About the Author
Born and raised in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, and still living in southwestern Ontario, Alana Somerville is a mother of two, a teacher, and a real estate sales representative. Never one to sit still, when she isn’t teaching, she can often be found with her children at a hockey arena or at a dance rehearsal or on a soccer field. She also enjoys the outdoors and tries to get outside whenever possible.
Her children are her number one priority, and her drive for life is greatly inspired by them.
To find out more about Alana, visit alanasomerville.com or Twitter, @AlanaSomerville.
Simon & Schuster Canada
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Copyright © 2018 by Alana Somerville
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Jacket design by Elizabeth Whitehead
Author photo by Marty Pilato
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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Somerville, Alana
Holding on to normal : how I survived cancer and made it to the other side, happier, healthier and stronger / Alana Somerville.
Originally published under title: Chemosabe : cancer warrior.
Issued in print and electronic formats.
ISBN 978-1-5011-6812-3 (hardcover).—ISBN 978-1-5011-6814-7 (ebook)
1. Somerville, Alana—Health. 2. Breast—Cancer—Patients—Biography.
I. Title. II. Title: Chemosabe.
RC280.B8S64 2018 362.19699'4490092 C2017-906516-5
ISBN 978-1-5011-6812-3
ISBN 978-1-5011-6814-7 (ebook)
All photographs in the insert are courtesy of the author, except as marked.
Holding on to Normal Page 22