Red Horizon

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Red Horizon Page 33

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Issac’s our extra utility player we’ve needed. Rachel said she appealed to Jean one on one and Jean reacted to being treated like an adult very well. I’m glad you and Johnny will be around while I’m playing in the sandbox.”

  “I hope Johnny stays in touch. I want to hear how Nazari looked to him. I thought Senta was reprogrammed but she damn near got you killed. Speaking of writing. How did you do on ‘Blood Beach’ today? Will you be writing on the deck or can Tina and I come over?”

  “I wrote my fifteen hundred on the ride to Oakland. I’ll get in another five hundred words. Jean will be working on homework with Sonny or throwing knives. I’d like you to come over with Tina. It will be a nice night on the deck.”

  “We’ll be there. When will you do the book signing?”

  “I have to let them know when I get back. I think it would be good to do a book signing without a book killer visit, but it would be really nice not to get a grammar Nazi. Pilgrim’s Way ordered a bunch of my entire series. In addition to taking questions about ‘Dark Interlude’, I’m supposed to give a short talk on my progress with ‘Blood Beach’ before the signing. My agent Cassie e-mailed me that the publisher is ecstatic about my doing more signings.”

  “Have you figured out what you want to do in Dubai?”

  “A lot depends on my interaction with Al-Saud. I’ve been in touch with my contact you met when I came out of retirement and we went to the sand. I wired Khalil a hundred grand to make his way to the Atlantis in Dubai. He’s acquired a vehicle and Denny helped arrange a safe-house for me. I may have to take Al-Saud to a place more private where I can negotiate with him for all of his ill-gotten gains.”

  “How do you know this Khalil won’t sell you out and keep the money?”

  “I promised him a million more if he helps me with the many aspects of the mission. It’s not all about the money anyway, although I could tell from our correspondence he wants in on this in the worst way. I saved him and his family. They were caught in a roundup of Kurdish Christians in Afghanistan at a time I entered the area with a CIA team to get the Taliban leader in the area. My way of doing things was find someone getting stomped on by peaceful Islam and fix their situation. I saw Khalil, his wife, and two sons ushered into a mosque in Herat with a few dozen others, kicked and whipped into a holding area there. I went in at night against orders, slit the throats of the guards and freed the people inside. Khalil helped me while I set charges inside the mosque, which was nothing more than an armory. I blew the mosque to kingdom come. I booked safe passage for Khalil and his family to Dubai. I convinced him to pretend he and his family were Muslim refugees, willing to work doing anything to stay. Anytime I’ve had a job in the sand, Khalil coordinates everything.”

  “Didn’t you get screwed going against orders?” Gus showed intense interest in yet another McCarty past event.

  “Nope. Khalil knew where the Taliban leader lived. I killed him the same night during the chaos after I blew up the mosque. The CIA team were following the book. They loved my improvisation. The guy who ordered me to stand down was demoted to shit-land.”

  “Damn, Muerto, you should be in charge of CIA ops.”

  “We have the right guy in charge now. Paul Gilbrech and Denny Strobert make a great team at the Company if we can keep them alive. Anyway, in answer to your question about Dubai, I have the puzzle pieces in place for when I hear from Al-Saud. Khalil has smuggled some tools for me at the safe-house, thanks in part to Denny’s assets in the area. Khalil contracted the same cleaners he helped us out with before at a price undeniably a blessing in that sand pit. I took care of them pretty well before, but I’m making them rich enough this time to go somewhere nice.”

  “Then you are going to need cleaners.”

  “Maybe…maybe not, but I believe so. It’s better to have them in place if I do need them. If I can get an audience with Al-Saud in his room at the Atlantis, I plan to kill his hired help, and take Al-Saud for some conversation. He’s high in the ranks of Al-Qaeda in Europe. If I bring home information gifts for Paul to use, I will get to continue my rogue operations. I’ll possibly need a top notch cleaning crew to ease the rough edges on my plan. We’ll talk more about the specifics when I hear from Al-Saud. It would be nice if I can take them outside the Atlantis.”

  “I don’t envy you going back into the sand. Don’t think I forgot about the Nazari name. That’s why I’m so interested in the Florence Nazari experiment. It’s obvious her husband didn’t know you probably killed one of his relatives, Sheik Abdul Nazari.”

  Nick liked the fact Gus remembered the Nazari name. “I’m glad you remembered the name. Nazari chose the Isis side. Al-Saud sided with Al-Qaeda. I’m not expecting any Nazari relative interference over there if you’re worried about that. I won’t know, of course, until I get to Dubai. One stipulation Al-Saud made was I have to travel under my real name. That’s the main reason I have to retain first class cleaners on the job.”

  “Are Khalil’s cleaner team trustworthy?”

  “They’re his sons, Asim and Ghazi. With the guards Al-Saud always has near him, I have to cover the aspect we’ll need to clean the Atlantis rooms before leaving. I’ve paid for the list of goodies I had Khalil import for me. He’s stockpiled a Colt .45 with silencer, an M107 sniper rifle with silencer, and an XM25. Leaving Dubai may get messy. Khalil has the same pilot on notice we used to get out of the sand last time.”

  “Why not shoot Al-Saud in the head too and forget the negotiations.”

  “That’s very shortsighted of you, Payaso. I have expenses. You know how frugal I am. Besides, Denny has inquired as to whether I can bring Al-Saud.”

  “I think I know some sand people who will very shortly enjoy more opportunity than they ever dreamed possible,” Gus replied.

  “Khalil is indeed as frugal as I am. He will have a chance to apply for citizenship elsewhere. He went with me on a job in Switzerland once. I believe he has an eye on immigrating there where he’ll be able to become a practicing Christian once again.”

  “He doesn’t want to come to the United States?”

  Nick smiled. “Whenever I’ve mentioned it, Khalil reminds me that Chicago is the murder capital of the world. They read the death list news for Chicago over there. He has mentioned we have more deaths in Chicago on any given weekend than in the Iraq warzone most of the time. I told him I could help him move to Texas where they love guns, Christians, and hard workers. He says it’s cooler in Switzerland and they love all the same things. I couldn’t argue with him about that. He’s greased a lot of hands at the Dubai Atlantis hotel in preparation for my arrival. I will know Al-Saud’s whereabouts at all times along with his men. It’s my key ace in the hole to keep from being ambushed.”

  “What if they do set an ambush?”

  “Then I ambush them instead. They’re cheap buying information and help. I’m not. Khalil knows how I operate. He also knows to look for honest disgruntled helpers.”

  “You do have a way of drawing in a loyal following of people. Has your method ever backfired?”

  “A couple times, but only here in the states, and nothing real bad. I had to go with plan B in those instances.”


  “How perceptive of you, Payaso.”

  * * *

  “Oh… baby… you really did miss me.” Nick stroked Rachel’s side as she lie gasping in the aftermath of an intense interlude. “That was sheer genius tricking Jean into taking her minion to the 3D Imax showing of the new Star Wars episode.”

  “We better… get a shower. We have to pick them up in an hour.” Rachel attempted to rise but fell back on the bed. “God… I don’t think I can move. Go get your shower first and get Quinn ready while I take a bath in the downstairs bathroom. Help me out of this bed, Muerto. They’re at the Cinemark in Monterey.”

  “You’ll have to take a quickie bath, baby,” Nick said, scooping Rachel off the bed with Deke joining his journey with her in his arms down the stairs. “Qu
inn must have sensed his old man’s needs. He didn’t make a peep.”

  “I timed everything perfectly,” Rachel replied, her arms tightening around Nick’s neck, “and damn if it wasn’t worth every moment of planning.”

  “Do you mind Gus and Tina coming over in a couple hours? They’ll probably bring Issac over with them too.”

  “I don’t mind. I got what I wanted. I’ll have seconds later.”

  “You will indeed, my dear.”

  * * *

  “We tracked you Dad,” Jean announced while leading Sonny into the backseat. “You went on a rampage without a single headline. I heard you had to make a couple of unexpected stops. My informant Al came through with a scoop on your rescue of Mr. Chardin’s cousin. You even had a chance to kidnap a famous movie star for Lynn’s Hollywood Bounty Hunters.”

  “It sounds like Al is as big a sneak around the Harding household as you are in mine, Viper. I hope you don’t get her into trouble with her Dad.”

  “I won’t if you don’t rat us out to him.”


  “She’s still sore about me acing her extortion bust. Nice to see you too, kid. How are you doing at home, Sonny?”

  “About the same, Sir. I think my folks have some kind of scam in the works. When I know more details, I’ll be able to figure out if I need advice.”

  “Anytime. I thought your Dad was tending to his passport office job more diligently.”

  “He is, but I think my Mom wants him to take her back to DC and appeal his exile. If they move back to DC, can I stay with you?”

  “Absolutely. I think it would be a bad idea for those two trying to get another gig in DC. They nearly ended up in prison the last time. They have the wrong sort of ambition for DC.”

  “I mentioned that fact but they told me I was too young to understand. I told them I wouldn’t go to DC with them no matter what.”

  “I’ll talk to a few of my friends in DC. They’ll whisper a few words of wisdom in your parents’ ears. Phil is still on a probationary list of people who can go to prison over the passport office terrorist thread. They might travel to DC but the doors will all be closed.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll keep it very quiet. I don’t want them suspecting you had anything to do with it.”

  “You look like your head’s going to explode, Mom,” Jean observed.

  “I will speak no evil of Sonny’s parents even if I pop a vein holding it in. Don’t you think it would be a good idea if Sonny at least found out what plan they’re hatching?”

  “I’ll keep listening… I wasn’t going to say anything until I was sure, but I heard Nick’s name mentioned a couple times. They heard me move and shut up. I haven’t forgotten though. I know my folks can be dangerous,” Sonny explained. “I don’t want them involved in something so deeply you have to kill them. They’re so stupid!”

  “Easy, kid,” Nick said. “I’m not going to kill them. That’s off the table. We’ll make sure they don’t go off the cliff of ignorant actions. Pilgrim’s Way Books wants me to do a signing tomorrow. Saturday is a big tourist moment so there will probably be a big crowd even though it’s a short notice signing. Johnny Five can’t come this time but Gus will be there. Would you two like to come? Remember, it’s strictly voluntary.”

  “Yes!” Jean pumped a fist. “Sonny hasn’t seen you drill a book killer right between the eyes yet like I did.”

  “Jean! Oh my God… one more word and you’ll never see the inside of a bookstore again. I’m glad Gus is going. I have to work or I’d bring my Ruger over there too. I’ve noticed you’re getting some hostile reviews over the Muslim targets Diego has been dealing with, reflecting your real life jaunts into danger against the religion of peace.”

  “The fans ripped them apart,” Nick replied. “I think the gloves are off as far as the actual blue collar citizenry are concerned. They know what’s in the Quran now, thanks to not only researchers, but also historians, who know the bloody truth about fourteen hundred years of pedophilia, inbreeding, slavery, female subjugation, and conquest. I’m certain they’re not fans of my novels so the only way they’ll ever protest a book signing is if they come with at least a hundred of their murdering mutant brethren. It won’t go well for them.”

  “Hey… let’s not do a major battle with Jean and Sonny in the middle of it, Muerto.”

  “Not in my plan. Believe me, Rach. I don’t want anything to happen at a book signing. I was just letting you know I’ve noticed the new book killing reviews from the ‘outraged’ Muslims. I can tell within a sentence they haven’t read the book. They do have the premise of their negative comments right. I know who the enemy of the world is: Islam and its acolytes. Therefore, my avatar Diego also reflects my current feelings about the Islamic scourge trying to stuff Sharia Law and No-Go zones down my throat. I can’t let anything get in the way of this reality where our existence as a free nation depends on us making the right decisions to save our nation.”

  “I’m with you, Dad! Doin’ right ain’t got no end.”

  “Jean!” Rachel bumped her head into the passenger car window. “I’m going to hell.”

  Nick was enjoying the comment so much while trying to drive the car, he earned a head slap from his mate. “Hey… no hitting. I have Gus and Tina coming over later. Issac is busy so it’ll just be Payaso and T-Rex. I have five hundred more words to write in ‘Blood Beach’. Let’s get home, figure out drinks and snacks, and enjoy our deck time. I’m sure you two young buggers have weekend homework. This will be an excellent time for your assignments to get done under adult supervision and help.”

  “We need to train, Dad,” Jean stated. “Sonny and I will practice with the knives and after the book signing we’ll go to the range for firearms training.”

  Nick didn’t look around. “You’ll get your young butts up to the deck, do the entire weekend’s homework, and then we’ll talk about other training.”

  “Okay… but our participation in a homework marathon is under protest,” Jean replied.

  “You’re cruising for a time out from all input, girl,” Rachel jumped into the conversation immediately at that point. “Speak ill of the homework completion and you’ll not only complete your homework, but you will be without an electronic device for two weeks.”

  “This is like being under Sharia Law!”

  Nick grinned back at Jean. “Nope. If you were under Sharia Law, you wouldn’t be able to learn how to read, much less go to school and travel a block without escort and burka.”

  “Not fair! You pulled the Muslim reality card on me, Dad.”

  “Yeah… I did.”

  * * *

  “Gus and Tina… my two most welcome guests,” Nick said as he opened the door.

  “Oh my, Gus… someone has been sipping a few before our arrival,” Tina said.

  “After all we’ve been through the last week, I’m hoping to join him in short order. Lead us to the sustenance of lost souls, brother,” Gus directed.

  “Right this way, brother. I’m cutting Deke off though. He was a little wobbly coming down to meet you two. I’ll counter his lust for beer with treats. Watch this… ‘bacon, bacon, bacon’!”

  Deke streaked up the stairs to the deck.

  It took a few moments before Tina and Gus could follow Nick to the deck.

  “I’ll bet that sobers him up,” Gus observed.

  “It makes him drink water, but it adds a walk for me this evening,” Nick replied while leading the way onto the deck. He opened a new bag of treats and sat down with them. Deke hovered at his side in patient sitting position. “Easy boy. I know the beer makes you frantic. Easy does it, buddy.”

  Nick fed him a small piece at a time rather than put out a bunch for him to devour. “The kids are throwing knives so we can talk. That’s it, Dekester. Small bites.”

  “You and Deke are so comical, Muerto,” Tina said as Rachel gave her a glass of wine. I think that damn dog feeds off of everything you d

  “We are drinking buddies. He understands me.”

  “You mean he knows you’re a serial killer?”

  “That’s just mean, Gus,” Nick said, lowering his head in serial killer penance. “Deke loves me. He doesn’t care if I arrive here from the dark side.”

  “That’s only because you entice him with beer,” Tina noted.

  Nick took in a deep breath with a spreading of his hands. “That may indeed be a factor but animals know things beyond human perception. Deke and I bonded immediately the moment I met him.”

  “Has Al-Saud contacted you yet, dog whisperer?”

  “Yes. He and I have interacted digitally. Rabiah and I will be speaking in another fifteen minutes as a matter of fact. He loved the picture I sent him of Saran Al-Kadi in the body-bag Clint supplied me with. I explained I only gave him a fraction of the info I took from Saran’s abode. He was hot to get everything at any price. I told him I would meet him in Dubai with samples. The game is afoot.”

  “It seems like a damn trap, Muerto,” Gus said. “You’re never this trusting. Do you know something we don’t?”

  Nick smiled. “I spread enough money in Dubai to be the all omniscient Wizard of Oz if I want to be. I have human intelligence Al-Saud was far too cheap and arrogant to buy. Otherwise, I’d abort the mission. I’m not doing a suicide mission, Payaso. That arrogant bastard will be landing in a hostile environment built with money he’s too aloof to spend. Relax. Let me handle this the way I know I can. Remember Felix Moreau. He thought he was on top of the food chain too.”

  Nick began dancing around to everyone’s amusement. “I am the great and powerful Oz!”

  “Damn,” Gus muttered. “I think Muerto’s in the tank.”

  Nick stopped. He shrugged. “Sorry. I was having a little fun. I do have many pieces in place to help me with this mission. I didn’t treat it as an assassin. I know I have backup but I’ve covered all avenues of disaster my active imagination could think of. I’ll speak to Al-Saud and see if I detect anything amiss. I spoke to Khalil today. He has been hard at work spreading wealth.”


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