Tangled Mark

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Tangled Mark Page 9

by Becky Harmon

  Knowing she had been caught, Mel gave her a cocky grin. Nikki wasn’t surprised that Mel was without shame or embarrassment. She didn’t strike her as someone who would backpedal or have regrets. Her actions were confident and without concern for the approval of others.

  Nikki smiled her thanks when Mel turned and handed her a mug of coffee. She followed her across the shop where Mel selected a table in the corner, giving them both a view of the front door. Nikki met Mel’s eyes again as she sat down across from her. The look of desire that had flashed across her face had sent a shiver through her body. Now, however, her face was inquisitive. Nikki took a deep breath, searching for the professional distance she needed in order to ask her questions.

  “Who do you work for?”

  “What did you and Brad find?” Mel countered.

  “No one was on the street tonight. How did you know I was with Brad?”

  Mel smiled but didn’t answer.

  Nikki leaned closer across the table. “I need to know who you work for.”

  Mel pulled a badge case from her pocket and flipped it open on the table. “I work for Flagler, Internal Investigation Division.”

  Nikki sat back and frowned. “I didn’t know Flagler had an Internal Investigation Division.”

  “You didn’t need to know. We work out of the Tallahassee office, but we go wherever Mr. Flagler needs us to. And we do whatever he asks of us.” Mel touched her hand. “What did you and Brad find?”

  “Mr. Flagler knows there is an internal problem?” Nikki continued to stare at the badge on the table, trying to work through what Mel was telling her.

  “Yes. He’s been trying to figure out who is behind it for almost a year. What did you discover tonight?” Mel asked again, putting her badge back in her pocket.

  Nikki sighed, rubbing her hand across her face. “Several missions that seemed to change midstream and Josh Houston was the OSL on all of them.”

  Mel nodded.

  “You already knew this?”

  “We were pretty sure. That’s why your team has been getting the most scrutiny. We needed to make sure it wasn’t at team level before moving up the line to focus on Josh.”

  Nikki looked at her watch. “I don’t have time to go over what we found, but I’ll call you when I get back.” She didn’t want to say it out loud, but she also wanted time to process what Mel had told her.

  Mel frowned. “You have a mission?”

  Nikki nodded.

  “You can’t go on a regular mission now. You know too much.”

  “No one knows what we know except for you.”

  Mel shook her head. “I don’t like it.” Before she could say more, her phone buzzed with an incoming text message. She dug it out of her pocket and looked up at Nikki. “Looks like we might see each other sooner than you expected.”

  Nikki raised her eyebrows. “Let’s go then.”

  They stopped at the counter and had their cups refilled before leaving the building. They crossed the parking lot together, stopping at Nikki’s Ford.

  “Be safe,” Mel whispered as she held the door open for Nikki.

  “You too.” Nikki slid behind the wheel. Mel pushed her door closed and walked toward her vehicle. She stopped before sliding into it and looked back at Nikki, giving her a cocky smile. Nikki took a deep breath and started the engine. She didn’t know exactly when Mel had gotten under her skin, but there was no doubt in her mind that she was there now.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Nikki was well within the required three-hour window when she arrived at Flagler. After parking, she secured her personal bag and went straight to the conference room. The room was empty except for Brad and Josh. Nikki slid into a chair beside Brad and gave him a subdued smile. He wrinkled his nose in return.

  “Okay. Let’s get started.” Josh closed the folder he was holding and looked up at them. “Easy mission. Senator Jan Wyatt will be traveling to Tel Aviv, along with two other senators. She’s been the recipient of recent death threats so, in addition to her normal US Secret Service agents, she has specifically asked for two of our agents as well. There is a suite at the Sheraton reserved already.” He tossed a folder in front of each of them. “Check-in details and your flight arrangements are inside, along with a background on Senator Wyatt. I also had tech include some details on the Child Soldier Prevention Act, which is why they’re meeting in Tel Aviv.”

  Josh paced the floor in front of them as he continued. “You’re only responsible for her time in Tel Aviv. She’ll arrive on Thursday and depart on Friday. The meeting is currently scheduled for Thursday afternoon. The earliest commercial flight I could arrange for you to return was Friday evening.”

  He headed for the door. “I’ll be in the operations room if you have any questions.” He looked at his watch. “The jumper flight to New Orleans leaves in an hour.”

  Nikki watched Josh leave the room before turning to Brad. “I spoke with Carter this morning.”


  “Mel Carter. My tail.”

  Brad raised his eyebrows.

  “She’s with Flagler.”

  “Well, how about that? Go pack. I can hear the whole story when we get on the road.”

  Nikki folded two gabardine suits into her carry-on bag along with jeans and several shirts. Hygiene items were placed on top for easy access. Their pistols and other gear would travel separately and be sent to the embassy for them to pick up when they arrived in Tel Aviv.

  Brad was leaning against the car when Nikki joined him. She tossed her overnight bag in the backseat and slid behind the wheel. One of the things she liked best about Brad was his relaxed attitude. There were very few things that created an issue for him and driving was not one of them. Over the years they had developed a natural flow and they were comfortable with each other. During the twenty-minute drive to the airport, Brad read from the documents they had been provided. She started to tell him about her meeting with Mel, but he shook his head and put his hand to his ear to demonstrate someone might be listening. Nikki wrinkled her face to let him know she didn’t like that thought, but she remained silent. Once they were out of the car, she recapped her early morning meeting with Mel.

  “So she got a mission text too?”

  “Yep. Since Josh is the OSL, they’ll probably be following our mission.”

  “Interesting. Flagler has an internal investigative branch. I guess that doesn’t surprise me.”

  “Yeah, me either after I thought about it. Part of me is glad Carter’s team is Flagler and the other part is pissed off about being tailed by family.”

  “And being lied to about it.”

  Nikki nodded. They cleared security quickly and walked in silence to their gate. Since this was a protection detail, they would sit together on the plane to their destination.

  Nikki relaxed into her seat and opened the briefing folder. She looked over their itinerary first, inwardly converting the times noted there from Central Standard to Zulu and then to Israel Daylight Time. She would switch her watch to Zulu time once they took off from D.C.

  “We’re going to arrive in Tel Aviv tonight at our midnight.” She leaned across the aisle closer to Brad.

  “That’s brutal.”

  “It will also be zero eight hundred hours Israel Daylight Time, which means we’ll be starting our day when we land.”

  Brad groaned. “No need to even try sleeping yet. This flight is only about thirty minutes.” He stretched his legs into the aisle and closed his eyes anyway.

  Nikki continued to look over their itinerary, memorizing flight numbers and departure times. As Brad had said, they had barely taken off when the captain announced they were about to land. Nikki looked around at the three others on the flight. All were dressed in business suits, and she guessed that they made this flight every day for work.

  Nikki tucked the itinerary away, her mind making idle calculations. Mel lived in Tallahassee—almost three hours east of Pensacola. Practically the same dis
tance from Pensacola as New Orleans was to the west. Would either of them be willing to travel that distance every day? What the…? She sat up straight, shocked at her thoughts. She was tired. That was the only reason she could think of to be contemplating something so crazy. Nothing had happened between them to insinuate they might have a future together. Even if both of them were willing, they each traveled too much to even consider anything permanent.

  Nikki struggled to focus on their assignment. There would be plenty of time to explore thoughts of this sort when the mission was over. She felt a smile tug at the corners of her mouth. She had never been interested in a woman as intriguing as Mel. She squeezed her eyes shut to block the sexy image that had appeared in her mind of wavy hair and deep brown eyes. And that damn cocky smile.

  Nikki’s eyes flew open as the plane lurched to a stop. Brad was stretched across the aisle, staring into her face, his eyes full of amusement. “What were you thinking about?”

  “Nothing, nimrod,” Nikki mumbled. She stood, pulled her bag from the overhead compartment and exited the plane without looking back at him. She knew he was behind her because she could hear his laughter.

  “We only have an hour before our flight departs so grab your food on the run,” she reminded him when he pulled alongside her in the concourse.

  “There’s good.” Brad pointed to a coffee and bagel stand. Nikki stuffed their food into her backpack and grabbed a cup of coffee. They arrived at the gate as the last people were boarding and were able to walk straight onto the plane. Nikki took the window seat and held their coffee while Brad stowed their bags overhead.

  They ate their breakfast as the plane taxied, and Brad was asleep before they reached cruising altitude. As soon as it was allowed, Nikki dropped the meal tray and opened the briefing folder again, reviewing the background information on Senator Wyatt. She was surprised to see that she had graduated from Harvard Medical School before pursuing a career in politics. Nikki had met her once before and she remembered her outspoken tendencies. It was not surprising that she was receiving death threats considering all the time she spent in front of the media. She was always the spokesperson for every committee she sat on.

  Nikki stared at the photograph attached to the folder. Senator Wyatt was forty-seven years old with the body of the marathon runner that she was, in addition to being a powerhouse politician. In the file photo, a studio shot, she was wearing a power suit and heels. There was a small amount of cleavage exposed between the creases of the silk button-down shirt.

  Button-down shirt. Nikki’s eyes closed, and for the first time in days, she allowed herself to think freely about her encounter with Mel in the bathroom at the bar. Mel, who had been her enemy, holding her against the wall with her hard body while her mouth devoured Nikki. Now that she knew they were on the same team, Nikki didn’t have to fight the memories of that moment. Instantly transported back in time, she could feel the wetness growing between her legs again.

  “Did you just moan?” Brad’s voice broke into her dream state.

  She opened her eyes and frowned at him. “What?”

  “You just moaned.” Brad’s face was sleepy but filled with laughter.

  “Go back to sleep, Brad.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No!” But she did. She wanted to talk to Mel about it. They needed to discuss what had happened and to clear the air between them.

  Brad leaned his head back against the seat with a smile still on his face. Nikki looked at him. He was a good-looking man…if you liked men. His six-foot-two frame was intimidating—if you didn’t look too close at his little boy face. He had turned thirty-five on his last birthday but, even with a little splattering of stubble, his face displayed no sign of age. His jet-black hair was cut in typical military style. He ate like a garbage disposal but worked out on a regular basis and his body showed his dedication. He was never condescending like some of the guys and this wasn’t the first time Nikki was thankful for having him as a teammate.

  “Stop staring at me,” Brad grumbled.

  “Do you have holes in your eyelids?” Nikki laughed and went back to reading the file.

  * * *

  The flight transfer at Dulles International Airport in D.C. was fast with only an hour layover. Nikki managed to feed the beast traveling with her, and purchase a pillow for the flight to Paris. She planned to sleep for the duration and knew from experience that Brad’s bony shoulder was not a good option.

  They arrived at the Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris Tuesday evening Central Standard Time, but Nikki knew it was already the early morning hours of Wednesday in Israel. Brad checked in with Josh as Nikki stared longingly out the window at Paris farmland. She had never been to Paris, other than passing through like this, and she hoped one day to visit as a tourist. She rubbed her face to clear the sleep from her eyes and inhaled the aroma of the dark roast coffee in her hand.

  Brad flopped into the seat beside her and unrolled a napkin to reveal two buttery croissants. He handed one to Nikki and tore off a huge bite of the other, stuffing it into his mouth.

  “Josh says everything is a go, but we’ll check in again when we land in Israel,” Brad managed to mumble around his croissant.

  “Did our gear arrive?”

  “Yeah, he said someone from the embassy will secure it, and we can get it from them when we sign out a car.” Brad stood. “Do you want another croissant? I need a couple more.”

  Nikki shook her head. “More coffee would be great though.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right back.”

  Brad returned as their flight was announced and Nikki stood to meet him, taking the coffee cup from his hand. “How many did you buy?” Nikki looked at the bag he carried.

  “Six. It was cheaper to buy a bundled half-dozen than a couple individually wrapped.”

  Nikki laughed. “We’re getting a real breakfast when we get to Israel.”

  “Don’t you worry.” Brad smiled. “I’ll be ready to eat again.”

  The flight to Tel Aviv was quiet, and Nikki used the time to continue her review of the folder. The Child Soldier Prevention Act was just one of many causes Senator Wyatt was supporting. Nikki was familiar with the Act but found the details that had been provided interesting. She sipped her coffee and did her best to keep her mind focused on the mission. Mel had seemed worried about it, but Nikki wasn’t so sure. It seemed pretty basic, one that she and Brad had done a hundred times.

  Chapter Sixteen

  They landed in Tel Aviv on schedule and Brad sent an arrival text to Josh. His response was simple, “No change.” They maneuvered through the Ben Gurion Airport to baggage claim, where they had been told they could find an ATM. They each withdrew the maximum of Israeli shekels allowed at one time, then they caught a cab and went directly to the US Embassy on HaYarkon Street.

  Nikki studied the contrast of the gray concrete slab building to the white and light tan modern ones surrounding it. At first glance it appeared to lack any distinguishing characteristics, but then she noticed that engraved into the concrete was “Embassy of the United States of America.” Directly above the words was the US coat of arms, the American bald eagle, devoid of any color, taking center stage with thirteen stripes. The olive branch and thirteen arrows were clutched tight in its claws.

  The cab dropped them on the street and they crossed between the concrete pole barriers blocking the entrance. Brad showed his identification to the US Marine greeting visitors at the front desk. “Mr. Dayton is expecting us.”

  Nikki opened her ID case to display her photo card and badge as well. The sergeant took both IDs and picked up the phone, punching an extension. He waited several seconds before speaking. “Mr. Morton and Ms. Mitchell to see Mr. Dayton.” After another pause, “Yes, ma’am.”

  Hanging up the phone, he returned their IDs and motioned to several chairs lining one wall. “Please take a seat. Mr. Dayton will be down in a minute.”

  Before they had a chance to
sit, the elevator doors opened and a tall, thin man motioned them forward. He had a receding hairline that was closer to the back than to the front of his head. His dark suit gave him a distinguished appearance, and his closed face suggested he was not someone given to a lot of conversation. He stepped aside to allow them to enter the elevator. Pressing the G, for what Nikki assumed was garage, he allowed the doors to close before speaking.

  “Ron Dayton.” He held his hand out, shaking first Nikki’s and then Brad’s hands.

  “Nikki Mitchell.”

  “Brad Morton.”

  Ron handed each of them a US Embassy ID card and a firearms permit. “I took the liberty of arranging these documents for you.”

  “Thank you for assisting us, Mr. Dayton,” Nikki said, taking her documents and handing the others to Brad.

  “Just Ron is fine. We’re always thankful when private agencies can carry some of our load.” Nikki and Brad nodded. “Senator Wyatt is a welcome visitor and we would not want anything to happen to her while she is here.”

  “We’ll take care of her.” Brad nodded. “Did our gear arrive?”

  “Yes, yes. It’s is in the trunk of the sedan in spot seventeen.”

  The elevator doors opened and Ron held the button to allow them to exit, remaining on the elevator himself. As the doors closed, he called out, “Keys are in the ignition.”

  Nikki raised her eyebrows. “Friendly enough, I guess.”

  “He came through and provided what we needed. I don’t need him to be my buddy.”

  “Yeah, that’s true.” Nikki opened the door of the sedan in spot seventeen, sliding onto the leather seat. She pulled the keys from the ignition and tossed them to Brad.


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