Spellbound: The Awakening of Aislin Collins

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Spellbound: The Awakening of Aislin Collins Page 14

by Margeaux Laurent

  Her face flushed and she smiled widely at him. I looked to see him blushing as well.

  “I thought you did not care for Jack?” I was bewildered by their blatant flirtations.

  Abigail told Becky to go down the rows and look for white lace to go with her gown, giving us privacy. She then pulled me away from where a group of Burlington women were talking and shopping. She meant to tell me something that was not meant for all to hear.

  “We have been having a tryst!” she giggled while covering her mouth with her hands, her face turning bright pink.

  I could not believe my ears. Before me stood young, sweet, Abigail, surely she could not be caught up in such things. After all, she swore that she did not care for Jack anymore.

  “Are you mad? What if your father finds out?” I hissed.

  She kept smiling and then started acting as though she was very mature and very wise, puffing her chest out and speaking in a tone of grandeur. “Oh Aislin, it is just a little tryst before my wedding. Is it wrong to want to know the lips of someone young when I am to marry someone who is near my father's age?”

  “How long has this been going on?” I demanded.

  “Ever since the night the hunting parties began,” she said deviously, “We meet at your father's shop as soon as all the men have gone into the woods!”

  It was hard for me to believe that the silly girl who could not even muster up the courage to say hello to Jack, was now slipping away with him for an affair.

  “Do you have feelings for Jack?”

  She rolled her green eyes at me and sighed, “You are so naïve Aislin. This is not about love. This is about enjoying my womanly rights before I am bound to the side of an old man. You could not possibly understand what I have been feeling because you are promised to a young man yourself. But I will be forced into the arms . . . and bed of someone old.” Her mouth twitched as her last words resonated in the air.

  I understood more than she knew. Not of age, but of being betrothed to one you did not desire or love.

  “Does Jack know about your marriage?”

  “Yes, of course. The whole town knows of my marriage. It is just for fun Aislin.”

  I looked over at the smitten Jack who was following Abigail as though he was her puppy. I had a feeling that Jack had no clue of Abigail's motives. I turned toward Abigail, waiting for her to expound on the situation, but she had already walked back to the merchant tables to shop. She ignored Jack when he called her name and draped herself in more white fabric.

  Instead of following her, I walked a few tables down. I had a feeling that Jack was about to approach her and I did not want to be in the middle of that conversation. I meandered passed a few tables in search of Becky, but saw a specific display that caught my eye. The table was covered in exotic fabrics and I moved in closer to inspect. This particular table was crowded with people, but I pushed my way forward and picked up a spool of white silk. It reminded me of the material that I was wearing in the painting that hung in Greer's bedchamber. I wondered if I could afford to buy the fabric just in case Greer and I ever were able to marry. I went to put the fabric back down when something grabbed me. It happened so fast that I could not even breathe. Everything was blurry as I was moved away from the port.

  Then all movement stopped and I was being pressed against a wall. I looked up and was immediately encompassed in a kiss—Greer's kiss.

  “I could not resist you,” he whispered, as he gently kissed his way down my cheek.

  I struggled to catch my breath but found it impossible to fight the sensations that I felt.

  “How did you find me?” I asked.

  “I have been escorting you the whole journey,” he smiled at me and stared into my eyes.

  I stared back, his eyes looked beautiful in the soft light and a crooked smile pulled on his lips. “Did you think I would leave you alone with that brute again?”

  I looked around and saw that we were in a small, dark room. It was covered with wooden planks from floor to ceiling, and it seemed to sway. We were on a ship.

  I reached up and ran my fingers through his dark hair, the soft wavy strands felt like silk to the touch. He was so close to me that I could not feel any space between us. He kissed my lips and my knees weakened. I wanted to be closer still. I was completely encompassed in the moment we were sharing. Time slowed down, we were together and alone, and it was perfect.

  “We should stop.” He gently moved my arms from around his neck.

  I was broken from the spell of our embrace, “Why?” I asked sadly.

  “Because we never did get our wedding night Aislin . . . I want it to be perfect,” he said shyly.

  “Then you plan to marry me?” I asked hopefully.

  Greer's expression became dark, his brows creased together and I began to dread the answer to the question I had asked.

  “Of course I plan on marrying you! How could you think otherwise?” his temper was showing now. He seemed insulted by my words, and worse still, he appeared hurt.

  I found myself stuttering, tripping over my words, “I was not sure… you said that you would not allow me to marry Zachariah, but you never said you wanted to marry me. I did not know . . . I hoped you wanted me.” I could not look at him so I studied my hands.

  His expression softened towards me and he kissed me strongly, “I am so sorry my love. Even though we have been apart for so long, when I’m with you, it feels as though we were never separated. At times, I forget that some things need to be said aloud. I should be more understanding.” He bent down on one knee and took my hand in his, “Aislin, I swear that I will marry you,” he looked away from me as though some horrible thought overtook him, “If, of course, you will have me?” he asked quietly.

  I bent down so we were at eye level, “I want nothing more than to be with you.”

  “You do not know what you are condemning yourself to,” his voice was full of regret.

  “I do not care that you are like Dearg-dul. I only care that I am with you.”

  “I fear that I may hurt you,” he whispered.

  “You will not. You love me.”

  “Indeed, I love you more than life itself.” He pulled me toward him and we embraced. The waves beneath the ship gently rocked us back and forth as he kissed me. He brushed his fingertips across my neck, just as he had done in my vision. His eyes were half- open and he leaned in to kiss just above his fingers, but then he stopped abruptly and recoiled.

  “I must take you back,” he said shortly, “Before you are discovered missing.”

  “Can we run away? We could hide, and then find a ship to take us somewhere far away.” I spoke the words as a thought, but it was obvious that I was pleading with him.

  Greer smiled at me but I could see pity in his eyes, “You read too many books Aislin. We must stay here and fight our battle.”

  As soon as he said the words, I felt the world around me turn into a haze. He was carrying me back to the port. Back to civilization and away from him. I buried my face into his neck and tried to savor every last moment we had together. My heart broke at the thought of our parting, but then it happened, as though he had never been there in the first place. I was standing with all the bustle of the port around me. I heard his voice in my ear.

  “Show them these fabrics and say you were shopping for your wedding, they are for your gown.”

  I looked down into my arms to find the most luxurious white silk I had ever seen, bundles of it, along with lace and moray. I stood in the middle of the port staring in admiration at the material that I now possessed. I had never held such fine fabric before. This must have cost a fortune.

  “Aislin! Where have you been?” Abigail yelled, as she and Becky came running up to me.

  “Shopping,” I said dreamily.

  Becky looked at me with a quizzical face, but then her expression changed to amazement when she surveyed the fabric that I was holding. Abigail looked at my possessions with envy.

  “How did
you afford all that?” she demanded as her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

  “My father gave me money in case I saw fabric for my wedding,” I lied.

  “Why did you not show me that fabric? It is more suited for someone like me,” she pouted.

  I ignored her as we made our way toward the carriage.

  “Your hair is a mess,” Abigail said, as she trailed after me.

  I hastily smoothed down my hair and swore I heard Greer laughing. I tried to contain a giggle myself.

  As we came close to the tavern, Zachariah came out of the doorway. He was being supported by a shabbily dressed woman. She obviously worked at the tavern for a specific purpose. He did not see us, but Abigail and I watched as he kissed her passionately and paid her for her time. Abigail looked repulsed and dropped a few of her purchases on the ground. Becky quickly picked up the items and took the rest from Abigail, who stood motionless as she observed her brother in the glow of reality for the first time.

  “Aislin, I am so sorry,” she gasped, as she watched her brother still consorting with the prostitute.

  Behavior of this sort was expected of sailors, not of the mayor's son and certainly not brazenly in public.

  I realized that this one act could be my escape from having to play these games with Zachariah ever again. I waited for Becky to see me swaying, and then I thrust the fabric into her hands and let myself fall to the ground.

  I heard gasps from onlookers and the rushing of feet as people came to lift me up and bring me water. Somewhere in my head, I heard Greer, “Smart girl,” he laughed.

  Zachariah rushed to come to my aid. He was stumbling and swaying as he slammed into people and pushed his way through the crowd, “What is wrong with her?” he asked Abigail in a disgusted voice

  Abigail rounded on him, she started hitting him and screaming, “You are what is wrong with her, you horrible boy! You broke her heart. She has fainted from seeing you with that prostitute!”

  The crowd that had gathered around us was murmuring under their breath. Rumors were already circulating. Women from our town were amongst the shoppers, and I knew that Burlington would know of Zachariah's conduct by nightfall.

  “Can you sit up?” Zachariah asked me as he leaned down at my side.

  The smell of alcohol was permeating off him, and the scent of the whore's perfume was fresh upon his clothing. I thought to use this in my favor. I sat up with great care and forced tears into my eyes.

  “Get away from me you unfaithful brute,” I bellowed at him.

  “Do not talk to me like that, you ridiculous wench!” he yelled back, swaying as he stood. He was far too drunk to control his manners.

  The crowd gasped at his harsh response.

  “I was shopping for my wedding dress,” I whimpered, as I dropped my head into my hands and pretended to weep.

  Abigail helped me up and treated me as though I was extremely fragile. “How could you do this to her?” she hissed at him, as she wrapped her arms around me.

  Zachariah was walking away from us and towards the carriage, “Get in the carriage. We're going home.”

  “I do not want to go with him,” I said in a feeble voice.

  Becky was holding all my things and Abigail was looking helplessly at the carriage. “How else would you get back to Burlington? It is too dangerous to walk and it would take too long.”

  “I do not care.”

  “I can take you,” a soft voice said.

  Abigail froze in her spot and stared at the man who offered me safe passage. Greer had worked his way through the crowd and was now standing near Abigail.

  “I am going that way, and I would be happy to escort you home safely. You should not have to ride with such a scoundrel.”

  Abigail looked longingly at Greer. I looked away from him so that I would not blush and tried to hide my excitement at his offer. He took the fabric from Becky's arms.

  “I will get a carriage,” he said.

  Zachariah had turned around and was strutting back to the scene, “She will go with no one but me!” he shouted over the crowd at Greer.

  “Are you her husband?” Greer asked.

  “Not yet,” Zachariah sneered while coming face to face with Greer. Zachariah was a few inches shorter and looked feeble in comparison.

  “Well if she is not your wife than you have no authority over her. So back off little man,” Greer warned in a cool voice, as he stared down at the drunken boy.

  “Do you know who I am?” Zachariah prodded.

  Greer threw his head back and laughed, “I do not care who you are. You are obviously nothing more than a drunken twit and a swine. Now run along home to your mother and leave this lady in peace.” Greer took my hand and pulled me through the crowd.

  Zachariah lunged for me, but Greer stepped between us.

  “The wedding if off Zachariah, I can assure you that my parents will not allow a man of your character to marry me,” I said boldly as the crowd erupted into more whispers at my words.

  He said nothing, but turned and stomped off in the direction of the carriage. Becky and Abigail followed behind, leaving us amongst the dispersing crowd.

  An old man walked up and tapped Greer on the arm, “If you can wait for a while, I can give you both a ride back to Burlington in my carriage. I have a few more merchants to barter with, so it will be a few hours.”

  “Thank you,” said Greer. “That would be very kind of you. I can pay you for your service.” Greer reached into his pocket to compensate the man.

  The little man smiled and pat Greer's arm, “No need son. Just see that the girl finds a place to rest and heal from her pain. Love can cause the worst wounds of all,” he toddled off in the direction of the merchants, leaving Greer and I to entertain ourselves for the upcoming hours.

  I had never been alone with him for more than a half hour, and I felt my stomach fill with butterflies as he took my hand and led me to the tavern.

  “I am sorry to bring you to such an establishment, but I think that some food will do you good.”

  The tavern was a dingy place. Crowded with sailors and businessmen, and adorned with colorfully dressed women that hung all over the customers and laughed loudly at their jokes. I felt rather out of place and clung to Greer's side. He ignored the brunette who sauntered over and offered him a drink, and he found a quiet table in the back corner. She followed us as we seated ourselves, “So sorry that I stole your boyfriend,” the woman said to me in a nasal voice. She was smiling at me with an impish expression. Her front right tooth was badly chipped and her skin looked yellow against her tattered pink dress.

  “I am not sorry,” I replied, “You can have him.”

  Her expression melted into disappointment and confusion. No woman from Burlington to Philadelphia could understand my animosity toward the wonderful Zachariah Marthaler. She thought that she had stolen a prize and a consolation of my despair was in order. Little did she know that I would give him to her freely.

  Greer ordered wine for both of us, and a stew for me to eat. He looked at me with great curiosity as I sat quietly, not sure of what to say.

  “Does it bother you to see Zachariah with another woman?” he finally asked.

  “No, why would it?” The question seemed so odd to me. I had never thought of being jealous. In fact, I was relieved.

  “He dishonors you by his conduct.” He pushed the wine towards me, encouraging me to drink.

  “I do not care what he thinks, or what anyone else thinks for that matter. If I loved him I suppose it would bother me, but he means nothing more to me than any one of these patrons,” I said, while pointing around the room.

  As I did so, I noticed how many women were staring at Greer, and I realized that we had been without each other for a many lifetimes.

  “Did you ever love another?” I asked. The thought of Greer with another woman did indeed make me jealous…and rather sad.

  Greer's expression shifted from relaxed, to angry and rigid. He looked at me
for a long while without blinking, without moving. “I have never loved anyone but you, and there was no other after your death.” His voice was stern and defensive.

  I felt my cheeks grow crimson and I lowered my gaze to the table. I had hurt him with my question and found myself fiddling with my napkin, “I am sorry. It is just that you said that you have been alone for so long. I see the way women look at you and . . . ” I could not finish my sentence for fear of making things worse.

  I watched as his hands wrapped around mine, the color of our skin was almost identical and I realized that his skin was now pale. I lifted my gaze to meet his.

  “There has never been anyone but you,” he said softly.

  My food came and the bowl was dropped in front of me by Zachariah's mistress. The hot stew splashed onto my face and dress.

  “Oh so sorry miss!” she sneered sarcastically as she walked away,

  Greer took the food away from me and left the table. Within moments, he came back with a fresh bowl of stew.

  “She probably spit in that.” He handed me the bowl, “She is sick. I would not risk you eating anything that she touched. This came directly from the kitchen.”

  “How do you know she is sick?” I asked, before I dipped my spoon into the hot stew.

  “I can smell it. Her blood is tainted with disease,” he said quietly.

  I tasted the stew. I was surprised at its goodness and I was astonished at my hunger. Greer ate nothing, but played with his wine glass and watched me contently.

  “Is it difficult for you to find food?” I asked between bites.

  My question seemed to come as a surprise to him and he shifted in his seat with discomfort.

  “It is getting harder now that winter is setting in. Most of the large animals are migrating and it does not leave much for me.”

  “What will you do?” I worried that he would need to leave if food sources became too scarce.

  “I will make due,” he smiled, “I am resourceful when I need to be.”

  “You are pale . . . are you feeling alight?” I asked in concern.

  “I have not eaten in a while, but I am fine,” he insisted.


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