Red Horizon

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Red Horizon Page 16

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  Casey shook his head as Senta passed him. “Sucks to be you.”

  On the couch set by the minions to be Lynn’s interrogation tool, Johnny and Nick strapped Senta down with the binding straps found aboard. Nick took off his mask as did Johnny. Senta would never return to the general population of anywhere. Senta gasped.

  “I know you! You’re Nick McCarty! You killed Felix Moreau! Felix was a lover of mine. He mentored me. You bastard! He wasn’t even on a contract in your way. I know the accounts on the Dark Web about the way he was killed are lies. No way, you ever came close enough to him to kill Felix with a knife. How did you kill him? You shot him in the back.”

  Nick shrugged as his companions enjoyed the exchange. “I would have. Felix was so easy a target, I hardly needed much effort to get him.”


  Johnny smiled hugely in anticipation while retrieving Felix Moreau’s last moments on earth from his iPad files. He brought it over for Senta to see. She watched her lover’s death by Nick’s hand with wide eyed shock. At Nick’s last words while Moreau faded into eternity, Senta struggled wildly against her bonds before realizing after a moment the hopelessness of her situation.

  “It’s nice to know Felix was loved,” Nick stated with comical whimsy to the loud amusement of his companions. Nick patted Senta’s restrained hand. “He died with his boots on, Senta. He was a murderous scumbag without a conscience but he died okay.”

  Nick’s humorous eulogy enraged Senta but Lynn grabbed her in a painful pinch at the nose. “Don’t bother. If you say anything else I may forget we’re trying to keep you alive. I’m glad you know Nick. You’ll be introducing him and me at the door of the Pilot Hill compound. Once we get inside with Al-Kadi, then we’ll have some real fun.”

  For the first time, Senta smiled as Lynn released her. “I will never deceive Al-Kadi. You will see. I will say one thing now to please you, but I will betray you to him the moment we cross the threshold of the house.”

  Lynn clapped her hands in delight. “Oh… Cara Mia… when I get done with you, I would be able to use you as a campfire girl leader in a brown skirt uniform. No more talk. Let’s get to my showing of the enhancements in interrogation I’ve contrived. I think you’ll be impressed. Please hook Senta to my needles for her first lesson.”

  When Nick did as bid. He inserted the acupuncture needles at Senta’s heels. Her feet had to be held in place by Quays Tannous and Sylvio Ruelas. Senta, for the first time, began to believe the people in front of her were not going to coax her into doing as they outlined.

  “Wait! What is this? You can’t torture me! It’s illegal! Who the hell are you people? Assassins, torturers, cold blooded killers… what the hell is going on?”

  “We’re the Monster Squad and the Unholy Trio, baby,” Lynn said, patting her cheek. “When the pussies in Washington DC crap their pants and don’t know what to do about some cult of murderous assholes, they call us. We don’t ask questions. They tell us we need to fix something and we fix it. Don’t try to understand it all now, honey. I’ll teach it to you in small doses until there’s no doubt in what’s left of your mind about who we are, what we plan on doing, and how you will help us.”

  “McCarty! I know you. Tell her! I will do as she asks. I see this is business now. I kill on command. I do as I’m paid to do. I’ll help you get inside Al-Kadi’s place… no charge. Let me live! I’ll fix everything. Give me a damn weapon and I’ll help you execute anyone you want killed! Tell her!”

  Nick leaned over Senta, revealing a mirror image of cold, unfeeling, death that existed within Senta. He smiled after a moment of silence. “I see you do know me. I am a psychopath like you in many things. I’ve found I care about some part of reality. America is part of that reality. As you’ve already stated – you will say one thing now and another later. When Dr. Deville finishes with you, the psychopath inside will be dead. All that will be left is a minion of Cruella Deville who lives to do nothing but what she asks. I could claim you won’t feel a thing but that would be a lie. Happy trails, Senta.”

  Chapter Seven

  Monstrous Happenings

  A half hour later, Senta needed splashed into consciousness as the three minute intervals of absolute agony, without any way to stop them, reformed her being into a template of pain. She tried to speak as Lynn leaned over her with a smile. All that came out was gibberish. Lynn chuckled.

  “That was only a half an hour, Cara Mia. Wait until we get to hour three.”

  Senta screamed.

  “Oh yeah… that’s what I’m talkin’ about,” Lynn said, before Denny’s voice pelted into her ear from the Valkyrie.

  “Bronstein class frigate heading toward us at full throttle… ETA forty minutes,” Denny stated. “Do you read?”

  “We hear,” Harding said from near Lynn.

  “That boat has torpedoes,” Nick remarked. “What’s the assessment, Captain Blood?”

  “Apparently, Fernando called for help before we got his communications shut down. Can you ask him about it, and if there’s some way to send the approaching threat back to Mexico where I see it originated? I’d like to not have to make a Mexican Navy frigate disappear with all hands on board, folks, but I doubt it can be done any other way. Paul’s in agreement.”

  “Oh, for God’s sake, Denny,” Lynn said. “Scramble a couple of jets and tell them to go back where they came from.”

  “Lynn’s right,” Harding agreed. “We have bases very nearby. Get them on an intercept course. They can warn a Mexican frigate off. Hell… we sold it to them I’m sure. They must know we can ruin their evening.”

  “The formal authorities dummied up the moment they were contacted and warned about an interdiction by federal agents on a ship in international waters. Rogue elements in the Mexican government have already refused all offers, saying the Tempest was under their control,” Denny answered. “They think they can save the product and ship by a show of power. I’m betting they can’t and we’re not going to let them. I can’t speak for you Monsters; but if Ahab and Payaso want the Tempest in the fleet stationed at Monster Island, something will have to be done about the inbound frigate. The other option is to take what we have, including the bodies, and go home. We can file an official complaint with the Mexican government later about their rogue battleship. I admit I love the idea of having the Tempest; but in order to get her, a sea battle with the Mexican frigate will be the only way possible.”

  “Oh my!” Nick made grasping movements to his heart as Denny ended his update. “Uh… would there be any chance the Mexican government, who also has an air force, would be willing to launch on us poor Monsters. What you’re talking about is an act of war.”

  “As much as I love this damn ship already,” Lucas added, “I have to agree with Dead Boy. How do we get out from under sinking a supposedly friendly nation’s warship? At the very least this is an international incident.”

  “Shall we run then? I believe Paul can end all negative fallout from the event. This show of force to get the Tempest back confirms our suspicions that elements of the Mexican government enable piracy incidents here, and in the Gulf of Mexico, along with massive at sea transfers of drugs, weapons, and human trafficking. Paul hurriedly recruited key congressional leaders to list this as an official CIA joint task force with the FBI, Homeland Security, and the Justice Department. As representatives of the aforementioned agencies, Paul issued a warning that any action on the part of the approaching frigate would be looked on as from a hostile enemy.”

  “Why didn’t you lead with that, Spawn,” John asked.

  “I admit to questioning whether I believe Paul can pull this off. If Mexico decides to back the actions of their rogue warship, we’ll have to defend ourselves against whatever Mexico escalates to in the realm of warfare. I didn’t want to soft-sell this. We could be looking at a Bay of Pigs or Benghazi sellout. It won’t be Paul who does it. They’ll be crossing him too if they yank our backing. We’ll go with whatever you d

  “We can fire the RGM-84 from the Valkyrie.”

  “Muerto’s right,” Clint said. “Once the frigate is hit, we can move on them with both the UH-60M Stealth and our Mi-24 attack helicopter for the finish.”

  Gus Denova brought Carone into the room at Lynn’s order. He was openly sobbing by the time Gus forced him down on a chair. Lynn patted his shoulder. “Hello there, my little helper. You didn’t do as well as I thought. I’m very disappointed in you.”

  Carone openly cried, his shoulders heaving. “I…I forgot! The pain was so bad, I forgot about sending the text to the contact drop in the Mexican government. You have to… believe me.”

  “What about the women and your personal assassin?” Nick watched Carone’s face.

  “I thought you had killed everyone but me, including the women.” Carone’s surprised features indicated truth. It was only then Lynn, Harding, and Nick moved from in front of Senta’s delirious form. “Oh my God! I…I didn’t know. Senta Bulgar is a killer. The officials… my contacts… Gabrielle Ruiz and Zepeda Osorio… they are ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense.”

  “Is there any way to call them off,” Lynn asked.

  “I…I cannot. They delete the drop the moment it is used. I do not get a new drop until the following day… if then. I could try calling Al-Kadi. Perhaps he has a more direct line.”

  Nick shook his head. “We want Al-Kadi clueless for now. I have another idea. I saw the Panga boat in its stall. We have the XM25 airburst grenade launcher with EMP load. Let Payaso and I meet the frigate. For a lob shot I’d only have to be within seven hundred yards.”

  “What if they have it shielded, Muerto?”

  “We’ll run. I’ll bring our XM307 too in case we have to hold them off. Payaso? Are you following this?”

  “I’m on my way over now with both weapons. Issac has the Valkyrie helm. If we have to abandon the Tempest, Lucas will be with him as well as Cala. Can you find the controls for the in hull boat dock, Lucas?”

  “On it. I don’t think much of this idea. How close are they now, Denny?”

  “They’ve slowed. We’re bombarding them with stand down orders. Jafar is networking with Johnny. He should be receiving streaming positioning data now.”

  “I have it, Muerto,” Johnny acknowledged, with tablet in hand. “I will go with you and Payaso. It will be the Unholy Trio on the attack.”

  Nick smiled. “Let’s get going. See you all on the other side.”

  * * *

  “Oh Muerto, this baby is fast as hell!” Gus maneuvered in an exaggerated approach pattern, zooming from far side to far side, varying speed and pattern.

  “This will be close guys. They will open fire on us the moment we get in sight or slightly before,” Nick said. “I’m glad you thought to bring my M107 too, Payaso. Johnny can fire the XM25 EMP round and use my range finders, while I keep an eye on any targets I can spot on the ship.”

  “You’re nuts,” Gus muttered while paying close attention not to repeat any movements. “I know how good you are, but hitting anything from this moving Panga boat is beyond even your Muerto death magic.”

  “Heh…heh. If we make the frigate dead in the water, the Unholy Trio will show the Monster Squad how to have a little fun.”

  “You do know we can hear you, right Muerto?”

  “Uh oh. I forgot it was open mic night,” Nick joked. “Yeah, I know, Lynn. Hey, Laredo… you have the Stealth ready to back us dumb-shits if this doesn’t work, right?”

  “Nope. Clint said we’d fire the RGM-84 using you guys as laser pointers.”

  General hilarity ensued for a few moments until Johnny indicated they would be in sight within seconds.

  “Ready the XM25, Kabong. Hold her full speed for a broadside parallel to the frigate’s starboard side, Payaso. That would be the frigate’s right side and our left on approach.”

  “Fuck you, Muerto!” Gus smiled, listening to everyone on the line enjoying Nick’s insinuation Gus didn’t know the difference between port and starboard.

  Search lights turned on, scanning the area as Gus paralleled their target inside the five hundred yard range going in the opposite direction. The frigate fired with 20mm cannon and .50 caliber machine gun fire with tracers.

  “Fire, Kabong!”

  Nick had found the machine gun turret with the M107 night vision scope. His six shot semi auto burst stitched through the machine gunner as if he were made of papier-mache while the 20mm cannon fire crept nearer. Johnny fired the XM25. The EMP airburst load exploded over the oncoming frigate with incredible effect. Instantly, the frigate cruised to a floating stop, bobbing in the water.

  “Holy shit, Muerto! That was at least a six hundred yard shot from a moving boat. You, my friend, are scary good,” Gus exclaimed, bringing the Panga boat around.

  “Those tracers were getting too close and I couldn’t tell where the guy was without the night-vision scope. Now we deal with that damn 20mm cannon.” Nick moved behind their portable XM307 turret and obliterated the 20mm cannon emplacement aboard the frigate.

  Johnny switched to 25mm airburst grenade rounds and fired at will while Nick swept over the bridge with 25mm rounds. Gus turned the Panga boat to move toward the Valkyrie. The frigate was ablaze. The ammo magazines blew then, turning the main deck into an inferno with survivors jumping overboard.

  “It’s all yours, Laredo,” Nick said.


  Gus retreated away from the fiery hulk with Nick and Johnny relaxing near him. They waited with anticipation for what they knew to be on the way. The faint roar introducing ‘Ride of the Valkyries’ echoed across the water, gaining momentum into a tumultuous, mind numbing horror for the frigate’s surviving crewmembers. The AGM-114 Hellfire missiles hit the frigate, sending waves of heat, sound, and force across the Panga boat with Gus turning to stunt the effect. The Unholy Trio watched the Monster Squad repeat wave after wave using everything aboard the Stealth, including the 70mm Hydra rockets.

  “Holy God in heaven,” Gus whispered. “We are very bad men.”

  “We’re going back to the Valkyrie, Muerto,” Laredo said. “All the bodies are on the Valkyrie for-”

  “Mexican F-5 fighter on approach!” Denny wasted no words. “John’s locking in by radar on the fighter with the RGM-84. It’s only a few minutes away. What do you have left, Laredo?”

  “Nothing, boss. Clint’s on the .50 for all that will do. I have chaff to deter a first attack and then we’re history.”

  A moment later, the F-5 zoomed low over the burning frigate debris before barrel rolling upwards. Nick detached the XM307 from its portable stand. “Grab the stand, Johnny. Laredo, fly over us!”

  “Okay… nice working with you, Muerto.”

  “Hold that thought. Turn the boat toward the frigate, steady as she goes. Help me get this damn gun mount pointed upward, Johnny. We’re going to run the F-5 into our flak fire. Yes… that’s it. Gus, put her on auto and come steady me and the mount while Johnny fires the 25mm airburst.”

  Using life jackets, ammo boxes, and equipment bags, the three men turned the mounted XM307 into a surface to air launcher. Johnny shoved against one side of the mounting with the XM25 in hand while Gus steadied the other side and Nick.

  “Incoming! Chaff fired!” Laredo flew the UH-60M over the Panga boat, releasing fiery chaff into the sky as the F-5 fired missiles.

  The chaff worked, but the exploding missiles in the chaff rained deadly debris downward, nearly obliterating the Panga boat.

  “Fire!” Nick held onto the XM307 for dear life while firing round after round into the sky of the oncoming F-5 fighter. Johnny did the same with the XM25.

  The F-5 couldn’t avoid the flak and airburst 25mm grenades. It blew in spectacular fashion. Nick, Gus, and Johnny cheered from their sinking Panga boat but the celebration was short lived.

  “Uh oh,” Nick said comically as the blazing F-5 fighter streaked directly at them. “Abandon ship, maties. Cap
tain Blood! We’re in the water.”

  The Unholy Trio dived deep for all the good it would do them if the jet crashed atop their boat. It didn’t. The F-5 hit the water fifty yards in front of the sinking Panga boat and cartwheeled in flaming fashion until bursting apart at the seams, scattering debris for hundreds of yards. Nick, Gus, and Johnny swam to the drifting Panga boat with only small debris cuts and wounds.

  Laredo flew the UH-60M over them, lowering a ladder as the Stealth stirred the waves. Gus climbed upward first with Johnny behind him. Nick retrieved his M107 sniper rifle and the XM25 from the Panga boat.

  “Will you for God’s sake get your Muerto ass up here,” Gus yelled down at him.

  Nick strapped his M107 over his shoulder while hanging onto the swinging ladder with the patience bred of being a psychopathic killer. The weight and bulk from the two weapons slowed Nick’s climb. When he reached the open hatch, hands reach down to propel him upwards. Instead, he shoved the weapons one after the other to his frustrated cohorts.

  “I’ll be back.” Nick descended.

  “We can buy a new XM307 you moron,” Lynn called out to him with a giggle.

  Nick grinned but kept on to his objective, grunting under the effort of securing the nearly eighty pound load to his frame. The climb upwards this time took all of his reserves to reach the hatch where his friends pulled him in. Clint and Lynn dragged him inside against the far bulkhead while Casey secured the ladder and shut the hatch. Nick waved at Laredo.

  “You’re the best, Laredo!”

  “If not for you cowboys, I’d be in Davey Jones locker. Let’s go home, kids. That was one exciting adventure I’d rather not repeat. God knows we’re lucky they didn’t scramble more than one F-5.”

  “We have everyone, Denny,” Clint said. “We’re on our way back.”

  “I know I’m a day late and a dollar short, but when you see the fighter escort arrive, they’re ours,” Denny replied. “If it helps, they would have shot the shit out of the jet that killed you.”


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