More Than My Words

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More Than My Words Page 30

by Ann Lister

  Mason’s eyes darted to movement behind them. A female reporter was adjusting three chairs around to better position them to work with the studio lights her cameraman had brought with him.

  “Tessler, you can have a seat here,” Marcus directed and pointed to an empty chair, “and Mason you can sit here beside him.”

  “Hi there, Mr. Tessler,” the reporter said. “I’m Mindy Gladstone with Channel 6 News. We’re a CBS affiliate network. I can’t thank you enough for giving me this exclusive.”

  “It’s just Tessler,” he corrected the woman.

  “Tessler?” Mindy repeated. “Oh, I just assumed that was your last name.”

  Tessler shook his head. “It’s a pen name and why I’m here to talk to you today,” he explained while the cameraman clipped a tiny microphone to the collar of his polo shirt, then he did the same for Mason.

  “Okay, I’m truly intrigued,” Mindy said. “I’m sure our viewers will be, too.” She sat down in her own chair and turned to address her cameraman. “Give me a five count lead-in, and we’ll get this rolling.”

  Tessler reached for Mason’s hand on his thigh and squeezed it; when their gazes met, Mason nodded in hopes his strength would pass through him and straight into Tessler. “You can do this,” Mason silently mouthed the words.

  “I think we’re ready to begin, gentlemen,” Mindy said. “I’ll start with a brief introduction and then I’ll ask you a few questions. Marcus said you have a prepared statement. Is that true?”

  “I wrote down a few notes,” Tessler answered, “but I’ll probably just speak off the cuff.”

  “That works, too,” she said. “Remember, this isn’t live, so if you need a break or want to stop, just say the word and we’ll edit it later.”

  “Sounds good,” Tessler said.

  “Then, I think we’re ready,” Mindy said. She looked behind her and signaled the cameraman, then pasted a smile onto her face that Mason was less than convinced was genuine. Her eyes lifted to the camera pointed at her as the cameraman did his countdown.

  Five . . . four . . . three . . .

  A silent two count followed and was done with the cameraman’s fingers in the air, and then they were officially filming. True to her word, Mindy did her introduction and even included Mason, which was a little uncomfortable, but he went with it. This was Tessler’s show, and he was only there for support. All too quickly, the focus turned to Tessler, and Mason held his breath.

  “Good morning, my name is Tessler. Just Tessler … no last name,” he said and grinned nervously at the camera. “Some of you might recognize that name because of my books in the science fiction genre, but I’m fairly certain none of you know my face. There’s a reason for that, and I’ve gone out of my way to stay out of the public eye for the last several years. Tessler is one of two pen names I use for my books, and I have a third name—my birth name as well. I’m here today to tell you about all of them, and why I felt the need to have three names.”

  “How long have you been writing, Tessler?” Mindy prompted.

  “I started writing short stories when I was a kid,” Tessler explained, “but didn’t start earning money doing it until I was in college.”

  “I believe I read you were signed with a publishing house at the tender age of nineteen,” Mindy said.

  “That’s correct,” Tessler admitted. “It was a dream come true, but that dream came with a burden I hadn’t expected.”

  “And what was that?” Mindy asked.

  “I had to hide who I was,” Tessler confessed. “Having three different identities has taken its toll, and I no longer want to hide any of my pieces. That being said, I want the world to know that I was born and raised as Gavin Roth. I am also Tessler, an author of several series of books in the science fiction genre, and my other pen name is LJ Mechum, the author of The Black Key Trilogy. The reason for my secrecy and the reclusive existence I established for myself years ago is because of the three books I wrote under the name of LJ Mechum. Up until last night, not even my family knew I was the author of that trilogy. Although they’ve known for years I was gay, this last piece was all new to them, and I’m thrilled and also relieved, that they offered me their full support and love. That meant a lot to me, and it gave me the strength to sit here today and tell the public that I am LJ Mechum.”

  Mindy seemed to be shocked into silence but cleared her throat and managed to ask, “I can’t believe I’m sitting here with LJ Mechum,” she said. “That series broke every sales record known in the publishing industry.”

  “That series is also based on my experiences as a young gay man at a time in my life when I was simply having fun exploring my sexuality,” Tessler added.

  “It’s takes place in a sex club, correct?” Mindy asked with eyes still as wide as saucers. “And movies were made from the trilogy.”

  “That’s all true.”

  “Why come forward now and not years ago when this trilogy hit it big?” Mindy asked.

  “I should have gone public back when the trilogy released, but I was advised by my publisher and agent at the time that the public might have a problem with the dark, erotic content of those books and that could translate into poor sales of my other books which are in a much different genre. I was young and impressionable, so I listened to them. I wasn’t even out to my family as a gay man, so it was a relief that I could hide behind this pen name. I don’t want to hide anymore. I’m in a really good place in my life right now—I’m in love, and ready to own whatever backlash comes from the public knowing who LJ Mechum really is. If it affects my book sales, then so be it. I’ll still continue to write my stories under the Tessler name and trademark.”

  “That sounds like a heavy weight you’ve been carrying around all these years,” Mindy said.

  “It was, but recent events in my life forced my hand with this,” Tessler stated.

  “Do you want to elaborate on that?” Mindy asked.

  “Someone who used to work for me admitted to stealing a journal from my house—the stories I based the trilogy on came from that same journal,” Tessler explained. “Then they started threatening to use my journal to expose my three identities to the world. I couldn’t allow that to happen. This is my life and my truth, so I decided to own it and make this announcement myself before they had a chance to do it for me.”

  “Well, I’m very glad you decided to share this with us today, Tessler,” the reporter said warmly. “For your fans watching this interview, I have to ask if there will be more books forthcoming under the LJ Mechum name?”

  “Definitely not,” Tessler said firmly. “I retired him a long time ago. I guess you could say, he was my alter ego back then, but I am not that same man anymore, which is why I can’t and won’t use the name again. The trilogy will forever remain a three book series.”

  “That’s sure to be a disappointment to the millions of readers who loved that series, Tessler, but your explanation makes perfect sense,” Mindy said, then her eyes bounced to Mason. “What role did you play in this big reveal today, Mason?”

  “I’m here as his support,” Mason said.

  “He’s much more than that,” Tessler added. “He’s here to watch me take back full control of my life and witness the merging of three very different identities into one.”

  “Is Tessler the identity closest to who you really are?” Mindy asked Tessler.

  “There are pieces of all three inside the real me, but I’m going to continue to use Tessler to author my science fiction books,” he admitted.

  “Where do you plan to go from here after today’s interview?” Mindy asked.

  Tessler looked at Mason and smiled warmly. “Anywhere this man is going . . . that’s where I want to be. He’s shown me that life is so much more than my words, and from now on, I’m going to live my truth—out in the open. Of course, I’ll keep on writing, too.”

  “I think that sums it up perfectly, Tessler,” Mindy smiled again. “I’ll thank you for trusting us to
share your news, and we at Channel 6 wish you the very best of luck. I hope you’ll give us a call with future updates as well.”

  “I’d be happy to,” Tessler said. He waited for the “all clear” signal from the cameraman and then quickly turned to embrace Mason in the chair beside him. “I did it, I fucking did it.”

  “You most certainly did, and I am so damn proud,” Mason whispered. “Come on, let’s get the hell out of here. We’ve got some celebrating to do.”

  “Before we get to the fun part of celebrating, I’m really worried about what Barry has in store for me, especially after he sees this interview air,” Tessler said.

  “I put a call in to Victor this morning while you were getting ready,” Mason said. “He’s got a couple of our guys going over to have a chat with Barry a little later.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “It means, we always take care of our own,” Mason explained. “Barry might be desperate for cash, but I don’t think he’s stupid, and our guys are very good at getting people to make the right decision.”

  “You really think they’ll be able to convince Barry to drop this?” Tessler asked.

  “I’m certain of it,” Mason countered. “We are so smooth with our . . . methods, Barry will think it was all his idea to walk away.”

  “It’ll be that easy?”

  “Not in the sense you’re thinking, but easy from our end of things,” Mason said. “We’ll get you through this, Tess, I promise. So, let’s go celebrate a whole new chapter of our lives.”

  “Naked?” Tessler asked with the lift of one brow.

  “Is there a better way?”

  “I seriously don’t believe so,” Tessler said and smirked.

  “Then, naked it is.”

  The Black Key Journal

  This is Tessler's private journal. The journal he used as a story outline when he penned his world famous Black Key Trilogy. The three-book set was semi-autobiographical by nature that closely followed the sexual awakening of a young Tessler as he grew into the man he'd become today. The journal entries were emotional and incredibly personal as Tessler chronicled his journey as an inexperienced innocent, to an intrigued intern, and out the other side as an able-bodied man with decidedly different tastes than those from before he first stepped through the doors of The Black Key Club.

  Tessler guarded this journal and the secrets it held between the pages for years to protect himself from the possible judgment of others should the book ever be publicly exposed.

  Now, he wants to share his journal with you – on his own terms – before someone tries to take that power away from him.

  The Black Key Journal is an erotic novella. It is a companion piece for “More Than My Words,” Book 3 in the Guarding The Gods Series. To better enjoy Tessler's journal, it is strongly suggested that you read Book 3 before you read this novella. There is a considerable amount of erotic content in this novella with numerous adult MM sexual situations not meant for younger readers. This is a fictional journal written in first person from one point of view: Tessler's.

  The Black Key Journal

  Guarding The Gods, Book 4 ~ An Erotic Novella

  Copyright © 2018 by Ann Lister. All rights reserved.


  I've had my eye on this new journal sitting on the corner of my desk for months now, almost taunting me to pull it forward and spill my guts out all over the blank pages between the hard covers, but I'm not quite ready. I don't buy expensive journals, so I stock pile them to save for when it's time to start a new one, or if I feel I have something that needs to be said.

  The rush I get when I open a fresh journal sends a pulse of energy through me each and every damn time. Hearing the crackle sound of the spine giving way when the covers are spread open and the scent of the unused pages as it hits my nostrils are an aphrodisiac to me. Does that sound weird? It might be, but I'm an author and that's what we do. Stuff like that gets our juices flowing. Some people need alcohol or drugs to get this kind of a high. All I need is a new journal and a pen.

  Maybe it's presumptuous to be calling myself an author, since I haven't yet sold anything beyond a couple of short stories to a few college focused magazines. The Agent says that if I keep referring to myself as an author it will make me one. I'm not even sure I understand that phrase, never mind believe it. He swears he'll get me a book contract soon, that based on the sci-fi manuscript I sent to him I have more talent than most of his clients combined. In the beginning I wondered if he was saying that shit to get into my pants. Truth is, I would have let him do that regardless of him even wanting to represent me. I guess that makes me desperate for the touch of someone else's hands on me, or shameless to get my stories into print. Whatever. I'm okay with either option. I never thought I'd have a literary agent and that alone makes me feel like a hot shit.

  No doubt about it, my life is changing – evolving. Maybe that's a better word to use. Ever since The Agent pushed his way into my life, colors are brighter and food tastes better on my tongue. I'm not delusional to think there are feelings with this man. He's just a man – a much older man, who has made it his mission to expose me to . . . things, broaden my horizon as he says. After this, I'll probably end up having daddy issues, with all my future lovers being more experienced like he is, but so what. It's been a helluva ride – both literally and figuratively, and it's not close to being over yet. At least I don't want it to be. He keeps telling me about all the things he wants to teach me, and I'm okay with whatever he has in store. In fact, I can't wait.

  I was at The Agent's house again last night. It's becoming more and more of the norm for me to be there and then crawl back to my own apartment at dawn. Things are starting to change between us, for the better, I guess. It's like our roles are being defined and the kink level is inching up the scale, too. I want to learn and The Agent seems like he's going to be the perfect teacher for me, so it's all good. I think you know I'm not talking about the publishing world. I'm talking about sex, because right now, my horny self is all about getting straight A's with the sex lessons.

  Maybe I should call him Teacher instead of Agent? LOL. Every time I see him the foreplay gets more intense and it's so fucking hot. He seemed even more engaged with what we're doing after I told him I'd never been with anyone before him. Now he wants me all the time. Sometimes he calls me during the day and we jerk-off over the phone. He loves knowing all my firsts are with him. It makes me wonder how good he'll treat me once I finally let him fuck me. I can't wait for that to happen, but The Agent isn't in a hurry to get there. The stuff he's teaching me now is crazy good. My cock is throbbing now as I write this journal entry and I'm stroking myself using my left hand just so I can continue to write. I'll probably end up shooting all over my desk before I finish with this entry, too. Pretty twisted, but that's what this guy does to me.

  I'd never sucked a dick before his – hell, I told you I hadn't done much of anything with anyone until him, so having him direct me on how to pleasure him while on my knees gave me such a buzz. It made me feel dirty and slutty – in a good way, and I can't seem to get enough. Thankfully, he lets me suck him all the time. We have a thing now that as soon as I get inside his house he directs me to my knees so I can take him into my mouth. He gets off on the control, but judging by the expression he has on his face when he's in my mouth makes me believe I'm the one with the power at that point. The dynamic works for us, so who am I to argue? I'm just a hormonal punk learning the fine art of giving head from a sexy older man who's had more than his fair share of blowjobs. Hearing him give me praise for that is like a symphony to my ears.

  What can I say about giving head? Turns out, a lot, considering this entry for today is largely one long, detailed account of my newfound love of sucking dick. LOL. The sensation of having a cock moving in and out of my mouth, the salty-sweet flavor of his pre-come coating my tongue, and the scent of his skin and balls have me overwhelmed with stimulation every time my face gets close
to his groin. I'm close to coming just from inhaling him and this is usually even before he's had a chance to touch me – which he always does, but not until after he has his first orgasm. Tonight I sucked and licked him for a solid hour, edging him – which is a new term and skill I learned from him, before he finally came in my mouth. He warned me ahead of time, told me he was going to shoot a lot, but I still wasn't prepared for the geyser he blasted down my throat. I swallowed what I could before I started to choke and he pulled out and finished shooting all over my chin and throat. I didn't even have a chance to wipe off my face before he had me on my back in the center of his bed and his mouth wrapped around my cock. He worked on my dick for less than five minutes before he had me in a state of no return and I came without any warning at all. I'd barely had time for my brain to keep up with the stimulation of his mouth and skilled tongue, so how could I possibly find the proper words to articulate what he was doing to me was pushing me dangerously close to losing my load? I was horrified at my lack of self-control and I can still hear his scolding in my head. “Looks like your next lesson is going to be a little cock and ball torture.”

  God, I hope that isn't as bad as it sounds, but The Agent hasn't ever done anything close to causing me pain. With him it's always been about exquisite pleasure. No, the lesson he has planned for me has everything to do with my lack of self-control due to my poor exhibit. I know that, and I probably I deserve it, too. If I'm going to keep up with this much more experienced man, I'm going to have to learn how to edge myself. I'm so hard right now as I write this, I'm going to “practice” the art of edging as soon as I finish this entry. Maybe next time I see him I'll be able to hold off for six minutes instead of five! LOL.

  Today is Saturday which means I was able to see The Agent all afternoon and he even had me stay and have dinner with him. He doesn't take me out places, like on a real date, and sometimes that makes me feel like I'm his “secret” or a toy only worthy of using in private. I'd be lying if I didn't admit I wanted to be more than that to someone, but what twenty year old is going to turn down hot sex on a regular basis with someone who knows what the fuck they're actually doing? Certainly not me. To say I was a late bloomer is an understatement, but The Agent has helped me make up for lost time, and then some.


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