Tied to a Boss 3

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Tied to a Boss 3 Page 1

by J. L Rose


  A Novel

  J. L. Rose

  Good 2 Go Publishing


  Written by J. L Rose

  Cover design: Davida Baldwin

  Typesetting: Mychea

  ISBN: 9781943686681

  Copyright ©2016 Good2Go Publishing

  Published 2016 by Good2Go Publishing

  7311 W. Glass Lane • Laveen, AZ 85339



  [email protected]



  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission, except for brief quotations to books and critical reviews. This story is a work of fiction. Characters, businesses, places, and events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Printed in the USA


  A Novel

  J. L. Rose


  First I would like to start this by thanking my heavenly father for this great blessing I've been given. To my family that stood with me and continues to support me no matter my mistakes, I thank you and love you.

  To my new family, the entire Good2go Publishing for taking a chance and believing in me. I promise I won't stop until I get us some best sellers. To my uncle William "Peanut" Rose. I'm happy to see you still holding me down play boy. I love you man. To my mom (Mrs. Ludie Rose) and to my father (Mr John L. Rose Senior) I Love the two of you next to god who is number one in my life which makes you number two. But lastly I would like to thank my Fan's and there support and love. I promise to get better and give you all the best of me. Just stay tuned….

  Peace and Love,


  This book is dedicated to my grandmother's Rosa Mae Rose, Gloria Anderson. I miss and love you both. Rest in peace with the lord.


  I gnoring the stares, he was receiving as he followed the escorting correctional officer through the hallways at the county jail, Dante headed to the visitation room. He thought about the conversation he just had with his three attorneys who had visited him twenty minutes earlier to discuss his case.

  Stopping behind the escorting officer as he stopped in front of a green-painted steel door that read “Visitation” on the front, Dante noticed more officers appearing inside the hallways, all staring at him.

  “You’ve got thirty minutes, Blackwell!” the officer told Dante as he opened the visitation door. He then stepped out of the way, allowing Dante entry.

  Not even bothering with responding to the “toy cop” as he walked inside the visitation room, Dante ignored the inmates who were already seated in front of visit windows. Instead, he was now looking for the window at which his visit was supposed to be held.

  Showing a small smirk-like smile once he saw Alinna, Dante sat down on the opposite side of one of the visitation glass windows. Seeing the smile, she gave back at him, Dante sat down on the counter instead of the stool in front of the window. He then picked up the phone just as Alinna picked up the phone on her side.

  “Hey, baby . . . You okay?” Alinna asked as she sat staring Dante over, wishing she could hug him.

  “Where’s James?” Dante asked, ignoring Alinna’s question about his well-being.

  Shaking her head and smiling up at Dante, Alinna lowered the phone from her ear and looked to her right,

  where James stood a few feet away. Catching James’s eyes, Dante nodded him over.

  Seeing James as he walked up beside Alinna, Dante felt himself relax at the sight of his boy, nodding his head to the white boy before shifting his eyes back to a smiling Alinna.

  “You feel better now?” Alinna asked, still smiling up at Dante.

  “I’m good!” he answered before adding, “I just had a visit from the lawyer, Jonathan King, and two other lawyers who were with him. So far, shit’s looking just as I figured it would, and I don’t have a bond.”

  “I spoke with Jonathan also,” Alinna told him. “I also got the two other attorneys for you. I figure they could help out Jonathan with this case.”

  Nodding his head, Dante then said, “I’ve been thinking about all of this shit with how everything played out, and something not right.”

  “What do you mean?” Alinna asked, staring hard at Dante.

  “I’m not really sure yet,” Dante told Alinna, playing a few things around in his mind. “How was Monica and those MDPD cops able to put us in all of this together? Something don’t seem right.”

  “Alex . . . Dante!” Alinna told him. “He was undercover, remember?”

  “Naw . . . !” Dante said, shaking his head. “It’s something else, Alinna. I’ma figure it out, but I’ma need you to make sure everything on point out there, alright?”

  “What else was you expecting me to do?” Alinna told Dante, staring into his eyes while noticing the expression he got when he was plotting or planning something.


  32 Minutes Later

  A linna walked through the parking lot of the county jail after visiting with Dante. She hated seeing him locked up, even though he didn’t seem bothered about it. Alinna nodded to her armed personal chauffeur who Dante had handpicked. She then climbed into the back of her new Rolls Royce Phantom she received from Dante for her birthday on the same night that he had turned himself in to keep her from being locked up.

  Hearing James talking with the driver as she slid across the backseat of the Phantom, Alinna sat next to the window, staring outside as she easily formed a picture of Dante in her mind.

  “Alinna, you alright?” James asked as he climbed into the Phantom and noted the expression on her face.

  “We gotta get him outta there, James,” she told her personal bodyguard and close friend who Dante had brought into the family. “I hate seeing him down here in this place.”

  “What did he say about the lawyers?” James asked. “Did he mention them coming to see him yet?”

  “They’ve met up with Dante. But he says that there’s no bond right now but they’re fighting to get him one,” she explained. She then changed the conversation. “Dante told me something, James. He said that something wasn’t right with how the case went down.”

  “What about that Alex Whitehead dude?” James asked, cutting in on what Alinna was saying.

  “I mentioned that to Dante,” Alinna said as she slowly shook her head while looking over at James. “He said it’s not just Alex. He thinks it’s bigger than Alex, but he’s not sure what yet.”

  “What do you think?” James asked, just as his cell phone went off inside of his pocket.

  Turning her attention back out the window, not bothering with answering James’s question even though she was already mentally playing back things in her head, Alinna lost her train of thought as her cell phone went off from inside her Chanel bag.

  Digging out her iPhone, she caught James mentioning one of his security men’s names, since James was placed to oversee security by her and Dante.

  Alinna looked at the phone screen and saw that it was Vanessa. “Yeah, Vanessa . . . what’s up?”

Where you at?” Vanessa asked, yelling over the music that was playing in the background.

  “Nessa, turn down the fucking music!” Alinna yelled into the phone, hearing the music lowered a few moments later.

  “Sorry, girl!” Vanessa apologized. “That’s Andre’s ass with all that damn Jay-Z shit. Where you at, though?”

  “We just left from seeing Dante. Why?”

  “How my brother doing?”

  “Dante still Dante. What up though?”

  “We riding over to meet up with Harmony and Amber over in Brown Sub. They want us to meet them out in the new spot Harmony just opened up. It’s these two new workers they want you to meet out there.”

  Shifting her eyes over to James, Alinna said into the phone, “It’ll have to be later on, Nessa. I gotta take care of something for Dante. Then I need to handle something myself.”

  After talking with Vanessa a few more minutes, Alinna hung up. Looking back over toward James, she asked, “What’s up, James?”

  “Jose and Javier just checked in,” James told her. “The new connect, Goldmen, is headed to the hotel with Jose and Javier now.”

  “What about Mr. Sutter?” Alinna asked, concerned about the arrival of the new cocaine connect that Dante had set up to meet with the family.

  “He hasn’t arrived yet!” James told her. He then explained, “I’ve already sent a message to his personal assistant asking when we can expect his arrival. They’re on their way now.”

  Nodding her head in response, Alinna turned her focus back out her window, allowing her mind to wander back to what she and Dante had discussed over visitation.

  * * *

  Making it back to the jail unit almost twenty minutes after his visitation ended with Alinna and James, Dante started straight toward the phone area as soon as he entered the unit. Walking past the officer’s desk that was stationed at the front of the open bay jail unit, near the door, Dante ignored the stare he was receiving from the female officer seated behind the desk.

  Stopping in front of the last phone at the end of the row of five, in the corner, Dante picked up the headset and went about punching in a phone number. But he shifted his eyes to his right as he noticed two inmates walking past a few feet away, staring straight at him.

  Hearing someone answer the line and accept the call a few moments later, Dante turned his back and faced the wall so he could face out overlooking the unit.


  “Yeah. What’s up, Angela?”

  “Oh my God, Dante! Baby, I’ve been so worried about you. I’ve been checking on things with how your case is going and—”

  “Angela . . . relax!” Dante told her, cutting her off as she ran off at the mouth. “I don’t wanna talk about the case over the phone. I want you to come down here to see me. I wanna talk to you about something.”

  “Dante, I don’t know if I can. You know what position I’m in, and if it gets tied in that—”

  “Don’t worry about that!” Dante said, cutting Angela off again. “You’ll get a visit soon, and everything will be explained then. What’s up with my daughter?”

  “She’s been asking about you.”

  “Tell her I said I love her and I’ll see her soon.”

  “I’ll tell her. Are you doing okay, though?”

  “Yeah, I’m good,” Dante answered as he watched the same two inmates out of the corner of his eye, standing at the opening that led inside of the bathroom area.

  Continuing his phone call with Angela until the phone call ended, Dante hung up the phone and then stared across the unit toward his bed area. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that the two inmates were still staring at him from the bathroom area.

  “Blackwell!” he heard his name being called as he passed the officer’s desk.

  He stopped and turned his head to look at the female officer and asked, “What’s the problem, Officer?”

  “Ain’t no problem. I just wanted to talk to you for a second,” she told Dante, smiling at him. “You don’t remember me, do you?”

  Staring a moment and somewhat recognizing the face, Dante opened his mouth to admit he didn’t know the pretty, brown-skinned female, when it finally came to him. “Yeah! I remember you from some time back. You a CO, huh?”

  “Mmmm-huh . . . ,” she answered, still smiling. “I’ve been here almost five years, but shit happens, and I’m still a CO. I never thought I would see you here, though, even though you do your thing out there.”

  “I ain’t super—”

  “Ms. Cook . . . ,” Dante was interrupted, looking to his left to see one of the two inmates who was watching him.

  “I know yo ass see me talking,” she told the inmate, with an attitude. “You better go find yourself something to do and learn some respect.”

  Dante saw the look on the homeboy’s face but caught the way he shot him a look before walking off. Dante slowly shook his head as he looked back at the female officer as she said, “I’m sorry, Blackwell. These niggas in here don’t got no respect.”

  Smirking at how the female officer’s attitude reminded him a little of Alinna, Dante asked, “What’s your name again, shorty?”

  “Call me Kerri,” she told Dante, smiling again.

  “Alright, Kerri. Call me Dante,” he told her as his mind was already at work, putting together a plan inside of his head.

  * * *

  Alinna met up with Mr. Goldmen, the new heroin connect that Dante set up to go into business with the family, as well as with Mr. Sutter, who finally showed up. Alinna sat talking business with both drug lords. Upon mentioning their debt to Dante, she noticed how both men’s expressions changed upon hearing his name.

  Reaching an agreement and understanding on their business together, Alinna left both men. James followed beside her as they exited out of the hotel and out to the Phantom.

  “What do you think, James?” Alinna asked once she and James were inside the backseat of the Phantom.

  “Personally . . . ,” James began as he looked down at his phone and read a text he just received, “I don’t like either of them, but I know they both fear and respect Dante after what he did and gave them.”

  “What did he give ’em?” Alinna asked, staring at James with a questioning look on her face.

  “Their lives!” he told her, answering her question with a small smile.

  Shaking her head, unable to help but smile after hearing James’s answer and thinking about Dante, Alinna said after a moment, “We need to talk to Angela.”

  “Is that where we’re going now?” James asked, waiting for Alinna’s next order.

  “In a minute!” she told him as she pulled out her cell phone to make a quick phone call to check on other business.


  A linna ignored her personal feelings and met up with Angela at a coffee shop in North Miami Beach to handle something that Dante had asked her to handle. Alinna made the meeting as fast as she could, dropping off a small brown envelope that she had picked up from an associate of the family.

  “What’s this?” Angela asked with a slight attitude after Alinna simply tossed it onto the table in front of her, before turning to leave.

  “It’ll get you in to see Dante,” Alinna answered, staring back at Angela with her face balled up. “I don’t know what he even wanna see you for, though.”

  Hearing Alinna’s parting words before she left, Angela sucked her teeth as she opened up the envelope. As she turned the envelope upside down, an ID fell out onto the table.

  Climbing back inside the Phantom as James and the driver stood waiting for her, Alinna got comfortable in her seat as James climbed in beside her.

  “That was fast!” James said as the driver shut the car door.

  “I can’t stand that bitch!” Alinna replied as she pulled out her cell phone and dialed Vanessa’s number.

  “Yeah . . . Who this?”

  “Nessa, where you at?”

  “I’m at the penthouse with everybody. Where y
ou at?”

  “I’m about to meet up with this real estate agent and look at this new house. I want you to meet me at this address,” Alinna told her, giving Vanessa the new address to the house to which they might be moving.

  After hanging up with Vanessa and then calling the real estate agent who helped them with their first house, Alinna explained to the agent that she was ready to meet and that she was headed over to the new house.

  “James, how many men you have following us?” Alinna asked as soon as she hung up with the agent.

  Surprised she even realized they were being followed, James asked, “When did you notice?”

  “I noticed earlier after we left the jail, but now it’s more than before,” Alinna told him before further explaining, “You forgot who my man is, James?”

  Smiling at her question, James answered, “Dante was the one who said he wanted a team around you when you’re out. There are two Range Rovers with five of our men in each of them.”

  Alinna shook her head and smiled, picturing Dante demanding James have more of their men around to protect her. She looked out of her window, hating where Dante was at.

  They arrived at the new house twenty minutes later, pulling up in front of a tall black gate in Hollywood, Florida. Sitting inside, Alinna stared out of the Phantom’s back window at a two-story mansion that was actually bigger than she expected it to be.

  Alinna saw the Mercedes pull up beside her and watched as the real estate agent climbed from the Benz and waved to her. The agent walked toward the gate and pressed a few buttons on the security intercom attached to the gate. The agent returned to her car and drove through the now opened gates as the Phantom followed.

  Following the Benz up the long drive that turned off in front of the main house and continued around toward the back part of the mansion, the driver parked. James then climbed out from the Phantom and held open the door for Alinna.


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