Last Stand

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Last Stand Page 5

by Jeffrey M. Fortney

  Jarrod Caulder thought he was in Heaven! The hot water felt terrific upon his skin. Remembering that he had only ten minutes (Fleet rules!) to shower, Jarrod used the liquid soap provided to lather his skin and scalp then rinsed off. The last bubble was barely gone before the warm air jets came on, drying him in a matter of a couple of minutes. When Jarrod stepped from the shower, LT Rai insisted upon checking the sensors once more then handed him a pair of shorts. Jarrod accepted the shorts and donned them before stepping over to the sink. Looking in the mirror, he saw that he didn’t need a shave. He seldom did thanks to some genetic anomaly from some unknown ancestor. His (still) thick black hair was long but still within Fleet regs. Someone must have trimmed his hair while he was unconscious. Jarrod used a brush to get the air dried tangle under control then brushed his teeth.

  Eliana was waiting for him in the room and helped him don the remainder of his clothing. Not that he needed much help, he discovered. It was nice of her to help and Jarrod found himself enjoying her company! Once Jarrod was dressed, Rai clasped a thick band around his left wrist.

  “This is a combination sensor repeater and comm-unit. We use it for our more mobile patients to help us keep tabs on them and their conditions while allowing them a little more freedom of movement around the station,” LT Rai informed him. “If we sense you’re having any trouble or if you need to request a ride back to the Med-Center, this’ll let us know. Now, how do you feel? Are you up for a short walk? Or would you like me to send for a transport?” A transport was a small 4- or 6-wheeled, battery-powered cart. Some were used to transport personnel, others to transport cargo, supplies, and equipment around the station.

  “I feel great!” replied Jarrod. “I think I’d like to walk. Will you join me, lieutenant?”

  Eliana Rai smiled and answered, “Yes and no! And on two conditions. First, I’ll only go to the dining facility with you. Your reservation is just for you and your friends. But, I’ll eat my lunch while sitting nearby. Second, you must start calling me Ellie. Okay?”

  “That’d be just fine…Ellie,” Jarrod said, waving her to the door. They entered the hallway and Rai let Jarrod set the pace. Doctors and nurses nodded at them as they passed. Jarrod paused at the Med-Center’s main entrance and looked out into the broad corridor beyond. It reminded Jarrod of the large, open spaces of many commercial malls back on Earth. Broad walkways with booths, kiosks, escalators, and even areas set aside for real live grass, shrubbery, and trees. Of course, he reminded himself, these plants are a critical part of the station’s eco-system. They help maintain the oxygen levels within the station.

  Jarrod had spent sufficient time in space aboard various vessels to feel a little overwhelmed by the open spaces Camadin Station afforded its occupants. At Ellie’s unspoken question, Jarrod smiled and nodded to let her know that he was okay, just needing a little time to adjust to the station’s size and open design. After a moment, the two continued their walk to the dining facility.

  Ellie walked him to his table and Jarrod introduce her to his friends, Ian and Maria. She begged off from joining them; instead walking over to a table nearby where she could monitor Jarrod’s condition while giving him privacy with his friends.

  Before beginning their meal, Jarrod and his friends raised their glasses and toasted the memories of their absent friends and shipmates. They spent the next hour dining and talking; catching up with each other. When Jarrod asked how they survived the destruction of the Europa, Maria explained that all three of them had been in the ship’s med-bay when the order to abandon ship had been given. Maria arrived at the med-bay suffering from a concussion and blurred vision. She could see well enough to recognize her distant cousin, Ian Huntington-Smythe lying on a nearby treatment bed unconscious with one arm in a sling. Jarrod had arrived a few moments later, also unconscious. The med-bay personnel carried or assisted the wound to life pods and shuttles. Many hours later they had been picked up by Fleet vessels.

  The conversation turned to current events, of which the war with the Azairi was of key importance. That, in turn, led to a discussion of their current status. All three were on survivor’s leave aboard Camadin Station pending reassignment at a later date which left them wondering what vessels might still be available.

  All too soon the meal ended and the three friends rose from their chairs. Ian and Maria walked Jarrod to the doorway where they were met by Ellie Rai. The quartet said their goodbyes and Jarrod and Ellie walked slowly back to the Med-Center.

  “Wow!” said Jarrod as he sat down in a chair in his room. “I feel tired and yet strangely good!” He took off his boots and raised the foot of the chair so he could recline.

  Ellie scanned Jarrod’s vitals on the wall mounted display. “Your vital signs are in the green, commander! Not only are you feeling good, but your little excursion was good for you, body and soul, I’d say.”

  “Can’t argue with you there, Ellie,” Jarrod replied, a smile on his face. “Do you mind if I stay dressed for a while? It’s kind of nice to be wearing regular clothes again. Less drafty, if you know what I mean?”

  This time it was Ellie’s turn to smile. “That’d be fine. If you’d like, I bet we could find some sleepwear for you. Dr. Rivers said it’s time for you to stop dressing like a patient and start looking and feeling a little more comfortable. Here, use your room’s tablet, pull up ‘Supply’, and pick out something to your liking.”

  “I probably need to order some new uniforms while I’m at it,” said Jarrod. “Uh…any changes in my measurements?”

  “You’ve lost a few pounds,” Eliana Rai began, “so your waistline might be down a bit. Our body scans routinely document your measurements, so you should be able to pull those up and include them with your uniform requests. Well, I need to meet with the doctors. I’ll check back in with you later!” With that, Rai left the room.

  Jarrod had taken the proffered tablet and quickly made his way to the Supply Division’s site. Just the basics, he reminded himself. Don’t need to splurge on a full dress uniform and sabre. Underwear, socks, couple of ship suits, another set of coveralls…oh yeah! New name patch, ID tags, a pair of chukka boots, and a pair of gym shoes. He pulled up his latest measurements and added them to his order. When asked, Jarrod punched in his Fleet Bank account authorization code.

  He started to put the tablet down then stopped and searched through its entertainment section. Hey! They’ve got Battlestar Galactica on here! The original AND the reimagined versions! Jarrod figured out how to view the shows on the wall monitor set up for patient entertainment and communications then got comfortable in his recliner to watch the pilot episode of the original television series. Somewhere halfway through the episode, he dozed off.

  He was awakened by a gentle touch on his left shoulder. Jarrod opened his eyes to see Ellie Rai standing over him. “Hey, Sleepy Head! Have a nice nap?” she asked.

  Jarrod blinked several times then answered, “Uh…yes! I did. What time is it?”

  “Dinner-time,” Ellie replied cheerfully. “And you, sir, get to escort me to the dining facility for dinner.”

  Jarrod sat up in his chair, dropping his feet to the floor. “Two outings in one day? How do I rate that?”

  “Because your readings show you are well enough to be able to handle a little exercise in the form of walking and the company seems to have been beneficial to you. So, unless you want more Med-Center food, you need to pull yourself together and get ready,” Eliana told him. Jarrod got to his feet and went to the bathroom to freshen up. When he stepped back into the room, he saw a number of packages on the table next to his bed.

  “Your requisition from Supply arrived while you were in the bathroom but you can look through those later,” Ellie said teasingly. “Right now, I’m hungry!” Jarrod offered her his right arm and the couple walked out of his room.


  Jarrod rose early the next morning to prepare for his next session with Commodore Rivers and Commander Bradley. After a sh
ave and another refreshing shower, he slipped on some of his new clothes. As he began to attach the Velcro-backed name patch, he noticed that the rank on it read CDR for Commander instead of LCDR for Lieutenant Commander. Damn! They got my rank wrong, he thought. With no time to get it replaced, he opted to go without it for the meeting.

  CDRE Rivers and CDR Bradley arrived moments later and the interview resumed. After an hour, the commodore looked over at Bradley then back to Jarrod. “Gentlemen, I think we’ve learned what we’ve needed to. Commander, I’d like to thank you for your open and honest answers to our questions. You have helped fill in many blanks in the narrative of the Battle of Rana. As you are still under doctor’s care and temporarily between assignments, you will remain available aboard Camadin Station should the need for us to interview you further.”

  Jarrod was both surprised and relieved. “Uh…thank you, Commodore.” He rose and saluted them both.

  The two senior officers rose and returned the salute. “No, thank you, Jarrod. By the way, I believe you’re out of uniform? Where’s your name patch?” Rivers asked, pointing at the bare spot above the left breast pocket of Jarrod’s tunic.

  Jarrod blushed then answered, “Sir, they sent me a new one but they put the wrong rank on it. It reads CDR. I didn’t want to assume a rank that isn’t mine.”

  “Really?” asked Rivers. “You may want to check your personnel file. Which I updated yesterday afternoon when I finished re-reading your testimony. Congratulations…Commander Caulder! Now get that patch on!” Commodore Rivers gave him a wink and shook his hand. “Mac, I’ll catch you in Command later!”

  “Yessir!” Commander Mac Bradley replied then extended his hand to Jarrod. “Congrats, Jarrod!”

  “Thanks, Mac! Wow!” Jarrod said as he attached the patch to the front of his coverall.

  “Well, you deserved it. Your two friends corroborated your actions and James felt it was well deserved. Look, I’ve got a meeting with the commodore and I understand you have a meeting with my wife today. She’s the headshrinker that is going to see how you’re holding up mentally,” Mac Bradley told his friend. “Don’t worry, she’s been tracking your progress and thinks you’re moderately stable…probably more so than me!” Bradley clapped him on the shoulder and made his way out of the room.

  Jarrod’s meeting with Dr. Allison Schmidt-Bradley went surprisingly well. After an hour together, Dr. Schmidt-Bradley said, “Commander Caulder, we’ll continue to monitor you for post-traumatic stress disorder and survivor’s syndrome. As far as your long-term condition, you’re displaying an incredible amount of self-control. Since you’ll be assigned aboard Camadin Station for the foreseeable future, I’ll arrange a number of regular sessions for us to talk. In the meantime, I think I can sign off on your release from the Med-Center. According to Fleet Regulations, you’re authorized 30 days survivor’s leave, so you’ll be able to enjoy some downtime before returning to duty. Do you have any further questions for me?”

  “No, thank you doctor,” Jarrod began. “If I do later, I know where to find you.”

  Dr. Schmidt-Bradley smiled then said, “Indeed! Mac and I want to invite you to dinner in our quarters soon. Once you feel up to it, call us and we’ll set something up, okay?”

  Jarrod nodded and replied, “That sounds wonderful. Thanks!” The doctor rose and left the room, only to be replaced a moment later by Dr. Charlotte Rivers.

  “How are you feeling this aftenoon, Jarrod?” she asked as she scanned the readouts on the wall monitor. Obviously, she was asking about something more than just his vital signs.

  “Really good, Doctor Rivers!” Jarrod answered truthfully. “My strength is coming back. I don’t feel ill or really tired. A little claustrophobic but the being able to get out and about is helping.”

  “Excellent! Well, I have more good news for you,” said the doctor. “I’m going to release you from the Med-Center tomorrow. I will require you to wear the med-scanner bracelet for a while to monitor your condition and we’ll schedule routine checkups. Okay?”

  “Yes ma’am! That’s just fine!” Jarrod responded.

  “Great! I’ll ask the Billeting Officer to contact you and arrange some quarters for you. And I’ll let the Commodore and Commander Bradley know I’ll be turning you loose on the station,” Dr. Rivers said with a mischievous grin. “In the meantime, let’s get you up on the bed and we’ll run a full diagnostic scan on you!” Eager to please the doctor, Jarrod practically jumped up onto the bed to comply.

  Chapter 4

  Personal Log

  Commander Jarrod Caulder

  Camadin Station

  Earthdate: 01 November 2230

  I’m feeling much better than I did when I first woke up. Dr. Rivers has done an amazing job getting me through the early stages of radiation poisoning. Maybe I’ll get lucky and someone will find a cure before I… Enough of that! I’ve got to start living what life I’ve got left. Now if I could just get out of this med-center!

  Dr. Rivers was as good as her word. The Billeting Officer did indeed contact Jarrod and set him up with a set of quarters, private ones courtesy of his new rank. The following morning, after another physical examination, the good doctor pronounced Jarrod to be fit enough take his well-earned survivor’s leave. Either way, she was releasing him from the Med-Center while maintaining a medical monitor on him.

  “Jarrod, given your long-term condition, I would recommend staying aboard Camadin Station where I can continue to monitor and treat you. I’m giving you a list of exercises and some pretty strong medications. Don’t overdo either one! Please make your medical appointments so we can try to stay ahead of your condition,” she told him. “Take things slow and build up your strength and endurance. And let me know if you have any problems…you got me?”

  Jarrod smiled, thinking how much Dr. Rivers reminded him of his mother at times and his favorite aunt at others. “Yes ma’am!” Thirty minutes later, he had gathered his few belongings and said his thanks to the on-duty doctors and staff. A transport was waiting for him in the corridor outside the Med-Center and the driver whisked him to his quarters.

  The quarters were neither large nor luxuriant but they were a far cry from sharing a much smaller compartment with two other officers aboard a star vessel. These quarters contained a small living room/kitchenette, a bedroom, and a bathroom with a combination sonic shower and water shower unit. Well, well, Jarrod thought, looks like I got an executive suite!

  Jarrod quickly stowed his few belongings and wrote out a list of items he needed to requisition or purchase. He checked the quarters’ built-in computer terminal and located a map of the station. Supply was one level down and two sections away. The Mall, which housed numerous shops and restaurants, was one level up but three sections away.

  “Supply first, then the Mall,” Jarrod said to himself. He double checked his list, added a couple more items, and left his quarters. The walk to Supply went by quickly enough. He found he enjoyed the exercise and the friendliness of the people aboard the station. They seemed to know who he was and greeted him pleasantly as he approached.

  At Supply, Jarrod requisitioned additional clothing and other equipment, the most important of which was a new personal comm-unit. The quartermaster gathered the appropriate items and helped Jarrod program his new comm-unit and synch it to Jarrod’s account in the Fleet Personnel System. This would coordinate all aspects of his military and medical records, official and personal communications accounts, as well as his payroll and banking.

  Jarrod’s access to his pay and other accounts had been limited while in the Med-Center and using a temporary comm-unit. With his new personal unit, he checked his bank account first, then his official e-mail account. The former showed that his back pay was up-to-date while the latter showed a large number of queries from old friends throughout the Fleet about his status, updates from Fleet personnel about his records and recent promotion, one from Fleet Admiral Howe himself congratulating Jarrod for earning the Fleet M
eritorious Service Medal for his actions in the Battle of Rana. Jarrod asked the quartermaster to run off a new set of ribbons and medals to replace those lost with the destruction of the Europa.

  The quartermaster promised to deliver the bulk of Jarrod’s items to his quarters later that afternoon. Jarrod thanked her and left Supply after verifying the route to the Mall.

  By the time Jarrod reached the Mall, he was tired and hungry. In the center of the wide corridor that bisected the Mall, he found a small restaurant kiosk that advertised the ‘best hot dogs this side of Pluto’. Jarrod chuckled at the sign while hoping at the same time that the hot dogs would truly be good. He ordered two with everything and a large sweet tea then found himself an empty table to sit at. While waiting for his order, he reviewed his official e-mails and organized them by urgency of response…starting with Admiral Howe, of course!

  The tea was cold and sweet and the hot dogs were indeed delicious. So delicious that he considered ordering two more…then changed his mind. No sense stuffing myself my first day out, he thought. He ordered a second glass of tea and began reviewing his personal e-mails. Wow! Over two thousand e-mails! Well, there’ll only be more until I get through this batch.

  Many of the e-mails were of little or no consequence and were summarily read and deleted. Others required only a minimum of time and effort in response. Some required more time and thought to craft replies. A small but important group of messages came from his father, Dr. Hollis Caulder, a xeno-archeologist! Dad’s been in the field on another of his archeological goose chases looking for the homeworld of the Proge. How’d he get these messages to me, unless he’s back in Civilization?!?


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