Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2) Page 11

by Theresa Sederholt

  She gently presses her soft lips to mine. “I need you inside of me, Jax.”

  I’m on my knees between her legs. I slowly rub my cock up and down her; still making a show for her. I don’t think either one of us will last much longer. I slowly work my way in and then out. I reach down and play with her nipples applying just enough pressure to make them peak for her pleasure. Her skin is on fire.

  “You want me, baby, you’ve got me heart and soul.” I pull back and slam into her, causing her to scream. “Jax . . . oh God, Jax . . . please.”

  I stop. “Look. At. Me.”

  Her eye’s fly up to mine.

  “Raven, I love you. All that I am, and all that I will ever be, in this world, is yours for life. I’m baring my soul to you now.”

  OUR EYES LOCK. WE are both screaming and shaking. My release is like a wave of never ending pleasure, rippling through my whole body. I search his face and I can see something is off. I fist my hands in his hair and pull him towards me, kissing him so softly. I whisper, “I love you, Jax.”

  He keeps kissing me softly, and then he nibbles on my ear. “Jax, talk to me, please. What’s wrong?”

  His beautiful blue eyes are filled with such angst. He rests his forehead on mine, “Raven, marry me, please,” he whispers.

  I freeze. That was not what I was expecting. “Excuse me? Did you really just ask me to marry you while you’re buried balls deep in me? In the back of a limo?”

  He closes his eyes, “Well when you put it like that, it doesn’t sound good.”

  “Jax, I think we need to get dressed.” I try to move, but he holds me even tighter, pinning me beneath him.

  “Raven, just stop for one minute and listen to me, please,” he begs. “I know this is not the way I should be asking you this, trust me. I have been rehearsing what I wanted to say to you for a long time. I knew I wanted you for life the day I met you, but if I had told you then, you would have thought I was a nut.” My eyes grow wide. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m not a nut. Okay, so maybe a little, but still, let’s put that aside for a minute. I love you with all of my heart and soul. You are my end all, and without you, I don’t exist. I know this from when you were gone for three months. I was out of my mind, okay, maybe more of a crazy man. I sulked for three months, sat in your apartment, listening to your iPod over and over again. Some song called ‘half a heart’ every day for hours. I just sat on your bed, so lost without you. I can’t go through life like that. I have so much love to give you and our child. I want to make a happy life for you and the baby. I want lots of babies. Okay, maybe we should get through the first one, but still, I see us growing old together. Geez, woman, I bought your whole fucking building and had it tented for non-existent termites, all so you wouldn’t leave me! Okay, that didn’t come out right, either. I really had no clue how to ask you this. I don’t want you to think I just want to marry you because of the baby; I would marry you with or without a baby. When I asked Max what to do he said when the timing is right I should just bare my soul to you. Are you going to say anything?”

  SHE LOOKS AT ME and begins to laugh, Not exactly the response I was expecting.

  “I’m sorry, Jax, I shouldn’t laugh at you, but really, you have to realize this will go in the history books as one of the funniest proposals ever. I don’t think Max meant for you to be in this position, in the back of a limo, when you asked me.”

  “Well, Raven, are you going to answer me?”

  She smiles and tenderly kisses me . . .”Jax, I already did, you are my end all. There could never be or will ever be anyone else but you.”

  Holy shit. I think she’s saying yes! “You’ll marry me? I need to hear the words, sweetheart, please.”

  She takes my face into her hands and stares into my eyes. “Yes, Jax, I will marry you.”

  I kiss him softly, “You crazy man. Make love to me now.”

  I instruct the driver to keep driving in circles until I tell him otherwise.

  I lean in and kiss her tender lips; they are so soft. Our tongues begin a slow dance. I cocoon her whole body, and slowly begin to move. She needs me slow and tender right now. I’m giving her what she needs. In and out, holding her so close.

  I search her face and I know she’s there. I reach down and nip one of her nipples, and she starts screaming my name over and over again. That’s all it takes, I explode with such force that I swear the head of my cock blew off. I rest my forehead on hers, both of us trying to catch our breaths. “Sweetheart, if it were possible to spend the rest of my life just like this, I would until my last breath on this earth.”

  Her eyes are filled with unshed tears. “Please, Raven, tell me those are happy tears.”

  She reaches up and kisses me, “Happy ones Jax.”

  I instruct the driver to head to the hotel, as we begin to make some sort of normal with our clothes.

  “Jax, why are you staring down at your cock?”

  Oh boy . . . I’m busted now. “I’m making sure he’s still in one piece.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Okay, sometimes with you I explode so hard, I swear his head blows off,” I admit. Her mouth gapes open. “Raven, are you going to say anything or just stare at me wide eyed?”

  “I love you, Jax, and Mr. Cock is fine. You can put him away now.”

  She’s amazing; she gets me like no one else ever could. “I love you more, sweetheart.”

  WE STOP AT THE hotel to get cleaned up, and Jax is pacing around the room. This is usually a sign that he is deep in thought, and that will mean trouble for me.

  “Raven, if we didn’t have to go to the clinic I would spend the entire day in bed ravishing your body.”

  We are all ready to leave when Jax takes my hand and drops to one knee. I look at him like he’s a nut; I already said yes.

  “Raven, I promise to fill every one of your days with all of my love. I will protect you and our baby. Everything I have, I give to you because without you I have nothing. I’m just a shell of a man. You’re the half that makes me whole. When I look at us, I can see us growing old together. You complete me in a way that only you can. You get it; you understand me and all my crazy ways like no one else can. Will you please marry me and let me spend the rest of my life loving you?”

  “You’re my happy ever after, Jax . . . yes. Now and forever.”

  He slips the most beautiful ring on my finger. “I’m going to talk to your mum today about my intentions, I want her approval because I know you need it. But just know, no one will ever stand in our way.”

  We hurry up and get ready. I’m excited to see my mom today. I know I have to move slowly with her, but the sooner we are all safely back home, the better I will feel.

  As we head to the clinic, I sit and think of how much my life has changed since that fateful morning at Starbucks. I can’t believe I’m going to marry this intense, over the top, beautiful man. “Jax, when did you get the ring?”

  “Do you really need to know this?” He strokes his chin.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “The week I met you.”

  My eyes go wide and my mouth opens but nothing comes out.

  “Raven, don’t look at me like that. I just knew, that’s all.”

  “You just knew what, that I would marry you? We had one date, how could you know?”

  “I had purpose for the first time in my life. Everything I did or said mattered to me. That’s how I knew.”

  Sweet Jesus, what this man does to me. “You’ll always have purpose, Jax.”

  He kisses the inside of my wrist. “Raven, I never felt it until I met you.”

  There are no words left to say. I snuggle into him for the rest of the ride.

  WHEN WE GET TO the clinic, I find my mom sketching again. This time they are of me now—not twenty years ago. “Mom, you’re so talented; the likeness is unreal.”

  She smiles, “Cara, I never thought I would hear you call me mom ever again. Each time I hear it, it takes my breath awa

  She seems at peace. I hope moving her is the right thing to do for her. “Mom, Jax and I have some things we need to talk to you about. Are you up for it?”

  She grasps my hands, looking down at them. Upon noticing the ring, she looks at Jax and smiles. “Of course, what’s on your mind?”

  Jax and I take a seat next to her. Neither of us wants to make her nervous, but we really believe we are making the best move here for everyone. “Well, we would like to move you back to the States with us. What do you think about that?” Jax asks her.

  Her eyes light up at the mention of it. “Jax, I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my days with my daughter and grandbaby, but is it safe for Cara?”

  “Gabriella, for the rest of our lives, everyone will have to have constant guards. There is no way around it. Not just because of your situation, but also because of me.”

  I watch as my mother fights to hold back the tears.

  “Jax, I don’t understand, what do you mean because of you?”

  It dawns on me how much fear Jax must have to live with everyday, not just because of my mom and me, but because of who he is and what he does.

  “Gabriella, I am a very wealthy man. With wealth comes many crazy people, trying to take it away from me anyway they can. That wealth not only puts a target on my back, but everyone associated with me. I’ve come to accept that, and have made arrangements to always have protection.” Jax pulls his chair closer and puts his arm around me.

  “Jax, there are many wealthy people in the world. My parents were wealthy and we never had guards.”

  I need to give my mom all the information, so she can process it at her own pace.

  “Mom, Jax’s company, Raiders Inc., helps other companies that are struggling and sometimes the only way to help them is to dismantle them completely. You can make many enemies doing this, but unfortunately, it needs to be done.”

  My mom studies Jax. What she is looking for, I’m not sure.

  “Jax, can I ask you some questions?”

  He nods, “Yes, ma’am, just know that I don’t sugar coat anything. If you want an honest answer, you will get it from me.”

  She smiles. “Wow, okay. Now what are your intentions?”

  He hits her with the Jaxson smirk and his twinkling blues—God I love this man. Watching Jax is like watching a master artist at work. “Well, ma’am, hopefully with your blessing, I intend to marry your daughter, and love her endlessly for the rest of my days. I can provide nicely for her and our children. I want to support her in all of her dreams. I want to see the world through her beautiful eyes.”

  Okay, I’m officially crying. This man is so intense, he’s so much more than anyone could ever imagine, and to think, that is what scared me away from him to begin with.

  “Jax, you have my blessing. Now what’s next?”

  “Okay, the first thing you need is a total name change. I have all the security in place and they’re ready to go as soon as the doctor gives us the green light. When we get back to New York, you will be at a clinic right near our flat. When the doctor says it’s okay, you will be moved into your own flat. How does that sound for you?”

  I hope my mom understands that Jax operates at one speed—his speed, and watch out if you get in the way.

  “As long as I can be with Cara I’m okay. What name will I have?”

  I know Jax is trying to slow it down a little, and bless him; it takes everything he has not to just dictate the way things will be.

  “Gabriella, you can pick. Just keep it simple. You want something that will be easy for you to associate yourself with.”

  My mom looks to me. “Cara, what name have you been going by?”

  I really don’t want to upset her, but not being truthful would be worse for her. “Joseph named me Raven. He said my hair reminded him of a Raven.”

  She gets a faraway look in her eyes. “He would come to see me and talk about a girl named, Raven. I never knew it was you. I’m trying to remember all the stories he would tell me, but it’s so overwhelming. Do you think he kept it a secret to protect you?”

  I wonder what else he told her. “There is a lot that he hid from us, Mom. In time we will go through it all, but for now, let’s concentrate on the here and now, okay?”

  She smiles. I remember that smile. I’m trying so hard not to cry for all the years that have been lost. Years we will never get back again.

  “Y-yes of course, and I must remember to start calling you, Raven. I decided upon my new name. I would like to be called Rose,” she says and I can feel my eyes grow wide.

  “Raven, you remember, don’t you?”

  I nod, but I’m speechless that she remembers something so simple.

  “Jax, when Raven was a little girl, she would play a game called, ‘Rose.’ She and some of her friends, in the neighborhood, would dress up in their parents’ clothes, pretending to be adults going to parties. They all called themselves ‘The Rose Club.’ They would drink juice out of champagne glasses and eat chocolates as Hors d’oeuvres.”

  Jax squeezes her hand. “Okay, it’s settled. You are Rose Anderson. I will get the information to the lawyers.”

  “Jax, have you and Raven decided when you are going to get married?”

  He shakes his head, “We haven’t talked about that yet. She only said yes today.”

  My mom is laughing so hard she’s crying. “Mom, are you okay?”

  She smiles at Jax, “You’re a very funny man. You may not have realized it yet, but I’m sure in the back of your mind, you have it all figured out. You don’t seem like the type of guy who waits very easily.”

  I look to Jax, stroking his chin, and it hits me—she’s right—he does!

  “Jax, really, when were you going to tell me?”

  His eyes grow large. He is so busted!

  “Um . . . well, you see . . . oh crap. Am I in the doghouse now?”

  I growl, “Yes you are! What did I tell you about dictating my life?” He gifts me with a huge smile, trying to charm me, I’m sure, but not this time.

  “I know it’s just—”

  I grab his shoulders, “Just what, Jax? You’re not getting out of this one—oh no, mister! Mom, stop laughing. You’re not helping me at all here. You have no clue how nuts he is. Do you know that he went into my purse and took away all my credit cards, and then replaced them with one of his without even telling me?”

  She’s laughing even more now. “You two will be just fine.”

  I FINISH MY THERAPY and I’m starting to feel like myself again. Even my hair is almost back to normal. I would like to go for a walk in the park, but I know I won’t be allowed to go by myself. I’m not going to fight it for now. I pick up my keys and head towards the elevator, and there she is, just like clockwork. “I am going for a walk in the park, would you like to come with me?”

  She smiles. That’s a first! Usually she’s pulling my ear. “You know I am, but thank you for asking.”

  As we head down in the elevator, I figure I should tell her I spoke to Jax. “An, I spoke to Jax today, and everything is going well with Gabriella. He is making arrangements to bring her back to New York.”

  She seems happy about this. “Good. I think Raven will be happy having her mum with her.”

  The rest of the walk through the park is in silence. When we’re done, I get pretzels and water from the vendor, and we head over to a bench.

  “Thank you, Maxwell. I can never resist these warm pretzels. Have you thought anymore about your situation?”

  I knew this was coming. I take a deep breath. “Actually, yes I have, I’m not going anywhere. I realize I really don’t want to. This is where my family is. You were my family even before I found out that we are blood relations. I will have to find a way to make it work, now won’t I.” I take a breath, and close my eyes, knowing what she will ask next.

  “Okay, Maxwell, but have you thought about Jackie, at all?”

  I sit quietly for a bit. “I�
�m not ready to go there, yet. I hurt her very badly. She trusted me with her heart and I wasn’t honest with her. I should have told her about my past. I shouldn’t have gotten involved with her. The danger was too much, and now the target on her is even greater. Either way, I messed up. I’m not sure how to fix it, or if it can even be fixed.”

  She takes my hand. “Well, Maxwell, not that it’s any of my business, but maybe you should start with a simple phone call.”

  I lean over and kiss her on the cheek, “Thank you.”

  She squeezes my hand, “What was that for?”

  I fear this woman as much as I love her. “Just you, being you. I don’t know where I would be without you. Now let’s go back upstairs, I’m getting tired.”

  We get up to leave and I gather our trash, when I turn around I notice a woman watching us. I nod to one of our guards and he knows what to do. I lean in and whisper, “Come on, ma’am, we need to go right now.”

  I race her across the street and into the building. When we get into the elevator, I look over to An and see that she’s as white as a sheet. “It’s okay. I noticed a woman staring at us and it felt off. Our security is going to follow her and try to get some information, so don’t worry.” I try to reassure her. She takes a deep breath, and I feel bad that I scared her.

  “Maxwell, I’m not good at all this cloak and dagger stuff. I wish Jaxson would get back sooner rather than later.”

  “I’ll call Tony to get an update as to when we can expect them, okay?”

  As we step off the elevator, she looks back at me, “Yes, and make sure you have a nap, then ring me for tea.” She heads into Jax’s flat, visibly shaken. Even if I was going to bolt, I would never leave An while Jax is out of the country and she knows it. I head into my flat, more pissed off than anything else. I’m worried about An. For the first time today, I saw real fear in her eyes. I grab my phone and call Tony.

  “Tony, I just came back from the park with An. There was a woman following us, watching our every move. I sent one of our guards to follow her. Has he checked in yet?”


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