Hale Series Boxed Set

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Hale Series Boxed Set Page 30

by Marie James

  “What do we get if we win?” I hear someone yell from the back of the crowd and I want to slap her for expecting something during a fundraising event.

  Garrett chuckles and shakes his head back and forth like he expected someone to ask. “The donations raised through the contest tonight will be donated in the winner’s name.” I smile at the murmur of approval that runs through the crowd.

  We all start to make our way behind the stage to get changed and Garrett softly grabs my arm as I try to sneak by him unnoticed. “I can’t wait to get you wet tonight, Angel.” He whispers in my ear and holds up a rather large stack of money.

  I grin at him and shuffle to the back, my panties already well on their way to being soaked.

  Chapter 17


  I finish handing out t-shirts to those that want to participate tonight. We end up with eighteen participants, which is more than I’d hoped for. My eyes followed Alexa all the way behind the stage. I’d wanted to wait for her to come out so we could talk briefly, but a disturbance across the club called me away.

  Everything was calm by the time I made it to the door but I needed to make sure that whatever happened has been handled and we’ll have no other issues. “What’s going on Mike?” I inquire walking up to my door man.

  “Some guy, who apparently started his night super early, tried to push his way in.” He answers. “I persuaded him to get in a cab and told him to come back when he sobers up.” He smirks at me and I know it’s more likely he shoved rather than persuaded the man to leave.

  “Think we’ll have any more trouble from him tonight?” I only ask because I remember the story from a few years back about an angry patron who was forced to leave a bar, came back at closing time, and killed a woman as she was leaving. It gives me cold chills just thinking about one of my patrons getting hurt outside of my establishment. I know that club ended up shutting down.

  “Nah. He was slumped over half passed out by the time his ass hit the seat,” Mike assures me.

  “Alright, man. Let me know if you need me.” I slap him on the back and walk back into the club.

  I can’t help but smile when I see all of the white t-shirts flowing around. The words “Save the Ta-Ta’s” are printed on the section that covers the belly because it wouldn’t make any sense to cover up what the guys are making donations for. The saying’s courtesy of one of the waitresses, apparently it’s a phrase people are familiar with. The backs of the shirts all have a number on them as a way for the patrons to identify who they want to put their donations towards.

  The wait staff has extra duties tonight but they didn’t seem to mind. They’ve all been given a small clip board with the correlating numbers of the participants. They’re taking donations and adding tallies. They drop the money off in a big glass jar at the bar; marketing says people like to see the money they donate for as long as possible. I’ve positioned extra security at the bar in case someone decides to get stupid and tries to take off with the jar. The tally sheets are dropped off each time they make a money drop so a running count can be kept.

  The line at the door tells me we’re already at capacity which is perfect for tonight. It isn’t surprising that there’s a much larger percent of men tonight than women. The jar is filling quickly as the participants continue to make the rounds. I’ve turned in a wad of cash for Alexa. Ian had mentioned that Lorali told him a few weeks ago that Alexa had lost a grandmother a few years ago to breast cancer and I want her to win. My water shot purchases are for her benefit as well as mine. Her tits speak for themselves so the wetter her shirt is, the more likely people will vote for her and I just want to see her tits. It’s win-win really. Being the generous fucker that he is, Ian’s also agreed to match the t-shirt contest donations, effectively doubling the donation that’ll hopefully be in Alexa’s name.

  I look at my Omega and realize it’s close to eleven. I step closer to the DJ booth and twist my fingers in the air, telling Chavez to make an announcement for the participants to head to the stage. He lowers the music and asks them to make their way as I head over there as well. He announces that after the next two songs the contest will begin.

  I look into the group of woman and do not see a head of red hair. I look over in time to see Alexa step away from some beefed up asshole and his hand slides down her ass. I resist the urge to go beat his face in. She walks within a few feet of me, an extra shake to her ass and I can’t hide the growl that rumbles from my throat as my dick tries to punch out of my pants. Fucking temptress.

  Once the donations are all tallied up, the staff starts to get the pitchers ready in front of the contestants. I grin at the look of shock on her face when Alexa sees that she has six full pitchers in front of her. That’s quite a number of donations because the five grand I dropped would only make just over two of them. I’m hoping the amount of shots purchased for her compared to the other contestants will be directly reflected when the judging begins.

  I was going to let DJ Chavez’s assistant do the pouring because he seemed to be the most excited about tonight’s event; volunteering his time and helping any way he can, but it got to the point that he was getting creepy. He’s young and the idea of seeing this many breasts has gone to his head. I opted to let Darren do it. He’s the head waiter and is always professional, and the fact that he’s gay just happens to be a bonus when it comes to getting close to Alexa’s twins.

  The contestants have been put in tally winning order, so of course Alexa’s all the way at the other end. Darren begins with the first girl, pouring water over her shoulders. She shrieks for good reason. I asked the staff to make sure the water is super cold, knowing it’ll harden every nipple on that stage.

  I keep my eyes on Alexa. The size too small shirt I gave her leaves nothing to the imagination, the shape of her beautiful breasts and rosy nipples are firm and begging for attention. You don’t have to beg me honey. I can’t wait to run my tongue over them!

  I was hoping to catch her eye so I can wink at her, wanting to give her hints as to where I want us to end up tonight, but her attention is nowhere near me. I follow her line of sight to the beefy asshole who copped a feel of her ass earlier. They’re winking and flirting back and forth at each other and it rubs me the wrong way. By this time Darren has made his way down the line and is only three contestants away from Alexa.

  I grab my phone and text DJ Chavez while I make my way on to the stage. Just as Darren’s lifting the first container of water to her, I reach up and stop him; Chavez comes over the speaker system and announces that the club owner is taking over.

  As I step behind Alexa I’m suddenly torn. As much as I want to see her tits in this tight wet shirt, I don’t want that beefed up jackass to enjoy the show.

  “Having fun, Angel?” I whisper in her ear before slowly pouring the water on her.

  She shivers and shakes her head yes.

  I grab the next pitcher and pour it on her. She’s shifting from foot to foot from the cold; the bounce of her tits has me mesmerized. I slowly pour the fourth and the fifth without saying a word. She’s completely drenched and there’s really no point in the last pitcher but I’m going to pour it anyways.

  I get so close to her that I can feel the water starting to soak my own clothes. “Who are you fucking tonight, Angel…me? Or him?”

  She angles her head towards me and mouths…you.

  Chapter 18


  I know it’s a pretty fucked up thing to do, and I’m ashamed of flirting with that guy to get a reaction out of Garrett, but I couldn’t help it. I’m not one to play games with men but I don’t want whatever I have with Garrett to end. He’s way too talented in bed and my sexual encounters before him have been horrible, so I’d like to continue with the good sex. Self-preservation and all that.

  I took a huge risk. I had no way of knowing how he’d respond, or if he’d even see me hanging all over Ryan. I knew I’d get him at least one more time when he stepped up on the stage
and started pouring the water on me. I didn’t think it was possible, but when he asked me if I was going to fuck him tonight, my panties got wetter than they already were.

  Apparently my tits were a big hit, if the amount of water shots purchased for my number were any indication. I did a little hip wiggling dance on the stage when the DJ asked the audience if I should win and they went wild. The noise from the crowd was deafening. I couldn’t help the huge grin on my face when Garrett announced that all proceeds from the contest would be donated in my name.

  I was still smiling when Garrett tugged me off stage. I tried to get Mallory’s attention to let her know I was heading to the back with him, but she was too busy smiling and talking to Johnny to notice me. Never letting go of my hand, Garrett pulled me through the crowd towards his office in the back.

  With the swipe of his thumb on the electronic print reader at the door we were in his dark office. Not a second later I was pinned to the closed door and his hot mouth was slanting over mine. He was taking my mouth with animalistic urgency. The grinding of his erection through our clothes eliciting moan after moan from me, my body already over sensitive from my breast revealing performance a few minutes ago.

  He slows the kiss and begins to make his way to my neck, planting soft kisses along each side. He reaches down to the hem of my too-small shirt and reaches underneath, his hands sweeping over my cold skin before pulling it over my head and throwing it to the floor.

  “These tits,” he whispers with reverence before sucking a nipple between his lips, “are perfect,” he says releasing and moving his mouth to the other one. My body trembles in his arms from the sensation of his hot mouth as he sucks and flicks my hardened bud.

  I wrap my arms around him, pull his shirt lose from his slacks, and run my hands under his shirt. He hisses against my breast when my nails scrape him, biting into his back. Taking a step back and breaking contact with my body, he watches me with feral need.

  He’s mad. The look in his eyes make me regret talking to Ryan and using him to make Garrett jealous. Without a doubt it worked, but the consequences may not be something I can handle.

  He closes his eyes for a long moment and rolls his head around on his shoulders. When he reopens his eyes I notice they seem a little tamer, for the time being at least.

  “Drink?” He suggests, his voice still husky and rolling in sex.

  He turns his back to me and walks toward the small bar in the corner. “Sure,” I answer, my voice more shaky than I would like as I step away from the door and further into the office.

  He pours about two fingers of an amber hued liquid into two separate tumblers, he scoops them both up, and turns to hand one to me. My eyes follow him across the room as he makes his way behind his desk and sits down. Not knowing what else to do I sit in one of the black leather chairs across from him, taking a small tentative drink. I inhale deeply when the smoky liquid glides down my throat.

  “We need to talk.” He places his tumbler on his desk and steeples his fingers in front of his face. This little foray into the office is beginning to feel less like a hard fuck and more like a business deal or worse yet, it’s starting to feel like I’m in the damn principal’s office after stepping out of line in class.

  The thought of being a naughty school girl about to get a spanking by the principal races through my head and I have to clamp my crossed legs together to try to abate the tingle that’s begun.

  “Okay.” I bring the glass back to my lips. I close my eyes as I take a sip and picture him with a paddle, spanking my ass as I’m bent over the desk; a soft moan escapes my lips.

  When I open my eyes suddenly I find him watching me with his head cocked to the side and a wicked smirk on his face. “Where did you just go, Alexa?”

  I bite my lip and peer back at him. I can tell he’s going to wait me out. Might as well tell him. “I was thinking that I feel like I’m in the principal’s office.” His smile’s bigger and I grin back at him. He knows where my mind went and he’s going to make me say it out loud. “I was wondering what it’d be like for you to spank my ass over your desk, Principal Hale.”

  When he shifts in his seat, I can’t help but feel a wash of feminine triumph wash over me. It’s good that I affect him some since he affects me so much. “What did you need to see me for, sir?” I wonder if he’ll go along with the role play.

  He clears his throat before he begins talking. “I want to fuck you.” He blurts out.

  “Well, Mr. Hale, I want to fuck you too.” I remark.

  “No, Alexa. I mean I want to keep fucking you.” He picks up his tumbler and drains the amber liquid from it. “I know we both said we only wanted a one-time thing and since we blew that out of the water last weekend, I was thinking we should just keep fucking.”

  I do my best not to jump up and start dancing. “That’s what you wanted to talk to me about?” He nods his head; his hands are steepled at his mouth again and I can tell he’s hopeful and has no clue what I’m going to say.

  I really want to make him sweat it but I’m horny as hell and the fact that I’m sitting here topless doesn’t help to diminish my need for him. I swallow the last of my drink and set the glass down on the corner of his desk.

  With a sly look on my face I stand, kick my shoes off, and slowly begin to take my pants off. “I didn’t mean to be bad, Mr. Hale. Will I get detention again or are you going to spank me this time?”

  He stands as well and makes his way with his tumbler back to the bar, filling his glass higher than he did the first round. It doesn’t go unnoticed that he doesn’t offer me more.

  I watch as he casually turns back to me. His face hardens as he stalks towards me. He sets his glass down beside mine after taking a long swig.

  “Well, Ms. Warner,” he trails a finger over my naked shoulder. “It seems detention didn’t work the last time. I’ll have to resort to corporal punishment this time. Maybe that’ll help you to follow the rules in the future.”

  “Wh…What rules did I break, Mr. Hale?” I manage to stammer, his touch burning straight to my core.

  “First, you let another man touch you,” he whispers in my ear, trailing his finger down my back before he pulls back and lands a hard smack on the apple of my ass.

  I groan. “What else?” I pant.

  “Second, you flirted with that man right in front of me,” another hard smack. “Then you got on stage in front of over a hundred men and practically flashed them these perfect tits.” He cups one breast in his hand as he lands another stinging strike to my ass.

  Fuck this is so hot!

  “Mmmm,” I moan. “Surely that’s not all.” Did I just tell him I wanted more?

  I hear him chuckle. “Oh yeah, Angel, there’s more.” He bends his head down and takes my nipple hard in his mouth. The pain has me gasping, the pleasure makes me wet. “Bend over the desk, reach all the way to the other side, and don’t move until I tell you to.”

  I move like lightening, anxious of what he’ll do next. I’m grateful I’m leaning over the desk because when I hear him take off his belt my body is overcome with trembling.

  I feel his rough hand pass over the tender spots from where he spanked me.

  “Safe word, Alexa.” He’s not asking he’s demanding I give him one.

  I say the first thing that comes to mind. “Cock.”

  He full out laughs and I realize what I’ve just said. “You want me stop when I hear you say ‘cock’?”

  I shake my head.

  “So when you tell me to fuck you hard with my big cock, I should in fact stop fucking you hard?” He’s toying with me.

  “Book then!” I exclaim and the second it’s out of my mouth he swings the belt back and lands it across my ass. “Ah!”

  He leans over my back and whispers in my ear. “Book?” I know he’s giving me an opportunity to tell him if I don’t want this. I shake my head and hiss when he rubs the spot he just struck.

  Suddenly his hand’s gone and he’s hitting
the other cheek with the leather belt. I almost climax right then. I hear the belt hit the floor as he stands behind me and rubs his pants covered cock against my ass, heightening the sting at his contact. I feel him step back, his hand making its way down my back.

  “Do you think you’ve learned your lesson, Ms. Warner?” I can only shrug my shoulders. I know I’m not capable of words right now. “Turn over and lay on the desk.” I hear the sexy rasp of his zipper as I flip over on his desk. I look down just in time to see him take his pants and boxers off. His long, thick cock jutting out proudly, a drop of precome glistening the head. I lick my lips.

  “Legs up, thighs spread,” he commands as he slides between my thighs and reaches for his glass. Once I’ve done as he said, he tilts the glass and pours the cold, golden liquid into the shallow dip of my belly button, drowning the silver jewelry there. “I’m thirsty,” he says with a grin as he lowers his head and licks into the small pool of liquor. I shudder at the contact, the hot of his mouth and the cold of the alcohol leaving my senses in turmoil.

  I watch with unfocused eyes as he licks and nips lower until I feel his warm breath over my sensitive folds. I lay my head back and use only my sense of feel to enjoy his talented mouth and tongue.

  “I’m addicted to the taste of your pussy,” he boasts breathily through hard licks.

  “Ah!” I gasp. He pulls his head away a few inches, “I told you, you would be!” I say reminding him of our first texted conversation.

  He responds by sucking my clit into his mouth and biting the tiny bud. I explode around him and he releases my clit to lap up the juices I can feel drenching my pussy. I want to smile at the growl I hear come from down deep in his chest, but the only action my body can handle right now is the convulsing and clenching of my core.

  “What the fuck are you doing to me?” I hear him mumble, and I know he didn’t mean to say it out loud.

  I lay there, my breath coming in shallow pants as he shifts his body. Looking down between my legs I see him slide a condom over his rock hard shaft. He looks up and makes eye contact with me, slowly stroking himself. I take note of the way he circles his thumb over the top of the head on the upstroke, knowing the knowledge will come in handy at a later date.


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