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Tied to a Boss 3

Page 6

by J. L Rose

  “So what have you found out so far?” Dante asked with a little hope in his voice.

  “All he keeps saying is that his partner Sergeant Aaron Banks knows what’s going on. He was the one who made the deal with Monica.”

  “Deal? What deal?”

  “Well, from what Fuller says, Monica spoke with Banks and made him an offer . . . and Banks accepted it.”

  “So where the fuck is this clown Banks?”

  “Dre and Tony T handling that now.”

  “Where’s Wesley at?”

  “I haven’t seen him. Why?” Alinna asked, but then she asked Dante to hold on.

  Hearing Alinna ask Keisha if Detective Fuller was dead, Dante called out to Alinna.

  “Yeah, Dante!”

  “Look, shorty . . . I’ma have to hit you back later tonight because tonight is better than right now. Too many muthafuckers walking around. But tell me something real quick. You speak with Angela lately?”

  “Fuck that bitch, Dante!” Alinna said, instantly turning from happy to pissy. “That hoe said you deserve what happens to you and told me not to ask about you to her anymore. She then told me not to call her phone number. She lucky I didn’t find and beat her ass for her mouth.”

  “Don’t worry about Angela. I’ma deal with her when I get home,” Dante told her, playing back in his head what Alinna just told him that Angela had said about him.

  * * *

  Alinna hung up with Dante, but she could hear the hurt and anger in his voice after she told him what Angela said, which pissed her off again as well. But Alinna focused her attention back on the now unconscious Detective Fuller, who was covered in blood and alcohol.

  Maxine had used a doctor’s scalpel to make cuts all over Fuller’s body as Keisha slowly poured alcohol over all his cuts. After she cut into his penis and alcohol was poured over it, Fuller became unconscious from the pain.

  “What now, Alinna?” Natalie asked as she stood beside her mother against the wall in front of where the detective sat tied to a wooden chair.

  “We wait for my family to arrive with Sergeant Aaron Banks,” Alinna told Natalie. She couldn’t help notice the look of satisfaction on Carmen’s face as she stood staring at Detective Fuller.

  * * *

  Dre watched Sergeant Aaron Banks climb inside the driver’s seat of a navy-blue Chevy Malibu. A few moments later, he backed out of the parking space in front of the Miami-Dade Police Department building. Dre threw his Land Rover into drive and began to follow the Malibu a few moments later.

  Still following the sergeant’s car, Dre saw him stop at a red light ten minutes later. Dre stopped his Land Rover a few feet away behind two cars, which allowed Tony T to get out of the SUV. Dre then switched lanes and pulled directly alongside the Malibu as he looked over and saw the sergeant light up a cigarette.

  Hitting the Land Rover’s horn caused the sergeant to look over at the Land Rover. Dre lowered the dark-tinted window and looked over at the sergeant just as Tony T opened up the sergeant’s front passenger seat door and slid in.

  “What the . . . ?”

  “Shut the fuck up and drive the car!” Tony T ordered Sergeant Banks, pressing his banger into the sergeant’s ribs.

  “Who the hell are—”

  Smashing the sergeant in the mouth with a right hook, Tony T cut him off again from talking. He then repeated, “Shut the fuck up and drive the fucking car. The light is green, bitch!”

  Doing as he was told, Sergeant Banks followed Dre’s SUV until Tony T told him to pull into a Walmart parking lot beside the Land Rover.

  “If you think because we inside a parking lot I won’t dead ya ass, act like you wanna get stupid and yell or make a run for it, and I’ll drop your ass wherever the fuck you stand. Now get the fuck out of the car!” Tony T told the sergeant as he was also opening his own car door.

  Dre and Tony T got Sergeant Banks into the back of the SUV. Tony T did a quick wipe-down of the sergeant’s Malibu where he had sat and the parts of the car he had touched. He then returned to the back of the SUV with Banks.

  Sergeant Banks recognized the driver, but he couldn’t remember from where. He was in deep thought about what he could do, when Dre finally spoke: “It’s good seeing you again, Sergeant Banks. I’m sure you’re wondering where we’re going, so I’ll tell you now before you even have to ask. Someone wants to talk with you, and that’s where we’re going.”

  “Who wants to talk to . . . ?”

  “Shut the fuck up!” Tony T said, cutting off the sergeant again.

  Sergeant Banks gave a pissed off look toward Tony T, which caused him to smile at the sergeant. Tony T followed this with a punch to his mouth, which caused the sergeant’s head to snap backward from the blow.

  * * *

  Alinna hung up the phone with Dre, who had just called to tell her that he was pulling inside the apartment’s parking lot out front. Alinna called out to Keisha, who was standing out on the balcony talking on her phone. Maxine was with James a few feet away, talking in a whispered voice. Alinna motioned both girls over to her.

  “What’s up, Alinna?” Keisha asked as she and her sister walked up.

  “You two get ready to work. Dre and Tony T just got here with the other guy,” Alinna told the twins.

  She then looked back over to Natalie and her mother and asked, “What’s up, Natalie?”

  “Alinna, we need to talk,” Natalie told her, only for Carmen to speak up and say, “My husband is here, and he wants us to meet him back at our place. Natalie will call you later.”

  Walking both women to the front door, with James just a few steps behind them, Alinna reached to unlock the door, when suddenly she heard a knock on the door. A second later, James jumped in front of her gripping his gun, with both Carlos and Gomez guarding Natalie and Carmen.

  “It’s Dre and Tony T, James,” Alinna told him as James unlocked the door with his left hand while holding the barrel of his burner up against the back of the door as he opened it to see Dre’s face.

  Smiling and shaking her head once James looked back at her, Alinna stepped to the side as first Dre walked into the apartment followed by Sergeant Banks. She met the sergeant’s eyes, which grew in size once he recognized who he was looking at.

  Alinna walked Carmen and Natalie out to her Phantom and told her driver what was happening. The women said their goodbyes, hugged, and then Alinna reminded Natalie to call her later as the driver took off.

  Alinna headed back up to the apartment, only to hear muffled screams as soon as James opened the apartment door. Alinna entered and walked into the front room to see Maxine standing in front of Sergeant Banks, using her scalpel to peel off the skin on his chest while Dre held his hand over the sergeant’s mouth.

  Standing with Alinna and watching, James leaned over and asked in a lowered voice, “You think you’ll be able to figure this all out before Dante has to stand before the judge?”

  “I’m not letting Dante step foot inside of a prison, James,” Alinna replied. She then walked up beside Maxine and touched the one twin’s back, which caused Maxine to pause in mid-peel.

  “So, Sergeant Banks, let’s not make this an all-day-and-night thing here. Tell me about this deal you and Agent Monica Martin made concerning Dante Blackwell’s case and who’s the informant on this case?” Alinna asked while nodding for Dre to release his hand from over the sergeant’s mouth. But as soon as Dre took his hand down, the sergeant spit onto the front of Alinna’s Dolce & Gabbana blouse.

  “Fuck you, bitch! I hope they fry the muthafuckers!” Sergeant Banks screamed, only for Dre to slam his fist into the side of the sergeant’s jaw, knocking him out cold.

  “Dre!” Alinna cried, staring hard at him before a smile appeared. “Did you have to knock him out?”

  “I wasn’t trying to,” Dre apologized with a shrug and smirk.

  Shaking her head, Alinna looked over at Keisha, who stood a few feet away texting on her phone, and asked, “Keisha, where’s De
tective Fuller?”

  “He’s tied up and inside the bathroom with his wife,” Keisha answered without looking up from her phone.

  Shaking her head again, Alinna looked back at Maxine and asked, “You alright with being here for some time?”

  “This where the job is . . . plus, he’s still here, so I’m fine,” Maxine answered, smiling and nodding toward James.

  “Good, because it looks like it’s going to be a long night,” Alinna said as she pulled out her cell phone.


  A linna made it back to the penthouse a little after 10:00 p.m., leaving Dre and Tony T to handle Sergeant Banks, Detective Fuller, and Fuller’s wife. Alinna barely made it through the front door when she was attacked by her son, Dante Jr.

  “What are you still doing up, D.J.?” Alinna asked, smiling as she picked up her quickly growing son, first hugging him, then kissing his cheek.

  “Stop!” D.J. cried, laughing as he pulled away from his mother.

  “Hello, Ms. Rodriguez,” Rose, the housekeeper, said, smiling as she walked out into the front room just as D.J. was turning to take off, only to run straight into her.

  “D.J.!” Alinna said, raising her voice just enough to cause her son to stop where he was and turn to look at her. She then continued, “You need to find your way to bed and be there when I get there.”

  Forcing herself to ignore the look he was giving her, with eyes exactly like his father’s, she watched as he slowly turned and began walking in the direction of the master bedroom—the room in which the two of them began sleeping after they moved into the penthouse, before Dante went to jail.

  “He reminds so much of Mr. Blackwell,” Rose said, smiling as she also stood there watching D.J. disappear around the corner on way to the master bedroom.

  “I was just thinking the same thing, Rose,” Alinna replied as she started toward the den.

  “Would you like to eat, Ms. Rod—”

  “Not right now, Rose,” Alinna told the older woman but then looked back and said, “And Rose . . . I thought we had an understanding that you are also a part of this family and you are to call me Alinna like everyone else.”

  “I remember, Alinna,” Rose replied, smiling at Alinna. “I will put a plate inside the oven when you are ready to eat. Tell Mr. Grant that his plate will be inside the oven as well.”

  “Thank you, Rose,” Alinna said, sitting down on the sofa and sighing deeply, only to hear her cell phone go off, ringing from inside her bag.

  Digging out her phone, she saw that it was Natalie calling.


  “Alinna, it’s Natalie.”

  “I know. Is everything alright?”

  “My mother and father are at my father’s penthouse, but everything is alright,” Natalie told her. But then she asked, “What have you found out after we left you? Did you get any answered questions?”

  “I got . . . ,” hearing the line beep and looking at the screen, Alinna didn’t recognize the number. She told Natalie to hold on a second.

  “What’s up, shorty?”

  “Dante, baby! Hold on. Natalie’s on the other line. I’ll put her on a conference call,” Alinna told Dante, connecting the calls. “Natalie, you there?”

  “Yes, I’m here.”

  “Dante, baby. You there?”


  “Oh my God! Papi, I miss you so much,” Natalie cried at hearing Dante’s voice. “Are you okay in there?”

  “I’m good, Natalie,” Dante told her. “How you holding up, though?”

  “I’m going crazy, Dante. I want you out of there, and both me and Alinna have been doing everything we can think of to get you home.”

  “I’m glad to hear you and Alinna are handling business out there,” Dante told her before he called out to Alinna.

  “Yes, Dante,” Alinna answered as she stretched out across the sofa.

  “You alright, shorty?”

  “Yes, baby. I’m fine, Dante,” she replied. “I talked to Wesley earlier. He asked me to tell you that he took care of what you asked him to handle. You wanna tell me what Wesley’s talking about, since he won’t?”

  “It ain’t nothing. What you got for me, though?”

  Smiling at the response Dante gave her and the smooth way he changed the subject, Alinna decided to leave the matter of what Wesley had handled for Dante alone. Instead, she decided to just answer his question: “I had a talk with both arresting officers on your case. It took some time, but the only thing I was able to find out was that Sergeant Banks and Monica made a deal. She let him have all claims to the arrest against you, since your arrest was supposedly a major one.”

  “Why would she do that, since she was so ready to get at me about her supposed husband and partner?” Dante asked, sounding a little confused.

  “From what the sergeant told me, Monica told him that part of the deal she made was that you would either get a life sentence or the death penalty for killing Alex and Captain Whitehead, but also that you had a more desperate enemy that was after you,” Alinna broke down, explaining for Dante.

  “Dante, you can’t think of any enemies you may have that may just be working with the police with this case?” Natalie asked him.

  “Unless they telling on Dante from the grave, then I don’t see that happening, Natalie,” Alinna told her. “Dante doesn’t have any living enemies.”

  “Alinna, listen . . . ,” Dante spoke up. “I want you to get on finding out who this so-called enemy is that Banks says Monica told him about.”

  “I’m already taking care of that. I’ve got Greg Wilson looking up whatever he can find on Monica so we can find her and see what she can tell us.”

  “Let me know what’s up with that,” Dante told her. “Yeah, also, I want you to handle something for me. It’s this female I want you to call and have her meet up with you. Give her $10,000, and let her know it’s my way of saying thank you.”

  “Who is she?” Alinna and Natalie asked in unison.

  “Relax! She’s the one who’s been making it able for me to handle a few things from inside here,” Dante explained to both women.

  “Dante, don’t make me hurt you,” Alinna told him . . . with Natalie adding, “Please don’t, Dante.”

  Alinna continued talking with both Dante and Natalie until Dante had to hang up. She continued discussing a few things with Natalie until her phone rang and she saw that Vanessa was calling.

  “Natalie, let me call you back later. I need to answer my other line real quick,” Alinna told her, sitting up on the sofa.

  “I’ma just call you tomorrow,” Natalie told Alinna. “I’ve also got a few things I want to handle.”

  Immediately after hanging up with Natalie, Alinna switched her line over to Vanessa. “Hey, Nessa. What’s up, girl?”

  “You was on the phone with my brother?”

  “You missed his ass. I was on the phone with him and Natalie until Dante had to hang up the phone.”

  “He must got a cell phone in there with him.”

  “Girl, yes! He got some bitch in there doing shit for his ass.”

  “That sounds like Dante,” Vanessa said, laughing lightly. “I ain’t see a woman yet that can tell my brother no.”

  “That’s his problem now,” Alinna said with a slight attitude. “Anyways, I want you to bring A.J. over to the house on Monday morning. Dante wants me to pick up Mya from Angela’s house and bring both D.J. and Mya up to the jail to see him. You can bring A.J. over so the kids can spend some time together.”

  “I know I’m going with ya’ll to see Dante too, right?” Vanessa asked, sucking her teeth.

  “Hold on, girl!” Alinna told Vanessa as she looked at her cell phone after feeling it vibrate inside her hand. It was a text from Dre explaining that he and Tony T had taken care of Sergeant Banks, Detective Fuller, and Fuller’s wife.

  “Vanessa,” Alinna said into the phone.


  “Girl, what you doing?”
  “Girl, your nephew’s bad ass just texted me asking where I’m at, like he my mom or something.”

  “D.J. did something like that to me earlier,” Alinna laughed.

  “So what’s been up with Dante and his case?” Vanessa asked, changing the subject.

  “Vanessa, I wish I knew,” Alinna told her girl, only to get into the whole story on what was going on with Dante and what they just found out so far about Monica and the deal she made with Sergeant Banks.

  * * *

  Rob dug out his ringing cell phone from his pocket just as he was finishing up a business deal with one of his regulars and two new customers that his regular had brought. Rob walked back out to his Impala SS and answered, “Yo! Who this?”

  “What’s up, nigga? This ya nigga Fish Man.”

  “Oh shit!” Rob said, smiling as he climbed inside the Impala. “Nigga, where the fuck you been at?”

  “I been handling some business,” Fish Man told Rob but then asked, “What’s up? You still doing ya thing out there in Miami? I’m trying to make my way back out that way again.”

  “Shit! I’m glad you hit me up. Shit done got sweet since this nigga Dante done got locked up. Them crackers done rammed down on his ass, and Alinna just went MIA on the street.”

  “Hold up!” Fish Man said. “You say this bitch nigga Dante locked up?”

  “Hell yeah!” Rob said. “You ain’t heard about that shit? That shit been all over the

  news . . . but fuck that. I got a little something I’ve been into, and since you called, why don’t you come back out this way. We can do a little something together. What’s up?”

  “Hell! Fuck yeah! Let me get shit right, then I’ma get back there like yesterday, my nigga.”

  “That’s what’s up. Hit me when you touch down, and we can hook up,” Rob said, hanging up the phone and still smiling.

  * * *

  “Fish, what’s up, my nigga?” Russell asked as he walked into the hotel room that he and Fish Man were renting out together.


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