Dangerous for You

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Dangerous for You Page 7

by Antonia, Anna

  Instead, we all chatted about inconsequential subjects that slowly put me at ease. She shared her love of books with me, suggesting all sorts of titles for me to add to my library.

  I cut a sly glance over at Gabriel, sure he was mentally taking notes. I wouldn’t have been surprised if I received a basket of books from him tonight. In fact, I’d be delighted if I did.

  Am I already getting spoiled? I’m afraid that I am.

  My secret smile disputed that fear. I took little steps towards being okay with Gabriel’s over-the-top affections, but steps nonetheless.

  “Emma, do you like the ballet?”

  I froze for a moment, instinctively gearing myself to be on the defense. My fingers curled in my lap before I smoothed them across my skirt. I had to trust Gabriel would not have brought me here to be insulted. I knew he didn’t and I knew his mother wasn’t like that.

  Not if she was anything like her son.

  It was challenging to overcome my habitual defensiveness, but I answered honestly, “I’ve never been except for once in 5th grade.”

  Gabriel’s mother didn’t bat an eye. Instead she asked warmly, “Do you remember what you saw?”

  “The Nutcracker.”

  Marie nodded. “I go to see that every year. Say, would you be interested in going to the ballet with Gabriel and me this Wednesday?”

  Before I could answer, Gabriel drolly explained, “Emma, not that I’m trying to sway you, but let me stress that my mother has never invited anyone on our yearly ballet date. Ever.”


  “Really, really.”

  “In that case, I’d love to go.” Gabriel and Marie smiled identically and blinded me with their combined beauty. I could already barely resist Gabriel. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to resist Marie as well. I felt like putty in their hands, waiting to be shaped.

  “Wonderful! I absolutely look forward to seeing you then.”

  I ducked my head slightly, feeling a touch awkward but extremely happy with how nice she was being to me. It was a novel feeling coming from someone of her monetary and social standing. I wondered if Gabriel’s mother knew everything about my past with her son or how Gabriel and Embry ended.

  I hoped she did and didn’t all at once.

  Lunch was delicious and I was actually wistful once we had to take our leave. Marie reached out and touched me on the shoulder. “Gabriel’s told me how hard you work, Emma. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to have lunch with me.”

  “It was my pleasure. Thank you for inviting me.”

  “You’re welcome.” She tilted her head and shared, “Gabriel also told me how much you enjoyed Lanita Taylor’s designs for the benefit you two went to. Perhaps he can take you back for another one of her creations and you can show me what you chose at the ballet?”

  There seemed to be only one way to answer that. “Of course.”

  “Good. Gabriel, why don’t you put the bill on my account?”

  “Sorry, Mama. I love dressing Emma and want to be the only one buying her clothes.”

  “You know, I could always pay the bill too.”

  They both turned to me, identical frowns on their faces to match their identical words. “Absolutely not!”

  “All right then.” My capitulation wasn’t enough and they more than let me know.

  “Emma, I invited you as my guest. You shouldn’t have to incur a cost to go!”

  “Emma, you are my girlfriend. I’d never be able to hold my head up if I couldn’t buy you a dress! Say what you will, but never say that again.”

  I held my hands up in peace. “Okay, okay. I accept as your guest, Marie, and don’t worry about holding your head up, Gabriel.”

  The cats got the cream judging the smugness of their matching smiles.

  “And on that note…” Gabriel leaned down and kissed his mother on the cheek. “I wish we could stay longer, Mama, but you know how it goes.”

  “That I do, Gabriel,” she answered a bit dryly.

  Remembering how Gabriel’s father died of a heart attack barely into his forties, I wondered if the comment was more about her deceased husband’s lengthy work hours than her son’s schedule.

  “I’ll call you later on this afternoon when I get a minute.”

  “All right.” She included me in her smile. “See you on Wednesday, Emma.”

  “Goodbye, Marie.”

  Gabriel neatly plucked the bill and took care of it on our way out—despite his mother’s protests.

  “You both are rather a bit bossy, aren’t you?”

  “Absolute tyrants. And now you have the both of us to contend with. Poor, poor Emma.”

  On the way back to the office, I had the chance to ask in my roundabout way about what he’d already shared about us. I kept my posture relaxed even though I felt tense. I wasn’t sure why I even felt a little anxious but I did.


  “Yes, my love?”

  “Your mother was very nice.”

  He grinned happily. I’m sure if his gaze wasn’t hidden by his sleek sunglasses, I’d fall into its brilliantly blue depths and never find myself again. “She’s a very nice lady.”

  “Yes, she is. Why was she so nice to me?”

  Gabriel glanced at me, frown tugging at his lips. “Why wouldn’t she be nice to you?”

  “Because she doesn’t know me.”

  “Oh, baby. To know you is to love you.” Gabriel lifted my hand to his lips and gave it a quick kiss. “My mother knows what you mean to me. That’s why she likes you.”

  I bit my lip. “So I mean a lot to you.”

  “As if you didn’t know!”

  “Well, I suspected but I wasn’t quite sure…”

  “Emma Adams, I should pull over right now and take you across my lap for saying such a thing!”

  “You wouldn’t.” Was that coy and seductive voice mine? My body ratcheted up in an odd mixture of anxiety and anticipation.

  Gabriel didn’t spare me a glance. He simply pulled over to the side of the busy road and put the car in park. Gabriel then turned to me, posture careful and precise. “You were saying?”

  I laughed, notes high and tinged with excitement. “Gabriel.”


  “We’re in broad daylight.”


  “There are tons of people passing by us on the sidewalk.”


  “Not to mention all the cars.”

  “Correct again. You are my most clever girl.”

  My heartbeat quickened. His stillness aroused me because I didn’t know exactly what he would do next. And I knew Gabriel was capable of anything—including pulling me over his lap.

  I had to admit I’d be disappointed if he didn’t.

  “Oh, Emma. You don’t know how to hide your thoughts very well anymore. I’ll consider this your just desserts, baby.”

  I opened my mouth and then promptly closed it when he turned over the engine and smoothly re-entered traffic.

  I can’t believe he just did that!

  “You’re a tease, did you know that?”

  “Am I?” Gabriel purred. “Sounds to me someone’s upset because she didn’t get her bottom warmed up. Does that sound about right?”

  I sighed long and loud. “You make me a pervert and then complain because I like it.”

  “I’m absolutely perverse, aren’t I?”

  “And a damn tease at that!” I crossed my arms and huffed at his laughter. My eyes widened when I realized what I had done. Oh my God—I huffed! Huffed like Gabriel when he was in a snit. He was definitely rubbing off on me.

  Gabriel cut me a look and although his eyes were hidden, he apparently was doing his best not to smile. It seemed he found the same humor in the situation as I did. Pulling the car over again, he turned off the engine. Before I could uncross my arms, Gabriel pulled me close and dared me to try to wiggle away. “So I’m a tease, huh?”

  “The worse.

  Gabriel grinned, his smile a touch malevolent. Warmth spread liquid fast. I was lost in sweet lust once again, especially because we were tapping into something new. A bit of exhibitionism, a bit of discipline…what was going to happen next?

  “Emma, Emma.”

  “Gabriel, Gabriel.”

  “You’ve hurt my feelings, you know? Calling me a tease, practically accusing me of neglecting your needs…that’s not giving me the warm and fuzzies, Emma.”

  “I do feel a little bit neglected.”

  “Well, then isn’t it wonderful that this car is part of my space?”

  “Your space, your rules,” I breathed happily.

  “That’s right.” Gabriel shifted me so that my chest was plastered right against his, leaving my backside open and clear for whatever he chose to do. “You’ve already gotten addicted to a bit of a smacking, have you?”

  “Maybe a little.”

  “We’ve come so far from that very first spanking, haven’t we?”

  I moaned softly. “You mean how I was a crying jagged mess that needed a nap afterwards?”

  “Hmm, but you were so cute!”

  “Cute? How was I cute, Gabriel? Was it the swollen eyes or the snot running down my face?”

  “Both.” He kissed the corners of my mouth. “You were so vulnerable that evening. Honest. Free. You enchanted me with that alone…”

  Gabriel palmed my bottom. The heat of his hand penetrated through my clothes. I moved closer to him, excited and anticipating the sweet sting that was sure to come next.

  “We’re going Gemma so what do you want, Emma? Do you want me to spank you here?” He tapped a spot low on the curve.

  Mouth dry and heart beating loudly in my ears, I managed a slow nod.

  “Words, Emma. Use your words.”

  I swallowed and whispered, “If you want to.”

  “Just like that? That’s rather a stingy, non-eloquent reply, don’t you think?”

  “What would you like me to say?”

  “The truth. I’m a fan of it, you could say. Don’t see enough of it generally. Ah, there it is. There’s my little wrinkle.” Gabriel lightly tapped the space between my brows. “I’m irritating you a bit, aren’t I?”

  I was irritated. A little bit.

  I was irritated because I’d been the biggest liar of us all. Always pretending I wasn’t afraid when I really was. Never coming out and saying exactly what I wanted because I was afraid it would make me look weak.

  Old habits were apparently hard to break.

  “Gabriel, I want you to give me a spanking. I mean, just a little one.”

  “Just a little one?” His smile flashed before disappearing. “Why?”

  Wishing he’d take off his sunglasses, I tried to read his inscrutable expression and failed. “Because you brought it up and now I want it.”

  “Deflection. Tsk, tsk. You can do better than that, Emma.”

  I sighed and looked down. “You absolutely are perverse.”

  “Truly. Tell me more. I’d love to hear it.”

  Looking back at him, I said flatly, “You know what I want.”

  “Of course I do.” Gabriel’s wolfish smile tempted me to come and play with him, to pet the beast in the hopes that he’d lick my hand and maybe more. Much more.

  “But you won’t just give it to me without discussion, will you?”

  “I’m afraid not, my girl. I’m a wordy kind of fellow.”

  Logically, I should’ve had my eye on the clock. I should’ve been encouraging Gabriel to make haste for the office and not trying to get him to spank me in broad daylight. Truthfully, I didn’t care enough at the moment, but I hoped that wouldn’t change later.

  “I want to tell you to just do what you want, Gabriel. Or even better—that I don’t really give a damn if you do or don’t do what I want. But that’s not even close to being true.”

  “Then what is?”

  A shudder went through me as I responded to his seductive whisper. “Now that you’ve shown me what it’s like, I want it. Need it. I like it when you’re physical with me like that. It makes me feel…cared for…wanted.”

  “Even loved?”

  I stared at him, gaze open and unflinching. “Yes. Especially that.”

  Gabriel squeezed my backside. The rhythmic opening and closing of his hand lulled me.

  “And I do love you. So very much, Emma. More than anything. You believe me, don’t you?”

  Hearing that he loved me thrilled me. It was like falling in love over and over again. “I know, Gabriel. I feel the same way about you.”

  “Then say it,” he commanded, mouth hovering over mine.

  “I love you, Gabriel. More than anything. Forever.”

  His body uncoiled and relaxed against mine. I whispered it again and again. I didn’t take pleasure in Gabriel’s vulnerability but I did take comfort. Despite our outward faces, we were both sometimes a little scared in regards to love.

  Gabriel dropped tiny kisses all along the curve of my shoulder. “You feel all wound up, don’t you? Tight with tension. You need me to release it for you.”

  I dropped my head back and moaned an affirmative.

  “You were scared at lunch today, weren’t you?”

  “Yes, I was. Sometimes my old fears have a way of not feeling so old.”

  “But you still managed to be so gracious towards my mother. It means the world to me that you met her, Emma.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “So this is the least I can do, right?”

  Before I could reply, Gabriel’s hand landed hard. I bucked against him, half in surprise and half in discomfort. Longing flooded me as my pain centered on the growing heat. I wanted more and Gabriel gave it to me.

  I counted ten strikes silently before the adrenaline rush surged and crashed, leaving me feeling better than if I had cried for an hour. Molded to him, I rested my head on Gabriel’s shoulder and heaved several breaths.

  His hand stroked my back and his heavy breathing matched mine. “Did that hit the spot, Emma?”


  Gabriel cupped my face with both hands. His lips caressed mine chastely, sweetly. “I wish we didn’t have to go back to the office.”

  “Neither do I.”

  “You know, you never played hooky with me back in school.”

  “Probably because I was afraid your hooky involved taking me to a hotel and having your way with me.”

  “Nah. I would’ve just taken you home for that.”

  I chuckled and slapped him on the arm for good measure. “You’re shameless, Gabriel! Simply shameless.”

  “I know, I know.” He kissed me long and slow before saying, “We should probably get going. We haven’t drawn much attention yet, but I don’t want to push our luck.”

  With that I ended up making it to my desk with a scant minute to spare. I also spent the rest of the afternoon finding it difficult to sit in one position for more than a few minutes.

  And I regretted nothing about it.


  If only I’d know everything was on the verge of unraveling, that chaos would know my name, I would’ve enjoyed my last few days with Gabriel more. The tragedy of human nature cursed us to never know when the good days were about to be a thing of the past…


  “Emma! Where’s my boots?” Gabriel called from his bedroom.

  “Which ones? The black ones?”

  “No! The brown ones.”

  “Probably where you last left them.”

  I heard his footsteps as he made his way quickly down the short hall. Honestly, I was picking up quite a few habits from my boyfriend because I loved riling Gabriel up. He was so damned cute at those times. It made it easier to forgive him when he got me red-faced and irritated speechless for the same reason.

  “Lovely answer! Really. You’re lucky we’re here and not at the penthouse.”

  I looked over my shoulder while continuing to
stir the chili. “You know that threat doesn’t hold the same kind of menace you seem to think it does.”

  “Wow! Shots fired, Emma!”

  I shrugged and stuck my tongue out. “I thought you liked my honesty.”

  “I do, I do. But your newfound honesty is like a toddler gone wild. There’s absolutely no filter.”

  My unrepentant grin had Gabriel shaking his head. “I’ve unleashed a titan unto the world. I wonder how titan-like you’ll be when you’re tied up, gagged, and lying naked at my feet.”

  “Ooh, sounds like fun.” I purred for added effect. “Should we take a rain check on dinner and head right over to the penthouse? I vote yes.”

  “Why did I think you’d ever be against my kinky side? You’re obviously ten times the kinkster I am. I’ve created a monster!”

  “Are you complaining because you made it so good that I happen to crave your domination daily?”

  “Well, it would be disingenuous if I complained, wouldn’t it?” He hopped up on a bar stool. “Now, my darling. My sweet, sweet girl—have you seen my boots?”

  “You’re convinced I had something to do with their disappearance.”

  “Of course, you did. You cleaned and when you clean everything gets moved about.”

  “Oh! You mean like everything gets put back in its place?”

  “I suppose you might call it that. Except for this.”

  “You could always wear another pair.”

  “Yes, but that would require me to change my clothes.”

  “So why don’t you?” I already knew the answer.

  “Because I don’t want to.” Gabriel drew a pattern on the bar with his index finger, beautiful eyes hooded as he stared at me. “Tell me true, Emma. You’re holding them hostage.”

  I swallowed my thoroughly girlish giggle and gave him my back so I could tend to our dinner. “Why would I do that?”

  “Hmm, why indeed? Perhaps because you really don’t want to go shopping for a new dress?”

  I put my wooden spoon down and turned back around. “You’re telling me I hid your boots so that I don’t have to get a new dress?”


  “You do realize how demented that sounds?”

  “Doesn’t make it any less true. The ballet is tomorrow and so tonight we must find something for you to wear. I could always send out for a dress but that takes the fun out of it for me. And it’s such fun, isn’t it?”


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