Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2) Page 13

by Theresa Sederholt

  “Oh, Papa, it will be fun, watching Samuel trying to adapt to living in New York City again!”

  We say our goodbyes and head toward the door. Jax is very quiet, but his jaw is tight. I can tell he is fighting to control his anger. If Raven weren’t here to diffuse the situation, Dylan would be in a heap, on the floor, right now.

  As we head towards the door, Jax pulls my dad aside. “Jeffery, I don’t know who Samuel is, and you’re asking me to let him come on my plane with us. I hope you can understand why I’m apprehensive about this.”

  “Jax, I’m sure you understand how security conscious I am. I would never entrust Jacqueline’s safety to just anyone. Samuel has been with our family for ten years, I trust him; he can’t be bought.”

  “Jeffery, I need to make a call.”

  He nods, “Of course, Jax, we will wait for you in the drawing room.”

  “Raven, I need to call Max. I’ll only be a few minutes,” he informs her before we head back in.

  “HEY, MAX, I NEED to run something past you.” Before he can answer, I tell him what is going on with Jackie and this guy Samuel. I give him the guy’s info, and I can hear him tapping away on the computer.

  Finally he stops. “Jax, it seems that Samuel’s info checks out. He has been with the Gerhard family for ten years. He was her guard when she went away to college. He has a very impressive history; he is former MI6. Have you met him yet?”

  I stop pacing, “No, we are just getting ready to leave now.”

  Max, is quiet for so long that I have to look and make sure the call didn’t drop. “Jax, I think it’s okay but you have the final say. You need to trust your gut on this one, mate. In the meantime, I will pull a more in-depth report on Samuel and Gerhard. I’ll also hit up all of my contacts at MI6 to find out what’s not on paper. ”

  I just can’t wait till there is some sort of normalcy in our lives. “Okay, talk to you later.” I end the call. I walk into the living room and meet Samuel. He is nothing like I was expecting, that’s for sure. He looks like he just stepped off the pages of GQ Magazine. And he is sitting next to Raven—chatting her up! Jeffery looks over at me and I nod.

  “Jax, let me introduce you to Samuel Kent.”

  I step in and shake his hand, my eyes locked on Raven. “Mr. Phillips, pleasure to meet you.”

  As I shake his hand, I hear Max, in my head, telling me to trust my gut. “You can call me, Jax. We have a stop to make. I will brief you on the way.”

  Everyone says his or her goodbyes and finally, we are on our way. The ride to the clinic is eerily quiet.

  “Jax, do I even want to know what is going through your mind right now?” Raven asks from beside me.

  “Oh trust me, sweetheart, you’ll find out soon enough,” I reply in a hushed tone.

  “Okay, stretch, spill. What the hell happened back there?” Samuel asks Jackie.

  “Dylan was acting up and Raven put him in his place.”

  Samuel laughs, “Sorry I missed it. He’s always had a thing for you, Raven. Guess you showing up with Jax burst his bubble.”

  “Sammy, I’ve never showed any interest in Dylan. Whatever thoughts he’s had were manufactured in his own mind.”

  “I know, Raven, but I’m still sorry I missed it. So what’s the stop that we have to make?”

  “Sammy, I came here on some personal business for a friend. I have to pick someone up and bring her to the states. She has top-level clearance. I would never let anyone near these girls if it wasn’t safe.”

  “Jax, why wasn’t I made aware of this earlier?”

  “For the same reason I was not made aware of your presence earlier. My plane. My girl. My rules. You can trust me or I can let you out now—your choice.”

  “Jax, wherever Jackie goes I go.”

  The rest of the ride is in silence.

  WE ACTUALLY MANAGE TO get my mom, and settle in for the long flight without any drama. My mom is showing Jackie her sketches. Sammy is reading a magazine. I snuggle up to Jax.

  “Raven, what’s on your mind?”

  I love that we are really figuring each other out. “How can you tell I’m thinking about something?”

  He laughs, “Sweetheart, I can always tell when your wheels are turning.”

  “Do you think I was wrong for telling Dylan off in front of his parents? They have always been supportive and respectful of me. I feel like maybe I disrespected them.”

  His thumb travels up and down my arm. “Look at me, Raven.” His thumb stops and he pats my arm. My eyes fly up to his. “What you said was the truth, and you said it a hell of a lot nicer than I would have. When you were telling Dylan, off I was so proud. Not for what you were saying about me; I could give a royal fuck what anyone thinks. It was your passion to defend, not only Jackie, but also our baby and me. I never thought I could love you more, but in that instant, I fell in love with you all over again.”

  I snuggle into him. “I love you, Jax.”

  He laughs, “More, sweetheart, always more.”

  EVERYONE IS ASLEEP, EXCEPT for Samuel, so I figured I’d go into the office and get some work done. First order of business is to check in with my mum. I only hope that Max survived being locked up all these days with her!

  “Hi, Mum, what’s going on over there?”

  She huffs, “Well, it’s about time you called me. When will you be home?”

  “We are in route right now. We probably have another six hours of flight time. Is everything okay over there?”

  “Well, what did you think I was going to do to him? I mean, really, son.”

  I’m trying to get a lead on what’s bothering her, but she’s playing this pretty close to the vest. “I know, Mum, is he any better than when I left?”

  “Actually, yes, he is. Is Jackie with you?” she asks, her tone lightening up.

  Of course she wants to know that. “Yes, Mum, but they have to work it out on their own, so no interfering.”

  “Really, son, I never interfere in anyone’s business.”

  I damn near choke on that one.

  “How is Gabriella doing?”

  I know my family will embrace Gabriella. “She is doing a lot better than the doctors expected. I think she might not need to be in a clinic. I’m thinking of putting her in a flat in my building. Raven, can be close to her all the time; she deserves that.”

  “I think that would be a great idea, but are there any available?”

  Ha! “Mum, if not, I’ll buy the whole building!”

  She’s mumbling something under her breath—which she does a lot, when it comes to me.

  I take a deep breath, preparing myself to give her the news. “Mum, she said yes!” I say quickly.

  “Well, did you doubt it? I told you, from the first day I met her, that she would be my daughter-in-law, you just need to listen to your mum more often.”

  I am never going to live that one down.

  “So, when is the wedding? You know, the baby will be here before you know it.”

  That’s mum’s way of telling me she wants us married before the baby gets here. “I know, I haven’t spoken to her about it yet. If it was up to me I would marry her the second this plane touches the ground. However, I’m not sure what Raven is thinking. Oh, and we had Gabriella’s name changed. It’s officially, Rose Anderson,” I inform her. This is also my way of changing the subject.

  “Okay, now when you get home we are having a family meeting?” I can hear the apprehension in her voice; it’s so unlike her and I’m worried.

  I have to ask, but I know she won’t tell me. “Mum, is something wrong?”

  “Never mind, Jaxson, we will talk about it when you get in. Be safe and I love you.”

  “Me too, Mum.”

  Something is off and I’m not sure what. I decided to call Bella. “Hey, sis, I’m about six hours out, what is happening with Mum?”

  “Ha, hello to you too, bro. What do you mean? Mum is guarding, Max and he’s not happy about it.”
  I tell her what mum said about having a meeting. “She only calls them when one of us is in trouble, and I don’t think it’s me.”

  I hold while she yells at Vito. I swear that dog is a beast.

  “Well, that’s news to me. I know I didn’t do anything wrong, either, for a change.”

  This is bugging me. “Alright, maybe Max fucked up. I’ll call him next. She said yes, Bella.” I add in quickly. I can’t believe I almost forgot to tell her.

  She laughs, “Of course she did, she loves you. Sometimes, you’re such a moron. When is the big day?”

  I guess I really need to get this nailed down with Raven. “I don’t know, we haven’t talked about it.”

  Bella is quiet for a minute. “Well, if you want, we can have it here. The garden is in full bloom, and you know I can get it together really quickly. How’s her mum doing?”

  That’s not a bad idea. I wonder if I can sell Raven on it. “She is doing great. I will talk to Raven about what type of wedding she wants. Sorry to cut you short but I have to go. Love you, sis.”

  She laughs, “Me too, bro.”

  Next on my list is Max. He picks up on the first ring. “Max, I see Mum didn’t kill you, yet. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m doing better, and I’m getting used to having my watchdog.”

  He must be better, he’s getting all cheeky again. “You better not let her hear you call her that; she’ll be yanking your ears!” That shut him up real quick.

  “Where are you, Jax?”

  I’m pacing again, something I find myself doing a lot since all this started. Usually, it’s Max who paces. “In the air. We should be home soon and before you ask, I still haven’t talked to her about what type of wedding or when.”

  “Mate, what is your fucking problem?” he yells.

  “Max, what if she doesn’t want to get married for a year? I will go nuts. I really wish you would stop laughing at me.” I’m glad my life is so fucking funny!

  “Oh, Jax, I can’t help it. You really are very funny. You can negotiate million dollar deals, yet talking to a beautiful girl—who is madly in love with you—renders you speechless. Please tell me you see the humor in this?”

  “Fuck you, Max. What is going on with Mum?” I shift the conversation. “She said we are having a family meeting. I called Bella; she hasn’t pissed Mum off. And I’ve been away, so that only leaves you.” He gets really quiet, and now I know it’s him. Fuck! What is going on?

  “Actually, it has been quiet here. An, and I go to the park for walks. Then we have pretzels, sit on the bench, and people watch.”

  I know when something is being kept from me, but I can wait a few more hours. “Max, I have a job for you.” Maybe this will get him excited.

  “Well, finally, I get to do something.”

  Ugh. “Wise arse. I need a flat in our building for Raven’s Mum. Before you even make the suggestion, the answer is no fucking way, you’re not giving up your flat.” I can just picture him pacing.

  “I thought she was going into a clinic? I made all the arrangements, Jax.”

  I know Max will agree she needs to be around Raven, not in some clinic. “When you see her, you’ll understand. She really doesn’t need to be in a clinic. Between regular doctor visits and having Raven around all the time, we both feel that she will be fine.”

  “If there are no flats, then what would you like to do? I don’t know why I ask, I already know the answer. Just buy the whole building, right?”

  Finally, he gets it. “You see, Max, you know me better than anyone. Oh and just so you know, you’re my best man.”

  He’s laughing, “Of course I am, mate, have a safe flight.”

  I GO CHECK ON everyone and find they’re all asleep. I scoop Raven up and carry her into the bedroom. I’m such a lucky bastard. I know it. Now, if I can convince her that we should get married on Friday, all will be right in my world.

  “Jax, where are we?”

  I start by nibbling that ear. “We, my dear, are somewhere over the Atlantic, and I need you.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  I laugh, “Oh it will be, just as soon as I get your clothes off.” She slowly opens her eyes, “There she is, my beautiful girl.” I nuzzle her neck.

  “Hi.” She kisses my lips so softly, I swear I could explode just from her tenderness. “Don’t you ever sleep, Jax?”

  I can’t help but laugh, “Yes, but I sleep best when I’m buried inside of you.” I love to kiss her tender lips and nibble on that ear. I don’t know why it drives me crazy, but it does. “I need to make love to you very slowly, sweetheart. I don’t know why, just know that I need it like my very existence depends on it.” I enter her very slowly, and when I’m all the way in I stop and rest my forehead upon hers. “Raven, I have no control when it comes to you. I was so lost, and I didn’t even realize it.”

  “Jax, I’m not going anywhere in this world without you—ever. I’m with you for life.”

  I take a deep breath, “I’m going to move now, and try not to explode, but I can’t make any promises.”

  “Jax, flip me over. I want to be on top.”

  I’m a strong man, yet I don’t mind giving Raven control in the bedroom. Sometimes she needs to take the power. It’s a beautiful thing, watching her glide up and down my cock, taking me, as she needs me. Let’s face it; I’m not a one shot man!

  Wow, “I love when you get all demanding, it’s a real turn on.”

  “Jax, everything turns you on.”

  “Okay, yeah. When it comes to you, that’s true. I have a confession, but I don’t know if I can talk right now while you’re gliding up and down on my cock.”

  She takes both my hands and stops. “Tell me!”

  I take a deep breath, “Okay, don’t stop. When you were giving Dylan the bitch slap, I was hard as stone; very exciting stuff, sweetheart.”

  She throws her head back laughing. “Oh my crazy man, I love you. Now hold on ‘cause I need to let loose.” She goes up really slow and then, slams down on my cock. She clenches and goes back up again, then repeats her actions. That’s it—I’m done. “Fuck . . . oh, holy hell, woman.” She is digging her nails into my shoulders and screaming her release. Nails and clenching; she’s trying to fucking kill me!

  She’s gliding up and down really slowly, as I try to catch my breath. I slowly caress her growing belly, trying to figure out how to convince her that we should get married right away.

  “Jax, you seem perplexed, what’s bothering you?”

  I tilt my hips up to meet hers. “I can’t keep anything from you.”

  “No, and you know I don’t want you to. We are on this journey together, so no secrets.”

  I don’t know why I’m so nervous to talk to her about this. I know I shouldn’t be.

  “We need to talk about the wedding.”

  She’s staring at me, trailing her fingers up and down my cheeks. “Is that what you’re worried about?”

  I nod, “Well, yeah . . . Bella said the garden is in bloom and we can have it there, but Max said that every girl dreams of her wedding day, and I need to give you free rein with the details. But you know me; I don’t want to make you feel like I’m bullying you into the wedding. I want to make all your dreams come true.”

  She leans down and kisses me really slowly. “Jax, calm down and let’s talk. First, did you tell everyone that we got engaged yesterday, and when did you tell them?”

  “You know me, I have to bounce things off of my family, it’s just who I am.”

  “Jax, when do you want to get married? Let’s start with that.”

  I cringe a little at the idea of telling her.

  “Please don’t tell me you already have it planned?”

  “No, well, not yet. If it were up to me I would want to be married yesterday.” I say quickly, and then wait for my words to register with her. “Raven, are you going to say anything, or are you just going to look at me like I’ve lost all reason?”

  “Are you serious?”

  He takes both of my hands and is holding onto them so tightly; like I might disappear.

  “Of course I’m serious. I want to be married before the baby gets here. My life didn’t start until you came crashing into it. I want everyone to know that I’m one lucky bastard—the luckiest in the whole bloody world. I want to experience life everyday through your eyes.”

  “Just how do you plan on pulling this off so quickly?

  “Really, Raven, I don’t like to throw my money around, but I’m one of the wealthiest men in the world. Surely, I can get a wedding pulled off in record time.”

  “Jax, how do you think I would feel?”

  I chew on my bottom lip and squeeze her hands.

  “Well, you see, sweetheart, there’s my dilemma. I know how you would feel, I just don’t know how to change that.”

  “Jax, I think a compromise is in order here, don’t you agree?”

  Suddenly, I feel a sense of relief wash over me. I think she may be onto something, here. “Okay, I can compromise . . . I think.” Oh boy, not sure that was the right fucking answer. She looks like she’s going to blow a gasket.

  “You think? Jax, how the hell do you negotiate million dollar deals and not compromise? Please, I really need to understand this.”

  I give her my biggest smile, “I make them see the light.”

  “Okay, what do you mean by ‘you make them see the light’?”

  “Raven, I think you’re making this a lot more difficult than it really is. I show the people what they can achieve when we all play nicely together, and then they see what life is like if we don’t. It really is a no brainer, and I don’t understand why more people don’t do this for a living.” She’s really quiet. I hope I didn’t mess this up.

  “Jax, here is my list of demands. I would like a small wedding. I would like Jackie as my maid of honor. I don’t have anyone to give me away, so I think I would like Michael Jr. to walk me down the aisle since this all started with him. I want one long stem Abracadabra Rose. I would love to have it in Bella’s garden. I want you in a violet bow tie. Wow, you’re not saying a word? I would’ve thought you’d interrupt me by now.”


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