In Zach's Arms (Once a Marine, Always a Marine Book 1)

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In Zach's Arms (Once a Marine, Always a Marine Book 1) Page 4

by David, Kori

  She smiled and reached up to give him a lingering kiss. “I’ve wanted this for a long time, Zach.”

  He chuckled lightly. “I won’t lie, I’ve thought about this myself. More than I want to admit.”

  “You always were stubborn.”

  With his tongue and lips, he blazed a trail of heat from her neck down to her stomach. He kissed his way past her belly button and blew gently on the blonde hair shielding the bundle of nerves that craved his attention.

  The cooler air made her whole body vibrate and tingle, but before she could catch her breath, she felt his tongue. Zach licked her in one long, deliberate swipe, wrenching a moan out of her.

  “Oh, yes,” she panted, gripping the bedspread.

  Her thighs opened wider in invitation as she felt his fingers start to explore. Zach’s dark head between her creamy thighs was such an erotic sight that her entire body tensed with need. Never in her entire life had she wanted a man as much as she wanted him.

  Her body was molten lava under Zach’s touch. It was a revelation.

  One finger entered her and she was dizzy with pleasure. But when his mouth covered her and began sucking and licking, she just let go and moaned…long and loud.

  “God, you taste good.”

  “I need more,” she said, mindlessly lifting her hips. She was almost there. Almost over the edge with pleasure. He gave one last lick and crawled back up her body to take her mouth. She tasted herself on his tongue, tangy and sweet.

  He moved to the side to open the top drawer of the nightstand and grab a condom. Donning the latex, he nipped her neck and then he whispered, “Wrap your legs around me.”

  Heat licked across her skin consuming her as she felt him slowly penetrate her. Her legs were up around his middle as inch-by-glorious-inch, he pushed into her, stretching her. He rocked in and out, going in further and further with each thrust.

  Elizabeth gasped as he thrust hard one more time and was seated to the hilt. He held still then, letting her adjust to his size. His breathing was hard and his body was tense. She loved his control and strength.

  “How does that feel?”

  “It’d feel better if you moved,” she said, straining closer. Her arms locked around his neck as he teased her with long, drugging kisses.

  “I want to make this good for you.”

  “It’s already better than anything I’ve ever experienced,” she whispered. When she felt him stop, she worried that her words were a turn off. Who wanted a woman everyone else said was frigid?

  “Jesus,” he said in a strangled voice, looking deep into her eyes. “I’ll make sure it’s the best. Hold on.” Then he exploded in movement, rocking in and out of her harder, and faster. “Is this what you want?”

  Her head thrashed back and forth on the pillow, “Yes, oh yes.”

  The pleasure was so intense, she worried she would fly apart. Her thighs trembled as she held on.

  How often had she dreamed of this? Zach loving her, pleasuring her, making her his for the night. He sat up on his knees and hooked her legs over his forearms, still thrusting into her. And when he used his thumbs on her, the world tilted. She convulsed around him, her orgasm harder and better than anything she’d ever done herself.

  “Look at me,” he demanded. When her eyes found his, he thrust harder, watching her every movement. “Who’s in your bed, Beth? In your body?”

  “You are,” she rasped. Elizabeth’s orgasm still rolled through her, wrenching another moan out of her.

  Zach’s breath hissed through clenched teeth as he ground his hips against her, drawing out her pleasure as he found his.

  “Oh. My. God…Zaaaccchhh!”

  Releasing her legs, he collapsed with a groan, landing on his elbows, on either side of her head. He kissed her closed eyes and then moved to her lips, kissing her over and over as he gathered her into his arms and slid them both under the covers.

  She curled into his side and threw an arm across his chest.

  “That was way better than anything I’ve ever written about.”

  “Yes, ma’am. It sure was.”

  She grinned, “You’ve been spending too much time with Jesse. He’s rubbing off on you.”

  A swat on her fanny turned the grin into a laugh before she got a kiss on the head and an aggravated, “Stop thinking about my best friend.”

  “You sound a little nervous. Afraid I will try and seduce your buddy now that I’ve had a taste of the good stuff?”

  Zach shook his head and closed his eyes. “Go to sleep.”

  She didn’t want to sleep. She wanted to talk about the amazing thing that just happened between them. But Zach was right. He’d been up at Lord knows what hour this morning and then he’d come to her rescue during the storm.

  And then there was the sex. Her steamy novels were about to hit a whole new level.

  Elizabeth yawned, warm and content. When he growled sleepily and pulled her closer, she tried to keep still. Her last thought was filled with satisfaction.

  She definitely wasn’t frigid.


  The rain kept the nosy people inside their homes, huddled under the covers. That suited the secret admirer just fine. He was up the tree and at her apartment window in no time. He popped the screen and set it safely into the groove he’d notched into the bark of the branch he was on. Then he used a screwdriver to jimmy open Elizabeth’s window.

  It took him less than three minutes.

  Everyone underestimated his strength and ingenuity. Even his own family, but that was fine with him. Being thought of as inferior gave him the kind of camouflage he needed to go about his business.

  The apartment smelled like her. That’s what he liked about Elizabeth, that she was clean and pure. Not like the others. Fucking sluts out to take everything they could from a man.

  But not his Elizabeth. She was special.

  Taking out his pen light, he swept it around the bedroom. She still wasn’t home, but she would come back. And when she did, she would find his gift. A little token to show his affection. An apology, of sorts, about the mess.

  Humming a little tune, he moved around the room, cleaning and placing everything back the way she liked it. He pulled out the pictures he had of the bedroom. It had to be perfect.

  He hadn’t meant to scare her, but he’d been angry and confused that she hadn’t been home to greet him the last time. He’d planned everything down to the last detail, but she hadn’t come home at her normal time. That’s another reason he planted the camera. He wanted to be prepared next time.

  But that was in the past. She would come back and she would be overjoyed by his surprise.

  Then she would give herself to him. In all the ways he imagined.

  Chapter 6

  Elizabeth followed her nose to the kitchen and found hot coffee waiting after waking alone. Pouring a cup, she leaned back against the counter and took her time looking around. She loved that the kitchen and living area were one big open room. The ceiling was high and huge windows showcased the beauty of the forest landscape outside.

  Zach craved large amounts of light and space, neither of which he’d had at the foster home. He’d created a beautiful home, made to fit his size and needs. He was an amazing man. And boy oh boy, did Zach know what he was doing in the bedroom. There wasn’t a part of her body that he hadn’t touched, licked or kissed. She smelled like sex and Zach.

  Zach strolled in through the patio doors carrying a load of firewood. He hadn’t seen her behind the counter yet and she used that moment to watch him. Moving silently, his dark green thermal shirt molded to his muscular chest and traced the lines of his biceps. And when he bent down to unload the firewood, faded blue jeans cupped an ass that made her mouth water.

  Elizabeth stifled a moan but must have made some kind of noise, because she watched Zach’s shoulders tense and then relax again. He finished what he was doing and then stood, turning those deep blue eyes on her.

  “Did you get enough sleep?
” he asked.

  Elizabeth set her mug on the counter. “You were there. Do you think I got enough sleep?”

  He was the only person in the world that she felt like she could be herself around.

  “I think you need more. Maybe you should go back to bed.”

  “Only if you come with me.”

  She couldn’t believe that popped out of her mouth. Did they have support groups for sex-starved writers? Elizabeth didn’t know, but she wasn’t sure she would ever be able to get enough of Zach. Once was not going to be enough for her.

  She watched with interest as he prowled around the overstuffed couch toward her. “I have work to do.”

  “What kind of work?”

  “Jesse and I have a client to meet today at noon. I want you here, where I know you’re safe, and I want you to rest.”

  “I’d rather we both went back to bed.”

  Instead of answering her, Zach leaned in close and gave her a long, slow kiss that curled her toes.

  “Good morning, Beth.”

  “Good morning, Zach.”

  It shouldn’t be legal what the man did to her. Used to being an independent person, Zach’s kisses made her a slave to his taste.

  “I need to shower and get ready for the meeting. I’ll make you something for breakfast before I go.”

  Elizabeth stood there only half-hearing what he said. She hated that he was so composed, while she felt out of control about last night. Just once, she would like to catch him off-guard and crack that composure.

  “No, I’m fine. Go get ready and I’ll fix a small breakfast for myself. I’ve been taking care of myself for a while now. What’s in the locked room?”

  “Some dream I used to have.” He shrugged and didn’t say anything more.

  Elizabeth tried to gave him a shove. He didn’t even budge, merely lifted an eyebrow. He knew how much she hated secrets. And locked doors. Hated even more being told how to feel or act. And even if this was his house, it pissed her off.

  She didn’t have experience sharing space with men, but she knew Zach. It wouldn’t be his intent to make her angry. And sex didn’t need to change everything. She didn’t want to lose her best friend over her childhood issues.

  Taking a deep breath, she smiled and let go of her issues. At least for a moment.


  The stubborn tilt to Beth’s chin wasn’t the only evidence of the temper lurking underneath the stillness. Fire flashed in her eyes when she’d tried to shove him. Planting a quick kiss to her pert nose, he left her fuming in the hall and went to take a shower.

  A cold shower.

  Zach wasn’t a fool, but he’d made a tactical error in giving in to her and his own raging lust. When he was younger, he’d wanted everything from Beth, not just her body. He’d wanted her mind, her soul, and her heart. He’d left when it was clear she wasn’t willing to even entertain his marriage proposal. She’d hurt him by turning him down.

  Now that she was here, he was having a hard time keeping things light. Especially after last night.

  The primitive caveman that lurked inside of him smiled when he’d woken up with her in his arms. It demanded that he keep his woman, no matter what she had to say about it. The more enlightened side knew he was going to have to battle her history to win her.

  Not to mention whoever was stalking her now.

  And just like that, he was in over his head. Again. One night with her, that’s what he’d told himself. Granted, it was a night he’d fantasized about for most of his adult life. But that was all it took to make him realize that he’d never really gotten over her. Never completely hardened his heart against her.

  Shit, he still loved her.

  He didn’t shy away from the truth. And it didn’t matter that so much time had passed. And he knew why he’d never taken any other women seriously. Beth was his whole heart; there just wasn’t room for anyone else. Never would be.

  He finished his shower and dried off, berating himself for letting himself get distracted. Today was about the job, but his gaze strayed to the bed.

  Beth had been incredibly responsive to his touch. His body hardened at the memory. This client was the biggest one they’d ever had, otherwise he’d be tempted to blow off the meeting and take Beth back to bed.

  Maybe stay there for the rest of his life.

  Instead, he changed into black fatigue pants, a black T-shirt and black hiking boots. His burglar outfit. He’d be breaking into a warehouse with some fairly decent surveillance equipment. Nothing like Jesse could build, but Zach was always prepared.

  When he left the room, he found Beth standing at the back door, looking outside. Her shoulders were taut and her sexy mouth was a thin line. She looked like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders.

  “I have to head out,” he said.

  Beth jumped and let out a little squeak. Eyes wide, she turned to face him. “Sorry, I was miles away.”

  The fact that she relaxed immediately sent satisfaction through him. It pleased the hell out of him that she felt safe here with him. The evidence was there in her eyes and the ready smile that meant everything to him.

  “When will you be back?”

  Her face and that smile had gotten him through some tough times in even tougher countries while he was in the service. He could admit that now.

  “It’ll probably be several hours, but I’ll be back as quickly as I can. Try not to burn the house down.”

  Beth laughed and that was the response he wanted. She’d always been such a serious little thing. He liked that she’d learned to smile and laugh. Besides, he was serious enough for both of them.

  “I wouldn’t dare.”

  Because he couldn’t be close without touching her, he reached out and laced his fingers through hers. “Come with me. I want to show you how to use the alarm system.”

  “Don’t worry so much. I’m not planning on moving from the couch until you get back.”

  At the alarm panel, Zach showed Beth how to punch in the code to arm and disarm the system. When he was satisfied that she was comfortable with the codes, he turned her around and pressed her back against the wall. He leaned down and pressed his mouth to hers.

  Beth’s lips parted on a sigh and he used that opening to tangle his tongue with hers. She tasted like coffee and cream and a goodness that lightened his soul. Running his hands around her ribcage, he smoothed down her back and cupped her ass. A perfect fit for his hands, everything about this woman fit and completed him.

  “Don’t go,” she whispered.

  Damn, but he wished he could stay. “I have to.”

  “Well, if you promise to pick up where you’re leaving off…”

  Zach smiled. Beth trying to be bold was cute. “I want you to think about something today. Something serious.”

  Chocolate brown eyes gazed into his with an expression of trust so beautiful that he almost didn’t say anything more. He knew how his question would hit her, but he needed it to be out in the open. The more time she had to think, the better his chances of having her in his life would be.

  “What is it?”

  “I want more, Beth. More of you, me, this. Think about staying here for the summer and giving this a real chance.” He’d bring up marriage and kids later.

  Her faced paled instantly and she pulled her hand away from his. “W-what?” Beth sucked a breath and held it, clenching and unclenching her hands. “I thought we were clear about what this is.”

  Zach could feel his jaw clench. “I thought we were clear too. I wanted it to just be sex, Beth. But it’s not. It never has been with you and me and I can’t pretend that it is. So at the risk of having my pride and my heart stomped on—again—I’m asking you to think about it.”

  “You know I can’t stay. I have a book to write, a life in Phoenix. I can’t just put it all on hold.”

  “I’m asking you to give me a few months, see where this goes. Not put your life on hold. We belong together. I’ve known it our
whole lives, and, if you’d let yourself, you’d see it too.”


  “Just think about it. That’s all I’m asking.” He kissed her quickly on the lips and then opened the door. “Set the alarm. I’ll be back soon.”

  Then he left and prayed that she had the courage to start thinking past her fear of commitment. This was his only shot at a normal life with the woman he loved. It was Beth or a life alone, but he was willing to take the chance. He just hoped to God that he could convince her.

  Chapter 7

  Elizabeth set the alarm and walked on wooden legs to the couch. Sinking down onto the leather, she pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Move in? He wanted to live together for the summer? What was he thinking?

  Chills raced down her arms and nausea rolled through her empty stomach. The only thing that kept her rooted to the spot and not running for the hills was Zach. Big, sexy, irritating, incredible Zach. Her bastion against the world.

  But what he was asking was something more permanent.

  That kind of life wasn’t for her. That led to emotions, entanglements, commitment, all of which lead to marriage. She still had nightmares from her so-called family life, before the crash. Marriage was unstable. Better to be single and able to walk out at any time, before everyone involved got hurt.

  And what about children? That came with marriage.

  He deserved kids. Zach would be a wonderfully loving and patient father, but she wasn’t even sure she would know what to do with a child. She’d never been one herself. Growing up, she had to be quiet for Daddy, because he didn’t like noise. No running and playing like a normal kid. She had to dress a certain way and was only allowed to speak when asked a question. She and her mother could only eat after he’d eaten.

  Her mother said marriage was forever – for better or worse. It was marriage and a child that kept her mother in that hell. If it hadn’t been for her, Elizabeth believed her mother might have left, instead of settling for a life of submissive servitude.


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