Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2) Page 18

by Theresa Sederholt

  He leaps up, “Jesus, woman, you almost gave me a heart attack!”

  I’m instantly worried, seeing how frantic he looks. “What’s the matter, Jax? You look very upset.”

  He pulls me into his arms, and scoops me up so tightly I can’t breathe. “I love you, Raven.”

  “Jax, you need to be a little more gentle, please. I love you, you know I do.” I brush my lips gently over his. “Why are you so frantic?”

  My heart races. “I want to write my vows, and I don’t want to come across as over-the-top crazy, but I want them to have special meaning for us.”

  I can’t help but laugh, “I was just coming in here to ask you if we could write our vows. I also need to see Michael and ask him about giving me away.” I gaze into his beautiful blues.

  “Raven, we’re not a conventional couple. I knew that you would want something different, so I’m glad you’re on board with writing our own vows. I know I’m obsessing about them but I want them perfect. I also wanted to figure out the most comfortable and secure way to introduce your mum to my family. I figured if we had an intimate dinner here, your mum could get to know everyone in a more relaxed setting. You could also talk to Junior about giving you away. I called in a caterer to make it easy.”

  Tears spill from my eyes at this. He leans down and kisses them away. “Please, tell me you’re happy about this?”

  “Everyday I love you more than I ever thought possible, Jax. What time will everyone be here?”

  He looks at his new watch and smiles. “You have about five hours. And I love my watch, sweetheart.”

  “I have an errand to run. I’ll have Bo and my detail with me. Try not to worry, Jax, I love you.” I grab my purse before he can try and talk me out of it and head out to finish up my errands before everyone gets here.

  I RACE OUT INTO the hustle and bustle of Midtown Manhattan. The energy in this city is exactly what I need today. I have to get gifts for Jackie and Jax. I also need to make a stop to invite someone very special to the wedding tomorrow. I finally decide on a gift for Jackie. It’s a charm bracelet, and the first charm is a diamond infinity sign; my best friend forever. I figured I could add to it for every occasion. Next, I need to get something for Jax. I have a great idea, so I head to a shop I love, in the East Village. I know they will make up what I want and have it delivered quickly. I decide to stop at Saks Fifth Avenue, and get some new clothes for my ever-growing bump before I head over to my final stop. I’m about to get into the limo to head home when Bo begins to freak out. My guards start pushing me into the car as a woman comes up to me. I know right away who she is, I’ve seen her before—Annabelle. She gets one look at Bo, baring his teeth and she turns away. We head back to The Tower. All the while, I try to calm my nerves; my adrenaline is pumping off the charts. Jax will freak out either way, but maybe if I were calm, it would help.

  The elevator ride seems to take forever. When the doors finally open, Jax is standing there. Oh hell, this is not going to be good. Before I can say a word he pulls me into his arms, he is breathing so heavily. “Jax, calm down, please. I’m fine.”

  “Raven, I know I’m not supposed to freak out. I know that you have security with you, but it doesn’t help me, at all. I want to lock you in this Tower and throw away the key. If something ever happened to you, I would die.”

  I want to cry when I see the fear in his eyes. “Jax, if you live your life in fear then fear wins. Let’s go inside and sit for a while.”

  We head inside, and we snuggle up on the couch. He methodically strokes my arm up and down. “Jax, have you given the letter to Max?”

  “No, I was focused on writing my vows and planning the dinner.”

  “It’s fine. I’m sure it’s just more ramblings. I will give it to him tonight.”

  “I love you, sweetheart,” he whispers, pulling me close.

  “Jax, have you heard anything from Max and Jackie?”

  “Max had the seamstress go in and measure Jackie. I have not seen or heard from either one of them.”

  “ Maybe I should check on them?”

  “Nope. They will be fine. I think I need to have my way with you before everyone gets here.”

  “Really? Is that what you think?”

  “Raven, what I think is if you want me to stay at Bella’s house, then we need to go to the happy place, otherwise, I can’t be held responsible for my actions.”

  I lean in and run my tongue up the side of his neck. I know what will put him over the edge of sanity—dirty talk in French. “Je veux sentir ta bite au fond de moi.”

  I’M A STRONG PERSON with an iron will, but—fuck me—when she hits me with the dirty talk in French! I want to blow. I lift her up and head towards the bedroom. I’m ripping off our clothes as she’s biting my chest. I might not make it to the bedroom. I put her down, and she begins to unbutton my jeans. She pushes them down as she drops to her knees. She takes my cock in her hands and kisses the tip. I’m trying to control the urge to push all the way in. I thread my fingers through her hair, slowly pushing my cock into her warm mouth. When I’m all the way in, I stop, willing myself to last longer. I finally begin to move taking my time filling and emptying her mouth. With each push in, I go a little deeper. I pull out, and she nips the tip—that’s my point of no return. I’m groaning, totally unhinged. I reach down and pull her up into my arms; her lips are puffy and her hair is wild. Fuck. I’m hard as stone, again! I manage to get us to the bed without breaking my neck, making quick work of my jeans as I go.

  “I’m not done with you, Jax.”

  She’s hovering over me, rubbing my cock over her clitoris. I reach up and gently flip her onto her back. “I need you now, Raven.” I slam into her, and then stop. Her eyes are wide and she’s biting her lip. “Are you okay?”

  “I need you, Jax.”

  “How do you want me, sweetheart?”

  “Tender and slow.”

  I slowly pull back and then sink into her, taking her gently, mindful of the baby. I kiss her neck and then nip her ear. Working my way down to her sensitive nipples. I know she needs me to be gentle. I swivel my hips just like she likes it. I can feel her quiver and know she’s close. I’m trying to go easy, but then she clenches and that sends me spiraling out of control. I pull back and slam into her.

  “Jax, I’m there . . . fuck.”

  Watching her body turn crimson, and knowing that I’ve sent her to heaven, sends me falling. I roll us onto our sides and pull the sheet over us, both of us trying to catch our breath.

  “Jax, I don’t know what’s gotten into me, but lately all I want is non-stop, crazy sex. Maybe I should talk to the doctor about it. Bella said the pregnancy hormones made her bat shit crazy.”

  I grin mischievously while still keeping my eyes closed. “I would love to know what you’re thinking right now,” she says.

  “I’m thinking if this is the work of pregnancy hormones, then I need to keep you knocked up all the time.” I open one eye to look at her and see that her mouth is hanging open. “Sweetheart, if you keep that mouth open much longer I might have to put something in it.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Jax,” she sasses back.

  “Is that a challenge, Raven?”

  I tilt my hips up, showing her that I’m ready to go again. “Are you human?” she asks.

  “I told you, sweetheart—it’s you.” I tilt my hips again. “This is what you do to me. From that first touch outside Starbucks, I can’t seem to get enough of you.”

  I work my way in and out, real slowly. I crook my neck and take one of her nipples into my mouth, nipping and licking. “It doesn’t always have to be hard, Raven.” I hold her hands above her head, and cocoon her whole body. I kiss her, working our tongues in a slow erotic dance. I swivel my hips to match my tongue. Right, then left. In and out, really slow as she begins to quiver and shake. “Eyes. Now, sweetheart.”

  So soft and tenderly, she falls apart in my arms.

S HAVE EVERYTHING set up, people are filing in. However, there is still no sign of Jackie or Max. I’m really getting worried. What if it’s too much for her to handle? “Jax, maybe I should go next door, since we haven’t heard anything from them.”

  He smiles, “Don’t worry, they will be here. You need to introduce your mum to everyone. My family knows to only refer to her as Rose. And . . . Raven? I don’t think I told you how beautiful you look tonight.”

  He’s trying to distract me and I think I will let him, for now. I introduce my mom to everyone. They are making her feel very welcome and at ease. Finally, I see Jackie and Max come out of his place, holding hands. I look over to Jax and he has the biggest smile on that beautiful face. He mouths to me, “Faith.”

  We all sit down, and Jax decides he wants to make a toast. “Thank you everyone for coming tonight and for sharing in our joy. Every single one of you has played a part in making this happen, and for that, I will always be grateful. Here is to good times and well-deserved happiness for everyone. God Bless.”

  The food is wonderful, but it’s the company that makes this evening so special. I sit at the table, taking in each and every one of them. Jax has even invited Mick to join us. He always treats everyone with such respect. We all make our way into the living room for coffee and dessert. Jax has all different pastries. I laugh as I notice there is no Nutella. I look over to Jackie and she’s laughing, she seems very happy. I think they will be okay. Max has been through so much. I know to survive he had to shut down. Jackie has loved him back to life.

  It’s time for me to talk to Michael. I excuse myself and I ask him to join me in Jax’s office. I notice all eyes are on us as we leave the room, and I’m sure Jax will explain it. “Miss Raven, am I in trouble?”

  Oh, how I love this little boy. “Not at all, Michael, I have something I need to ask you in private.”

  I don’t want to sit behind the desk; it’s to imposing, so we sit on the sofa. “Michael, I need a very special favor, and since you’re very special to me, I thought I would ask you.”

  He’s watching me all wide-eyed, and I almost lose it when he starts to stroke his chin.

  “With your uncle Jax and I getting married tomorrow, I’m going to need someone to walk me down the aisle and give me away. I would be very honored if you would do that for me.” Oh no, he looks like he’s about to cry. “Michael, are you okay?”

  “Miss Raven, d-do I get to take you back after I give you away?” he stutters.

  My eyes spring with tears before I can stop them. I love this boy with all my heart. “Michael, when we walk down the aisle and you hand me off to Uncle Jax, you are telling him that he gets to keep me in this family forever.”

  He gets it, his eyes become wide and his face lights up. “So, my mom said you will be my aunt, is that true?”

  I hug him. “Forever, Michael. I have something to give you that I had made just for you. You have to wear it tomorrow at the wedding.”

  I give him the box, and he takes the pocket watch out. He opens it up, and when he reads the inscription he throws his arms around me. “I love you, Miss Raven, and I am your Future Time Lord! So, what do I have to do tomorrow?”

  I stand up and take his hand. “We walk down the aisle together. When we reach the end, the priest will ask, ‘Who gives this woman away?’ You will say I do, and then you put my hand into Uncle Jax’s.”

  He smiles, “No worries, Miss Raven. I got this.”

  We head back out to the living room, and Michael runs to show everyone his watch. Bella begins to tell him how his job is very important, but before she can finish he stops her. “No worries, Mum, I got this.” He repeats to her what I just told him his duty was. “Then she becomes my aunt forever; piece of cake.”

  Everyone is laughing; he is such a sweet boy. “Uncle Jax, look what Miss Raven gave me.”

  Jax reads the inscription and he has the biggest smile on his face. It’s the little things with this man that matter the most. I decide I will give everyone else their gifts right before the wedding.

  I need to talk to Max about the letter, so I make my way over to him and Jackie. They look so happy together. I really hope they worked it out.

  “Hey, Jackie, can I steal Max for a few minutes?”

  She laughs, “Sure.”

  I take his arm and guide him into the office. I know Jax won’t be far behind me. He has a seat while I get the letter. “Max, I need you to look at the letter from Annabelle. I don’t want to read it. I don’t want to be bothered with anyone in that family. I would just burn it, however, she tried to approach me today and—” Before I can finish, he is out of the chair.

  “Why am I just finding this out now?”

  Jax comes flying through the door. “Rein it in, mate; she’s telling you now.”

  Max starts his usual pacing, “Jax, it’s okay. Everyone needs to calm down.” I hand Max the letter. “I know for safety reasons, you should read this. I don’t want it back, nothing she can say will ever bring my father back.”

  “Okay. I am sorry that I flipped out,” he apologizes.

  “Apology accepted, Max, now go out there and have a good time.” He grumbles under his breath, turns, and walks out of the room. “Jax, I have a question for you before we go back out there. Did you get Max a gift?” I can tell by the furrowing of his brows that he has no idea what I’m talking about. “Jax, you have to get him a gift for being your best man. I got something for your mom and mine. I got Jackie a beautiful charm bracelet and I got the watch for Michael.”

  “What should I get him?”

  I kiss him, “Don’t worry, you will figure it out.” I think I have really thrown Jax for a loop. Just wait until tomorrow, when he finds out what day it is. I should probably tell him, but nope, I’m not going to. “Jax, what time do we need to be at Bella’s house? Did you get the rings?”

  He pulls me close to him, “Sweetheart, did you think I would forget the rings? They were delivered to Bella’s house earlier today, and the limo will be here at 2 pm. Are you really going to make me sleep at my sister’s house tonight?”

  Oh I know what he’s trying to do, but I’m not giving in on this one. “Just think how wonderful it will be when we go to the happy place.”

  He’s growling, and before he can say anything Michael turns to him, “Uncle Jax, are you going to Disney World too?”

  Of course, I know exactly what he is thinking, and I turn a million shades of red, especially since Jax, has no clue.

  “Junior, I’m not going to Disney World.”

  Michael looks up to Jax. “Mom said that we can go to Disney World on summer break; it’s the happy place.”

  Jax’s eyes grow wide, and I can’t stop laughing. “Uncle Jax, what happy place are you going to?”

  I bite my lip to squelch my laughter. “Junior, tomorrow I’m going to the happiest place in the world. I am marrying Raven, and my world will forever be the happy place.”

  I lean in to kiss him and whisper, “Nice save, Jax.”

  EVERYONE HEADS OUT, EXCEPT Jax and Max. They decide they can stay with Jackie and me, until one minute before midnight. Max pulls Jackie into his place, and I know she is thrilled. I’m tired, so Jax carries me to bed. “Sweetheart, you’re so tired will you please let me take special care of you tonight?”

  All I can do is hum. He takes off my shoes, sits on the bed, and starts to rub my swollen feet.

  “Tomorrow night, at this time, we will be married. I know we can’t go away right now, what between your mum and the pregnancy, but eventually, I would like to plan a proper honeymoon.”

  “Jax, you should have seen Michael’s face when I first asked him to give me away. He was fighting to hold back the tears, he thought once he gave me away then I would be gone. After I explained it to him, and how important his role was, he was excited.”

  “That was a really cool gift you got him, what did you get my mum and yours?”

  He’s trying to get some ideas from me f
or Max! “Jax, you will know what to give Max, just think about your friendship and why it’s special to you,” I reassure him. He’s stroking that chin and I know his wheels are turning. “Jax, did you finish writing your vows?” I figured after he was knee deep in crumpled paper, maybe I should ask.

  “I assure you I will be at that alter and ready tomorrow. As much as I want to ravish you right now, I rather you and the baby get some sleep. Tomorrow is another busy day. Remember to keep Bo and the guards with you at all times. I will see you at Bella’s, love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  RAVEN IS OUT COLD, so I cover her with a blanket and head over to Max’s, but before I get there, Rose stops me. “Jax, can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “Of course, come sit. What’s on your mind?” I feel bad for her. This must be so overwhelming. I hope the therapy session went well.

  “Are you going to be able to keep my daughter and grandbaby safe? These people are ruthless, Jax, and I’m scared—not for me, but for my family.”

  “I can assure you, I would lay down my life to protect them. What would really help is one hundred percent cooperation from everyone. One of the reasons why I pushed for the wedding to happen now was to build a barrier around everyone. If I could, I would lock Raven in this penthouse forever, but I know that’s not realistic.”

  “No, Jax, that’s not possible. So who is Annabelle? I heard her name mentioned tonight.”

  “Rose, I told you I would be honest with you. Were you aware that Antonio had a younger sister, Annabelle?”

  She is quiet and I hope she can handle this. “Yes, Jax, I knew about her however, we never talked about his family. When he walked away from that family, he cut all ties with them. He hated the evil that surrounded them. Is she a problem?”


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