Releasing the Dragon (Brides of the Kindred)

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Releasing the Dragon (Brides of the Kindred) Page 19

by Evangeline Anderson

  But here Annie was, saying she liked his Drake and wanted it to come out more!

  “You don’t know what you are saying,” he protested. “Drakes are dangerous beasts—creatures that are all hunger and lust. They are not to be trusted.”

  “Well, I trust yours.” Annie crossed her arms over her breasts. “And I think you should too.”

  “You don’t understand,” Dru told her. “For letting my Drake out, I must now go before the Kindred High Council and admit what I have done. I will have to beg forgiveness and hope they do not strip me of my position and send me back to my home world in disgrace. And if my parents ever learned that I had let it out…” He shook his head, thinking of the dishonor his indiscretion would bring on his family name. The endless shame and recrimination…

  “If you’re going before the High Council then I want to go too.” Annie jutted her chin out stubbornly. “I want to tell them what I saw and how well behaved your Drake really is. And I don’t care what anyone else says—he’s a beautiful, amazing person with feelings and it’s wrong for you to keep him cooped up inside all the time and never let him out! It’s like…” She frowned. “I don’t know. Like if you bought a lion for a pet and kept it in a tiny cage its entire life. It’s cruel, Dru!”

  He looked at her in amazement. Somehow he had never thought of things in this way. It was true that though he was a large male, his Drake was much larger. Keeping all that energy and power bottled up inside him all the time sometimes made him feel like he was going crazy. He could often feel his other half yearning to get out and be free and the time and effort it took to keep the beast penned up inside him was sometimes exhausting.

  But still, he couldn’t just—

  “Oh! Oh, no!”

  Annie’s cry of pain and dismay alarmed him.

  “What? What is it?” he took her by the shoulders, ducking down to look into her face. “What’s wrong, teeska?”

  “It’s happening…it’s happening again,” she gasped and pointed down to her chest.

  Dru frowned and pulled the silver top she was still wearing to one side to verify what he was seeing. Sure enough, her breasts—which were already lovely and full—were somehow growing fuller while he watched. Soon he saw droplets of the amber colored nectar beading at the tips of her ripe nipples.

  “It hurts, Dru!” Annie’s voice was pleading. “Oh God, it really hurts. I thought I was over this—that you cured me when you, you know, helped me in the Shadow Palace.”

  Her cheeks got pink as she talked and Dru realized she was embarrassed to speak about what they’d done. Well, she would have to get over the embarrassment quickly because it looked like they would have to do it again.

  “I remember Zar’ren saying that the Xi-46 often has long-lasting effects,” he said grimly. “Apparently that means you can have another, ah…attack, even after the first one has been taken care of.”

  “But that’s awful!” Annie exclaimed. “Are you telling me I’ll have to go through life having these…these lust attacks from now on? I’ll go crazy, Dru—I’m really in pain here.” She bit her lip. “My breasts are so full and I feel…feel so empty inside.”

  “Come on.” Bending down, he swung her lightly into his arms. “Let’s get you somewhere I can tend to you. I don’t want to do this out in the woods.”

  “Tend to me?” Her eyes flew wide. “I thought you didn’t…didn’t want to bond me to you.”

  “Right now I want to ease your pain,” Dru told her, though his heart thumped painfully in his chest when he thought of bonding her. “But I can’t do that out here in this wilderness. We had better go back to your domicile.”

  “We’re likely to get some pretty nasty looks from the neighbors,” Annie remarked. “You’re naked and I’m not much better. Plus, I’m still wearing this damn cat tail.”

  “Your neighbors will have to deal with the sight,” Dru growled. “I have no quarrel with them but I must ease your pain.” And he carried her out of the woods and towards her apartment building.

  * * * * *

  Luckily they got into her apartment without anyone seeing them or Annie was certain she would have gotten kicked out. It wasn’t every day that you saw a seven-foot-tall, buck-naked Kindred warrior carrying around a plump, freckled, nearly nude girl wearing a cat tail.

  Once they were inside her apartment, she had the immediate impulse to press her nipples to Dru’s mouth and beg him to suck to ease the pressure. She could feel the emptiness growing inside her too and her pussy ached to be filled.

  But she forced herself to put a hold on both pain and desire.

  “I need a shower,” she told Dru, struggling to get down once he had kicked the door shut behind them. “I’ve been out in the woods, gotten all scratched up and dirty and bloody—I need to get clean.”

  “I would not mind helping you to clean up.” His big hands were restless, roving over her curves, gently squeezing her full breasts and cupping her ass possessively. The long, thick shaft rising from between his thighs showed Annie he needed her almost as badly as she needed him.

  She bit back a moan and told herself firmly that she had to wait.

  “Just give me a five minute head start,” she told him. “Then you can come in the shower and we can, er, get clean together.”

  “I will wait.” He crossed his arms over his broad chest. “But if I hear you moaning in pain again I will come in to check on you.”

  “I’ll be okay,” Annie promised, hoping she was telling the truth. In fact, the pain in her breasts and pussy was getting worse but she really, really wanted a shower…and to remove the damn cat tail. Though Dru had helped her put it in, she needed privacy to take it out .

  Because there’s no way I’m going to be able to fit all that inside my pussy if I have the stupid tail up my behind, she thought, measuring his cock with her eyes again. He’s huge!

  And yes, she fully intended to have him in her. She instinctively knew she needed something thicker than his fingers this time. And besides, she needed to be close to him—as close as possible after what had almost happened in the woods.

  Of course, there was the question if Dru would be willing to fill her pussy with his cock. Annie wasn’t completely sure but she thought that was what would bond her to him—which seemed to be a permanent commitment for the Kindred.

  Still, she was damn well going to try to get him to do it. They belonged together, damn it! Even his Drake knew it. Dru needed to get with the program and realize it as well.

  Thinking this and a whole lot more, she placed Nutter Butter’s purple walnut carefully in the empty soap dish and started the shower. As the water got hot and the steam rose, she carefully removed the twitching cat tail and sighed with relief when it was out. She curled it neatly and set it aside. Then she stepped into the hot shower, sucking in a gasp of pain as the steaming water hit her engorged breasts.

  “Ouch,” she exclaimed, before she could stop herself.

  Immediately she heard the door open and Dru was there, poking his head anxiously around the flowered shower curtain to see if she was all right.

  “Annie, are you well?” he demanded. “I heard you gasp in pain.”

  “I’m fine. It’s just…my breasts are so full now and the hot water…” She beckoned to him. “Come on—come in. It’s okay.”

  The shower stall in her apartment had clearly not been made to hold a seven-foot-tall Kindred warrior but Dru ducked down some and managed to make it work.

  “Gods, you’re so beautiful,” he murmured, looking at Annie’s curvy, freckled body. “This is the first time I have seen you completely naked, teeska.”

  Annie blushed and restrained the urge to cover herself. She would have felt too plump and too freckled in front of any other man but she knew that Dru truly did like both her curves and her freckles and it made her feel like a goddess.

  “Thank you,” she murmured. Reaching for the body wash, she pumped some into the palm of her hands and started to rub up
and down her arms.

  “Here, let me do that,” Dru rumbled. Taking some of the body wash for himself, he rubbed his palms together, creating a lather, which he proceeded to spread liberally all over Annie’s naked, wet body.

  “Oh!” she gasped as he palmed her swollen breasts gently and then let his hands drift lower to wash her hips and ass.

  “Do you not like this, teeska?” he murmured, running his long fingers up her inner thighs and cupping her pussy. “I promised I would help get you clean—remember?”

  “I remember,” Annie whispered breathlessly. “And I love it. But I’ve been meaning to ask you—what does ‘teeska’ mean, anyway? You…you call me that a lot.”

  “It is…hmm…” Dru frowned as he crouched down and rubbed his big, warm, soapy hands up and down her legs. “It is a word in my language which means ‘small,’ but also ‘cherished beloved.’ I think in English it would translate as ‘my little darling.’”

  “That’s sweet—I like it.” Annie put her arms around his neck and leaned down to plant a kiss on his mouth. Even though he was crouching and she was standing, she didn’t have to lean far. “Would you help your little darling now, Dru?” she murmured, looking into his eyes. “My breasts really hurt. And my pussy feels so empty.”

  “Gods, teeska,” he growled. “You don’t know what it does to me to hear you talk like that! Yes, of course I will help you.”

  Leaning forward, he took one of her tight nipples between his lips and began to suck.

  Annie threw back her head and moaned. Oh God, it felt so good. Every pull of his hot mouth on her rigid peak sent sparks of pure pleasure straight down to her swollen pussy.

  “Dru!” she moaned, clutching at his broad, wet shoulders for balance. “Oh God, yes—yes that feels perfect!”

  “It is about to feel better, teeska,” he rumbled, looking up at her. “Spread your thighs for me—let me wash inside you and get your sweet pussy all nice and clean while I suck your other breast.”

  Annie spread her thighs obligingly and moaned when she felt his long fingers parting her wet folds. God, how did he know just how to touch her? He stroked her like she stroked herself—slowly circling her clit and then teasing up and down the sides of the sensitive little bud with firm, light strokes. At the same time, Dru sucked her other nipple between his lips—pulling hard as though he wanted to get as much of her breast into his mouth as he could at time.

  Suddenly Annie was right on the edge. Her hips bucked forward and she felt a gasp being torn from her lips.

  “Dru!” she wailed, digging her nails into his broad shoulders. “Oh God, I’m so close!”

  To her shock and dismay, he abruptly stopped touching her.

  “What…why…why did you stop?” she gasped, looking down at him. “Didn’t you hear me—I was close.”

  “Didn’t want you to come on my fingers.” Dru’s voice was a low, lustful growl and his eyes had slitted open to show the Drake’s flame within. “Want you to come in my mouth, teeska. I want to taste all this sweet pussy honey you’re making.”

  Annie wanted to protest—she’d always been much too self-conscious to let a man taste her there before. But Dru really didn’t give her a choice.

  Before she knew it, he was pushing her back against the slick tiles of the shower and propping one of her thighs over his broad shoulder.

  “Oh!’ Annie gasped and tightened her grip on his other shoulder. It was a damn good thing there was a shower mat in here or she would have gone ass over teakettle, she thought—but then Dru leaned forward and placed a hot, sucking kiss on her outer pussy and everything else flew clean out of her head.

  “Drew,” she gasped. “Oh God!”

  He looked up at her, his eyes blazing.

  “You don’t know how long I have wanted to do this—how long I have wanted to taste your sweet pussy, Annie. Spread your thighs wide for me and let me in—let me lap your folds and taste your honey.”

  Moaning, Annie obeyed. Dru growled hungrily as her outer lips spread for him and pressed his face deep between her thighs. Annie gasped and grabbed his thick, black hair as she felt his tongue invade her pussy, lapping her inner folds hungrily and lashing her throbbing clit.

  “Dru!” She wailed, bucking against his mouth. “Oh God, Dru—yes!”

  Suddenly she was right on the edge again—so close to orgasm she could almost taste it. Then Dru sucked her swollen clit between his lips and began to lash it fiercely with the tip of his tongue.

  It was exactly what Annie needed. With a wordless wail, she felt herself take flight. Her fingers tightened in Dru’s hair in a way that had to be painful but she heard his growl of approval and he pressed forward, clearly eager for both pain and pleasure.

  Good, Annie thought deliriously. Oh God, so good…so good!

  But even as the intense pleasure seemed to shatter her into a million pieces, she knew she needed more. Her pussy throbbed, feeling more empty than ever. She needed to be filled—filled deeply with something thick enough to stretch her inner walls to the limit and something long enough to press hard against the mouth of her womb. It was the only way, Annie understood instinctively, to get over the overwhelming lust which had taken possession of her body.

  “Dru…” she moaned, tugging at his hair. “Dru, please—I need you. Need you inside me so much!”

  Dru looked up, his mouth shiny with her juices.

  “Of course, teeksa. I will ease your pain—but we must be careful.”

  Annie wanted to ask what he meant but he was already lifting her out of the shower and drying her off gently, as though she was something precious and delicate he needed to take care of.

  At least her breasts weren’t aching anymore, she told herself. But the hungry emptiness in her pussy seemed to have doubled or even trebled. The need to be filled was nearly an obsession now—she had to have something inside her!

  When both of them were dry, Dru carried her into the bedroom. Annie was dimly aware of being glad that she’d made the bed neatly with its flowered spread and all the dirty clothes were tucked out of sight into the hamper. But mostly she was focused on the thick shaft she could see rising from between the big Kindred’s legs.

  “Please, Dru,” she begged again when he settled himself in the center of the bed with his back to the headboard and pulled her over him so that she was straddling his lean hips. “Please, I need you.”

  “And I will give you what you need but we must be careful,” he said again.

  “Why? Why do we have to be careful?” Annie demanded. “Do you still not want to bond me to you?”

  “I do want to bond you to me forever,” Dru said, an intense look in his eyes. “But I am afraid I might be sentencing you to a life of exile. If the Kindred Council sends me home in disgrace for letting my Drake come out, I will have no choice but to go back to my home world, where I will also not be welcome. We need to wait until after their ruling to bond. That way you can think about if you really want to spend the rest of your life in exile with me.” He sighed reluctantly. “So maybe…maybe I should just use my fingers on you again.”

  “No!” Annie exclaimed. “No, that won’t work this time, Dru. I need something thicker—something bigger. I can feel the need inside me…here.”

  She took his big hand and placed it over her throbbing pussy. Dru groaned softly as he slipped his fingertips into her folds and tested her wetness.

  “Gods, teeska, so wet and ready for me!”

  “Yes, but not just for your fingers. For this.”

  Boldly, Annie reached between them and grabbed the thick shaft rising from between his thighs. It was hot and throbbing and the skin was petal-soft—it reminded her of the texture of his Drake’s scales.

  “Annie!” Dru groaned in protest but she was already positioning the plum-shaped head of his cock at the mouth of her pussy. “Wait!” he exclaimed, before she sat down on him. “Wait for just a minute—you can have me inside you if you need to but we still shouldn’t bond y

  “How can we avoid it?” Annie demanded. “I thought that’s what bonding meant to Kindred.”

  “No—bonding involves bonding sex,” Dru corrected her. “And with a Drake Kindred, that means taking not just my shaft but my barb inside you.”

  “You’re what?” Annie fell back a little confused. “What are you talking about?”

  “Give me your hand.” He took her hand and brought it down to the thick root of his cock. There, right at the base of his shaft, she felt a kind of fleshy hook, right above the heavy sack that held his balls.

  “Is this it?” she asked, exploring it with her fingers.

  Dru groaned softly and she felt his shaft flex in her hands.

  “Yes. That’s my Pleasure Barb. All Drake Kindred have them.” He spoke in a low, hoarse voice.

  “Pleasure Barb?” Annie frowned. “Is it anything like the mating fist Beast Kindred have?” She had heard the mating fist swelled inside the girl who was making love with a Beast Kindred, tying the two of them together until the act was finished.

  “A bit,” Dru nodded. “The barb slips inside your pussy—but only if you take me all the way to the root. Once inside, it hooks painlessly into your flesh and injects compounds that give pleasure and increase fertility.”

  “Fertility?” Annie raised her eyebrows. “Seriously?”

  “Absolutely.” Dru nodded gravely. “So think about that, Annie. There is no birth control in the galaxy that can guard against pregnancy when you have bonding sex with a Kindred—and that goes double for a Drake Kindred. So we need to be doubly careful not to have bonding sex until you’re certain of what you want.”

  Annie bit her lip. She was pretty sure she knew exactly what she wanted—to spend her life with Dru. But the idea of getting pregnant hadn’t even occurred to her—though she supposed it should have. Still, she needed him inside her—her pussy was throbbing with emptiness and if it wasn’t filled soon, she didn’t know what she would do.

  “All right,” she said at last. “We…we can be careful. Only please, Dru—I need you in me. I feel so empty.”


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