The God Warriors

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The God Warriors Page 25

by Sean Liebling

  "Easy there, Thrimbal. Just another flight to perform. This one of two days. Let's go have fun together, mine," the Lorr crooned to his eagle, and Eric could see it visibly relax. "Go ahead and mount up now, Eric," said Talan as he continued to stroke his giant bird. Eric promptly did this, but if he admitted the truth, he was just a little afraid of the huge creature. Climbing up quickly, he immediately strapped himself in as he'd been taught then waited as the Lorr mounted in the saddle before him. He looked around, seeing his other brethren already mounted behind their Lorr riders, impatiently waiting for when this exciting journey would begin.

  The birds, arrayed in five ranks of four eagles, each on the wide stone ledge carved into the side of the mountain, were ready to fly. Behind them, a cavernous opening led to even larger stalls that would accommodate an entire squadron of twenty eagles, along with equally spacious rooms set aside for flight gear, food storage, and bunk rooms for the riders. Groundhome had two such dwellings carved into the side of the mountain out of respect and convenience to their only ally against an often-cruel world. Talan turned in his saddle, catching the eye of every rider and getting nods in return, turned forward again, and let out a piercing whistle.

  Almost instantly, the first rank of eagles jumped off the ledge, wings unfolding wide while beating furiously…and as sudden as that, they were airborne and quickly rising into the sky. It took only minutes to rise thousands of feet above the ground and Talan gently turned his mount to head straight south for the first leg of their two-day journey to the crossing where they would meet with the Lorr delegation to the games. There, they would switch over to horseback for the second leg of their journey while accompanied by a Jordache honor guard.

  Eric was excited, for though he had spent quite a bit of time with the humans who visited them to trade or purchase ores outright, he had never been out of the boundaries of Earthhaven, with very few exceptions, every one of those simply running patrols along the passes into Jugazi territory. He smiled as he fastened his coat even tighter around his bulky frame and enjoyed the flight, knowing they would eventually arrive in Crystal City a single day before the festivals began.


  Holding the hands of Valowen one last time before he departed, Neven desperately searched for a way to kiss the goddess who walked before him in human form, and one he had fallen desperately in love with. The queen had kept his soon to be beloved busy for the previous two weeks as had the king kept Neven busy. If he did not know better, Neven would have suspected it was a plan and a pointed reminder to both of them that they needed the king’s blessing and had to wait.

  "It is not to be, my Knight," whispered Valowen as she stared into his eyes, her lips a tantalizing foot away from his own as they stood close but not exceedingly close by Lorr standards. Then, pulling her hands free from Neven's, she withdrew a pure white silk scarf from her bodice and knotted its center around the weapon rings attached to one of his armored shoulder pads. "My favor," she whispered again with a twinkle in her eye, and Neven's breath caught in his chest for a moment before he realized the ends of the scarf remained unknotted. That would have been a sign that they were betrothed. He sighed loudly enough for the nearby king and queen to hear.

  "Just do it already, Parel," said the queen in a loud voice, inspiring an almost identical sigh from the king.

  "Oh, for Apollo's sake," grumbled the king, then in a loud and clear voice he said, "I announce to one and all I have viewed the merits of Neven of the host and Valowen, queen's companion, and find them worthy of betrothal. Neven! Kiss her before I change my mind. You're still a bit young, but this is a special occasion," said an exasperated king as his queen beamed brightly from beside him.

  "And don't forget to knot those ends, Valowen," the queen said with an impish smile on her face.

  Neven's heart soared. Never had he expected to be granted this boon in anything less than another decade, and before minds could indeed change, he drew the sweet Valowen into his arms, their lips touching softly at first then crushing together in a desire unparalleled. She tasted of honey, nutmeg, and a bit of sweet sugar. His tongue swirled across her soft petals, her own, its tip lightly touching his before withdrawing. Now, he did not want to leave. He wanted to explore her more thoroughly and openly now that the king had granted their union. Oh, they still had to wait another decade to wed but to Neven, the betrothal meant everything. As they parted, Valowen quickly reached up to knot the ends of the scarf with a huge smile upon her face, signifying that Neven was betrothed and hers, just as she was his.

  Around them, dozens of host, courtiers of the crown, and others cheered for the two. A betrothal was a special occasion for the Lorr, and normally there would have been a party immediately afterward, with feasting and wine drinking until late in the night. With some, this might have lasted several days and all in celebration of a new happy couple. However, there was no time for following customs in this instance as Neven needed to leave today in order to reach Crystal City before the games. He regretted he would not be able to fulfill that aspect of betrothal and knew he would make it up to Valowen in a thousand ways over the next several centuries, but for now, his heart soared like an eagle, riding on the love of this companion.

  It was also during this celebration of the couple's beginning that they would ask for Apollo's blessings within the temple. This was a tradition that all followed, even as most did not regularly pray to the god. Neven's departure prohibited the betrothal festival, due to the lack of time, but the temple blessings he did have time for, and holding the hand of Valowen, he turned the two of them to the King and Queen of Lorrwood.

  Bowing low, he declared in a strong, loud voice, "My King Parel and Queen Nolwyn, I shall forever remember this honor you have bestowed upon a lowly member of the host and will not betray the confidence you have shown to us. If you would permit me just a few more moments before my departure, I would seek the temple and the god’s blessing with my betrothed. After all, I will be unable to host the festival celebrating our betrothal, and this is the least I would present her with."

  "By all means, go and go quickly, " said the king, smiling and making hand gestures to shoo them off.

  "My beloved, will you accompany me to the temple where we might seek the blessings of Apollo?" he asked her in a clear voice.

  "Yes," she murmured, her eyes bright as they dashed through those assembled, heading towards the temple in the grove nearby.

  They soon reached the temple, and entering hand in hand, they walked slowly to the white stone altar with its even whiter cloth covering, a covering adorned by two white candles set in silver candlestick holders. Kneeling together, Neven started the ages old ritual that the two of them would complete together.

  "Mighty Apollo, great being, protector and supporter of our people, I crave a boon that may only be granted by your hand. I kneel before you with my newly betrothed, Valowen. She is the bright light within my soul and the soft hand that comforts me in the night. I would ask your blessings upon our union," said Neven as he addressed the symbol of Apollo woven into the white cloth with threads of silver, the upturned wreath of laurel, like the shoe of a horse. Valowen squeezed his hand as she started her half of the blessing request, her voice sweet and clear in the crisp mid-morning air of the temple.

  "Mighty Apollo, great being, protector and supporter of our people, I would add my voice to the boon my betrothed seeks. I kneel before you with my beloved, my rock who keeps me steadfast and the one who guards my soul from oblivion. I ask that you keep him safe and bring him back to me whole, sound, and with honor intact, so that our future children will glory in his name." Then, together Neven and Valowen completed the ritual.

  "Grant us your blessings of hope when despair reigns: of strength when we are weak, of sustenance when we are destitute and of strong heirs to guard our lineage. We ask this in your name, mighty Apollo."

  For a few moments they stood there, heads bowed as they finished what to both was a heartfelt pray
er. Each expressing more within their thoughts than the words accomplished then finally they started to stand as Neven tugged on the hand of Valowen. However, both hesitated as the silver symbol of Apollo began to glow with an ethereal light. Then a voice spoke within their heads

  [It is with pleasure that I bless this betrothal, young ones.]

  "Apollo?" asked Valowen in a tiny voice. Both settled to their knees again while staring in wonder at his symbol.

  [Of course, it is I, and I have followed both of you for a long time, since your births. Pleased am I at your progress as you grew into adulthood. Understand both of you that as we entities, that some of you call gods, look into the time stream we see future events unfolding. Some with clarity, but some are murky within the depths. Both of you are destined for greatness in the eyes of your people. Realize that we will watch and guard you as best we might. Now, go with my blessings, children.]

  For several long minutes, both knelt while imploring Apollo to speak again, to no avail. Finally, they rose and looked at each other with wondrous eyes. They slowly made their way back to those assembled.

  "That was some blessing you requested," joked the king as he smiled at their return. "And how many kisses did it take to complete it?"

  "None, Sire. Apollo actually blessed us," said Neven, still in a state of shock.

  "Excuse me?" asked Sorlen as his cheerful expression turned to one of intent alertness.

  "Apollo actually spoke to us, blessed us, and stated the two of us were destined for great things for our people. He did not say what those things were, only that we were destined," said Valowen in a shy voice.

  "Your Majesty, I must insist that Neven remain within Lorrwood, if the god has spoken of future deeds in the protection of our people. I feel strongly that it is best he remain here," spoke the mage.

  [No! Neven must depart for Crystal City. His future deeds only occur if he is present there, as do those of Valowen in Lorrwood, but later.]

  All eyes widened as Apollo's thoughts entered their minds. Looking around, Neven saw the mind speech seemed to be concentrated solely on himself, Valowen, the royals, and Sorlen.

  "Well, I guess that answers that," said the king to Sorlen, who nodded with a pensive expression. Then the king turned to Neven, saying, "Just kiss her again, then on your eagle and be gone, Neven. You have a full day's flight ahead of you, which means you won't be to the border until tomorrow afternoon," said the king, hugging his queen.

  "Be careful, beloved," said Valowen after she surfaced for air on that last kiss, her face having turned bright red with embarrassment.

  "I will, my heart," Neven said softly to her before turning to the king and bowing. "I almost cannot believe you granted our union. It is like a dream come true," said Neven to the king, who simply shrugged.

  "Allowing it will keep you out of trouble and a Lorr of honor. If not, you might come home with a human bride, and may Apollo have mercy on us if that happens!" joked the king.

  "Never, my Liege," said Neven with an incredulous expression.

  "Go, go. Get your last kiss before you depart. You're running out of time," said the king, smiling again.

  "Yes, my King," and once again he stole a kiss from Valowen, this one from eager lips, though brief, and then kissed the backs of both her hands before mounting. As he held the reins in one hand, while the other stroked the soft triple knotted scarf attached to the ring, he smiled down at Valowen and issued a piercing whistle, launching his eagle into the air.


  "Ok, let me get this straight. You, Ariston of the Wolven, were told by the God Fenrir to attend this year's games, not necessarily to participate but to meet this new champion out of Korath and most likely to allow your god the opportunity to converse with him, for whatever reason. You, Sub Captain Garro, are delivering a message from your captain to the effect that the destroyed border villages and trading posts were executed by Illian mercenaries and are acting as honor guard for the Wolven and now the Champion of Dionysus. You, Dru of Traders Post, are a champion of that same God Dionysus, primarily because he put you in a situation you would have died in otherwise, and finally, Keepa and your siblings are refugees of Traders Post, everyone else having run off or been slain, with the exception of those rescued by my own guardsmen. Do I have all of this correct?” asked King Destin of Jordache as he sat upon his throne. Everyone nodded at his words.

  "Pack Leader Ariston, let me be the first to say the people of Jordache and the Alliance are overjoyed at you and your god’s attendance at our games and festivities. It has been several hundred years since the last known occasion, and for that, I am thankful. You and your men will have guest accommodations in our visiting dignitary rooms in the building adjacent to the castle. If you need anything, let any of my staff know, and it will be met."

  "Thank you, King Destin, and may the gods smile on your reign. The Wolven may participate , but at this time, I simply do not know. Fenrir will inform us of his desires when he wishes them known. However, I do thank you for the hospitality and lack of animosity. As you now know, it was not the Wolven attacking your villages, and I would wish to speak with some of your guard of Illian tactics and thinking, as we've been at war with them most likely longer than you have," responded the fur-covered being, bowing to the King, who nodded in return.

  "Agreed, and I will have my generals and commanders notified to be receptive to your input. I will also issue a citywide declaration that this is an event deserving of celebration I will also send word to all villages that the Wolven are not to be molested or detained in any fashion. I hope this is acceptable."

  "It is, King Destin, and once again, I thank you for your generosity. We would also wish to remain in touch with our current companions, as we Wolven have grown quite fond of them." Ariston then reached back and tousled the head of Amiel, who stood just behind him, hanging on to a tuft of the Wolven's long hairs covering his back. It was obvious from looking at them an attachment had formed.

  "That is simply as it should be," replied the king before turning to the sub captain. "Sub Captain Garro, you will be temporarily attached to the general staff of my guard as a liaison between Pack Leader Ariston and the guard, until such time as we may secure transportation back to your company at Fort Brandor."

  "Thank you, Sire. That would please me greatly," said Rawkin as the king smiled at him, turning to Dru.

  "Dru Rausis, Champion of Dionysus and of Jordache. My heart cannot properly express how I feel right now to have a champion of our own people. To my knowledge, this has not happened in thousands of years, if ever, but for whatever reason the god granted this boon to you, we honor it fully with our lives and support. You are to be given a pouch containing one hundred gold crowns to see to your initial comportment and remain close to the crown. You will need new clothes to properly identify with your station, armor perhaps, a horse, and of course, basic necessities. Rooms will be appointed to you here in the castle for your needs. When your pouch begins to lessen in weight, simply inform my chief of staff here in the castle, and you will be presented with another. I am assigning my son, Prince Inaros, to be your companion, to not only help you pick the items you will need, but to show you around our city. I am sure the two of you will get along fine and then there will be the meeting you will have with the Korath Champion. That will be interesting, indeed." The king smiled at Dru, who was speechless as a man ran up to hand him a pouch while Prince Inaros clapped him on the back.

  "Now, Keepa and your siblings, in many ways your situation is the most difficult to solve, so I've decided to hand you over to the Order of Hera to handle your refugee status. I'm sure you will be in good hands," the king said as he smiled benignly.

  "That is not acceptable," stated Dru, taking a step forward. Keepa grabbed his left hand. His right hand fastened upon the hilt of his hammer, anger blazing through him. Brilliant white light erupted within the king's ceremonial room, forcing all to shield their eyes as he slowly started to slide the weapon fro
m his belt. His mind only focused on Keepa and the children. He would not allow them to be parted from his side.

  "What did you have in mind, Champion?" asked the king as he waived away the priest of Hera who started to speak, while squinting his eyes against the bright light.

  "They will not leave my side. They will live where I live, or they can rest in the rooms you gave me, and I will live in the temple. I will not have those I love living in a common room with hundreds of other refugees, for I know how the temple charity system works," ground out Dru as his temper flared even brighter, causing the hammer to increase its brilliance. Tiny crackles of lightening rippled over its surface.

  [Well spoken, my son,] Dionysus chortled within Dru's mind.

  Dru frowned as he asked, Since when have I become your son?

  [Since I made you my champion, of course,] responded the god.

  "Father, if I may?" asked the prince, and, receiving a nod from the king, he continued, "Take one of mother’s many ladies in waiting and make her a chaperone of these. I understand your concern for proprieties. Put them in rooms next to the champion’s so that they can be together when they wish. It will solve this problem," Inaros said, unflinching next to a hammer that obviously held great power, awaiting his father's reply.

  "Yes, you are in the right son. I failed to see the depth of their relationship. I am in error. It will be so. Is this arrangement acceptable to you, Champion? While we pride ourselves on being progressive with equal rights to both male and female, there are certain situations that must be properly observed."The king was both sincere and adamant in his stance that Dru and Keepa would not live together as a couple under his roof, but he was perfectly happy with them living side by side.


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