A Dom to Love, Honor, and Obey [Masters of Submission 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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A Dom to Love, Honor, and Obey [Masters of Submission 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 5

by Jan Bowles

  “I am indeed, Mr. Johnson, and I’m about to make your day by offering the full asking price.”

  Andrea couldn’t help but smile as the realtor took hold of Zack’s hand and heartily shook it. “You certainly have made my day, sir. I’ll take the property off the market immediately, and cancel any further viewings.”

  Zack stared out the bedroom window. “Best do it now, Mr. Johnson. And it might be wise to apologize to those people sitting in the red Ferrari outside for a wasted trip.”

  “I will, sir. I will indeed.” Mr. Johnson seemed happy that his endeavors had proved so fruitful, and she figured his commission for selling the 12.5-million-dollar property would be substantial. Clearly on a high, the chubby, balding realtor took his cell phone from his jacket pocket and punched in a number. “Selena, it’s me, Dan. The Arcadian property is now sold so absolutely no more viewings. Have you got that, honey?” With that he rushed from the room to stop the people in the red Ferrari from entering the property.

  Left alone, Andrea stared incredulously at Zack. “How can anyone make spending 12.5 million dollars so simple? I mean…” She clicked her fingers together to emphasize the point. “I mean, a transaction of that size would scare most people to death, and yet you’ve just made it look about as difficult as buying a hotdog at a Boston Red Sox game.”

  He kissed her lips. “Ain’t nothing to it, kiddo, when you know how. Besides…” He winked at her. “We’ve still got to christen that bed, remember?”

  Chapter Five

  Three days later

  As Zack sped toward Club Submission in the top of the line Mercedes Benz he’d hired at the airport, his thoughts lay solely with Andrea. After arriving in Boston on business, he’d simply wanted to fill what leisure time he could spare with some appealing female company. However, he’d been surprised by the effect that this beautiful blonde receptionist had had on him.

  During his lifetime, he’d fucked many women, yet with one or two notable exceptions, the vast majority of these ladies were now nothing more than a long forgotten blur lying deep within the recesses of his memory. Zack shook his head. He couldn’t imagine looking back on Andrea in five or maybe ten years’ time, and not remembering what she looked like, because she’d already had far too much impact on him for that to happen.

  Barely seventy-two hours ago, he’d been loath to leave his newly acquired house to cross the Charles River for some boring business meeting. Instead, he’d wanted to take Andrea there and then on the bed, filling every orifice of that beautiful silken body of hers with his rock-hard cock. She’d wanted it, too, he’d seen the unmistakable signs in those expressive, hazel eyes of hers.

  Shit, he banged his fist against the steering wheel as he joined the freeway. Why did business always have to take priority? His private life would be far more settled if Marshall Aeronautical didn’t insist on being such a demanding mistress.

  This evening he relented a little by allowing himself a sizeable portion of free time for some fun. After telephoning Club Submission earlier in the day, he’d spoken with its owners, brothers by the name of Matthew and Ethan Strong. Ever obliging, they’d agreed to give Andrea the night off from her duties on reception by hiring a temp instead. Naturally, he’d insisted on paying them for the trouble they’d gone to. It was five hundred dollars well spent.

  He’d arranged to meet his new sub in the Warm Zone at precisely eight o’clock. If Andrea proved to be disobedient by turning up late, she’d only be adding even more discipline points to her already substantial total.

  Zack brought the Merc to a smooth, controlled halt before stilling the mighty V8 under the hood. Deep in thought, his fingers tapped an unknown tune on the rim of the steering wheel. He checked his watch, ten after eight. His new lady was in there waiting for him right now.

  There was something about this woman, he felt it deep in his bones. She was special.

  After making his way across the parking lot, and climbing the stone steps, he affectionately patted the pair of bronze ravens before pushing open the double oak doors. The new receptionist was a petite brunette aged about thirty, and given a different set of circumstances, he might have paid her more attention than he did. Instead, he shot her just a cursory glance as he passed through on his way to the Warm Zone.

  It wasn’t like him to pass up the opportunity of a chat with a pretty lady, but he wanted to see Andrea. As he pushed through into the Warm Zone he spotted her sitting alone in the corner without a drink, and he guessed she wanted to put as much space between herself and Todd as possible.

  Wonderful, hazel eyes briefly lifted to his, along with an enchanting smile before she submissively lowered her gaze.

  Good. The training of my new sub has begun well.

  Using the “treat them mean keep them keen” technique, he ignored her, instead making his way to the bar, planting his ass on one of the leather stools.

  Without asking, Todd immediately poured him a large Jack Daniels before sliding it across the bar to him. “This one’s on the house, Mr. Marshall. I don’t know how you did it, sir, but what you’ve achieved is nothing short of a miracle, because without exception that pretty lady sitting all alone over there has rejected every single male advance over the last five years. Care to tell me your secret, Zack.”

  Zack smiled and beckoned the barman to lean in closer before whispering in his ear, “I could do that, Todd, but then I’d have to kill you.” He smiled before realizing that Todd didn’t share the joke. Well, fuck him. “Let me have a soft drink for my new sub.”

  Zack believed himself to be a good judge of character, and he figured that Todd was a wannabe Dom—a guy, who envied the lifestyle of men like himself, but was unable to emulate it. He figured that Andrea was probably right, and that Todd was untrustworthy. What was the derogatory expression she used?

  Ah, yes, that’s right—A snake in the grass.

  Without further conversation, he took his drinks and headed for Andrea who waited patiently for her Master’s arrival like any respectful sub should.

  As he sat down, she briefly raised her eyes to his again. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “For what?”

  “For arranging a night off for me, and…”


  “For bringing me back to life, making me see that the world can be a wonderful place again.”

  “You’re very welcome, princess.”

  She acted deliberately demurely, obviously well aware that a female acting in a coy submissive manner turned him on.

  “The way I’m dressed, I hope it pleases you, Sir, because I so want to please you.”

  “It does.” He trailed his fingers across her cheek. “And you do.”

  Along with her overtly feminine scent, he took in her appearance. Andrea was dressed in a skimpy top that pushed her stunning, creamy breasts into edible, voluptuous mounds, and Zack couldn’t help but feel a raging hard-on, pushing insistently against the inside of his pants.

  The leather skirt she wore was short in the extreme, and when she seductively, yet oh so innocently crossed and uncrossed her legs just like Sharon Stone from the film Basic Instinct, he couldn’t help but stare at what lay beneath. However, unlike the delectable Ms. Stone who wore nothing, he got a tantalizing glimpse of the merest thread of material that ran sexily between her thighs.

  Andrea was the perfect woman, able to put on that cutesy, coy persona that he adored so much, whilst underneath all that charming innocence lay nothing less than one hundred percent pure, adult woman.

  Jesus, he wanted her. He had a need to dominate this beautiful girl, bend her to his will, and being a natural submissive that’s what Andrea wanted, too. His guidance and domination of her was something she needed as much as she the air she breathed.

  They were the perfect match. He, one hundred percent the dominant. A dominant who at times would allow his benevolent side to show, and she, one hundred percent the submissive, who given the opportunity by her Master, may be allowed t
o mercilessly flirt with him, and on occasion, even present the more feisty side to her personality.

  Andrea peered into her glass. “Orange juice?” She then took a sip, looking vaguely disappointed as she licked her lips. “Just orange juice with nothing added? No vodka?”

  “I want you alert.”


  “You know exactly what the word means.”

  “Yes, Sir, of course I do, but may I ask why?”

  “Because I have plans for you this evening.”

  He saw that wonderful smile light up her expressive face. “Plans?”

  “A surprise. I’ve made an arrangement with the guys who run the club.”

  “You mean Matt and Ethan?”

  “Unless you know of anyone else who holds the reins here at Club Submission?”

  He saw the anticipation tingle through her body as she took another sip of her orange juice. “And this surprise, Sir, can you tell me more?”

  “I could if I was minded to, but then it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it? Now quit asking questions, and enjoy being part of the scene again.” He leaned across and kissed her cheek, taking in her intoxicating feminine scent mixed with an expensive brand of perfume he couldn’t quite name. “When you’ve finished your juice, I’m taking you through to the Hot Zone. Matt and Ethan tell me it’s a great place to spend the evening.”

  “Oh, yes, Sir, it is. Believe me it is.”

  “And you’d know of course.”


  Andrea looked animated in the extreme, and he figured she had good memories of the Hot Zone.

  “Drink up, princess. Your Master is becoming impatient.”

  Wanting this beautiful sexy woman with a longing that ran straight to his groin, he took hold of her hand and pulled her from her seat, barely allowing her the time to place her unfinished glass of orange juice on the table before he yanked her unceremoniously toward the Hot Zone.

  “You’ve been away from the scene for far too long, princess. I know it, you know it, and all your friends at Club Submission know it, too.”

  “My friends? Who have you been speaking to, Sir?”

  As he led her through the door into the Hot Zone, he felt her tense. “I’m a little frightened, Sir. Like you say, it’s been a long time.”

  When the door closed with a resounding click, absolute darkness enveloped them both, and he felt her tiny hand tremble in his as they stood there waiting in total silence.

  “It’s dark, it’s pitch-black.”

  He didn’t answer, heightening both her anxiety and arousal.

  “Please talk to me, Sir, I’m scared.” This time she tugged at his hand like a small child.

  Still he didn’t answer, his sexual arousal giving him a hard-on that just wouldn’t quit as he drank in and savored her absolute vulnerability. Zack enjoyed the way her breathing became faster as she trembled next to him, her tiny hand gripping his tighter with each passing second.

  “Sir, please. The anticipation is killing me.”

  Still silent, he thoroughly absorbed the whole scenario that he’d set up with Matt and Ethan. Her body positively vibrated now, the unstoppable tremor running through her and into him.


  Even though his eyes couldn’t detect the slightest chink of light in the pitch-blackness of the Hot Zone, Zack sensed just how small and insecure Andrea really was as she trembled next to him. Her fast panicky breath the only thing breaking the absolute silence.

  When the lights suddenly came on, filling the place with a warm glow, he turned to look at her. Andrea’s eyes were wide, her pupils dilated, and she immediately covered her mouth with her hand as realization hit home.

  At least forty people, maybe more, filled the sizeable room, and without exception they all whooped, cheered, and clapped for what seemed an eternity before finally quietening down. A large banner some eight feet by ten hung from the ceiling with the words, Welcome back, Andrea. It’s been a long time.

  She finally took the trembling hand from her mouth, revealing a huge smile that made him adore this exquisite creature even more. Her voice quavered as she spoke, “Oh. My. God.” Before she covered her mouth with her hand again.

  Matthew Strong stepped forward from the crowd of happy, smiling people, and then kissed Andrea on both cheeks. “Welcome back to the madhouse, honey. I think I speak for everyone here at Club Submission when I say, it’s great to have you at the heart of things again.”

  She was close to tears when she finally responded. “Oh…oh…oh…I’m blessed to have such good friends to welcome me back. Thank you, Matt, and thank you everyone else for making my return to the scene so memorable.” She laughed and then playfully wagged a finger at them all. “And not a little scary.”

  The crowd erupted again, this time with a few extra wolf whistles thrown in for good measure.”

  Zack was new to Club Submission, and with the exception of Matt and Ethan Strong, none of the faces were familiar to him, however, he saw that Andrea was indeed blessed with great friends—friends who cared for her well-being and adored her just as much as he did.

  He watched a small attractive brunette push her way through the crowd before wrapping her arms around his new sub, hugging her with genuine affection. “Welcome back, sweetie. Five years away from the action is far too long.”

  Andrea embraced the attractive, young woman with an equal amount of genuine affection. “Thanks, Jessica, I love you.”

  “I love you too, sweetie.” With those words the cute brunette disappeared back into the crowd.

  Zack cleared his throat. “That’s one hell of a great welcome, and I thank you all for being here.” He instinctively wrapped his arm around his new sub.

  She’s all mine.

  “I feel honored that Andrea has chosen me to reintroduce her to the scene, and as her new Dom, I have an important duty to perform.”

  He turned to her, and using just the pad of his index finger, raised her chin, angling her face to his. Large, liquid pools of hazel submissively lifted their gaze to him, making him feel like the luckiest man alive.

  As he stared into those wonderful eyes, he hoped their relationship wouldn’t be fleeting, cut short because of the pressures of work. Was he feeling more than just mere lust for this exquisite creature? Love perhaps?

  Zack brought his thoughts back to the here and now. “Through willful disobedience, Andrea has amassed a significant number of discipline points.”

  There were gasps of mock horror, mixed with a smattering of laughter from the gathered crowd, causing him to almost break into a smile. “And because of my new sub’s unacceptable behavior, I feel it is my duty to correct her waywardness right here in front of you all. Any objections?”

  This time there was silence from the large, friendly crowd, and like the parting of the Red Sea, they separated to reveal a small raised stage complete with an impressive wooden spanking bench.

  “No, Sir, oh, no, please spare this wretched sub, and I promise I’ll never disobey you again.” Despite her protestations, Andrea’s pupils were dilated with fear and a mixture of pure sexual arousal, letting Zack know that she wanted this just as much as he did. Needed it in fact.

  Without warning, he roughly took hold of her hand, and pulled her toward the implement of correction. He loved the vulnerability showing in her eyes. It turned him on. “Your apology is too little, too late, my sub, and besides, we wouldn’t want to disappoint all these good people who’ve come to see the spectacle of you having your bare ass spanked, would we?”

  “No, Sir. But please.” She pulled against him, but in such a feeble way, there was no doubt in his mind that Andrea was into this particular D/s scenario as much as he was.

  When he finally got her to the spanking bench, he assertively twisted her around to face the crowd. “Do not dare to look at your Master in such a way. Lower your head in shame, my sub.”

  Noticeably trembling, she immediately complied. “Y–yes, S–Sir.
I know I’ve done wrong, because if I’d shown more restraint, I wouldn’t have amassed so many discipline points.”

  “That’s right. Now thank your new Master for the much-needed correction you are about to receive. On your knees, sub.” His rock-hard cock twitched in his pants as she knelt before him, her hands clasped together as though in fervent prayer.

  “This wretched submissive thanks her Master for the discipline she so badly needs to correct her waywardness, but she also asks for his mercy.”

  “Only asks?”

  “Begs for his mercy, Sir.”

  “Better. Now stand up and prepare to be punished.”

  The spanking bench that Matthew and Ethan had supplied was most agreeable, and of the type he’d used many times before in various fet clubs throughout the country. Standing about three feet tall, and covered with padded black leather, it resembled a small vaulting horse. It came equipped with a raised platform about twelve inches from the ground, which the unfortunate submissive was required to kneel on before laying the upper portion of their body over the bench.

  Grabbing hold of her shoulders, he forcibly turned her to face him. With both of them now immersed in the role-play, he pushed on. “Are you scared, my sub?”

  “Yes, Sir. Very.”

  “And so you should be. And is there an element of sexual desire mixed with that fear?”

  “Oh yes, Sir, there is.”

  “Right then, if that’s the case let’s not keep the good people of Club Submission in suspense any longer. Now lay across the spanking bench. I demand your cute little ass be on display for everyone to see. Then perhaps in future, you’ll be less likely to disobey your Master enough to warrant a good spanking.”

  Andrea knew exactly what to do, finding the perfect position almost immediately. This certainly wasn’t the first time this beautiful lady had been spanked in public, and he guessed her sexy body had lain across this actual piece of correctional equipment many times in the past. However, he was well aware that Andrea had been out of circulation for the last five years, so he wouldn’t overplay his dominance on this occasion.


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