Book Read Free

Red Horizon

Page 34

by Bernard Lee DeLeo

  “Those people don’t know what your plans are, do they,” Gus asked.

  “No. Only Khalil and his sons know what I’m doing in Dubai. Our paid informants were told we need to be apprised of Al-Saud’s wherabouts at all times because of a business dealing. Rachel gave me the okay to take the kids with me tomorrow to the book signing. Do you still want to go, Gus?”

  “Sure. I’m surprised you’re letting the kids go with us after that last gun battle outside the bookstore, Rach.”

  Rachel breathed in deeply. “They finished their whole weekend’s worth of homework. Jean would torture me all day tomorrow if I didn’t allow them to go. I know you and Muerto will watch out for them. I bet after that shooting last time, the bookstore will have more security at this signing.”

  “They can’t afford it so I’m paying for extra security guards,” Nick replied. “We sold so many books after my last signing ended in a street battle that Cassie joked about my shooting someone every signing.”

  The four friends were still enjoying Nick’s adlib when his special phone rang. The green light on its side indicated no one was trying to trace the call when he answered in Arabic. “I received your payment. Everything is in order for my Dubai trip if you would like to look over the rest of what I took from Al-Kadi’s compound.”

  “Very much so. I made inquiries about Al-Kadi’s compound through contacts in the area. They told me the place is under guard by federal authorities.”

  “My business with Al-Kadi was by circumstance somewhat messy.” Nick wondered about Al-Saud’s contacts in the area. “After I left the area, the FBI and Homeland Security moved on the place. I don’t know what happened after that, nor do I care.”

  “Understood. You will be traveling alone as we planned, correct?”

  “Yes. When would you like me at the Atlantis?”

  “One week from tomorrow if possible.”

  “I will be there,” Nick agreed. “Do you wish for me to join you in your room?”

  “No. I believe we should meet somewhere public first. Let us meet at the Neptune’s Retreat in the waterpark.”

  “Good choice,” Nick said. “What time would you like to meet?”

  “Three o’clock in the afternoon.”

  “Agreed. I will see you then.” Nick disconnected. He smiled at Rachel. “I have five days before I need to travel, babe.”

  “I’m going to the range with you and the kids tomorrow,” Rachel said. “I want to make sure we spend every minute together until you leave.”

  “Good. Then you want to go with us to the book signing too, right.”

  “I take that back… not every minute.”

  * * *

  The line moved along with very little interruption after Nick’s talk on his new novel. He explained the new Diego adventure with emphasis on Nick’s romance with the conniving Fatima and answered questions from the fans of the series. Gus, whom the fans knew of as the model Nick created Jed from, answered a multitude of boating questions, many of them addressing sailing in the Caribbean. Jean and Sonny searched the line of people for book killers and grammar Nazis. It wasn’t until three quarters of the way through that Jean spotted a potential candidate.

  “Bearded guy, seven people back, Dad.”

  Nick and Gus both glanced at the one Jean indicated. The man had a full black chin beard with no mustache. Lean and over six feet tall, he wore a black kufi head covering, black slacks, and a loose fitting pullover drab green top, covered somewhat by the partially zipped windbreaker. The man glared at Nick without blinking. Nick smiled at him.

  “Oh yeah,” Gus said. “I think you’re right, Jean.”

  “He doesn’t have a book either,” Sonny added.

  “Yep,” Nick agreed, focusing on the next man in line, a darkly tanned gentleman in his sixties with white hair. Nick shook the man’s proffered hand. “Hi. I see you have ‘Dark Interlude’. Did you enjoy it?”

  “Good action but repetitive. I think you may be getting lazy, Nick,” the man said, grinning to take the sting out of his critique.

  “Writing an action pulp fiction series can seem repetitive,” Nick replied. “The romance with Fatima, and the subplots involving Jed and Leo discovering her antics behind Diego’s back didn’t stimulate your interest, huh?”

  “My name’s Ted by the way. It actually read like you threw in the romance and Leo as filler with snappy dialogue.”

  “At least you thought the dialogue was snappy,” Nick said as he signed the inside. “Thanks for stopping by.”

  “You missed the part about being filler.”

  “No, but honestly, I write stories as I imagine them happening, including dialogue interactions between characters.”

  “You should be more open to criticism and change, Nick.”

  “I don’t write to please readers, Ted. I write to please me. If when I’m done with a novel the readers are pleased with the product, I’m happy. If they’re not, they need to find another author.”

  Ted frowned. “Maybe that’s what I need to do.”

  Nick smiled. “No hard feelings, Ted. Take care of yourself.”

  Ted took the book from Nick. “Thanks.”

  “Not a killer, but touchy,” Gus whispered.

  “His points are probably legitimate but I wouldn’t enjoy writing if I couldn’t do it the way I wanted to.”

  The next people between the bearded man and Ted were big fans who mentioned reading his entire series of Diego novels more than once. Nick noticed his security guards watching the bearded guy too. The man walked to the desk with his fists clenched. In his peripheral vision, Nick saw Jean and Sonny trying to edge closer to the conversation.

  “Hello, Sir. Did you have anything you would like me to sign?

  “Yes.” The man reached inside his coat, pulled out a knife while diving toward Nick and shouted, “Allahu Akbar!”

  Nick blocked the knife arm and struck the man’s nose with his palm in a vicious, full force strike, driving his attacker’s nose bone upward into his brain. The knife clattered to the floor a split second before its owner collapsed lifelessly, doing a boneless dead cat bounce on the floor. Screams, commotion, and security guards with weapons drawn to cover the dead man followed the action. Nick looked over to see Gus with weapon drawn and both kids with their knives in hand.

  “Put the knives away, kids,” Nick whispered. Jean and Sonny did as they were told. Gus holstered his Glock.

  “Why the hell didn’t you shoot him,” Gus asked as silence in the aftermath became nearly palpable.

  “Even my Colt may not have stopped him from using the knife. He was too close. Watch the crowd, Gus. We don’t know if he’s the only one.” Nick held up his hands while moving around the desk to address the crowd. “I’m sorry about this. I’ll come to you and sign your books until the police get here. I’m afraid we’ll all have to stay until they get this sorted out.”

  There were cheers and applause while Nick talked with the security guards. “We didn’t expect anything like this obviously.”

  “Hell of a move, Nick. I called it in. We thought this was just a book signing. Imagine our surprise. How many agencies do we call in on this? You have more experience than us Carmel cops.”

  “Just locals until the suspect is identified. I’ll work the crowd. Might as well sell some books. It will relax folks a little.”

  “Are you armed, Nick?”

  “Yeah, I am, Ben. You and Dick deserve a bonus for this gig. I’ll take care of you.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “I know, but if you only knew how many novels this incident will sell, you’d know the bonus will be well worth it.” Nick shook his head. “This is going to be a mess.”


  Chapter Fourteen


  “Some book signing,” Rachel said as everyone sat on the deck together eating pizza. “I should take the rap for this since it was me who mentioned Muslim nutso attacks.”

sp; “You should have seen it, Mom! Dad smashed him in the nose and he was dead,” Jean said with much excitement. “Sonny saw it too.”

  “I’ve seen it close and personal,” Rachel said. “Is it over, Nick?”

  “All we have right now is it was the media manufactured ‘Lone Wolf’ attack. Word is it’s my fault for portraying murderous Muslims as murderous Muslims in my novels. I’m supposed to be informed about his identity the moment they know who the guy is. He’s not on any database in this country. They’ve sent fingerprints and pictures out on the wire overseas. If they had let Gus and I get near the body, we’d have learned who it was in an hour if we’d been allowed to take his fingerprints and picture. Once we’re updated on the details, we’ll find out if he was just another whacko Islamist. He put a new definition on the tag ‘book killer’.”

  “What about Pilgrim’s Way Books,” Rachel asked.

  “They don’t want anything to do with Muerto’s book signings,” Gus said. “I’m betting when they make a tidy sum selling his novels that Muerto will be a welcomed guest once again.”

  “The book signing was the best,” Jean said. “Everyone wanted books. No one even cared about the dead body.”

  “Oh boy…” Rachel began when Nick’s phone rang.


  “Hey, Nick,” John Harding greeted him. “Kabong told us about your book signing just before the news broadcast hit. Anything further on the mutt who attacked you?”

  “Not yet. I think it’s a solo crazy, but they’re all being brainwashed to kill at any provocation. I had Jean and her friend with me so I’m not real happy.”

  “I can imagine. If you learn it’s a wider threat count us in.”

  “I will, brother. I forgot to tell Kabong when Gus and I called him earlier about going to the sand later this week. Gus and Rachel have your number. If something bad starts here, I’ll have them speed dial you Monsters.”

  “Absolutely. The Pilot Hill landing zone has already been constructed. Denny said it’s large enough for a Harrier jet landing. Laredo says it’s been a while since he flew a Harrier. We’re signed to get a refresher course. It starts in a month. Want to join us?”

  “I sure do. Denny didn’t waste any time getting the LZ installed. I guess he wants the secret Monster Launch Pad running ASAP, huh?”

  “That’s the plan. They’re finished with the armaments for the Ranger too, including a ‘Faraday Cage’ shielding all electronics. We may have to plan a cruise soon.”

  “Count us in. I’ll tell Gus. How’s the filming going?”

  “Very well. Reeducation camp for Nardo proceeded as planned. Lynn and Kabong will be doing final takes tomorrow. Sam and Janie will be there to accept transfer of the prisoner. Call me before you leave for the sand, brother.”

  “Will do.” Nick disconnected, turning to his family and friends. “You probably heard parts of that. They have the Ranger armaments finished, Gus. We may be doing some cruising soon.”

  “It will take all of us unless we sign on a crew to help. If we all go, we can cruise in safety if everyone pitches in. Issac has experience in the engine room as I do. I’ll go over the engine room features. I’ll create a list of provisions for possible breakdowns, maintenance, and repairs. I’m not handling the food.”

  “That’s the bad part,” Rachel said. “Once you go cruising on a ship like ‘Starlight of the Seas’ with people waiting on you hand and foot, it’s difficult thinking about doing all the work required to keep everyone happy.”

  “They had everything on the ‘Starlight’,” Tina agreed. “Count me out. I’m not going cruising with the pirates. We’ll be in a war zone I’m sure and it won’t be only meals and cleaning we’ll be pitching in to do.”

  “Sonny and I will go,” Jean said excitedly. “We don’t care about food. We’ll clean and do chores. When do we leave? We’ll need to board our captured ships with knives in hand!”


  * * *

  “We’re glad to have you back, Kabong. I have to leave soon.” Nick greeted Johnny and Cala at the door. “Thanks for speeding the identification process with Jafar. Did the rest of the filming go okay?”

  “Yes, and Lynn says it’s the best episode yet. She really listened to my suggestions and acted on them. I have learned much about dialogue from your novels, Muerto.”

  “Thanks. I’m glad Lynn liked your input.”

  “As to our targets, Jafar thinks those other three will leave for the Mexican border soon. The one you killed, Gibril Salib, was last listed and seen in a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan, along with his cohorts Chahid Oda, Larbi Ajam, and Malik Naifeh. They left the camp hours before the Jordanian police arrested them for instigating treason against the King. The police in Jordan have since connected them with Isis. The four of them came here from the East Coast to be resettled in San Jose. Jafar believes they picked you as a high profile target. There is a new tactic since the stabbing deaths of the Paris policeman and his wife.”

  “I’ve read about it,” Nick replied, leading the way into his kitchen. “The lone attacker stabs his target before randomly stabbing bystanders until escaping in the melee. So far, the bastards have gotten away with it. In the bookstore, our security guys would have been afraid to fire in a crowd. They never found the prick’s car. That means he had a driver, Johnny, and I think you and Jafar found him.”

  “Jafar thought of hacking into Pilgrim’s Way Books security. All we needed after that was to plug in the time frame through the security company’s feed.”

  Nick chuckled as he served his friends coffee. “They stopped right in front of it with their faces hanging out. We go tonight. You and Cala researching all the known and secret masjids in the area previously sure helped us now.”

  “Yes. We simply made the rounds when we returned from the north,” Cala replied. “We found the van at the second fake masjid near Lover’s Point. When Johnny and I first checked it out, we marked it as a terrorist halfway house.”

  “We won’t worry about electronics,” Nick said. “We’ll use the EMP gun before I go in. I bought a car off of Jerry for this job. When I finish, we’ll load them in their own vehicle, drop them off in the valley for prep work before disposal, and give the van and extra car to Jerry for recirculation. He’s in all the way and will be awaiting the arrival of both vehicles.”

  “How do you do these type of break-ins, Muerto?”

  Nick shrugged. “I’m an expert locksmith, Cala. Once inside, I kill everything with a heartbeat. Mistakes happen only in hesitation. I wish I could take prisoners tonight for Denny but we can’t take the chance this close to my trip to the sand. If I get Al-Saud in a position overseas at my safe-house to do a conference call with Denny, I’ll do it. Otherwise, I take care of business and get the hell out of there. Every extra minute I spend on peripherals endangers my helpers. C’mon upstairs. Everyone’s up there reliving the bookstore signing through Jean’s eyes. We have veggie tray and snacks.”

  “If all goes well, will we have a morning at the beach with the Irish before you go, Muerto?”

  “Absolutely, Johnny.”

  * * *

  Malik Naifeh stirred uncomfortably. He sweated profusely, soaking the sheets around him. Sitting up groggily and throwing off the covers, the light on his nightstand turned on. A masked figure waved at him.

  “Hello there. I’m Muerto.” Nick sighed while taking off his mask. “Okay… I’m Nick McCarty. Your friend Gibril came to my book signing event with violence in his heart. I drove his nose-bone into his brain. You and your buddies, Chahid and Larbi, must have partied tonight. You all smell of booze. I guess you were all having a wake for poor old Gibril. It made things so much easier for me. I’ve already fixed them without any bloody mess. I gave you my slower acting liquid killer.”

  Malik dived for his nightstand drawer only to be stun-gunned to the floor.

  “That was stupid, Malik. Did you think I hadn’t already found and confiscated all of your w
eapons?” Nick stun-gunned Malik’s groin, causing screams so high in pitch, they only disturbed the dog next door. When Malik could speak again, Nick patted his head. “I really don’t want to do that again but time’s a wasting. Who put you idiots on me at the bookstore?”

  “Fuck you! Arrest me, I-”

  This time Nick applied the stun-gun until the already dying Malik passed out. Nick slapped him until he vibrated slowly into shuddering consciousness. Nick switched to Arabic. “Not very smart, Malik. You are dying. You have a couple of hours left before my injection kills you. If you want to spend the entire time having me caress your nuts with the electrodes on my stun-gun then keep playing dumb. Who sent you guys after me?”

  Malik began to cry. Nick stun-gunned him again.

  “Hello there again,” Nick said in Arabic when Malik regained the ability to speak. “Do not bother crying or whining. You are dead. How you pass the next couple of hours is up to you.”

  Nick lit off the stun-gun, causing a heartfelt yelp of terror from Malik. “Blue arc or peace. Your choice.”

  “Gibril hated your novels! He suspected you killed Mohammed Dafar in New York!”

  Nick laughed. “I get it. He was a Dafar acolyte. Tell me about how you four connected with this shit-hole masjid to hide in. By the way… I did kill Dafar.”

  “We…we trained in the woods up north,” Malik replied dejectedly. “A man named Saran Al-Kadi sent us here to await orders for what we were to do.”

  Nick relaxed. “Saran’s Pilot Hill compound trained you assholes and sent all of you here. Good to know.”

  Nick killed him with a wrench of his head, breaking Malik’s neck with a sickening crunch. “We’re good to go, guys. Let’s load ‘em.”

  Acknowledgement followed Nick’s order. Nick dragged Malik down to the entrance, wrapped in his bedding as he’d done with Malik’s companions. Minutes after Gus and Johnny entered the house, they carted the three corpses out to the Chevy van, owned by the Elm Masjid. Everything after proceeded as planned, complete with Cala the ‘Cleaner’ taking charge of the bodies. They delivered the two vehicles marked for cleaning and recertification to Jerry. In the morning, Nick flew their UH-60 stealth helicopter out over the Pacific Ocean where they deposited the remains of their terrorists from the freezer.


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