Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3)

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Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3) Page 10

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Still, the enormous vessel astonished me. Julian switched his cell from one ear to the other and checked his wristwatch. The conversation he held didn’t stop his forward advancement. We moved through the hall of the enormous ship traveling below deck to a gorgeous room. Black marble tile covered the floor with specks of white checkered across. A rose gold carpet sat in the middle with a black modern, clean line leather sofa, perched on top. Gold ottomans sat in front of the sofa and the ceiling revealed a double square pattern with a gold chandelier hanging from the center like a bejeweled necklace.

  “This is beautiful,” I said almost to myself.

  Julian turned giving me a grin as he continued his conversation on the phone. I left his side to take a stroll around the luxurious room. The double doors leading to another area were made of crystal glass. With each part of the great room my eyes landed on, I committed the detail to memory. Words that would spill later in my report shuffled through my thoughts. A beautiful canvas of sixteenth century art adorned the walls. The room was made for royalty, and I almost felt invasive for being there. The double doors opened, and a tall, thin man with a camera hanging on his shoulder sailed through the door. Next to him, Kelsey glided with ease; a clipboard in hand and a scowl on her face. Julian ended his call and spoke to her.

  “What is it,” he asked, curious about what caused the normally jubilant woman to frown.

  “Sandra’s ill. She ate something that did not sit well with her stomach, and she can’t keep her head out of the commode longer than five minutes. We can’t use her.”

  “Where’s Lila?” Julian asked.

  Kelsey grimaced. “She missed her flight and won’t make it to Dubai until tomorrow afternoon. We’re missing your leading lady.”

  I expected Julian to throw a tantrum. After all, this was his baby. While I reviewed him on the plane, I could tell that he took pride in this endeavor. Most CEO’s in a business like this would probably put everyone in a lineup and fire them all. Not Julian. He was as calm as the light breeze outside the ship. He turned to me; an easy smile registering across his face.

  I frowned hoping he wasn’t thinking what I thought he might be. With a few strides, he stood before me, his hands reaching out to couple mine.

  “Bella,” his smooth voice cruised. “I need a favor.”

  My eyes stretched, but I kept my mouth closed in case my words came out baffled.

  “I need you to be my Arabian queen.”

  My heart knocked against my chest, and I swallowed bracing myself for what would surely be a fight.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “The models playing the queen’s role are unavailable. I need you,” he said. “If you dare, of course.”

  Julian had no idea how his words affected me, but I ignored those tumultuous emotions and pressed forward with my declination.

  “I couldn’t possibly. Surely you have someone else that can play the part.”

  “I don’t, Bella,” he said.

  “You told me you had thirty-two models and others from Dubai,” I pushed.

  “They all have their roles. Some are playing other parts while others are their backup. I need you.”

  I shook my head. “What about Kelsey? She has to be more capable than me.”

  “Kelsey has a million jobs already,” he said. “Por favor hazme Este favor precioso?”

  I groaned and shut my eyes. “So this is how you get your way with the ladies?”

  A charming smile graced his masculine lips. “No,” he said. “Just you.”

  I couldn’t stop my grin, and I was unmistakably sure my cheeks were red. It was nice of him to think I could pull off the look of a model. But the more it sat on my brain, the more terrified I became.

  “What do I need to do?” I asked giving in.

  His smile became broader, and he turned and barked out orders. Again, we were moving fast as I was shuffled from fashion stylists, to make up artists, to hair stylists. I had never been pulled and fussed over, so this experience was more than overwhelming. Besides that, there was a knot in my stomach about what I had gotten myself into. Though I wasn’t speaking out loud, the conversation I held with myself was shunting, to say the least.

  Desiree Stevens, you are an investigative reporter, not a model. Have you lost all of your mind?

  I had lost my mind and I noticed a pattern. Julian was manipulating me with his charm. If that were even possible.

  What’s gotten into you?

  I just didn’t know, but they say there was a first time for everything. That statement couldn’t have held more truth. Within twenty minutes I’d been transformed into an Arabian queen. Standing in a full-length mirror, I gawked at my reflection. The maroon silk material covered my head, while another piece wrapped around my face leaving only my eyes on display. The dark mascara sat shaded on my lids giving me an exotic appeal. My brows had been arched and jewels trailed a pattern down my forehead to the bridge of my nose.

  Overhead, an arrangement of jewels sat on the edges of golden tassels hanging from my scarf just above my brows. The silk shawl material traveled down my image, weaving in and around my arms, waist, and legs. More makeup feathered my hands and jewels sat crowned around my knuckles. In my mind, the childhood song from Aladdin, ‘A Whole New World’, sang a tune throughout. I smiled and giggled, catching myself before I started to dance.

  The door burst open and Kelsey came through snapping her fingers at the models as some of the stylists finished completing their looks.

  “We need you all in place,” Kelsey said. “Where’s our Arabian queen,” she shouted.

  I turned from the mirror and she glanced at me, her eyes popping. “Ms. Stevens?”

  Shyly, I nodded.

  “Guilty,” I said.

  “Lady, you are gorgeous!” She walked over to me and my cheeks tightened as I held in a blush.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “No, thank you, if you hadn’t have stepped in I don’t know what we would’ve done. Consider yourself the hero for today. Come, let me show you to your king.”

  Kelsey grabbed my hand and pulled me from the room. Behind me, other models bobbed and weaved through the ongoing traffic of designers making their way to the set. We pushed through a double door and entered a banquet style room. Long mahogany tables sat around the walls in a fashionable, elegant demonstration. They were covered with golden cloths and decorated with what appeared to be expensive china. The background held a blue glow as if setting the scene for royalty. Kelsey pulled me along, walking hurriedly, and I was proud of myself for not stumbling.

  When we approached a table at the front of the hall, my footsteps slowed when I saw Julian. He also wore the head covering of an Arabian king, and it hung down his head, past his masculine neck touching the robe covering his broad shoulders. His stance was strong, unwavering and striking. I’d never seen a king that looked as arrestingly handsome as he. My mouth dried instantly, leaving my throat parched. He’d stepped into his role effortlessly as if it was in his nature to do so. It was when his gaze landed on me that I felt my whole body incinerate. His invasive stare claimed every part of me as his eyes fell dark and wandered all over.

  “Sabia que harias una Hermosa reina…”

  I squirmed at his words although I was clueless to their meaning.

  “You do know I don’t speak Spanish, right,” I said.

  He pulled his bottom lip in with his teeth.

  “I knew you would make a stunning queen,” he reiterated in English.

  I’m sure my cheeks flamed. I cleared my throat and glanced around nervously before settling my eyes back on him.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  Julian held his hand out and I accepted it. The force of his pull was deliberate but steady and firm.

  “You’ll sit here.”

  Three people approached me helping me into the perfect position for the camera shots. The chair I sat in was outlined with gold trim that I was certain cost a fo
rtune. The thick arms on the chair were covered in the same golden material that lay across the banquet tables. Julian took his position in a high back chair similar to the one I occupied. There was no table in front of us and the layout told me we were the centerpiece. More models crowded around us, each dressed in a different Arabian gown and jewels. I didn’t know much about kingdom life, but from everything going on around us, I guessed which role each person played as their true to life imagery came alive.

  The photographer stood in front of us with an assortment of camera’s, tripods, and different lighting. My heart beat a million miles a second and I was sure at any moment I’d mess up my makeup when a bead of sweat glistened across my forehead. As if sensing my nervousness, Julian’s hand covered mine. I looked at him.

  “You’re fine,” he said. “And beautiful.”

  “You need to stop doing that,” I said.

  He quirked a brow.

  “I don’t want to get used to you telling me how beautiful I am. It’s not normal.”

  I know I sounded crazy. Julian must have thought so too because his expression froze.

  “Alright everybody, same routine different story. I’ll countdown from three. You give me your best pose,” the camera man shouted.

  Julian was still staring at me. Although I wasn’t looking at him, I could feel his gaze heavy at my side. Everyone posed becoming as still as statues. The flash from the camera multiplied as the camera man made sure not to miss a beat.

  “Switch!” the camera man yelled. The models moved around us finding other positions and there were more flashes from the camera.

  “Switch,” he yelled again. For a second, I felt like the odd man out. Everyone was moving but me, I held the same pose and position. I took a chance at a glance over to Julian. He was no longer watching me and that made me breathe a sigh of relief. The banquet shots went on for another hour, and somewhere past the thirty-minute mark, I was placed in other positions but always next to Julian.

  When it was over, I retreated hastily, needing to grab a moment of solitude to shake off my nervousness. Truth be told, I was terrified of what I would look like in front of the camera. I’d never been one to worry about my weight. I was the type of person that could eat without exercising and not gain a pound. Nevertheless, being in a room full of beautiful men and women who daily put their professional lives on the line and were serious about it, made me feel unworthy and self-conscious.

  The door to the bathroom opened and Kelsey walked in.

  “Are you okay, honey?”

  I gave her a quick smile and shook my head.

  “Fine,” I said.

  “If it helps you any, you’re done for the day, so you can relax if you must.”

  I peered at her. “What do you mean for the day?”

  “You don’t know?”

  “Know what?”

  Kelsey mumbled. “I think he set me up for this.”

  “Excuse me, what are you talking about?”

  “Well, because you’ve played a major role, whenever we need to pair the king and queen together, you’ll have to hold her spot.”

  My mouth dropped. “Are you serious?”

  Kelsey looked pensive. “Yeah, we can’t have a different queen in other photos. The same roles remain unless…”

  “Unless what?”

  “You become ill and hopefully that doesn’t happen. I don’t know how many illnesses I can take.” Kelsey shook her head. “Anyway, take a load off. You did great today for your first time. Oh and congratulations.”

  “For what?”

  “Being with this cast makes you officially an international model.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  I needed to get some fresh air. Kelsey had laid a brick on me, and she spoke as if it wasn’t a problem at all. I didn’t know what bothered me most. That Julian had set me up or that I’d taken the bait. Either way, I didn’t see my nervousness toning down anytime soon. After Kelsey left me stunned in the ladies room, I exited shortly behind her going straight for the deck of the ship. I still wore the costume, and somehow, I knew it wouldn’t be as easy getting out of it myself like when I’d been helped into the silk garment. The deck held a lounge overlooking the Arabian Gulf. I strolled to the edge and shut my eyes, inhaling the Gulf winds. My pulse slowed, and my heart rate decreased as I focused on the serenity of the moment. Reopening my eyes, I looked out over the sea. Who would’ve thought I’d ever be here, in Dubai dressed like an Arabian queen no doubt? A small smile filtered my lips. I was seconds away from being completely noncompliant, but this little moment of peace gave me clarity.

  Sure, I was here on assignment, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t have some fun. I had a pep talk with myself. From this moment further, I would live a little and indulge in all Dubai had to offer. Why not? The afternoon turned into late evening, and I’d ventured over half of the yacht. I hadn’t seen much of Julian since shooting with him earlier, and I wondered what he thought of my performance. There was still that uneasiness in the back of my mind that I did horrible and they wouldn’t be able to use the pictures with me in them. Every time it crossed my mind I felt a dizzying embarrassment. After a while, I returned to the dressing room and removed the costume I still wore. Returning to my newly purchased Arabian dress and scarf, I slid my feet into my wedge heels and made sure to hang the costume where I’d seen the stylist pick it up earlier. I went to the mirror to wash my face of the foundation then second guessed myself and decided to keep it. Taking a final glance at the costume, I pushed through the double doors only to stumble into a wall of abs.

  “There you are,” Julian said. His hands gripped me to help me keep my balance. “I’ve looked for you all over this yacht. For a minute there I thought you’d hightailed it out of here on the next flight smoking.” A calming smile spread across his face. “I just want you to know it was never my intention to put you in a position you’d rather not be in. If you feel I’ve manipulated you in any way, forgive me. I’d rather be mauled to death than have you think ill of me.” He held out the champagne flute in his hand. “Can I offer you something to drink?”

  “I thought alcohol was forbidden in Dubai?” I said, gladly taking the champagne flute to sip the sweet liquor.

  “In public, Bella, this is private.”

  I arched a brow. “This is private?” I asked referring to the large ship.

  Julian chuckled. “Believe it or not it is.”

  He sipped from his own glass and took a step closer.

  “Earlier today you spoke about it being abnormal to receive praise on a regular basis.”

  I froze wanting to change the subject instantly.

  “You should know, Bella, it’s abnormal for you to not hear it on a regular. And as long as we’re around each other, there is no way I would contain it.”

  His words were passionate, and I wanted to ask a million times over. Why? I wanted detail but was too afraid to get it. Why did he feel the need to constantly remind me how beautiful he thought I was? As much as he alleged it was the normal thing to do, men nowadays didn’t show appreciation for women like that. Not the type of grade C men I dated before. Inwardly, I groaned, but simultaneously reveled in his words. It never failed; whenever I was in Julian’s path, I warmed all over, and the mind-numbing feeling never got old. I looked away from him and took another sip of my champagne. When Julian’s warm hand touched my face, I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly turning back to him.

  “Julian,” I said, “We can both agree that we’re attracted to each other, but I don’t think—”

  My words were swallowed when his heated mouth touched mine. Soft, prolonged and indulging; his lips explored the inner recesses of my own. I moaned as a blaze of molten lava traveled through me like a waterfall. His free arm circled my waist and the champagne flute, in his hand, shattered against the marble tile.

  “Clean up on aisle one,” he growled against my lips.

  A laugh tickled through me, but before I could speak,
his mouth took me whole again, sucking my lips and spreading them forcefully with his tongue. I moaned again and my arms instinctively wrapped around his neck. I still held my champagne flute but it was seconds away from becoming friends with the one on the floor. Julian’s hands discovered my backside, reaching down to cup my butt. I was losing myself in his rough exploration and all thoughts of where we were vanished. When he lifted me, I gasped, and the feel of his strong masculine palms burned against my bare thighs. My legs had a mind of their own as they coiled around his waist. We fell into the door, re-entering the dressing room. It was then that my champagne glass fell. My fingers found his neck and trailed up to the back of his head. Julian growled into my mouth, and his erection bobbled against my now soaking wet panties. His steps didn’t stop until my back was pressed against a closet door. My heart slammed against my chest in a staccato rhythm. His fingers slipped between the thin material laying against my mound, and I shuddered at his invasion. Instantly his fingers were drenched with my cream, and he rubbed circles around my clitoris.

  “Aaah,” I moaned, my head falling backward.

  “Tan mojado,” he whispered against my lips. “Stop me before it’s too late, Bella,” he begged, but I was just as far away as he.

  My fingers found the collar of his shirt, and I pulled, effectively popping every button that hid his spectacular broad torso from me. My desperation to feel the waves of pecs rub against my skin threatened my very sanity. Julian’s hungry kisses were a force to be reckoned with, and one of his fingers slipped inside me. I gasped, my mouth falling open. With his mouth, Julian nibbled across my jaw gliding his finger in and out of my slippery folds.

  “Mmmm,” I moaned squirming in his arms.

  The metallic grind of a zipper buzzed, and the pressure from his extended cock spread the walls of my vagina satisfying every conceivable inch. My mouth dropped as his girth thrust into me with bulldozing strength. I went to scream, and he covered my mouth effectively drowning out my cries. A coat of sated heat and toe curling pleasure found its way around me with inviting fervor. I hung onto Julian for dear life as he gripped my ass and bounced me up and down, impaling me repeatedly.


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