Dangerous for You

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Dangerous for You Page 4

by Antonia, Anna

  “Nope what?” I asked, voice breathy and pitched way too high.

  Gabriel’s gaze twinkled mischievously. “It’s not possible for me to have a spoil cap. So spoil me some more, baby.”

  “Spoil you more?”


  “Okay, I’ll try.” I cast my gaze downwards, shyly staring at him from beneath a fan of lash. “Please do whatever you’d like to me…Sir.”

  Gabriel inhaled sharply. He shook his head and looked up. “What did I do in another life to be so blessed?” I almost shared I’d thought the same thing when Gabriel looked back at me, all the teasing was gone from his winsome expression.

  My heartbeat quickened. Excitement skittered along my nerve endings. I had the instinctual urge to run, to force him to give chase. As if Gabriel picked up on my primal musings, he covered my body with his. Pinned beneath him, I moaned when Gabriel quickly pulled the rest of my clothes off.

  “I’m not going to be nice.”


  “I’ll use dirty words.”


  “I’m going to debauch you.”


  “Fuck, Emma! You make me so damned hard. All I want to do is be in you.”

  “I don’t see how that’s a problem. I like you in me.” And I more than liked him raw and vulgar. I wondered how many more “fucks” I could get out of him before it was all said and done.

  He growled low in his throat. “Remember, Emma. Quiet.” With that warning, Gabriel nuzzled my shoulder and layered it with warm kisses before biting down. I gasped his name, body throbbing with desire. He quickly nipped my earlobe in warning.

  “You’re not keeping quiet, my love. How can I fuck you if I know my staff is going to hear those beautiful screams of yours?”

  I wound my fists in the sheets. Wicked imaginations of his hand pressed against my mouth lit through me. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself. I think I might need some help, Sir.”

  “Is that so?” Gabriel traced the line of my lower lip.


  “Well, then…” He pulled away and reached for something at the end of the bed. Gabriel stared into my eyes, waiting for me to give voice to any protests. I looked at the balled up satin in his hand and smirked.

  His eyebrows raised more than a fraction of an inch. I’d obviously surprised him. I downright shocked him when I opened my mouth and waited.

  “You’re such a hot bitch, you know that?” Gabriel growled and then slipped the panties past my lips.

  I felt depraved when he called me a bitch. I tested the obstruction with my tongue. It wasn’t too deep and I could still breathe through the fabric and my nose.

  Gabriel cupped a breast. His palm smoothed around the pebbled tip, exciting me further. “What will happen if I happen to suck on her, Emma? Will your little screams be silenced enough or will I have to fasten my tie around you too?”

  I closed my eyes. I hoped I was too loud.

  He nuzzled my breast, licking his way to the place I most wanted him to be. When his lips closed around my hard peak, I arched up with a muffled groan.

  “Almost too loud, baby.”

  My lazy-lidded gaze challenged him to bind me anyways.

  Gabriel squeezed both my breasts, mounding them so my nipples were mere inches apart. The ecstasy on his face couldn’t match my anticipation. I needed his touch, his mouth on me. Now.

  He carefully descended on one and then the other. Butterfly kisses, mere brushes of his lips on my nipples, all designed to drive me crazy with lust. I shifted beneath Gabriel, hips rolling faster as my muffled moans grew increasingly louder.

  My lover grinned wickedly. His tongue flicked one turgid peak before paying attention to the other. When he drew both into his mouth, I flung my head back and moaned loud and long.

  Am I ever going to grow tired of going to bed with him? I can’t ever imagine the day. Maybe when I’m 100. Or 101.

  Gabriel let them go with a loud “pop” and tutted. “Much too loud, Emma. Very glad to know my instincts were right on this one.”

  “You did it on purpose!” was what I would’ve said…if I could speak and if I didn’t really want what was coming next. Instead, I eagerly sat up as directed. I watched avidly as Gabriel unknotted his tie. Another muffled moan escaped as the bright silver fabric wrapped around my mouth, jaw, and head.

  I felt like his beloved pet, bound to him by more than cloth and an exciting loss of control.

  Gabriel kissed the spot over my mouth. “You’re so beautiful, did you know that?” I leaned forward and had him kiss me again.

  He smiled. His fingertips stroked the material separating his lips from mine. “I love you so much, Emma. I always have. If you only knew for how long…”

  He avoided the obvious question in my gaze, choosing instead to look down at the silvery binding. He shook his head, mouth curling into a wry smile.

  I wanted those secret thoughts to be mine.

  But before I could give more than cursory attention to them, Gabriel began his campaign of thoroughly debauching me.

  Legs hooked over his shoulder and wrists held tightly in one of his hands, I was open to his beauteous plundering. I loved it and him more, especially when his rigid shaft pressed deep and then deeper still. My velvet walls struggled to accommodate Gabriel while I fought to keep my carnal screams leashed tight.

  My contrary lover didn’t like my control. His hips suddenly snapped hard against mine. I yelled, body going slack as the pleasure streaked violently through me. Satisfaction burned bright in Gabriel’s gaze, shimmering like starfire and tempting me into incineration.

  All too soon I became lost in the rhythm of Gabriel’s thrusts. Quick and piercing, long and measured, they all made me sigh, moan, scream with muffled delight.

  When I would’ve controlled my burgeoning orgasms, Gabriel shook his head and growled, “How many times do I have to tell you? I control them, baby. Not you.” He slowed his thrusts and pulled out until only the thick tip rested inside me.

  I trembled. A bead of sweat rolled between my breasts, catching Gabriel’s attention. His tongue swiped my skin lazily while I urged him to plunge back into me with increasingly desperate groans.

  “Do you want something?” Gabriel asked with infernal grin. I nodded quickly. “I wonder what it could be. Emma? Emma?”

  This time I would’ve smacked him if I had a free hand. Instead, I was reduced to speaking with my eyes. Forcefully.

  “Ooh, I’m not sure if I like what my pretty girl is saying right now. Seems rather rude. Hmm. I think I should stay just like this until she’s in a better mood. What do you think?”

  Gabriel, damnit! You know exactly what I want!

  “Are you going to be good?”

  I nodded frantically.

  He leaned closer until his mouth hovered over mine. Gabriel took in my flushed cheeks with one assessing glance and smirked. Whatever I thought he was going to say it wasn’t “Are you going to come hard on my cock like a good girl?”

  Oh dear God. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!

  I lifted my chin and nodded once deliberately. Apparently, it was surrender enough for my lover because he immediately sank deep. Several strokes later and I flew apart, the last bit of me anchored only by the feel of Gabriel inside me and the love shining brightly in his brilliant gaze.

  I obeyed him to the letter once more before Gabriel joined me. He bit down on my shoulder to muffle his groans and to my surprise I came apart again. Just when I didn’t think it could get any better…

  Gabriel collapsed on the bed next to me, chest heaving, before reaching out to undo my bindings. “I’ll keep these if you don’t mind.”

  I opened one eye and looked at him sleepily. “There won’t be any paparazzi to take upshot pics of me without my underwear, will there?”

  Gabriel’s laughter brought out my grin. “I think we’re safe but I can’t promise 100%.”

  “I’ll take those odds, but only if you hurry up and get under the covers with me.”

  “Bossy, bossy.” Gabriel’s palm landed hard on my bottom. I shot up with a squeal. He winked, looking immensely pleased at both his action and my reaction, before getting up off the bed.

  I lied back down and closed my eyes. Gabriel returned to me and pressed a warm washcloth between my thighs. I watched him from beneath my lashes, noting the pleasure he took in taking intimate care of me.

  Look at me. Never would I ever have guessed I’d be so comfortable with a man doing this to me. It’s probably because it’s this man.

  Gabriel then slipped back into bed. Curled on his side, he held me against him, one arm around my waist and the other beneath my head. Our legs fit together snugly as always.

  “Do you know how much I love you, Emma?”

  “I hope it’s as much as I love you.”

  “Nope.” Gabriel kissed my ear. “I love you more.”


  I must’ve drifted off because I soon felt Gabriel gently shake me awake. “Look, Emma. We’re here.”

  “W-What? Already?” I lifted my head off his arm, sleepy and sated beyond belief. Gabriel pointed out the window. I saw the Lincoln Memorial and then the Washington Monument pass beneath us.

  Completely wide awake, I rolled towards him. “You’re taking me to D.C.? We’re not changing planes, right?”

  “No. We’re landing and staying for the weekend.” Gabriel shrugged, looking a little bashful. “I remembered that you said you always wanted to go.”


  Twin stripes appeared on his high cheekbones. Gabriel pursed his lips. “During lunch. Senior Year. Second week of my failed courtship.”

  My mouth dropped open. Gabriel never seemed to run out of ways to surprise me. “You remember that?”

  “I remember everything about you, Emma. Everything.”

  “Wow. I hope you don’t remember anything I said that might be too embarrassing.”

  “Of course I do. You’ve been my obsession for a long time, don’t you know?” Gabriel coughed and then said, “If you think this is too lame or you don’t want to do it I can have us fly somewhere else more conventionally romantic—”

  I cupped his cheeks with both my hands and kissed him squarely on the lips. “Don’t you dare, Gabriel! I love it!”

  “You’re not just saying that so you can spare my feelings or have your way with my body, are you?”

  “Nope. I mean it.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Are you kidding me? I’ve always wanted to go to the Smithsonian and all the other monuments. Seriously.”

  Gabriel traced a line down the middle of my chest. “I seriously started second-guessing myself as soon as we took off. I mean, D.C.? Who takes their girlfriend to D.C. for a first trip?”

  “You do because you know me and know what I’d like. And I can’t wait to see this city with you. Honest.”

  “So did I do well?”


  “A+, huh? And we haven’t even stepped off the plane yet.”

  “Where do you think the plus came from, Mr. Gordon?”

  “Hmm, in that case maybe I can try to get some extra credit,” he whispered suggestively.

  I tapped him on the tip of his perfect nose. “Do you think you have time for your naughty imagination before it’s time for us to go?”

  “For all I want to do to you? Not even close. But I can work on one little extra credit point.” Gabriel’s hand slid up my thigh. His fingers brushed against my damp core, instantly igniting my hunger back to life.

  “I thought you didn’t want poor Patrick to know what we were doing back in here?”

  Gabriel gave me a rich look full of pity. “My poor innocent Emma. The walls aren’t that thick, you know. Why else do you think I gagged you?”


  We made it off the plane, perfectly clothed and not a hair out of place. I was grateful that I wore slacks and not a skirt or I would’ve felt self-conscious making my way down the stairs.

  Patrick nodded and smiled as we passed him, no leer or waggle of his brows to indicate he knew what we’d been doing behind closed doors. Of course, he wouldn’t be that unprofessional so I wasn’t sure why my imagination was looking for something. Most likely because I couldn’t help but feel a little depraved in making love with Gabriel only a few feet away from his staff.

  I probably need to get over that. I’m sure it won’t be the last time I can’t keep my hands off him. Especially since it helps my fear of flying.

  Gabriel held my hand securely in his, squeezing it once as if he knew the directions of my thoughts. He ushered me into an awaiting limo, eager to be off. Still it felt strange to see someone other than Waylon holding open the door. “Do you always travel in style?”

  “First class all the way, baby, is how I do it. Especially when I have you.” He wound his arm around my waist and pulled me tight. “I also had a drink.”

  “When? You mean on the plane?”


  Seeing the confusion on my brow, Gabriel said, “I seem to remember a certain young lady who once lectured me quite loudly about drinking and driving. Do you remember that young lady, Emma?”

  I did remember. Prom night. Gabriel’s hand up my dress and his wickedly soft lips traveling across my neck. His offer to drive even though he’d emptied a flask in a short period of time.

  “Well, I’m happy to know something I’ve said stuck with you.”

  “It was good advice. I shouldn’t be surprised considering the source.”

  Gabriel’s praise always had me feeling equal parts pleasure and shyness. Usually I hid it. I didn’t want to do that anymore but it was hard going to break ingrained habits. So I bit my lip and looked down at my lap, seemingly very interested in my hands.

  “You really don’t forget anything, do you?”

  “Nothing that concerns you, Emma. You are the center of my world, after all.”

  “I really haven’t earned the right to be the center of your world, Gabriel.”

  Gabriel curled his fingers beneath my chin. He tipped it up until my gaze met his. “Surely you really don’t believe that, do you?”

  I remained silent, helpless beneath the weight of his sincerity. I knew he loved me, but I still didn’t understand why.

  As if he heard my thoughts, Gabriel whispered, “Emma, one day you’ll understand how much I really love you and why. Until then, please just know that I do love you more than anything in the world. You are my center and you always will be.”

  My cheeks flushed with pleasure. “You’re spoiling me.”

  Gabriel smiled, his beautiful gaze sparkling with an enigmatic mix of emotions. He brushed his lips against mine in a sweet brief kiss. “That is the point, my dear. Besides, how can it be spoiling when I’m simply telling you the truth?”

  “Don’t put me on too high of a pedestal. It’s going to hurt worse when I fall.”

  He sighed. “Pessimist.” Gabriel rubbed the tip of his nose against mine. “One day your glass will be half full just like mine.”

  I didn’t have the heart to point out that his glass was much, much bigger than mine. “Maybe.”

  “Come here, baby,” he ordered while directing my head to rest against his chest. “You must still be a little groggy from your nap, yes? You’ll feel better soon. Promise.”

  “I’m not groggy—”

  “Rest, Emma.”

  We soon left the airport behind. And Gabriel was right. I did feel better the longer I heard his heart beat beneath my ear. Soon the limo wound its way towards a town with narrow streets and long sidewalks.

  “I’m done resting, don’t you think?”

  “Hmm, I guess. Come on, pop up. My kitten is curious and won’t be satisfied unless she sees the world.”

  “I’m a kitten now?”

  “For the moment. I’m sure the bunny will make a return so
on enough.”

  I grinned before sitting up to study the life surrounding us. Pedestrians streamed along both sides. Couples walked hand-in-hand while mothers pushed their babies in colorful strollers. I smiled as I watched a Great Dane decide he’d walked enough, despite his owner’s pleas to move from the middle of the sidewalk.

  “There’s a lot of people out today,” Gabriel remarked blandly.

  “It is the weekend.” I looked over my shoulder back at him with a sly smile. “Too bad you can’t empty out the streets.”

  “Is that a challenge?”

  I didn’t care for the glint in his eye. I couldn’t put anything past Gabriel, including finding a way to block access wherever we went. “Absolutely not.” He nodded, smirk that of a man whose immense power had been sufficiently acknowledged.

  Despite the heavy traffic, our oversized vehicle managed to pull up curbside. I looked up as we exited, interested to know where we were going to be staying. Hotel Monaco. Gabriel met my questioning smile with another smirk. He held my hand firmly in his own and strode confidently towards the glass doors.

  The friendly doorman ushered us into a dark lobby. I studied our surroundings avidly as we walked towards the front desk. While smallish, the lobby was a bold mix of deep turquoise walls, scarlet accents, exotic prints, and lots of mirrors. I liked it a lot. It made me wish I could paint my apartment in similar fashion.

  Hmm…maybe I can check with the office and see if it’s okay as long as I repaint the place before I move out.

  Check-in was a breeze. Our luggage was soon loaded and we were off to the bank of elevators. Once we arrived at our room, Gabriel opened the door with a flourish.

  “After you, my sweet.”

  I walked in, instantly charmed. The decor was as eclectic as the lobby five floors down. Behind me, Gabriel tipped the bellboy handsomely, thanking him for saving our collective backs. I looked to see the man was charmed by Gabriel, his smile less formal and more genuine.

  I knew long ago that people couldn’t help but love Gabriel, despite his belief to the contrary. It made me proud of him and a bit uncomfortable to know that I was rarely at ease with strangers.


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