Hale Series Boxed Set

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Hale Series Boxed Set Page 45

by Marie James

I gasp at the initial swipe of my center over the seam of his suit pants, his erection thick below. He groans into my mouth and I feel his hands leave my back and head and settle on my thighs. His fingers find their way under the edge of my thin skirt and the feeling of his big, hot hands on my exposed skin makes my core throb.

  I tremble when his hands sneak up higher and rest on the flesh of my butt that’s not covered by my boy shorts underwear. I pant into his mouth when his fingers flex and pull forward causing me to rub along the length of him once again. I’m panting against his mouth as he increases the tempo of the rocking; my core begging for just an ounce more of stimulation in its quest for release.

  Kaleb provides it when he flexes his hips upwards increasing the pressure against me. My orgasm creeps up my spine and radiates into every cell in my body. I squeeze my eyes closed tight and let out a moan like I’ve never heard before. Kaleb stretches his neck so he can reach my heaving mouth, kissing me delicately as he slows the rocking of my hips.

  I’m weightless; every nerve ending in my body is tingling. I never knew my first orgasm with a man would be so explosive.

  I whimper when he pulls his lips from mine. My breathing is still uneven as I look down at him; his hands are back to my cheeks. “You are so beautiful when you come, Josie.”

  Unable to maintain eye contact with him as embarrassment washes over me, I collapse against his chest and smile when I hear the sound of his racing heart in his chest. The clock on the mantle quietly chimes the hour.

  “It’s getting late,” Kaleb murmurs in my hair.

  I pull back away from him, fear suddenly hitting me again.

  He glances towards the door and then looks down at his watch. I didn’t even consider how I may have ruined his plans for the evening.

  I slide off of his lap, straighten my skirt, and voice my concern. “Do you need to leave?”

  “Do you want me to stay?” He returns with a smile his voice husky and full of desire.

  I bite my lip and nod, suddenly feeling brazen and sexy after my release and his praise for it.

  Standing, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. “I have to make a phone call first.” He turns from the living room and I can hear him mutter something about Mia and how she’s going to be pissed that he’s not coming home again tonight.

  I freeze. I never even entertained the idea that he would be in a relationship with someone. I’d assumed he wasn’t since he was flirting with me. The thought that he has a girlfriend or even a wife at home disgusts me. This is why I don’t date; people can’t manage to even be honest these days.

  You’re so naive, Josie.

  As mad as I was I knew if he left I’d never get any sleep. I chew on my lip as I stand and consider my options. Settling on a decision I head to the linen closet in the hallway and pull out a clean set of sheets and head into the guest bedroom. I strip it since it has been sitting unused for a few months and remake it with clean sheets. Once it’s done I make my way back to the living room to find Kaleb sitting on the couch.

  His grin fades when he sees the hard set of my jaw. “Josie? What’s wrong?” He starts to stand but I hold my hand up to stop him.

  “Clean sheets are on the guest bed. Second door on the left.” I tell him without inflection and turn and head to my room.

  I close my bedroom door and flip the lock, crawl into bed, and do something I haven’t done since sophomore year in college. I cry myself to sleep.

  Chapter 8


  I have no idea what changed in Josie during my five minute call to my neighbor to make sure he could go feed Mia and let her out to use the restroom. Every wall I had worked to break down were resurrected higher than when I first met her.

  I made my way around her apartment and made sure the door and all the windows were locked. I was less than happy when I discovered several of the windows unlocked. I would have to have a conversation with her about basic home safety tomorrow, especially if she’s going to be staying here alone.

  I tap my fingers against my thigh as I pace the hallway. I’m uneasy having found several windows unlocked throughout her apartment already and know I won’t sleep well until I check the one in her room. I tap gently on her bedroom door after several trips up and down the hallway with no response. Figuring she’s sleeping I try the handle, telling myself I’ll just slip in and check the window, but I find the door locked. She doesn’t want me in her room. I sigh and head to the guest bedroom she indicated for me to use.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed I run my hands roughly over my scalp, frustration with myself setting in. I never should’ve let things go as far as they did tonight. She’s not the type of girl to do something like that. Hell, she probably isn’t the type of girl to do something like that after weeks of dating.

  I took advantage of her tonight after she was traumatized by that fucking death threat. What did I expect? An elementary school teacher gets a letter that reads: ‘Tell them you saw nothin’ or we will kill both you bitches’. To top it off it was written in what appears to be blood.

  Instead of comforting her and making sure her questions were answered and she felt safe, I practically mauled her. I could allow myself to consider the fact that she climbed on my lap not the other way around but I’m trained in victim services and I know what she was doing was a coping mechanism even if she doesn’t. Her actions were completely out of character for her and that was the biggest red flag of them all.

  Instead of gripping her hips and stopping her, which was my absolute intention before my hands touched her soft skin, I slid them up higher. Once my fingers grazed over the lace of her panties I was gone; my mind turned off and my body took over. The feeling of her hot center over my throbbing cock was more than I could handle; the glorious look on her face when she went over the edge was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

  Now? Now I regret every second of it. She closed herself off and I may never get her to open back up again. The look on her face when she walked back into the living room from making the bed seemed almost hostile.

  “Fuck,” I mutter as I kick off my shoes.

  I throw my wallet and cell phone on the bed side table and remove the glock from the holster on my pants, placing it on the bedside table as well. I lie back on top of the flowered duvet cover and place my entwined hands behind my head. Closing my eyes I run through the evenings events a dozen times. Every scenario short of me never kissing her while she’s upset ends the same way: her pissed off and me an asshole.

  I close my eyes and go to sleep longing for the touch of the magnificent woman down the hall.


  I rub the sleep from my eyes as I sit up in the bed. I slept more soundly than I ever should’ve in a strange bed. Having Josie right down the hall in combination with not having gotten much sleep the night before due to fantasies that sprung from our first kiss aided in the much needed sleep. I’m thankful for the abundance of rest because working in my field tired could be deadly.

  I load my pockets back up with keys and wallet and holster my gun. Standing, I stretch and smile at the glorious feeling of my back popping in several different places. I didn’t close the bedroom door last night in case Josie came looking for me. I was hopeful she would but not in the least expectant and I didn’t want a closed door to deter her from joining me if she wanted to.

  The apartment has an eerie calm to it; no sound whatsoever can be heard. I peek in Josie’s room as I walk down the hall and notice the bathroom door is open as well, lights off and empty. By the time I make it to the kitchen I know she’s not here. Peering down at my watch I see that it is six forty-five. I know she’s a school teacher, but it’s still too early to be needed at work. I frown, realizing she left early and had obviously been super quite this morning to avoid having to face me.

  The smell of strong coffee hits my nose when I round the counter into the kitchen. The note on the counter spouted some lame excuse about bus duty, whatever that is. Be
side the coffee pot I find a disposable, insulated cup and lid and have to smile at her manners. I fill the cup, effectively draining the pot, and turn the coffee maker off.

  Before I leave I make my way back down the hallway to her empty room. I stop at the threshold and inhale deeply allowing her soft scent to fill my lungs, the smell instantly calming. I walk to the window and make sure it is secure before making a hasty retreat out of the apartment, once again making sure the front door is locked up tight.

  I feel like the biggest asshole in the world when I let the idea that maybe she’ll be frightened enough to call me over again this evening slip across my mind.


  Another long day at the courthouse almost in the books I think as I look down at my phone, checking department emails, while waiting for the decision to come back on my last case of the day. The door opens to the jury room with a squeak and the ADA prosecutor angles himself out of the door and gives me a thumbs up. I walk by and give him a quick fist bump before heading to my car.

  I didn’t hear from Josie all day yesterday. She never called to say she was scared or needed anything. My texts went unanswered. Unfamiliar with this situation I was honestly out of my element and had no clue on how to proceed.

  How long do I give her before calling or stopping by her apartment? I resign myself that if I don’t hear from her by noon tomorrow I’ll call her; if the call goes unanswered I’ll show up on her door step at six.

  Today I’m in desperate need of a few beers, so I head straight to Eddie’s after I leave the courthouse. Sliding up to the end of the bar I raise a hand over my head and get Eddie’s attention; he acknowledges me and holds a finger up. The bar is busy, but that’s expected for a Friday night.

  I slump on the stool and sigh, thankful for a weekend off; thankful I’m not on-call. On-call weekends tended to get busier than days during the week with people partying and using drugs; patrol getting called out to domestics and end up finding loads of dope in the house.

  Two beers are my limit; nothing worse than a cop getting picked up for a DWI; Chief tends to frown on that. I swallow the last little bit, throw a twenty on the bar, and wave a hand in the air at Eddie. How that old man does it day in and day out I’ll never know.

  My phone rings as I make it towards my car. Hoping it’s finally Josie reaching out to me, my face falls when I realize it’s an unknown caller.

  “Perez,” I answer.

  “Detective, it’s Chad Mills,” this is one of the patrolmen that responded to Josie’s house night before last.

  My heart begins to pound in my chest and my palms go slick with sweat. “Whatcha got, Mills.”

  He clears his throat. “There’s been another incident at Joselyne Bennett’s apartment.”

  The blood drains from my face. “What kind of incident, Mills?” I’m thrown into action as I jump into my car and head towards her place.

  “Break in.” He replies.

  “I’m on my way,” I huff into the phone. “Is she ok?”

  “She’s fine. A little shaken up, but she wasn’t home. She showed up and the front door was kicked in and…” He pauses.

  “And what?!?” I yell into the speaker in the car.

  “They left a note and a dead rat on her kitchen table. The apartment has been trashed.” He explains as he describes the scene.

  “Fuck!” I exclaim and hit the steering wheel with the palms of both hands. “I’m on my way.”

  Several squad cars are parked outside of the apartment complex. Onlookers are starting to gather in small groups speculating about what’s going on. With as much calm as my body will allow, I climb the stairs to Josie’s floor.

  I stop at the landing just below the last rise of stairs. She’s sitting on the top step looking down, a blanket wrapped around her, the shaking of her body visible even under the protective layer. Her ghost white face in sharp contrast to the red puffiness of her eyes.

  “Kaleb,” she mutters softly as I climb the last few steps towards her.

  Not knowing what else to do, I scoop her up in my arms and take her place on the top step holding her close to my chest, rocking her and whispering consoling words in her ear.

  “Shhh, Mariposa. I’m here now. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” The trembling of her body has begun to calm and she’s nuzzles herself deeper in my arms and I can’t help but think how she’s a perfect fit against my body.

  “My apartment is ruined.” She sobs.

  “It’s ok. We’ll take care of it. We’ll make it as good as new.” She continues to sob.

  “I can’t stay here. I don’t want to be alone.” I hold her tighter. No way I’d let her stay here another night.

  “You’ll come home with me then.” I advise.

  She stills in my arms, suddenly rigid at the idea. Well if that’s not a swift kick to the nuts. She’s terrified to be home, but she shrinks away at the idea of staying with me?

  “What about Mia?” She whispers softly. How does she know about Mia?

  “What about her?” I’ve shifted her body away from mine so I can look in her eyes.

  “I don’t think she’d like it if you brought another woman home.” Who in the hell does she think Mia is? Another woman? I smile at her, the misunderstanding evident now.

  “She won’t mind much. She’s not selfish.” She glares at me and I can’t help but chuckle. “I may have a hard time keeping her off of you though.”

  Her eyes go wide and she shakes her head vehemently. “I’m not into that sort of thing.” She whispers.

  I wink at her. “You never know until you try. I think you’ll like her too.”

  Her mouth is gaped open, but at least some of the color is returning to her face.

  “Will you be okay here while I go talk to the other officers?”

  She nods her head and wraps the blanket around her tighter. I stand and make my way back into the apartment. Everything has been ripped off the walls; the furniture has been slashed to bits and there are small splashes of blood on the walls.

  “Fuck,” I say as I make my way into the kitchen. No surprise she’s traumatized after walking into this mess.

  Photos are being taken of the damage and the dead rat and letter that are displayed on the kitchen table. I step in beside Mills and shake my head. “Any leads?” His mouth is set in a grim line as he inclines his head towards the note that’s being held in place by the biggest rat I’ve ever seen. I know this has to do with the Blake Evans case; there’s nothing else these women are involved in that would pull this kind of vengeful retaliation and demands for recantment.

  “We’ll contact the local pet shops and see if they have any info on recent rat sales. That big boy right there was well taken care. It’s probably been domesticated, doesn’t look like a wild one…too clean.” I can see what he’s talking about.

  The letter, much like the one from yesterday. “Take it back or choose to die”

  Written in what we can now assume is rat blood. “The rest of the apartment?” I ask.

  “Just as bad,” He states.

  I make my way to Josie’s room. Her bed is ripped apart, blankets and pillows strewn all over, dresser drawers pulled out and emptied, and everything has been swept off the top of the dresser on to the floor.

  Her closet remained untouched though. In the bottom of her closet I find an empty duffle bag. I make a quick inventory of her clothes and realize this woman hangs practically everything up. I grab t-shirts, skirts and even a few sweaters since she seems to be cold often. I fill the bag, zip it up and head to the restroom to grab what I assume are her things. I noticed the other night while checking windows that Alexa has her own bathroom so I figure what’s in the hall bathroom must be hers. I don’t even make it to the threshold when I know there is no way anything in there is salvageable.

  I make my way back out to the common areas of the apartment. “Can you get the super to make sure her door is boarded up? I don’t want even more vandals in here before it can
be sorted through.”

  “Sure thing, Detective.” He responds.

  “I’m going to get her out of here,” I tell him as I shift the duffle bag from one shoulder to the other before heading to the front door.

  “You ready to get out of here?” I ask as I make my way to Josie. She nods her head and begins to stand. She sways on her feet, unsteady.

  I scoop her in my arms and hold her against my chest like a bride.

  “I’ve got you, Mariposa,” I coo in her ear. She’s light as a feather and getting her down the stairs and into my car takes only a matter of minutes.

  Chapter 9


  I don’t know which one of the officers called Kaleb, but I was happy to see him on the stairs. I wanted to call him myself but my phone was destroyed the day before yesterday, and then my apartment was destroyed today. I sigh and snuggle down into the front seat as Kaleb makes his way around and into the car.

  “I was able to grab you some clothes.” He says as he slides into the car and puts on his seatbelt. “The bathroom was pretty bad but once I get you settled at the house I’ll run out and get you anything you may need.”

  I nod at him and look back out the window. My simple mundane life has turned into a horror movie and everything I own has been destroyed. My head is overrun with things that need to be taken care of. No way am I going back to that apartment. Lorali is with Ian and I have no clue if Alexa will come back after her extended stay with Garrett. The apartment has been on a month to month rental since the lease was up in February, so there are no worries there.

  There are several apartment complexes closer to work that are affordable on my salary. I make a mental note to start calling for availability tomorrow; the sooner I can get out of that apartment the better.

  “My car,” I say, suddenly realizing I won’t have any way to get around.

  “I’ll make sure they bring it to my house.” He assures me.

  “Oh shit!” I cover my mouth immediately, the curse words foreign coming from my mouth.


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