Nantucket Romance 3-in-1 Bundle

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Nantucket Romance 3-in-1 Bundle Page 37

by Denise Hunter

  “I heard enough to know it’s all a big lie.”

  “That’s enough. It’s not a lie. Kate was in a fix. Her career was on the line, and I stepped in to help her.”

  “How could you just pretend to love each other? We all thought she was part of our family, and now you’re telling me it’s fake.”

  Lucas turned toward the ocean. He remembered being out there with Kate the week before, remembered the feel of her in his arms when she’d been sick. There’d been nothing fake about that.

  “I’m telling Mom and Dad the truth.” Jamie turned to go.

  Lucas grabbed her wrist. “Don’t, Jamie.” If their mom knew the marriage wasn’t real, there would be no holding back the resentment. She’d scare Kate away for good.

  His sister whirled around. “Why shouldn’t I? You should’ve been honest to begin with instead of making us think your marriage was real.”

  “It is real.”

  “I’m not a baby, Lucas. I know your marriage is real on paper, but it’s not real in here.” She tapped her heart. “And that’s the only thing that counts.”

  All those romance novels had gone to his sister’s head. Sometimes reality couldn’t live up to the happily-ever-afters in her books.

  “Can you keep a secret?” Lucas asked.

  Jamie stared at him, her green eyes squinting against the glare of the sun. She crossed her arms. “You know I don’t like secrets.”

  She was growing up. He remembered a time when she’d collected secrets like seashells.

  “This is personal. Like your feelings for Aaron. I’d never tell anyone about that.”

  He could see her acquiescence in the way she tucked in the corners of her mouth. “What is it?”

  Lucas glanced over his shoulder toward the house. Kate had gone inside. “Kate loved Bryan.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “She probably still loves him, for all I know. She married me because she was backed into a corner and I was her only way out.”

  Jamie’s eyes softened, and her squared shoulders relaxed.

  Lucas turned his face into the wind and let the salty breeze push his hair off his face. “But I had different reasons.” Lucas met Jamie’s gaze, then took his hand from his pocket and touched his heart. His eyes clung to Jamie’s, and he saw hers glaze over.

  “It’s not a fake marriage.” His voice deepened with emotion. “I love her. I’d lay down my life for her if necessary. Do you know how rare that kind of love is?”

  Jamie blinked rapidly. “But she doesn’t love you?”

  Lucas gave her a half smile. “I chose to love her. Whatever she does with that is her decision.”

  Jamie sniffed. “That’s so sad.”

  Great, now she pities me. “Hey, she’s got to come around eventually, right?” He tapped her nose and struck a ridiculous pose. “I mean, what’s not to like about this?”

  Jamie pushed him, but she smiled around her tears.

  “Are we okay now?” Lucas asked. He couldn’t stand to have Jamie mad at him.

  Jamie nodded.

  “I can count on you to keep my secret?”

  Jamie kicked his ankle with her flip-flop. “You know you can.”

  Lucas pulled her toward him and held her there, his hand on her head. He realized it felt good to admit how he felt about Kate. A relief to release it.

  Then he heard Jamie’s muffled voice. “And to think I was coming to you for love advice.”

  If trust is the foundation of a relationship,

  honesty is the mortar that holds it in place.

  —Excerpt from

  Finding Mr. Right-for-You

  by Dr. Kate

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kate clutched her hands in her lap, feeling her palms grow hot and sweaty. Dr. Phil’s set looked exactly as it did on TV. She’d already been coached by Pam and Chloe, her publicist and her editor. Her agent, Ronald, had also met her at the studio for emotional support. But now she was on her own. When she’d left the green room, Dr. Phil had welcomed her graciously and congratulated her on her new book.

  But now, as the cameras were ready to roll, Kate felt as if her nervous system was on overload. The newlyweds she was to advise sat on stage with Dr. Phil. The crew was placing mikes on their lapels and giving them last-minute instructions. Hope was a cute blonde with a pixie face and good taste in shoes. Ryan had dark hair, well trimmed, and repeatedly pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with his finger.

  Kate was grateful to be on the first row of the audience rather than under the bright lights of the stage. Beside her was a child psychologist who was there to advise a family in crisis. She’d brought her husband, and they whispered back and forth. On Kate’s other side were the parents of the couple Kate was to advise.

  Kate straightened her suit coat, making sure the mike was well placed, then twisted the earrings Lucas had gotten her.

  Be still, Kate. It’s not live, only tape. And they can edit if anything goes wrong.

  Oh, please, don’t let anything go wrong!

  She wished she had someone beside her to tell her everything was going to be okay. At that thought, Lucas’s image flared in her mind like a Fourth of July firework. And just as quickly she reared back in surprise. What is with me? I’m an independent woman. She was accustomed to being on her own, and no one needed to tell her she didn’t need a man to be happy. She’d been dispensing that advice for years.

  But her thoughts returned to her last few moments with Lucas at the airport the day before. He’d managed to get her there on time and had insisted on walking her to the counter where she checked in. Then he walked her to security. Among the people being herded through security, Kate recognized Dahlia Stevens from the Chamber of Commerce, setting her bag and laptop in a gray tub. She waved at Kate and Lucas.

  “Our first night apart,” Lucas teased, setting her bag down.

  “I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep without your snoring.”

  “I don’t snore.”

  “Hah!” she said, and he grinned.

  There was an awkward moment when they realized it was time to say good-bye. Kate was about to leave Lucas for the first time since their wedding. She was excited about the show, but also nervous. She wasn’t used to hiding personal secrets and certainly not from the country at large. Now she would be on national TV, and what if something went wrong?

  “You’ll do great.” Lucas seemed to read her thoughts. “Dr. Phil will probably make you a regular if you’re not careful.”

  “I don’t think I’m ready to move to Hollywood.”

  Lucas smiled. “Good.”

  Kate glanced at her watch. “I should get to my gate.” She pulled her boarding pass and driver’s license from her suit pocket.

  “Have a safe flight.” Lucas looked over her shoulder, and Kate knew he was conscious of Dahlia. He leaned forward and gave her a kiss. The gentleness of his touch tugged at her, even with the brevity of it. Would she ever get used to him kissing her? Wasn’t it supposed to become old hat after a while?

  Now, as Kate waited for the cameras to roll, she touched her lips, remembering the way they had tingled after the kiss.

  Do I have feelings for Lucas? Feelings that go beyond friendship?

  Before she could chase the thought, one of the crew gave the signal for taping to begin, and the show was underway. Her couple was up first, thankfully.

  Dr Phil started. “Today we have Hope and Ryan. They’ve been married for eight months and are wondering if they’re just too different to make it work. Come on, guys, you’re supposed to be in the deliriously happy newlywed stage, so what gives?”

  Hope twined her fingers with Ryan’s. “The delirious stage lasted about two days for us.”

  “It was a whirlwind kind of courtship,” Ryan said. “I guess we didn’t know each other very well, didn’t realize how different we were.”

  “How long did you all date?” Dr. Phil asked.

  They looked at each other; then Hope cringed. �
��Five weeks.”

  The audience groaned.

  “Five weeks!” Dr. Phil’s voice rose. “You barely know how he takes his coffee in five weeks.”

  “I know, I know,” Hope said. “It was impetuous, and we regret that we didn’t wait longer. I guess I let the whole ‘falling in love’ thing go to my head. I mean, we are in love, and we want to make it work. But we’re so different—we just aren’t sure how to find a middle ground.”

  “Well, they say opposites attract,” Dr. Phil said. “Tell us what your hot buttons are. What are the differences that drive you crazy?”

  Hope and Ryan eyed each other again. “I guess our spending habits are one of the biggest issues,” Hope admitted. “It’s not like I go on spending sprees or anything, but I like to dress nicely, and Ryan was raised to be more tightfisted—

  “Frugal,” Ryan corrected. “I believe in a budget.”

  “And I think ‘What’s money for if you can’t spend a little?’” Hope wrinkled her nose.

  They went on to discuss their differing views on household duties, their differing social needs, and their differing recreational preferences.

  “Well,” Dr. Phil said. “We brought in reinforcements on this one. Dr. Kate, syndicated columnist and author of the newly released Finding Mr. Right-for-You is here to see if we can’t help you two make this thing work out.”

  Kate smiled as the camera focused on her, and the audience applauded. She could feel prickles of heat singeing the skin under her arms.

  “Dr. Kate has something else in common with you two—she’s also a newlywed, so congratulations on that.”

  “Thank you.” Kate smiled.

  “Now, Dr. Kate,” Dr. Phil said, “We know you advocate investing the time and energy to make a solid match, but what about situations like this? Are they too different to make it work?”

  Kate felt a bolt of energy at the opportunity to help Hope and Ryan. How many times had she advised similar couples in her office? At least this couple hadn’t waited until they had years of animosity between them.

  “First of all,” Kate began, “Congratulations on your marriage and on your willingness to seek help from the beginning. Every marriage is a merging of two personalities—sometimes more if there are children involved. When you’re blending two sets of ideals and expectations, there’s bound to be conflict. And when you’re opposites, there’s a greater amount of conflict.” Boy, can I relate to that.

  “The key,” she continued, “is to determine which areas need changing and find the middle ground. Pick your battles. Does it really matter that he balls up his socks before he throws them in the hamper? Probably not. Does it matter that you disagree on how much of your income is expendable? Definitely.”

  Kate swallowed, hoping nobody could tell how dry her mouth was. “Relationships are constantly negotiated,” she added. “Opposites can make it work if they’re both willing to find the middle ground. And both of you seem willing to make this work.”

  “We are,” Hope said. “But every time we have discussions about our differences, we end up arguing.”

  Kate jumped in. “It’s important to choose the right timing when you discuss your differing opinions. For instance, the arrival of the Visa bill isn’t a good time to discuss Hope’s spending habits. It’s too late, and that leaves Ryan feeling stressed and out of control.”

  “Exactly,” Ryan said. “I’m already angry that she’s spent the money without regard for my budget.”

  Dr. Phil spoke up. “And, Hope, did you sit down with Ryan and work out this budget, or was it foisted upon you?”

  Hope nodded. “Ryan did the budget on his own. There is no room for good shoes in that budget.”

  The audience laughed.

  “A woman’s got to have good shoes, Ryan,” Dr. Phil said. “Rule number one.”

  He turned toward the camera. “You can read more about how to find a suitable mate in Dr. Kate’s book Finding Mr. Right-for-You.” There was a close-up of her book cover, then Dr. Phil continued. “All right, next we have a blended family who can’t seem to blend.” He looked at Hope and Ryan. “And you thought blending two was tough! We’ll be right back.”

  After the show, Kate slid into the black limo for her trip to the airport. In the back of the car, her nerves still jangled. It had been an exciting experience, and she felt giddy with energy. She’d already celebrated with Pam, Chloe, and Ronald in the green room, but now that she was away from the moment, she wanted to share it with a friend. Before she would have called Bryan, but who did she call now?

  Anna? No, her former assistant was out of town with her new job.

  Her dad? She considered it a moment, then took out her cell and dialed. It rang and rang before going over to voice mail, and she hung up.

  She had to tell somebody. What good was exciting news if she had no one to share it with?

  Well, I know exactly who I could call.

  Well, then, Kate, just do it.

  She dialed Lucas’s shop, and when Ethan answered, she asked for Lucas. As she waited, she second-guessed herself. Would he find it odd that she’d phoned him when she’d see him at the airport in several hours? Why should he even care how the show had gone? It was her career, her book. In a matter of months, she’d be nothing to him but a name on the divorce papers.

  Shoot, why did I call him? Maybe I should hang up. Kate pulled the phone from her ear.


  She put the phone back. “Hi, it’s Kate.”

  “Hey!” He sounded happy to hear from her. “How’d it go?”

  Kate relaxed a bit. He didn’t seem confused by her call. “It went very well. Quick, but good.”

  “All your worries were for nothing. I knew you’d do great.”

  “Easy for you to say. You weren’t the one on national TV.”

  He chuckled, and she realized she missed the warmth of his laugh. “That’s why I make furniture and you give interviews.”

  She sighed, the excitement of the morning giving way to something calmer.

  “Where are you now?”

  “In the back of a limousine.” The driver turned onto the freeway and accelerated.

  “Aren’t you special. How was the hotel?”

  “Gorgeous, accommodating, and pristine. You could have eaten off the floors.”

  “Hope you didn’t get too accustomed to that.”

  “Don’t worry—I’m already anticipating the condition of the house.”

  He chuckled again, and Kate let a comfortable silence fall as she settled back into the leather seats.

  “My flight’s running on time. The question is, will you be?” she joked.

  “Only time will tell,” he retorted.

  “Is that supposed to be a pun? It might help if you wore a watch, you know.”

  “What fun would that be?”

  Kate chuckled. He was hopeless. “I guess I’ll meet you outside baggage claim. Do you have my flight number?”

  “Uh, let’s see.” She heard crackling, like he was holding the phone between his ear and shoulder. He was probably riffling through his cluttered wallet.

  Some things never changed. “Here, let me give it to you again.” Kate consulted her ticket and rattled off the flight number and arrival time.

  When they hung up, Kate tucked the ticket into her suit coat and looked out the window, watching palm trees and tall buildings go by. In two weeks, the show would be broadcast, and the sales of her book, already good, from what Rosewood told her, might just skyrocket. Would it hit the New York Times bestseller list? She could only keep her fingers crossed. It couldn’t hurt to have Dr. Phil announcing her title on the air.

  But she couldn’t quell the niggling fear that national attention would expose her to personal scrutiny. And now that she’d gone so public, what was to stop someone from digging around and finding out the truth? The answer was as close as Bryan and his family. Or, more likely, Stephanie.

  Now that she was in the public e
ye, reporters would jump at the chance to smear her reputation. And, for the first time, she realized it wouldn’t only be her reputation that got ruined. What would the exposure do to Lucas and his family? Jamie might already know the truth, but the rest of his family would feel betrayed, and Lucas would suffer the scrutiny and distrust of his own hometown.

  What am I doing?

  It felt as though she’d been asking herself that question every day for the past month. And she still didn’t know the answer.

  There’s chemistry, and then there’s chemistry.

  Don’t be blinded by mere sexual attraction.

  —Excerpt from

  Finding Mr. Right-for-You

  by Dr. Kate

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Ready?” Kate heard Lucas call from the shop downstairs.

  She saved her article and grabbed her purse. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, Lucas was waiting, keys in hand.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Taking you home to watch the show.”

  “Oh.” The realization that he wanted to see it sent warmth through Kate. She avoided his gaze as she slid past. “Well, come on, then. It starts in fifteen.”

  After a quick trip home, Kate flipped on the TV, and Lucas made a pot of coffee. Kate’s fingers fluttered like a ship’s sails as she waited.

  A tap sounded at the front door. Roy peeked around the edge.

  “Hello! We’re not late, are we?” He entered, followed by Susan, Brody, and Jamie.

  “Oh, my goodness, you all came.” Kate hadn’t expected it to be a family affair.

  “We wouldn’t miss this for the world, would we, dear?” Roy said. “It’s your national debut.”

  The group of them congregated on and around the sofa.

  “Are you nervous?” Jamie asked.

  “A little,” Kate said. “Which is silly since it’s taped.”

  “I’m sure you did fabulously,” Roy said. “I’ll bet your book is going to make that bestseller list yet. We have a real celebrity in the family!”

  Kate glanced at Jamie, feeling awkward at the mention of family. Jamie withdrew a romance novel from her bag and propped it open on the arm of the couch.


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