Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2)

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Darkness into Dawn (The Unraveled Trilogy Book 2) Page 20

by Theresa Sederholt

“Mom, come sit for a minute, please.” I hand her the present. “This is something for you to remember this day always.”

  She opens the box, and reads the inscription; ‘Time to live again.’

  “Oh, Raven, it’s beautiful. Today is so special for me. I never thought I would be here with you. I only wish your father were here to see what a beautiful, kind woman you’ve become.”

  I help her put it on. “Please don’t cry, Mom. Today is a new beginning for all of us. I know my dad is watching over me. He is in my heart always.”

  “I will try not to cry, but I can’t make promises.” She smiles. “Now, you need to finish getting ready. I’ll send Jackie in.”

  Jackie steps into the room, taking my breath away. “Jackie, you look beautiful.” I slip the bracelet on her wrist. “This infinity charm represents my friendship and love for you, always. Don’t even think of crying! Where is Michael?”

  “Breathe, Raven, it will be fine. Michael is waiting right outside the door for you. Are you ready?”

  I hear the music start and I know it’s time. I whisper, “Yes.”

  I STAND IN THE garden—my nerves shot. I hope I can make it through this without passing out. Michael Sr. has the job of getting everyone seated. There is more security here than there are guests.

  The music starts and it’s the song I chose just for Raven. “How long will I love you?” by Ellie Goulding. Within a second, a fear that I will forget my lines comes over me. Max wraps his hand around my arm.

  “Steady, mate, you’ll be fine. Just remember to breathe.”

  Easy for him to say. Jackie comes into view; she’s stunning. I look over at Max, and he’s got a full fledge smile. Jackie reaches us, and then steps to the side. I finally get a full view of my beautiful girl. She takes my breath away, and my heart skips a beat. Junior is guiding her towards me. I’m so proud of the little guy. He whispers something to her, causing her to laugh. She is getting closer; my heart beats faster. I need to remember to breathe. I look up to the heavens and thank Antonio for this gift, a gift I will treasure with my life.

  As they stand before me, the priest asks, “Who gives this woman away?”

  Junior places her hand in mine and declares, “I do, Father.”

  She leans down and kisses Junior, turning him a million shades of red.

  I’m holding her hand, staring at her in wonder.

  The priest begins, “Raven, Jaxson, I understand you have written your own vows. Jaxson, please begin.”

  Hand in hand, she turns to face me. “Raven, the feeling hit me the moment I looked into your beautiful, violet eyes, the very first time. It was so immediate and powerful—far deeper and inexplicable beyond any calculation of time and place. You don’t describe a feeling like that. You can’t replicate it or force it. You just let it flow in and around you. You go where it takes you. I promise to love you with all that I am. I will support you and negotiate with you. I will challenge and protect you. I promise to grow old with you, every second of everyday. I will hold your hand through the good times and the bad. You are my lifeline in the storm. I’ll love you beyond my last breath.”

  She brings my hand to her lips and kisses my palm. “Jaxson, my beautiful, intense man. Our love will transcend through all of time. I need you beside me, always, as my best friend, lover, and my soul mate. I will love you, honor you, and respect you. I will negotiate with you, and rein you in, when I have to. Through sickness and health, good times and bad, I will forever be your companion. You are my end all.”

  As we exchange the rings, there’s not a dry eye in the house. The priest finally gets to the part I’ve been waiting for. “You may kiss the bride.”

  I lean in, “My beautiful wife, kiss me, please.”

  EVERYONE SEEMS TO BE having a good time. My mom is relaxed and laughing with Mrs. Osla. I almost forgot, I have to introduce Jax to my special guest . . . if I can drag her away from Mick.

  “Jax, I would like to introduce you to someone very special. This is Ashlyn Adair, my Pilates instructor.” I think he stopped breathing. I whisper, “Breathe.”

  “Ashlyn, let me tell you what a pleasure it is to finally meet you. Raven has shown me how wonderful Pilates can be. I ordered a Reformer for our personal gym.”

  Thank God Ashlyn is taking it all in stride. “Well, Jax, if you need any personal instruction, I’m sure Raven can show you. I also give private lessons and lessons for couples.” Jax’s chin is officially on the floor.

  “I just might take you up on that. How long can Raven continue to do Pilates while she is pregnant?”

  “As long as the doctor says it’s okay, then up until delivery.”

  “Well, good to know, Ashlyn, I’m pretty sure we’ll be taking you up on those private lessons.” He smiles with a mischievous glint in his eye. I shake my head a little and bite back the giggle that wants to escape. “I can’t tell you how happy we are that you could share our day with us. Please, make yourself at home. I need to dance with my wife, and then feed her. God, how I love the sound of that.” He beams.

  Jax pulls me into his arms, and the music suddenly changes. “Raven, I chose this song for you. The first time I heard it was on your iPod, ‘Never Stop’ by SafetySuit. The words say it all for me, wife. I love you.”

  The music starts, and my tears fall. It’s such a beautiful song. As Jax glides me around, he begins to sing. His deep, smooth voice telling me how he’ll never stop losing his breath when I look at him. You could hear a pin drop. My eyes lock onto his, and time stands still. It’s a true declaration of everlasting love. I love this man, and all his crazy, intense ways. I wouldn’t want him any other way. When the music finishes, he scoops me into his arms and carries me over to a table. I’m glad to finally eat and pick my feet up. Jax is slowly rubbing my neck, and I feel all the tension melt away. Max and Jackie come to join us.

  “Hey, Max, you look wonderful. How are you feeling?”

  “I’m doing better everyday, thank you, Raven. Did you see the gift that Jax got for me? They are Bond cufflinks that turn into mini USB drives.”

  “Wow, Max, I told you—Bond all the way!”

  Jax rolls his eyes, “Please, sweetheart, don’t fill his head.”

  “Max, Raven and I are leaving. I need you to take care of her mum while we are gone. We will be back for the deposition on Monday, but for now, we are heading out to Cape Cod for a long weekend.”

  “That’s fine, just keep the detail with you both, at all times. Make sure you’re back here for court at ten am, Monday. Jackie and I will keep Rose busy. You look very tired, Raven, go now, and we will handle the goodbyes.”

  “Thank you, Max.” Jax scoops me up and practically runs out the door.

  WHILE JAX AND RAVEN make a quick exit, I have other things to tend to, starting with Sammy. Jackie is talking to Rose and An. This is the perfect time to talk to Sammy. The guy’s got the looks, but my understanding, from Jax, is that he bats for the other team, and is in a committed relationship. Lucky for him, otherwise, he wouldn’t be staying at Jackie’s.

  I head over to him and slap his shoulder to get his attention. “Hello, Sammy, I think it’s time we got to know each other. I understand from Jackie, that you have been her guard for a long time. How long do you plan on staying in New York?”

  “I’m staying indefinitely, Max. Let’s have a seat. I have questions, and I’m sure you have some for me.”

  “Okay, Sammy, what are your concerns? We are both in the same line of work, with similar backgrounds. I won’t bullshit you, so ask away.”

  “Thank you. I’m sure you know I ran a check on you, so I know about your past. I never said anything to Jackie. I felt it was something that she needed to find out from you, not me. I understand why you pushed her away, but just so we’re clear here, if you break her heart again, I will kill you.”

  Is he serious? Does he think he can intimidate me? “I assure you, my intention was to always keep her safe. Even now, I worry. Jackie will be s
taying with me. I have a guest room, and you’re welcome to stay, also. We have to be in court on Monday for a deposition. I would appreciate you being there for Jackie, while I’m being deposed. I want eyes on her at all times.”

  “Let’s get a few things straight, Max. I don’t work for you. I’m here solely for Jackie’s protection. That being said, I don’t have a problem combining resources when it comes to her safety. Jackie has brought me up to speed on what she knows about Raven’s situation. I also pulled everything I could find on Vincent. He’s a real piece of work and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Fed’s offer him a deal.”

  I can play nice with others when I have to and now is one of those times. I will bite my tongue and let him feel like he has control. “I agree. At this point, I think his only option would be to turn state’s evidence. That could possibly open a bigger can of worms. I heard today, from the district attorney, that Vincent’s attorney is claiming it was self-defense for shooting me. He is also saying that Duke was responsible for kidnapping Raven. I’m not surprised that he would throw his kid under the bus.” He’s quiet, probably trying to absorb it all.

  “What is going on with the case against Duke? Do you think he is going to fight the kidnapping charge or just go along with the father?”

  “Sammy, this whole thing is so cocked up. Raven believes Duke is a tortured soul, but she sees the good in people. I think the kid did snap, however, he still needs to be held accountable for his actions. He killed two people at point-blank range. I think he deserves to be locked up forever. Either way, this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.”

  “I notice there are many different guards here, but Mick seems to be a constant, and very protective of the girls. What’s his story? I already ran a check on him, I want to know what’s not on paper.”

  “Sammy, The one person I don’t worry about is Mick. He loves those girls, and proved it when Raven was kidnapped. But I’m sure you already know that. He’s a veteran, and a fine bloke. It looks like everyone is finally starting to leave, I’m going to collect Rose and Jackie.”

  As we head over to collect everyone, Mick pulls me aside. “Max, just want to let you know that Jax and Raven arrived safely. If you don’t need me tonight I would like to take Ashlyn home.”

  I’m so happy that he is getting his life back. There is no one who deserves it more. “Mick, enjoy your weekend.” I watch as he escorts Ashlyn out. I think she will be good for him.

  I gather Rose and Jackie before we make our goodbyes. I want to get Jackie home, and spend time with her. God how I missed her. She calms me. I haven’t felt this way in so long. I pull her close; she’s my lighthouse in this raging storm. The entire ride is in silence. I focus on her slowly rubbing her thumb in circles over my knee.

  When we get to The Tower, Jackie makes sure Rose is settled in next door. Sammy pulls me aside, “Max, I’m going to hang out in Jax’s place with Rose. I have calls to make and some things I want to follow up on. If you decide to go anywhere, please let me know.”

  “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on leaving that flat, or Jackie, for the next few days. If Rose needs anything, let me know. I’m sure Jackie will want to check on her daily. Is there anything else you need from me?”

  “No. I am, however, going to reach out to my contacts and see if I can get any further information. If I come up with anything, I’ll let you know.” And with that, he turns to walk away.

  I take Jackie’s hand, and we head next door. Finally, alone, at last.

  I SIT AND WATCH Mick drive. I realize there is a lot to this man that is unknown. He is always so quiet. I wonder if it’s because it’s his job or something else. “Mick, thank you for picking me up today.”

  “You’re welcome. Would you like to go grab a cup of coffee?”

  “I would love to. There is a local coffee shop, across from my house.”

  This man intrigues me. He’s different. He’s very quiet. Maybe he needs time to feel more comfortable with me. We pull up to the coffee house, and head inside. Mick orders our coffee while I find a table. It’s not that busy and I’m able to get a quiet table near the back. He’s back with the coffee, but he seems quiet again.

  “Mick, how long have you worked for Jax?”

  “Less than a year. I met him through Raven. How long have you been teaching Pilates?”

  “I’ve been teaching for almost nine years. I also volunteer my studio and my services to veterans. I try to help them get some mobility back. I usually do that on a private basis. Makes them feel more comfortable.”

  He seems to tense at the mention of my work with veterans. “What about you, Mick, what did you do before this?”

  “I was a Air Force pilot. I did six tours in Iraq before I was injured.”

  “Wow, six tours? That was a lot. What did you do prior to your service?”

  “I only ever wanted to be a pilot. That ended the day of my accident. You don’t have a New York accent, where are you from?”

  “I was born in Los Angeles. My mom is a nurse at Children’s Hospital in LA. My dad was a ship builder in Belfast. He met my mom when she was on vacation in Ireland, and followed her to the States. He died last year of a heart attack. Do you have any family?

  “I am an only child, and my parents are both gone now. I was raised in Nebraska. When I got back from Iraq, I thought I would try big city living. I was living on the streets, when I met Raven. She helped me turn my life around. Showed me I still had purpose.”

  “Mick, everyone has purpose, you only need to believe you’re worth it. If you’re interested, come by my studio and I will teach you how to stretch out your muscles and work past the pain.”

  “I’d like that, Ashlyn, but for now, I better get you home.”

  He walks me across the street to my building. I don’t know why I’m nervous. I hope he takes me up on my offer to train him. When we reach my door, he takes my hand in his and I feel all of his callouses, yet he’s gentle.

  “Thank you, Ashlyn, you’re very easy to talk to. I’d like to get together again, if you would like to.”

  “Give me your phone, Mick.” I hold out my hand. He reaches into his pocket and pulls it out for me. I call my cell from his phone, “Now you have my number. I would like to get together, again.” I lean in and kiss his cheek. Finally . . . he smiles.

  “MRS. PHILLIPS, WE ARE alone here, well, except for the guards and Bo, until Sunday evening. I expect you to take advantage of me in every way possible. Before anything, though, I want to wish you a very happy birthday.” The look on her face right now is priceless. “Did you really think you could get something so important like a birthday past me?”

  “I’m sorry, Jax. I didn’t want you to make a big deal about it. You can be a tad over the top sometimes.”

  “Well, sweetheart, this time I think you will be surprised to know that my gift is not over the top.” I won’t tell her what I paid the guy just to keep things simple; she doesn’t need to know that part.

  “When I was in school, my teacher gave me an assignment. I had to write a small poem. It had to be something that I would want to give to someone someday. When she gave it back to me, she had me put it in an envelope and told me to keep it, until the day came when I would need it. I had no clue as to what she was talking about, but my mum did. My mum has held onto this for me all these years.” I hand her the box, letting her unwrap it. Inside is a violet, antique, heart-shaped, glass bottle with a scroll inside. She pulls it out and begins to read:

  “Jax, words escape me. This is precious and so special.” Her eyes fill up.

  “Sweetheart, those are good tears, right?”

  “Yes, they are good tears. This came from your heart, so pure. It means more to me than anything, thank you. Right now, Jax, I need you. I mean . . . I really need you.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to tell me twice.” I scoop her into my arms and carry her to the bedroom. “I want to slowly peel you out of this dress and worship every inch of yo
u all night long,” I say as place her back down on her feet.

  She runs her fingers through my hair and brings my lips close to hers. “No one is stopping you, Jax.”

  I turn her around and start to unbutton each of the very frigging tiny buttons that are covered in lace. My crazy side wants to just rip it off, but my gentleman side is telling me to slow it down. “Sweetheart, how attached are you to this dress?” She tilts her head back and her lips are parted. Her silky hair, cascades down her back as her beautiful eyes lock onto mine. Fuck all that’s holy—game over! I grab each corner of the dress and rip it right off her. Fuck, I’ll have the seamstress make her another one for keeps! She spins around, standing before me with her hands on her hips, in nothing but high heels, white, lace, thigh-highs, a sheer white bra and a lace thong. She has fire in her eyes and my cock is screaming for freedom.

  “Raven, I’m sorry . . . I um . . . I’ll buy you another dress. I’ll get this one fixed. Say something, sweetheart, please.”

  “You, Mr. Phillips, are extremely overdressed. You said I wouldn’t have to ask you twice, yet, here I am, asking—again.”

  I grab her and kiss her wildly as I try to rip my own clothes off. She gets me, all my crazy ways and she loves me. How the fuck did I get so lucky?

  I snap her thong and make fast work of the bra, but leave on the heels and thigh-highs.

  “Breathe, Jax, close your eyes and breathe. I’m not going anywhere without you.”

  She pulls me in for another kiss. Our tongues are doing their slow dance. My heart feels as if it will beat right out of my chest. I grab her face between my palms, deepening the kiss further as I back her up to the bed. I slowly guide her onto it before spreading her legs and sliding my cock inside of her. She throws her head back and closes her eyes like she’s relishing in the feel of every hard inch of me. Balls deep, I freeze. She opens her eyes. “Jax, are you okay?”

  “If I could spend the rest of my life in this moment, I would be a happy man. As strong as I am, is as weak as you make me. I love you so deeply, so truly, yet there is always more with you. You understand me like no other, even when I don’t understand myself. My heart and soul is in your delicate hands.”


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