Murder For Neptune's Trident...A Citrus Beach Mystery (Citrus Beach Mysteries Book 1)

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Murder For Neptune's Trident...A Citrus Beach Mystery (Citrus Beach Mysteries Book 1) Page 9

by Victoria LK Williams

  “We’re all doing fine, thanks for asking, Debbie. Drop by and see us sometime, the girls would love to catch up with you. Now Janice has told me what you found, so why don’t you show us exactly what is going on around here.”

  Debbie nodded her head in agreement and turned and led the men to the living room. Once there, Paul went to his wife and kissed her hello and gave her a hug to let her know she was safe. Looking over at his cousin, he found that she was looking out the window with an outraged expression across her face.

  “What the heck is going on here, and who is that man out there, Megan?”

  The sheriff sounded as outraged as Megan looked and Paul followed their line of sight out the window to see Aidan outside with a man in a security uniform, pointing to the chair under the window. Seeing everyone looking out at them, Aidan held up one finger in a waiting motion and continued his conversation with the man next to him. He was either unaware of the angry looks he was getting from inside, or he arrogantly wasn’t concerned.

  “Sheriff, that is the guest of Carol Bloomquest. He will be staying in the guest house and we just brought him out with us. He is also a friend of the Travels. Other than that, I don’t know a thing about him. But I would sure like to know just who he thinks he is and why he’s questioning my security guards.”

  Megan could feel the anger starting to radiate off her. She didn’t lose her temper often, but when she did, it was just as bad as the stories you hear about redheads and their fiery tempers.

  After finishing his obvious interrogation of the man beside him, Aidan motioned for those inside to come out and join him. When they walked out the door, Megan and Lucy noticed an immediate difference in Aidan. Gone was the rather laid back farm hand demeanor: before them was a man who was used to being in charge, and used to taking charge to make things happen. Before anyone could ask him what was going on and frankly who did he think he was, Aidan pulled out his wallet and showed the sheriff his identification. They were all surprised by the man’s reaction.

  “So, Mr. Tory. You’re showing me two IDs: which are you: FBI agent or Private Investigator? And why are you wandering around my crime scene.” Crossing his arms, the sheriff looked the man before him up and down, holding his impression to himself while he waited for his answer.

  “Actually, both. I am only doing consulting work for the bureau now and I have my PI license. I’ve had my license for years, but only since I left the FBI have I started using it. I wanted to see if I could find any evidence of who had used this chair to look in the house before it was lost by people walking all over.”

  Megan gasped at Aidan’s insinuation that they or the police department would be careless enough to ruin any traces found that would help find the culprit. Who did he think he was? Just because he was some hotshot investigator, didn’t mean he could waltz in here and take over the case. And where was his common decency and manners. This was just not how things were done here in Citrus Beach.

  Sheriff Green only pressed his lips together a bit tighter and nodded for Aidan to continue his explanation.

  “I found your security guard down by the river, patrolling the site. He had decided to give the women some space while they were here cleaning and stick to the outer perimeter of the property … an idea I find rather questionable, since their safety should have been more of a concern than their comfort.” Aidan gave the man a look of disgust before he continued. “He has been the same man on duty during the day shift since you brought in the service. He started at 11:00 am, but said the furniture was not in this position when he left last night at 11:00 pm. He’s working twelve-hour shifts….“

  At this point, the sheriff had just about had enough. Reading the man’s name badge, he addressed both men.

  “Around here, Mr. Tory, we think that a person can speak for themselves. Unless of course they physically can’t. Mr. Clay, can you speak for yourself?”

  The nervous man stood a bit taller and answered the sheriff, pulling himself a bit away from Aidan.

  “Yes, Sir. Mr. Tory is correct in all he says. Maybe I should have stuck closer to the house, but I made sure the inside checked out before the women arrived, and it was safe for them to go in. I just figured that a run around the property would be a smart idea.”

  “You did just fine, Mr. Clay. And by walking the property, you assured yourself that all was secure here, right?”

  “Yes, I did. I had just gotten a message from the office that I was needed up here at the house when Mr. Tory found me. Oh, Ms. Cassidy, they said they were going to send out the man who was on patrol last night to talk with you. He lives here in town and shouldn’t be too long in getting here.”

  “There, you see, Mr. Tory, things are in motion. Now tell me, did either of you find anything else on your tour of the property?”

  If Aidan caught any of the sheriff’s subtle reprimands, he didn’t show it. Instead, he motioned for the sheriff to follow him and the security guard to stay and wait for the other officer to show up. As Megan started to follow, he turned to her and told her that she should stay put. Without waiting to see if she listened, he led the way towards the left of the property.

  “Oh, I think not, buddy. You aren’t going to put me in my place and take over. I’m responsible for what goes on here and you are just a guest. I don’t care what kind of credentials you show us.” She stared after him, seething from his behavior, before she started after the men.

  Lucy reached out to stop her, but Paul just shook his head. He knew Megan better than anyone, and there would be no halting her progress in this mood. If anything, he felt a bit sorry for Aidan when she caught up with him. But he was only a bit concerned; it looked as though it was going to be an interesting afternoon ahead of them when these two personalities came head to head.

  Megan was indeed mad and got madder with each stomp of her foot as she made her way towards the object of her anger. She was appalled at the lack of respect he had shown Sheriff Green, as if Aidan was so much better than a small town police force. And the way he had treated that poor security guard just got her in a fighting mood. Not to mention telling her to stay as if she was one of the dogs, oh, they were going to have words about this, that was for sure. Reaching the men who were looking down at the ground by the edge of the lawn where it met nature in all its wild beauty, she put her hands on her hips, just waiting for Aidan to say the wrong thing.

  Sheriff Green acknowledged her with a nod of his head, while Aidan ignored her until he was finished showing his find of trampled ferns and palmetto fronds. Only then did he turn to her with a frown.

  “Megan, I asked you to stay at the house—“

  “No, Aidan, you told me to stay. Whether you like it or not I am responsible for what goes on around here, and I will answer only to the authority in charge, and that is Sheriff Green, not you. As far as I’m concerned, you are simply a guest of Carol’s, and I will treat you the same as any other guest we have had here in her absence. If the sheriff chooses to include you in his investigation, then fine, but I will be informed of anything that happens on this property.”

  “I really don’t see where you need to be involved in this at all. I am happy to work with Sheriff Green, but you—“

  Being an astute man, the sheriff broke in before Aidan said anything further that could possibly bring Megan to blows with him. He had known her long enough to realize she would not back down from anyone if she thought she was in the right and would defend what she felt was right or her responsibility.

  “Mr. Tory, please hold up there. Megan was a witness to the murder. She has been a help to our investigation and could herself be in danger. I value her input as much as I will value yours. But we are going to need to at least be civil with each other, agreed?”

  Aidan looked as if he wanted to argue, but the look the sheriff gave him made him pause and think about what was being said. Carol had nothing but the highest regard for Megan, and it was obvious that the officer in charge did as well. Sighing,
Aidan nodded his head in agreement. Pointing to the damaged foliage at their feet, Aidan, showed Megan their find.

  He wasn’t too surprised when she bent down to look closer, but could not believe it when she straighten up and, taking a step to the side, left the lawn area and walked into the natural terrain. Grabbing her arm, he stopped her, but she just shook him off and pointed ahead of her.

  “Ok, Mr. Big-shot, I’m not trampling your precious footprints. But if you would look beyond what’s directly in front of you, you will find that there is a slight pathway here that was followed into the property. It’s fresh and hasn’t been used more than once or twice. Maybe coming in and going out. Would that be a fair assumption?”

  Aidan looked at her in astonishment and the sheriff could not help but snicker at how Megan not only stood her ground, but showed him up. Glancing over at the sound, Aidan had the grace to concede that she was probably right.

  “Okay, sorry I was so short with you. Yes, that could easily be how someone managed to get on the property without the security guards seeing them. Any ideas where this will lead to?”

  “Only one way to find out: follow it.” Taking the lead, Sheriff Green also took control of the situation.

  After fifteen minutes of pushing their way through the brush, they found that the path ended at a dirt road. Looking around, Megan and the sheriff recognized where they were.

  “Sean, I need you to meet us on the old dirt trail that leads to the nature preserve, on the side closest to the Bloomquest residence.” The sheriff spoke into his mic to his officer and then began to look carefully around. After a few moments, he found that he could decipher two sets of footprints. It was Aidan who found tire tracks that showed where the intruders had left their car while they walked to Carol’s home.

  It did not take long for Sean to arrive and with him were both security guards. The sheriff got his officer to work making molds of the tire tracks and foot prints they had found, while he questioned both of the other men. Meanwhile, Megan found herself wandering the area with Aidan, looking for anything else they could find that was out of the ordinary and would add to their skimpy amount of clues that had been accumulated so far in this case.

  “So, Aidan, why are you really here? You are sure quick to involve yourself in the sheriff’s investigation.” Megan gave the man beside her a hard look, trying to figure him out.

  “I guess I owe you some sort of explanation. I am here for the Travels, but not just to offer my condolences. My son and JT were college roommates, and they were close enough to be brothers. When the older Travels told my son, Brandon, about the murder, he also pleaded with me to look into what was going on in his nephew's life that would have put him in that kind of danger. Since I’m on leave and working my own cases, I agreed to the request. I knew this kid, Megan. He spent weekends at our home, ate meals at our table, and he was there for Brandon when his mother died. I owe it to both boys to find out what is going on down here.”

  “Okay, I can understand that. But you are going to have to work with Sheriff Green and respect his authority. This isn’t the big city you’re used to. The man is smart and capable and just because he doesn’t do things like you might at the bureau, doesn’t mean you can force your ways on him or any of us for that matter.”

  Aidan looked at Megan with a bit more respect; she was absolutely right, and he knew he would have to tone himself down. He was letting his personal feelings for the dead young man get in the way. Maybe with Megan’s connections to the murder he could use her to help him figure out just what JT had been caught up in.

  “You’re right. So help me out here, Megan. Tell me what happened and what you saw. I only know what the father told me, and that wasn’t all that much. Carol said you were an eyewitness and that you were also shot at, so you are invested into this case as well.”

  Megan considered his words and decided to accept the man regardless of his rough start. She wanted to be kept in the loop and thought maybe by forming an alliance with Aidan, she would strengthen her chances of this happening. So as they walked, she told him all that had happened.

  “I want to find out who did this and why, as well. The councilman and his wife deserve to know, and the killers need to be caught and punished. And I want to be able to go about my normal routine and feel safe again. Let me work with you on this, Aidan. I know the town and the people. They are going to be more willing to talk to me than a stranger. Those men were in this area for a reason and I have strong connections on the island that just might help.”

  Aidan was silent for a moment while he considered her plea. As much as he hated to admit it, she made sense. He had already created animosity with the sheriff. Even if the man did not show it, those feelings would be there effecting the way he worked with Aidan. And he hadn’t exactly made a great impression on those he had met so far since landing in Citrus Beach. Aidan could see how well Megan got along with those around her, and was honest enough to know that she could be an asset. He would just have to watch her like a hawk: she was a civilian and could find herself in more danger than she could handle on her own.

  “All right, we’ll work on this together, unless it gets dangerous. If that happens, I want you out of the picture, agreed?”

  “Sure, I can agree to that. Although I don’t know how much more dangerous it can get then having strange men shoot at you.”

  “It can, Megan, and when I say you are out if it, that is final.”

  Aidan looked at her directly until he was sure that she understood him. Then he held out his hand to shake on their “partnership.” Megan took his hand and shook, wondering if she really knew what she was getting herself into. Yes, she wanted answers, but was working with Aidan going to cause her more problems than she was ready for?

  Chapter Nine

  It wasn’t long after they returned to Carol’s home that they all headed over to the councilman’s house. Aidan had stored his bags in the guest house, Debbie and her crew had finished their work and headed off to their next job and the sheriff had gotten statements from both of the security men before sending one home and one back to his duties. The sheriff himself was going to look over the footage from the security cameras to see if there was any indication of who the intruders might have been. He didn’t hold out much hope, the areas they had entered did not have very clear camera coverage.

  After a bit of discussion, it was decided that Lucy and Paul would drive over in Megan’s car, and Megan would ride in the pickup with Aidan. Paul and Aidan had hit it off right away and Lucy was just happy that Megan was with someone who could properly protect her if the need arose.

  Shortly before three o’clock, both vehicles pulled into the Travels’ drive. Megan was surprised to still see a few reporters hanging around, and was able to point out Kim Heart to Aidan. Avoiding them as much as possible, the four were admitted into the home, and ushered into the formal living room, where the Travels were waiting for them.

  Giving Julie Travels a warm hug and shaking John’s hand, Aidan gave his condolences to his old friends. He then turned and introduced his three companions to them.

  Since it had already been decided that Paul and Lucy would be leaving Megan with Aidan for the afternoon, they did not stay long. Before they left, Aidan assured Paul he would look after his cousin and bring her back to her home before he returned to the guest house at Carol’s. Taking their leave, the two men exchanged phone numbers and agreed to contact each other if anything new developed.

  After the maid had shut the door behind them, Julie Travels asked her to bring coffee out to the family room so they would be more comfortable. Settling themselves into overstuffed arm chairs, Megan and Aidan couldn’t help but notice the pictures of John and JT throughout the room. Seeing one of the councilmen with his nephew and a second young man, Aidan pointed it out to Megan.

  “That other person in the photo is my son, Brandon. Like I had told you, the two were close. It really wasn’t until this spring that they started t
o drift apart, mainly because John had moved down to Lauderdale and Brandon took a job out in Denver.” Handing her the framed photo, Aidan let her take a closer look of the boys.

  She could see a lot of Aidan in Brandon. He was a little taller and not as broad across the shoulders, but he had those same serious brown eyes. Looking at the others in the picture, she saw that the two men looked happy. It was nice to see the councilman relaxed, with his arms across the shoulders of the younger men by his side. The younger Travels was laughing at something, looking at his uncle. The picture had obviously been taken on campus when the boys had been roommates. Handing him back the picture, she felt a stab of sadness for the loss of a young man with his future before him.

  “Megan, I want to thank you for coming out to see us. I understand that this has been difficult for you, as well. We are just trying to understand what happened and why JT was killed like this. It doesn’t make any sense at all. I just can’t figure out why he was even out on the river, he hates boats and rarely goes near one that small.”

  Megan nodded her head. She knew she was going to have to tell them everything as she remembered, and knew that it was going to be hard for them to hear it. Taking a sip of her coffee to prepare herself, Megan then told them all she knew. By the time she was done, Julie was weeping softly and John had switched from coffee to whiskey and was holding the glass so tightly she was amazed it did not shatter.

  Giving them a few moments after she finished, Aidan then turned to John to ask him a few questions.

  “John, what was he doing in the last few months since Brandon and I saw him last? Has he brought any new friends or business associates around here or the office? Have you noticed any difference in his spending habits or even his personality?”


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