Hale Series Boxed Set

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Hale Series Boxed Set Page 69

by Marie James

  “Ah!” I scream at his glorious intrusion. My internal muscles are quivering and gripping him, begging for more.

  One more thrust and I’m thrown over the edge.

  “Goddamn it!” He yells and slaps my ass harder than I think he ever has. I feel the immediate throb of his cock, telling me he just exploded inside of me. He, apparently, didn’t calm enough from the blow job. We sure do make a pair; him pulsing and me clenching him in bursts.

  “Perfect,” I mutter as I slide from my bent position and stretch out on the floor. I watch with my head turned as he falls without an ounce of grace beside me on the rug.

  “I have no control with you,” he says absently.

  I huff. That’s all he has is control around me. I have no clue what situation he’s talking about. It’s moments like this that I love so much, when his domination over me slips just a bit and he allows himself to let go.

  I wiggle myself closer to him so I can rest my head on his chest. He only has to see my struggle for a few seconds before he sits up and releases my hands from their bindings, allowing me to shift my weight more comfortably.

  I nuzzle into his chest and tickle his happy trail as he slides his arm around my back, cradling me against his chest.

  “I love you, Garrett,” I say sleepily.

  I feel him squeeze me closer. “I love you, Angel,” he says and kisses the top of my head. His voice is husky and filled with emotion.

  “Care to tell me what’s going on?” I prompt him.

  “What do you mean,” he asks absently.

  I steady my hand on his stomach. “You seem off today.”

  I wait long minutes before he responds. “I thought…” He clears his throat. “I thought you were cheating on me.”

  I pull my head back from his chest and glare at him. Of all the things he could have said in this moment this was one that never would have come to mind.

  “What?” the fuck.

  He cups my cheek and I don’t miss the look of gratefulness on his face.

  “I came home unannounced and I get to the closed bedroom door and all I hear is moaning and some motherfucker telling you to suck his cock.” He closes his eyes and I feel his entire body shudder. “I was prepared to walk in here and kill someone.”

  He seems almost broken at the idea of me being with another man. I should feel elated knowing he cares enough that he would be shattered and borderline homicidal at the idea but I’m not. I don’t like having that much power over him. It doesn’t feel right.

  I turn his head so I can stare into his amber colored eyes. “You’re everything I need, Garrett. I don’t need anyone else.”

  He gently kisses my lips.

  “Do I…” I begin. “Do I give you everything you need?”

  He grins at me. “For now.” He says with a smirk.

  “For now?” I smack his chest playfully at his choice of words, but it hurts my feelings that he’s being so nonchalant about our relationship. I look down expecting to see the same playfulness on his face; instead I’m met with a determined stare.

  “Promise me,” he begs.

  “Promise what?” Surely he knows I’d never cheat on him.

  “Promise me you won’t have any type of procedure done to prevent you from having babies.”

  What the fuck! Where is this coming from? Way out in left field as far as I can tell.

  Noticing my confusion he responds. “You are everything I need for now, Angel but in a few years we may want kids. I don’t want you to do something permanent now because you’re afraid you’ll get pregnant on accident.”

  “I don’t think I want kids, Garrett.” I’m shaking my head like even allowing the idea in there will cause problems.

  “Think is the operative word you used, Alexa. You may not want them now, but that may change.” He sighs and it’s clear that I’m frustrating him. “We don’t have to discuss children now, but you’re it for me. If I do ever have kids it will be with you.”

  I give him a soft smile more for him admitting I’m it for him and less about the children. “I promise I won’t do anything drastic for the time being,” I say placating him, but he knows if I promise him something I won’t go back on it.

  “Thank you,” he whispers softly against the top of my head as I settle my head back on his chest.

  I grin against him. “You know how you can say thank you? By making me come again.” I rotate my hips, grinding against his hip.

  Before I know it I’m on my back and he’s settling between my hips. “For the rest of your life, Angel,” he promises and he gently glides inside of me.

  Chapter 12


  The rest of my weekend was miserable after Lorali locked me out of the bathroom Saturday night. The only way she’d agree to let me touch her in any fashion was after I agreed to talk to my attorney about drawing up a damn prenup. And by touch I mean hold her hand on the couch and spoon her in our bed at night.

  She thwarted every attempt I made to get inside of her so it seems that won’t be happening any time soon. I asked her how long I had to wait and she said she be more willing after she had one in her hand. I hope my attorney doesn’t mind working overtime because I need it before I leave for the day.

  “Can you get Anthony Jones on the phone for me?” I ask my office manager as I walk past.

  I settle in at my desk and wait for the beep that tells me my call is waiting. I busy myself with logging into my email and working on that. I’m unable to give it my full attention and I’m certain it has everything to with my situation at home with Lorali, more so her being upset with me than the lack of ejaculating in the last thirty six hours and that says something!

  I pick up the phone the second I hear the chime.

  “Anthony,” I wait for his acknowledgement. “I need you draw up a prenup.”

  I hear him sigh. “Thank God. I was wondering if you would ever come to your senses.”

  If I could strangle someone through a phone I’d do it.

  “I need it done fairly quickly,” I tell him.

  “How quickly?” I can hear the trepidation in his voice.

  “I need a rough copy in my hand before I leave the office at five,” I inform him.

  “Today!?” He says with a loud squeak at the end.

  “Think you can handle that?” I know Lorali feels like I waste my money but I make sure to pay top dollar for top performers. My personal attorney is no different. I’m his only client and my expectations are set very high for him. He’s well aware of this.

  “Do I have a choice,” he feigns inconvenience.

  “Not this time I’m afraid,” I tell him.

  “Standard stuff?” He asks and I can hear paper shuffling like he’s getting ready to take notes.

  “Not exactly,” I say.

  “Of course not,” he replies and I can’t help but smile because he knows me so well.


  My conversation with Anthony has left me in a perpetual state of ease. We’ve worked out a way where Lorali gets her prenup, which means my sudden dry spell will be over soon.

  “Mr. Hale?” The small speaker on my phone interrupts my reverie. “Your ten o’clock is here.”

  My mind is drawing a blank on what I have scheduled today, my focus clearly not where it should be while I’m at the office.

  “Remind me again please, Susan.” I prompt her.

  “Mallory King. Interview for the Director of Non-Profit.” I grin. Hopefully this one interview will clear my plate even further.

  “Ah, yes. Please send her in.” I stand behind my desk just as the office door opens and Susan escorts Ms. King in.

  Her stride is confident and she’s dressed impeccably. She has an air of sophistication around her as well as assuredness, all things required to demand respect from the people she will be practically hounding for donations.

  She reaches her hand out to me as she approaches. “Mr. Hale.” We shake hands. I notice her grip is firm, not da
inty like I was expecting.

  “Ian, please.” I tell her as I sweep my hand toward the chair in front of my desk, indicating for her to take a seat.

  “Ian,” she says as she begins to lower herself in the chair. As she sits she brings a small briefcase to her lap and snaps it open.

  She pulls free a few crisp pages and hands them to me. “I know my assistant has already emailed my resume,” she begins.

  I tilt my head. “Assistant?”

  Her smile grows. “Yes. Assistant.”

  I glance down at the resume in my hand and try to recall her name. I’ve seen her with the girls several times but I’m unable to focus on anyone else when Lorali is around so I haven’t paid her much notice.

  “King,” I say reaching as far into my memory as I can. “You’re the daughter of Raymond King?”

  She smiles and nods. “In the flesh.”

  “He’s quite wealthy. Surely you have a trust fund.” Why in the world is she seeking a job with my organization?

  Her spine straightens and I can tell she’s mildly annoyed. “I also have an MBA from Stanford that I didn’t earn to just sit at home and live off of Daddy’s money.”

  Fiery, I like that.

  She clears her throat when she notices my raised eyebrow. “I spend my time already with various volunteer and non-profit pursuits. I’ve researched your company and we seem to be champions of many of the same organizations. By working for your company I’ll be able to reach and aid many more people than I could ever endeavor to reach on my own.”

  She shrugs her shoulders like it just makes perfect sense to use my money and name to help those she’s already been trying to help on her own.

  “Of course,” I say in agreement. I steeple my fingers at my chin and just watch her. Even under my scrutiny she doesn’t falter, proof she’s very comfortable in her skin and more than capable of handling the tasks required for this job.

  “It’s a full time position,” I remind her in case she’d only planned on dedicating a few hours a week to it.

  “As it should be,” she confirms.

  “When can you start?” I ask my mind already made up.

  “My schedule opens up beginning of next week.” She beams at me and her enthusiasm thrills me almost as much as the knowledge that the part of my organization I care the most about is going to be well taken care of.

  I stand behind my desk and reach out my hand to her as she mimics my actions. “Welcome to the team.” We shake hands. “Please stop by Susan’s desk and she can give you the intro packet.”

  I watch her as she walks to the door. “Ms. King,” she stops and turns towards me. “Make sure you leave Susan a list of the organizations you champion that Hale Inc. doesn’t so we can promptly get them added to our list.”

  I watch as her eyes glisten at the generosity. She’s perfect for the organization if the idea that a few more people will be helped elicits that strong of an emotion from her.


  The rough draft of the prenup is waiting for me at Susan’s desk when I leave the office for the day. Lorali is off on Mondays and I’m usually welcomed home to the sight of her in the kitchen preparing dinner. We don’t usually have much time for meals at home, but Monday evenings and a home cooked meal have sort of become our thing.

  I frown at the idea that today may be different since our weekend wasn’t filled with the normal events, mainly her not being filled with me.

  I quietly make my way to the kitchen where the sounds of pop music and the tantalizing smell of Italian food are coming from. I lean against the door frame and watch as Lorali, dressed only in one of my oversized t-shirts, sways her hips in front of the stove as she stirs something in a sauce pan. My cock throbs at the sight.

  I gently place the legal papers on the counter, step in behind her, and place my hand on her stomach. Pressing gently I persuade her to take a step back against me, my now bulging cock resting against her lower back. She hums at the contact and leans her head back so I can kiss the delicate column of her neck.

  “I’ve missed you so much, baby,” I say against her skin and I hope she knows I mean more than just today. We rarely ever fight and even when we do it has never stopped us from joining together in the bedroom. This time has been different. I’m nervous about the way I’ve arranged the prenup, even slightly scared that it will not be received the way I’ve intended.

  “Turn the stove off,” I tell her, but keep my hands on her hips as she leans forward, clicks off the stove, and removes the bubbling sauce from the burner.

  She backs into me again, only this time she raises her arm and places it behind my head; my favorite position to have her in. My hand instinctively reaches up and sweeps a thumb over the hardened bud of her nipple that’s jutting out.

  She moans and swivels her hips fractionally. I use my free hand to reach blindly behind me until it reaches the documents I placed on the counter. I lower the hand caressing her breast back to her waist and she whimpers. I know she’s just as frustrated as I am.

  I hold the paperwork in front of our clasped bodies until she opens her eyes and notices them.

  “What’s this?” She asks reaching for it.

  “Your prenuptial agreement, baby.” She gasps and turns in my arms, her eyes darting back and forth from mine to the legal sized documents in my hand.

  “That was quick,” she says as she reaches for it.

  I huff. “I had some incentive to get it done quickly.” I smirk at her.

  I follow her to the dining room and sit beside her as she turns back the cover page and begins to read.

  She doesn’t say a word as she reads the agreement line by line but I do watch as her smile fades and her eyes begin to narrow. She’s not happy but she has to understand this is what she gets. Once she has finished she straightens the papers, closes her eyes, and takes what I presume is a calming breath.

  Placing a hand flat over the prenup she says, “All this paperwork says it that all of your money is my money.”

  I nod my head yes, because basically that’s right.

  She bites her lip in frustration. “It doesn’t protect your assets.”

  “You Lorali are the only asset I care about.” I tell her honestly.

  She swallows roughly and just stares at me. I give her my most winning smile, hoping the dimples she loves so much are on full display.

  “This isn’t what I meant when I said you needed a prenup.”

  “I know,” I say. “But this is what you’ll get.” I’m not giving into this. I’m not having a document drawn up that limits what she’ll get if we split. If she leaves she might as well have it all because I’ll be just as useless as the money if I don’t have her.

  “And if I refuse to marry you without one?” She says and the blank look on her face makes my smile falter marginally.

  “Well,” I say pulling her from her chair and on to my lap. “Then we’ll just live in sin for the rest of our lives and I’ll make you the beneficiary to all my money anyways.”

  She grumbles into my neck.

  She pulls her head back and looks into my eyes. The love I see in hers is all but tangible. “You missed something in it,” she says referencing the documents I’d all but forgotten on the table. I incline my eyebrow. “It doesn’t say anything about our children.”

  I smile. “You still want to have babies with me?” I ask playfully and stroke her bottom lip with my thumb, already imagining her mouth wrapped around me.

  “Soon,” she whispers, her focus on my mouth.

  “How soon?” I ask, my lips a fraction of an inch from hers.

  “Immediately,” she answers and I jerk my head back to look in her eyes thinking I heard her wrong.

  She beams at me. “Really?” I ask softly afraid she’ll change her answer.

  She cups my face in both of her hands. “I was thinking I could skip next month’s shot and the birth control should be completely out of my system in time for our honeymoon.”

>   I grip her ass in my hands and stand up, heading toward the bedroom. “I know our children will be perfect but we should practice a lot just in case,” I say against her mouth as I walk down the hall.

  “I was thinking the same thing,” she murmurs against my lips.

  Chapter 13


  I can’t turn my brain off as I make the drive to work. Josie has been home from the hospital for over a month now and she’s just as timid about leaving the house alone as she was the first week I got her back. She has repeatedly assured me she’s fine and she continues to see the same psychologist she was set up with in the hospital. The big picture is what has me worried. She will not leave the house by herself. Hell she won’t even sit on the back porch when she’s alone.

  I know she thinks she’s hiding it from me and everyone else, but I notice the tremble in her hands and the quiver of her lips when I suggest she do something as simple as run to the store for something we need while I take a quick shower. She puts on a brave face and leaves the house with me and she’s gone out a few times with the girls but only if Ramon’s escorting them.

  I’d hoped the trauma would begin to settle and she’d settle back into something that resembled her normal. I hate to even admit to myself now that I fed her fear in the beginning. I, too, had been terrified and didn’t want her out of my sight. Now she’s become dependent on everyone else, exactly the person she’d told me more than once that she didn’t want to be. She emphatically repeated she wasn’t weak and she hated when people saw her that way. Her captivity changed her, manipulated and mutilated her into the person she didn’t want to be. The worst part? She doesn’t even realize who she’s become. This is her new normal.

  Movement catches my eye as I exit my car in the parking lot of Precinct Four. Turning my head, I see Detective Jessica Riley standing very close to a man I recognize as Marco Hernandez, the sergeant from the county jail. He doesn’t notice me as I grab my gear from the trunk of the car. He’s watching her like the sun rises and falls on everything she’s saying to him, as if his sole happiness in life is dependent on her. I smile when I notice a look of contentment on her face as well.


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