly comfortable exposing so much skin, I’d covered the dress with a fitted black leather jacket. And to finish off my evening attire, I’d worn the highest heels I owned—four inch Jimmy Choos with so many straps, they would have pleased any dominatrix. I wore my hair down which wasn’t a surprise since I wasn’t exactly thrilled with showing off my ears. As a fairy, my ears came to points at the top and they were my least favorite of my physical attributes. I’d considered getting an ear reduction but threw the idea out because it was just too risky. Fairies didn’t do well with human sedatives. That and my old boss, Quillan, had said I didn’t need it, that I was beautiful just as I was.

  A sadness descended on me at the thought of Quillan, so I brushed it aside and focused on my handsome vampire date. Over six four, he had the physique of a swimmer—broad shoulders tapering to a trim waist with a pair of legs that seemed to be as long as I was tall (not that I was tall). His black hair was on the longish side, just curling over his ears. His licentious smile was…sexy. But, like my relationship with Knight or lack thereof, I wanted to keep things strictly platonic with Bram. Although I had started dating more recently, I still wasn’t completely comfortable with it and rather than running for cover with my tail between my legs, I just decided to take it one step at a time. The fact that I was even out tonight was a step in and of itself.

  “Thanks for the compliment,” I said with a small smile.

  He returned the smile and appeared to be studying me. Feeling entirely too uncomfortable under his libidinous stare, I fought to find something to say. “So, are you feeling any different on your birthday?”

  He nodded but didn’t expound.

  I cocked my head and considered him. “And? What’s different?”

  “I’m faster.”

  “Faster?” I started but Bram had suddenly….disappeared. Just dissolved into the air as if he’d never been, as if I’d been imagining him all along. As a vamp, he’d always been fast—moving like a blur from point A to point B but as a blur, that’s exactly what you’d been able to see. This was different.

  “Bram?” I repeated, shifting my gaze from one end of the limo to the other. Just like that, I felt an icy cold penetrating my back. I whipped around to find Bram sitting beside me, smiling smugly. “What was that?” I demanded, shock straining my voice. “You can disappear now?”

  He shook his head. “No.”


  “I merely moved too quickly for you to follow with your naked eye.”

  “Bullshit,” I bit out, wondering if he was going to backpedal and try to talk his way out of it. It would do no good. I knew what I’d seen…or hadn’t seen in this case.

  He laughed. “Your mind tricked you, Dulce. I have been sitting here all along but you were relying on the incorrect sense.”

  “Incorrect sense?” I asked dubiously and crossed my arms against my chest as I regarded him coolly.

  He leaned into me until his icy breath fanned across my naked collarbone and brought goose bumps to my skin. But, I held my ground and didn’t move away.

  “Close your eyes,” he whispered.

  “You’d better not try anything,” I started, eyeing him suspiciously.

  “I know you too well, Sweet, to attempt anything. You would have me flat on my back with a stake over my heart before I could blink.”

  He did know me well. I closed my eyes and then I heard him. It was the tiniest, most insignificant disturbance in the otherwise still air. I opened my eyes and glanced to my right and there he was.

  “You see?” he asked.

  I nodded and watched him disappear as if the air had swallowed him—right there in front of me. I didn’t have enough time to think to rely on my other senses rather than my eyesight and suddenly felt myself falling, pushed backward by unseen hands. The leather of the seat met the back of my head, and I inhaled sharply as adrenaline pounded through my veins. My dress slinked up my thighs but I wasn’t concerned with propriety at the moment. What I was concerned with was the fact that Bram had materialized and was now on top of me.

  “Back the hell off me,” I hissed and pushed against his chest, suddenly angry with myself that I’d ever agreed to be his date in the first place. I could never truly trust Bram. Sure, he’d helped me with certain cases when I’d been a Regulator but he definitely wasn’t a lawfully abiding citizen. If he had one hand in the morally upstanding cookie jar, the other hand was in the process of stealing all the cookies.

  His fangs descended, and he was panting. His eyes, though, were far more scary. There wa
s a depth to them I’d never seen before, something wiser and older. If I hadn’t been a fairy with my level of magical ability, I’d now be under the vampire’s spell, allowing him to do whatever he wanted to with me. As it was, I was finding it difficult to fight. “Bram, I’m giving you three seconds to back the fuck off me.”

  Bram suddenly sat up and adjusted the tie at his neck while his fangs retracted. “Apologies.”

  I pushed myself aside and pulled my dress down, throwing him an angry glare. “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to make me hate you?”

  “I was curious to learn if my increased age could make you submit to me,” he answered tersely, casually, as if he hadn’t just attacked me. But, somewhere in his comment was disappointment. He’d been hoping I was weak enough to submit to him. But, to what end?

  “You’re lucky I didn’t taser you, bastard!” I retorted although it was an empty threat. I hadn’t brought a taser with me. But Bram didn’t need to know that.

  “I would not have injured you, Sweet,” Bram said and pasted an artificial smile on his handsome face. “It was merely a test.”

  “Well, I don’t like tests so don’t do it again,” I snapped, feeling the pounding of my heartbeat start to slow. Maybe it had merely been a test and not something more sinister. “If we’re going to be friends…”

  “I do so enjoy our friendship,” he interrupted.

  “Then don’t screw it up.” My eyes narrowed as I reconsidered his earlier statement. “If your powers of persuasion had worked, what would you have done?”

  “Kissed you, Sweet, as I am still dying to do.” He leaned forward like he thought he’d give it a try.

  “Keep away from me,” I said angrily. To reinforce the comment, I quickly moved to the seat across from him. I crossed my arms against my chest and wondered how I’d get through the evening.


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