Siobhan's Beat

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Siobhan's Beat Page 4

by Marianne Evans

  “I still have the dance studio, I suppose.” Slump shouldered she whispered the words while Doctor Cooper began his exam. “Well, I had the dance studio. Instructing will be problematic.” She pictured excited and eager young ones, and the skilled pre-teens already in full-prep mode for the annual spring recital just four short months away.

  AJ worked his fingers steadily against toes that peeked over the edge of her plaster cast.

  “Maybe I can be content as an owner and operator instead of instructor. Maybe I’ll find a way to be able to teach at least once in a while.”

  “Whoa…whoa, whoa.” He paused the exam. His gaze tagged hers. “Why are you completely reshuffling your life?”

  “Because I don’t have a choice!” Anger vibrated through the air. “I can’t hold my friends back. They’re going to need to deal with the fact that I’m not meant to be part of the group. Timing and circumstance can’t be denied here. Like we’ve discussed, I can’t withstand what rehearsals and touring would do to me.”

  “Not yet.”

  Conversation stalled as another emotional wave crashed and receded.

  “Tell me something. Beyond dance, what drives you?”

  His question, though an obvious diversion, left her to think. She didn’t want to even consider a life without music accompanied by fluid motion. He pressed slightly against her toes, flexing them, intent on her responses to the maneuver. It wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. Pain, yes, but not a shockwave or anything to cause overt alarm.

  “Sadly, not much. I’m somewhat pathetic that way.”

  “Come on. I’m serious.”

  Refocused on the exam, Doctor Cooper continued while she considered her answer.

  “God and faith. My friends and my family.”

  Doctor Cooper nodded, silently urging her to continue. He resettled her leg, and Siobhan stumbled, attempting to find a way to the truest answer. “I feel happiest when I know the people I love are well and content. Like today, finding out Liam and Ailee are getting married.”

  “But what about you?”


  He nodded. “By the way, we’re getting you up and moving again before we let you sleep for the rest of the night. It’s a continuing check of stability and mobility, but I’m confident you’ll be fine. I’m glad to read in the nurse’s notes that the episodes of vertigo have decreased throughout the day today.”

  “They have, yes. Silver linings and everything, right?” Siobhan shot him a playful smirk, enjoying the way he grinned, but she contemplated his question. “I guess I’ve always been the diplomat. The negotiator. I thrive when the people around me are happy.”

  “I see. You’re the giver of your bunch.”

  Siobhan rolled her eyes at his analysis.

  “That’s wonderful. But I hope you don’t do that by compromising yourself.”

  “My friends see to that.”


  Again, their eyes met, and again Siobhan felt a swirl and a tingle that had nothing to do with physicality.

  Doctor Cooper continued. “Before I clock out for the night, let me check that arm.”

  Siobhan braced herself all over again, muscles tightening from shoulders to calves. This time, she held on to the coattails of strength he offered and forced herself to confront the battle to come.

  In deft, expert moves, he unwound the bandage and slowly lifted away the tape and heavy gauze. An aching throb intensified at once, but she noticed the swelling had decreased slightly. However, like her leg, her arm had sustained a number of ugly gashes from broken glass. Judging by the sparks of pain she felt when she pressed her cheek to the pillow, the same could be said for the left side of her face as well. Siobhan decided she didn’t want to have anything to do with a mirror for an indefinite period of time.

  “Everything looks good. There are small to moderate cuts, but I see no sign of infection or unusual discharge from the wounds.” He replaced the bandages then lifted his computer from the portable table and began entering notes. He looked up every once in a while before concluding, “From one nurturer to another, do me a favor and keep something in mind.”

  “What’s that?”

  He finished tapping and clicking then closed the cover on his Tablet. “When I first came in here, you seemed to be taking responsibility for a lot of things that were far beyond your control. Don’t do that, OK? It’ll do more harm than good. Sooner or later we all enter tough and challenging seasons. This one is yours. You’ve got friends who stand ready to look out for you, and take care of you, so be sure to let them do it.”

  He checked her vitals on that nonsensical electronic unit next to the bed, scanning her heart rate, oxygen levels, and who knew what else, then he gave her a smile that Siobhan knew would follow her into her dreams.

  “Rest up, and I’ll see you tomorrow before you’re discharged. Good luck with the final mobility test tonight.”


  The instant Coop pushed open the door of Siobhan’s hospital suite, music flooded the hallway. A Katrina and the Waves classic, “Walking on Sunshine,” poured forth, along with a raucous sing-along that instantly captured his attention.

  Aileen, Kassidy and Maeve danced around Siobhan’s bed like adorable goofballs, singing strong. They faked like they were singing into mics. They shimmied and clapped. They spun and flounced in syncopation, teasing Siobhan with winks, nudges, and taunting moves. Then, in perfect time to the instrumental bridge, Aileen busted out an air guitar move while the other two flung their hair in a classic head-banging response that left him laughing.

  Not that he was noticed above the din.

  AJ closed the door quickly to avoid a disturbance and lent his attention to his patient. That’s when he nearly dropped his ever-present computer. Siobhan sported a tiara. A fire-engine red boa was wrapped around her neck, its ends draped along the pillows at her back, across the monitor cords and IV line at her arm. Despite the comedic trappings, she managed to look stunning. Tears of laughter streamed down her face, the best medicine known to science.

  “I’m making an executive decision. We have to add this song to the album!” Once the song ended, Maeve offered that enthused recommendation amidst cheers and declarations of approval.

  “Hi there, Dr. Cooper!” That greeting came from Kassidy.

  He offered a wave and grinned. “Don’t stop on my account. I didn’t mean to interrupt Siobhan’s therapy session.”

  The trio preened happily, but Siobhan ducked her head and went pink with embarrassment. She swiped the crown from her head and did her best to dispose of the long and fluffy boa. Those futile gestures caused his lips to twitch into a full smile. Coop activated his computer and keyed to Siobhan’s chart while she scrambled for some semblance of decorum. He stepped to her bed and rested a hip against the railing. Peering at Siobhan, he delivered a wink. “Don’t be so fast about ditching the sparkles and feathers. Personally, I think the look works for you.”

  His reward for sass was a deeper reddening of flawless, creamy skin.

  Kassidy sidled up to the bed; she tweaked Siobhan’s cheek. “We decided to doll her up to celebrate the fact that she’s being released. You know, we should thank you, Doctor Cooper. It seems someone has been receiving fantastic care here at Westerville Memorial. Just look at all that lovely color.”

  Heat crawled up AJ’s neck at being so thoroughly and effectively called out. He backed off in a hurry. Seriously, was he this smitten by a dainty and charming ballerina girl? The women who represented her nearest and dearest didn’t seem to take any prisoners, so he opted to proceed with caution and return to playing it cool.

  “Actually, I stopped by to offer my congratulations on that milestone.” He slid effortlessly into doctor mode. “You’re officially cleared to leave. I’ve completed the discharge process, but as the nurses already mentioned, you need to set up an appointment with my office for follow-up care.”

  “And that’ll be next week, right?”
  Siobhan’s eager response indicated a yen for continued connection, and that wasn’t an uncommon reaction from a patient following trauma. The key, he knew, was to maintain objectivity and professionalism—which was a fine ideal until her sparkling eyes drew him into an enticing grip.

  “Yes, I’ll be checking on you every other week for the next six to eight weeks, until the cast comes off. According to your chart you’re comfortable with crutches and moving for short distances, correct?”

  “I am, and it felt really good to flex my muscles.”

  “Dizziness?” That was his primary concern.

  “Nope. Honest. I really do feel OK.”

  A warm, authentic tone of voice lent credence to Siobhan’s response. Coop checked her vitals via the flashing, beeping monitors.

  “I think it’s amazing that you can decipher those read outs,” Aileen said.

  Coop laughed. “Well, her heart rate’s a little higher than I’d expect.” He looked at Siobhan in gentle tease. “But I’m not too worried about that. Something tells me the reason for the elevation is that sing-along session you just finished.”

  Continuing to address his patient, Coop handed off a small stack of papers and then conducted a brief review of wound care and protocol for moving around on a broken leg. Before he knew it, there was nothing left to say except farewell...until next week. For reasons that were strictly personal, AJ looked forward to seeing her again. He needed to explore that realization…fast.

  “Do you have any questions before I turn you loose?”

  Siobhan shook her head, her focus trained. “You’ve been great, and I really appreciate it. Thank you for everything, Doctor Cooper.”

  The soft-spoken commendation, coupled with her quiet sense of grace, tripped his senses. “You’re more than welcome. Take good care of yourself so you heal quickly, OK? I want to watch you perform one day.”

  Smiling into his eyes, she nodded. “I look forward to that.”


  Siobhan tolerated—just barely—being wheeled from her room to the lobby of Westerville Memorial for discharge. She itched for freedom of movement. Her crutches were propped next to her. Her injured leg was extended and jutted outward.

  Aileen and the girls waited outside in a u-shaped drive. Standing alongside Aileen’s red sedan, they chatted away. Something in the timelessness and normalcy of that moment soothed Siobhan’s restless heart and grounded her spirit.

  Aileen spotted her first and, before long, her friends converged. She lifted slowly to a stand and made her way to the open door of the back seat.

  “The first order of business is a mani-pedi.” Aileen wrapped an arm around Siobhan’s coat-clad shoulders and gave her a side hug. “Because you’ve earned it.”

  “A pedi? Seriously?” Siobhan hobbled on the crutches but did fairly well. “When I’m wrapped up in this?” She nodded toward her cast.

  “Of course, silly. You see, everyone will be looking at your toes now. Especially that hunky doctor. Best to have them in top form, right?”

  Leave it to the unsinkable Aileen Brewer to pick up on nuance and emotional vibrations. Siobhan blushed furiously and surrendered the point with an agreeing nod. “You have a point there. Not about the doctor though.”

  “Oh. Meaning he’s not hunky?”

  “No. I mean yes. I mean…” Scandalized, Siobhan gave herself an inner shake and huffed. “Oh, would you please cut me just a little bit of slack here?” Shooting her friend a pleading glance, Siobhan propped her right hip against the car for support, and Aileen grabbed the crutches. “Careful with those, Ailee. They’re my new best friend.”

  Aileen paused and put on a mocking pout. “I’m displaced that easily?”

  “A spa day! Yay! I’m so in the mood for pampering and some girl talk.”

  While Kassidy diverted the topic from a certain orthopedic specialist, Siobhan bent and carefully maneuvered her way into the rear passenger seat of Aileen’s car. So far, so good. Awkward, but not too bad, really.

  “Speaking of girl talk, KC, you need to fill us in on the latest with Todd.” Maeve claimed shotgun.

  “No, I don’t. Not really.” Kassidy sat next to Siobhan and accepted the crutches from Aileen, tucking them into the vehicle. “Todd is…oh, how shall I say it…out of the picture. Permanently.”

  “No! What happened?” Maeve cast a wide-eyed look over her shoulder while Aileen took to the wheel and exited the hospital parking lot.

  Leaving the facility behind made Siobhan’s heart fly and ache at the same time. Her mind came alive with the image of a tender, caring man with clear blue eyes, short blond hair, and a smile hot enough to melt ice.

  “I stepped away once he decided the need for sex was more important than the process of actually building a long-term relationship.”


  That from Maeve again.

  Siobhan reached across the arm rest to give KC’s hand a squeeze. “Honey, if he wasn’t willing to wait for you, then he wasn’t worthy of your heart.”

  The words were their time honored mantra and a point of truth. A vow of purity, and of bonded friendship, had seen the four of them through the toughest times of standing steadfast in God’s promise and their mutual desire to remain pure of body until they were married. Friends—even potential boyfriends—sometimes scoffed at them for being so guarded with their bodies and hearts, but all four of them trusted their lives to the promise of a forever love. Settling for anything less was not an option.

  Still, Kassidy’s eyes glimmered, betraying her hurt. True to form, she smiled past it all and snuggled into the seat. “Oh, never mind all that drama. Let’s dive into a day of pampering and relax.”

  “You’re a wonder, Kassidy. Never doubt it.” Siobhan hoped the affirmation helped, because no matter how strong the woman—and Kassidy could write a book on the topic—the path they followed wasn’t easy. She leaned over to kiss her friend’s cheek. “Pampering sounds like a perfect idea and you guys truly are the best. Thank you for the pick-me-up.”

  Aileen’s sparkling eyes tagged Siobhan’s briefly as she brought the car to a stop at a traffic light. “Pick-me-up? You wish. I intend to grill you mercilessly until you tell us all about that wonderful Doctor Cooper. I’ve never seen you so flustered around a man before. And just now, you actually went all tongue-tied about him. I think that’s precious.”

  Maeve and Kassidy giggled. Siobhan’s jaw dropped and she shot Aileen what she hoped was a blood-curdling glower. “Y’know, Ailee, I won’t be incapacitated forever. Eventually I’ll build up enough strength to flatten you.”

  Aileen’s twinkling laughter filled the car. “Good luck with that.”

  Siobhan slid her chilly hands into the pockets of her tan, wool coat. Her fingers closed around an item tucked inside—a simple white business card detailing an upcoming appointment. One week from today. At one o’clock in the afternoon. At the offices of Dr. AJ Cooper on Fourth Avenue. Withdrawing the reminder, she touched the raised lettering and wondered. What did AJ stand for? Would it be inappropriate to ask? Would doing so seem pushy or star-struck?

  Like she had a crush or something?

  “So sorry to interrupt your daydreams, Siobhan, but we’ve arrived.”

  Siobhan’s head snapped up. A betraying flood of heat bloomed against her cheeks, blast it all. Aileen’s quirked lips featured just a bit too much satisfaction for Siobhan’s taste. It didn’t help matters any that her friend homed in on the appointment card.

  “Interesting reading material?”

  Following Aileen’s query, Siobhan caught the meaningful glances that passed between Kassidy and Maeve. Siobhan was busted and bruised, but she most certainly wasn’t clueless to their intrigue. Aileen maneuvered the car beneath a quaint pink and white canopy. “Door service, ladies. Hop out. I’ll park and be right in.”

  Soothing ocean sounds and soft harp music filled the air upon entering Bella Angelo Spa. Warmth swept across Siobhan’s skin. Oh, ho
w she needed this. Before long she settled into an oversized leather chair. Her hands were put to soak, as was her uninjured right foot. Glasses of orange juice and veggie snacks materialized as attendants went to work on primps and polish.

  “So we’ve caught up on KC’s love life. We know Siobhan blushes and gets all squiggly about her doctor. It’s your turn, Maeve. What’s new in your romantic life?”

  Maeve goggled. “Is it just me, or is Ailee becoming a tad smug now that she sports an engagement ring?”

  Hoots of agreement erupted amongst the foursome.

  “You’re not off the hook, you know,” Maeve said. “Sure, no one will be asking you about who you’re dating, but I predict, here and now, that you won’t have a wedding band on your finger for a day before folks start asking when you’ll present the world with a brand new little Douglas cherub.”

  Siobhan jumped right on that band wagon. “I never thought of it that way! I could be an auntie in a year!”

  Aileen groaned and her skin went from a two to a solid ten on the pink meter. “Not likely since Liam and I haven’t even set a date yet.”

  “Why not?” Siobhan blurted the question without really thinking. Instantly she regretted the words. Of course the delay was because of her and the accident. Along with the tour schedule quandry and recording contract drama, everything was thrown into uncertainty now, simply because the way her life had struck ice and swirled out of control.


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