Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2) Page 2

by Theresa Sederholt

  I have three women who are depending upon me, looking to me for some sort of answers. I have none. My mum, bless her, finally gets Raven and Jackie to, at least, eat protein bars. As I stand in the corner, taking in the room around me, I realize my mum, who is usually my rock—tough as nails and so strong—is scared. I see it on her face; her lips are trembling and she seems to be fighting not to cry. It slays me that there isn’t anything I can do. All the money and power in the world means nothing.

  TWELVE HOURS PASS, AND the doctor is back again. He announces that the pressure in Max’s brain has continued to drop and he can be moved in the morning, and the rest is up to Max. What the fuck does that mean? I swear I really want to punch this fucker. Raven must sense my frustration because I feel her take my arm, pulling me towards her.

  “Jax, do you have a nurse to travel with us?”

  “Yes, she’s on the plane already, waiting for us.”

  Once again, I’m fucking waiting! Raven goes back to Max’s bedside to be with Jackie. I decide to head out into the hall and see what is going on with Vincent. I see a flurry of activity, so I decide to pull one of the guards aside to get some answers. He informs me that Vincent is being moved to a federal facility—indefinitely. He will not be able to stand trial for any of the crimes he is accused of until he regains consciousness and is capable of understanding what he is being charged with. So my fucking tax dollars are now paying for him. Only Max can tell me what happened in that room. Why didn’t he just kill the bastard?

  MORNING COMES, AND I actually get Max and everyone else back to New York City without any drama for a change. While Max is being tended to, I pull Jackie aside to talk.

  “I need to know what you need me to do for you.”

  She looks at me, but it’s like she doesn’t see me. “Jax, I just want to be with him, to help him.”

  I hug her. “I understand that, but what about work? Do you want me to handle that for you?”

  “I can’t think about anything but Max.” Oh fuck. She’s crying again . . .

  “Okay, what about your parents? Just tell me what you need handled, I will take care of it all for you.” I pull back from our hug.

  She starts to shake uncontrollably. “My parents don’t know about Max.”

  I get it. I’m not a moron; she hasn’t told her parents about Max because they will probably flip over the age difference. “Okay, I’ll take care of everything for you. Look, I had them put a bed in the room for you to rest, but you have to eat, as well. You will be no good to him if you are weak from lack of nourishment.”

  She shakes her head, “Jax, I can’t.”

  I pull her close. “Here’s the problem, when Max wakes up and he sees that you didn’t eat, he will kick my arse, so please, eat.”

  I, at least, get a smile. “Okay.”

  She heads back into the room to be with Max. I don’t know when it happened, but she’s in love with him. And I realize I’ve been so busy with all the drama in my own life, that I didn’t even see this happening. What kind of friend does that make me? Why has Max held back on this? Once again, I’m left with more questions than answers!

  I MADE SURE THAT Jackie’s work understood what was happening, and they gave her a leave of absence. I paid her rent for a year, so she wouldn’t have to be concerned with it. I then had to make the decision to move Max out of the rehabilitation center I know Max, he would not want to be in there. More importantly, he wouldn’t want Jackie there, so I moved him to his place. I put the nurse in the guest room, and I moved Jackie’s personal belongings back to Max’s penthouse. Now, it’s back to a waiting game. My mum and Mrs. Osla come by daily to check on him and to make sure that Jackie is eating. As I head back across the hall to my place, I realize that Raven has a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. It’s been four weeks since Max was shot. For me, time has stood still. But for our baby, life goes on.

  I walk in the door and smell something strange. As I head into the kitchen, I see the most beautiful sight—Raven is attempting to cook me dinner, and I must try not to laugh. Just then, she turns around. “Jax, I wanted to try and cook for you, but I’m not having much luck.” She bites her bottom lip; what a beautiful sight.

  She is standing in the kitchen, amongst a mess that I can’t believe one person could possibly create. I am overwhelmed with my love for this woman. “Raven, I love you. I love everything about you. I love the fact that you have no clue when it comes to cooking. I love that you want to do this for me. But right now, I need you—bad.”

  That’s all I have to say; she drops everything and takes me in her arms. No words are necessary; she just gets it. She strokes my back, her simple touch offering so much comfort.

  “Jax, whatever you need from me, just take it.”

  When did I become such a lucky bastard? I lift her in my arms and carry her to our bed. I slowly undress her, taking in her beautiful body. I kiss those amazing lips, and then nibble on her ear, slowly working my lips all over her body. Her skin is so soft and silky. I feel the subtle changes to her body as I glide my fingertips up and down her hips, and then reach up, and begin stroking her nipples until they peak for me. I reach up and nibble on that ear. Fuck, I’m so hard. I look into her beautiful eyes and slowly sink my cock into her warm body while cradling her in my arms.

  “Raven, you have unraveled me layer by layer without even trying. I need this—us, in the happy place—really slow and gentle.”

  I move slowly, in and out, and I feel my heart race. I know I can’t last much longer. She pulls my face towards hers, resting her forehead on mine. “Fall with me, Jax.”

  I’m there, the top of the cliff and I’m going to fall. All the tension and pressure I’ve been dealing with for the last four weeks comes rushing to the surface and I explode with such force, I think I might pass out. We lock eyes, and I know she understands everything I’m dealing with: my need to keep everyone safe, my impatience with Max’s recovery, the baby, and all the unknowns. I don’t do unknowns. We just lay here, enjoying a temporary moment of solitude together.

  “Sweetheart, tomorrow you have a doctor’s appointment, it will be four weeks.”

  “I know, Jax, it’s also been four weeks that Max has been unconscious. He will come back when he’s ready, not on your timeline but his.”

  I don’t have to explain to her how important Max is in my life, how much I need him around me. She gets it, but more importantly she get’s me. I smile thinking of her attempt at cooking. “Did you really try and cook dinner for me?’

  She laughs, “Didn’t quite turn out the way I planned.”

  My heart feels like it’s going to burst. “Raven, I love you and everything about you . . . that’s all.”

  MORNING COMES AND I’M still buried balls deep. What a beautiful way to wake up. As I watch her eyes begin to flutter, my cock jumps to attention. I swear that bastard has a mind of his own. Calm down, buddy, she needs her rest.

  “Hmm, Jax, who are you talking to?”

  Oh shit, did I say that out loud? “Good morning, sweetheart.”

  “Jax, were you talking to your cock, again?”

  Need a change of subject—quick. “No, Raven, he was just saying good morning.”

  I tilt my hips up so he can give her a proper good morning.

  “You know, Jax, talking to Mr. Cock will get you sectioned.”

  I throw my head back in a fit of laughter. “Mr. Cock? Is that what you’ve named him? I think you’re the one who might get sectioned, sweetheart.”

  “Well, he may as well have a name, since you’re always talking to him.” She reaches up and kisses me with those puffy, soft lips. The taste of her is surreal. “How about if you and Mr. Cock give me a proper wakeup call,” she suggests.

  I tilt my hips up again, swiveling them around while I hold her firmly pressed against me. “Oh, sweetheart, I love proper morning shags with you.”

  I stop and watch her with wonder. “Jax, why are you stopping?”

I pull myself into a sitting position and bend my legs more. “I want to sit up and watch you gliding up and down my cock, so I can have this vision etched in my mind for the rest of the day.” I tilt my hips up again, as her beautiful hair cascades around her bare breast. I reach up to stroke her nipples, but she pushes my hands away.

  “Just watch, Jax, and enjoy the show.”

  I’m such a lucky bastard. She’s gliding up and down my cock, while she rolls her nipples between her fingers. I reach around and grab onto that fabulous arse, and slam into her. “Raven, I can feel you quivering. Come on, sweetheart, it’s beautiful.”

  As she throws her head back and her lips part, I know neither one of us are going to last much longer. Leaning forward, I take one of those beautifully engorged nipples and drag it between my teeth. She clenches my cock from top to bottom, raking her nails over my nipples. That’s it—her nails, dragging across my nipples is what throws me over that cliff. And my sweetheart is right there with me, screaming my name.

  She sprawls across my chest as I stroke her back, both of us trying to steady our breath. “Jax, you don’t have to come to the doctor with me. It’s just a routine check-up.”

  My arm tightens around her. “Do you really think I wouldn’t go with you? Really, Raven, I thought you knew me better.”

  She leans up and kisses me, “I just want you to know that I understand if you can’t.”

  “Nothing will stop me—ever.”

  “I love you,” she whispers.

  I kiss those beautiful soft lips, “More, sweetheart, always more . . .”

  WHEN WE ARE FINALLY ready, Jax and I head out to my doctor’s appointment. Manhattan traffic seems to be light for a change. We arrive at the office right on schedule. We checked in, and get settled in the waiting room. I look around the room and take notice of all the women staring at him. I wonder if the feeling like I want to rip their eyes out will ever go away. He is so beautiful that words escape me. The women don’t care that he is there with me, they stare at him; he pays them no mind. Just as I feel like I might combust, the nurse calls us back. The visit is as I expected pretty routine, that is, until the doctor informs me that I need to gain some weight. Jax actually asked the doctor for an approved foods list! I swear I want to ring his neck. Oh whom am I kidding? I love this neurotic, passionate, intense, over the top man. As we step outside, Jax turns his phone on, and it’s going wild. His face lights up with the biggest smile, he doesn’t have to say a word, I know—Max is awake.

  FOUR WEEKS, AND HE hasn’t moved! I finally had to call my parents and tell them everything that has been going on. Come to find out, Jax had already spoken to my dad. He assured him I was heavily guarded.

  I love Max so much. All I can do is hope that my love is enough to bring him back to me. I sit on the bed and hold his hand; I need the constant touch. “Max, when I was a young girl, my grandmother gave me a crystal pendant. She made me promise to keep it with me always. She said it would protect and heal me. I’ve worn this pendant everyday. I don’t think my grandmother would mind if I gave it to you. I think you need this more than I do.” I take it off, place it in his palm, and silently pray. Please, Grandmother, I beg you; bring him back to me. I won’t survive without him. This man is beautiful, and I have fallen so deeply in love with him. I don’t know when, or how it happened, but I know my life will never be the same again. “Please come back, Max, please.” I sit back, getting lost in the sound of his breaths and the different thoughts that parade through my mind. Silence can be so loud at times.

  Jax has been here everyday, and I realize that he and Max are a lot closer than I thought. I wonder if Max is aware how many people love and respect him. The nurse flutters around the room doing her work, she keeps humming and I swear I never hated humming until now. The only thing I want to hear is his heavy accent; it’s low and as smooth as silky, dark chocolate. I love when he whispers in my ear. I’m so tired, but I will only take naps, just in case he wakes up.

  His beard is speckled with grey and so very soft. I’ve decided to read to Max everyday. I found a book in his office, The Wicked Wit of Winston Churchill by Dominique Enright. It figures Max would have something like this; it’s just short, funny quotes. As I read to him, I hold his hand. He starts to slowly move his thumb in circles over my hand, and I freeze. I take a deep breath and lean down to take a closer look at his face. His eyes are fluttering, and before I know it, he slowly opens them. I have to force myself to breathe before I pass out! Machines are beeping, and the nurse runs over to us.

  “Please, step back while I examine him.” She smiles and pats my arm before turning to him. “Welcome back. I’m your nurse, Nicky. Do you know your name?”

  “Head hurts,” he groans.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Maxwell Fleming . . . head hurts . . . tired.” He closes his eyes. I silently beg for him to please stay awake, but he’s out again.

  Within minutes everything in the room seems to come to life along with Max. After being paged by Nicky, the doctor shows up to examine him. He says it wouldn’t be uncommon for Max to be in and out of it for a while.

  Jax comes running in. “Jackie, what did he say?”

  “Not that much, Jax, just that his head hurts, his name, and that he was tired.”

  “Jackie, he will come back to us. If he knows what’s good for him, he better do it quickly.” He tries to tease. “Did you eat at all today?”

  “Yes. Your mom was here earlier; she brought sandwiches for everyone.”

  He takes a deep breath. “Jackie, can you give me a few minutes with him please?” “Sure, Jax. I’ll go next door and visit with Raven for a bit,” I say around a yawn. I hate to admit it, but I’m dog-tired.

  SHE LEAVES, AND NOW it’s just us. “Okay, Max, if you can hear me, then you better start waking up, ‘cause I don’t know how much more I can take—and yes, right now, it’s all about me. I’m doing your job and mine, plus dealing with Jackie, Raven, Bella, Mrs. Osla, and—my mother!”

  Nothing. No response, really, Max?! “Okay, mate, have it your way, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” As I turn to leave, I could swear I hear him growl, but when I look back, he isn’t moving.

  I step out of the room and for the first time, since he was shot, Raven and Jackie are smiling. “Jackie, we are going next door. If he comes around again, please come and get me.”

  “Of course, Jax. Raven, you look tired; go rest. I promise, if there is any change, I will ring you.” She heads back to Max’s room as Raven and I go back across the hall. Raven is so tired. I pick her up and carry her to the bedroom.

  “Jax, I can walk, you know.”

  “Sweetheart, humor me please. Have a nap, and if anything changes, I promise to wake you.” I watch as she crawls into bed with nothing on but my dress shirt; she’s so fucking beautiful. If I were a gentleman, I would buy her beautiful lingerie. But whom am I kidding? When it comes to this woman, I’m far from a gentleman. Seeing her, in my shirt, makes my cock stand at attention. If I don’t leave the room now, she won’t get her nap. I adjust my raging hard-on, knowing there will plenty of cock heaven later.

  I HEAR EVERYTHING, YET I still can’t bring my mind to the surface. Everything is cloudy; a dense fog. I wish Jackie would stop crying. I hear her sobs, and feel her trembling, but I can’t pull myself to the top. Something is in my hand. I squeeze it tightly. My head hurts. I surrender into the abyss.

  How much time has passed?

  What is that God, awful humming noise?

  Jackie is reading my Winston Churchill book. Her voice soothes the pain in my head. There is something in my hand. I vaguely remember Jackie putting it there to help me heal. Mrs. Philips is here, even though she scares me, I find comfort from her—but I would never tell her that. I must be pretty bad off if Mrs. Osla is here, too. “Maxwell . . .” she whispers in my ear.

  I need to let Jackie go. She’s in pain because of me. When did I let myself fall in love with her? I w
on’t be someone else’s burden. Raven will hate me for hurting Jackie, but I can’t do this to her. She deserves to be happy, and she deserves to be loved. I’m nothing but a shell of a man.

  Oh my head hurts, and the fucking humming has got to stop!

  I DECIDE IT’S TIME to call in reinforcements, since Max has left me no choice.

  “Hey, Mum, what’s going on today?”

  My mum never beats around the bush, and I don’t expect her to start now. “Jaxson, what’s the problem?”

  She is as reliable as Big Ben. “Why do you always think there is a problem when I call you?”

  “Jaxson James, I’m your mother, and I know that you don’t call me in the middle of the afternoon for a chat. So, again, what’s the problem?”

  Fuck, middle name and all. “Okay, Mum, Max woke up, but then he closed his eyes again. The doctor said all of this is normal, and we just have to wait it out. I’m trying to deal with work, Jackie, Raven, the baby, and Max. He needs to wake up, Mum.”

  She laughs, “Don’t you mean, you need him to wake up?”

  “Yeah,” I whisper.

  She takes a deep breath. “I’m on my way. I’ll bring Mrs. Osla again, that should put the fear in him.” Before I can say anything else, she hangs up. Now I need to prepare for the floodgates that I just opened.

  ALL I CAN DO is wait and pray that he will come back to me. There was so much not said between us. Why did I hold back? I knew the danger. I should have gone with my heart, not my head. I close my eyes and let the tears fall.

  “Max, I need you in my life. I don’t know when it happened, but I’m putting it out there now—please come back to me, baby. I need your strong arms around me. I’m not going away, no matter what. Oh, Max, come home to me, baby, any way that you can, please.”


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