Murder For Neptune's Trident...A Citrus Beach Mystery (Citrus Beach Mysteries Book 1)

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Murder For Neptune's Trident...A Citrus Beach Mystery (Citrus Beach Mysteries Book 1) Page 18

by Victoria LK Williams

  It did not take the two friends long to settle in and start their task. Deciding that she liked the way the story board laid out things in logical order, Megan set up one on a smaller scale on the pad in front of her. Following Aiden’s example, she started with the function dates and then under each date she wrote down any impressions or names that stood out in her or Lucy’s memory. It took a while before they had a working list of people and actions that were out of place in the comfort zone of what would constitute as normal at one of these charity functions. A few people seemed to pop on their radar consistently: Leslie Black, a man from down south who just seemed to ooze charm and a man who seemed to come from the New York City area. He was as brass as the other man was charming, and Megan was positive it was the same two men she had heard on the tape from the office.

  While they had been deep in their recollections of these past functions, Paul came back with two tired out dogs, and Aiden also returned. He joined Paul out on the pool deck, and the men gave the women peace while they worked things out in their head and on paper. After a while they realized the men had both reappeared, and needing a break, Megan and Lucy joined them. They had decided they needed a sounding board for their discoveries. Before Megan started to outline what they thought they had discovered, she asked Aiden what he and the sheriff had been able to uncover when they questioned the two would-be robbers.

  “Unfortunately, these two are smarter than they look. They know that the jail time from a simple breaking and entering; is a lot less serious than a murder rap. We let them fester in the holding cell for a while before they were brought in for interrogation, but it didn’t matter. As soon as the sheriff asked his first question, they demanded their lawyer. Once that happened, our hands were tied. It didn’t take long for this high-priced lawyer from Palm Beach to show up either. We tried to reason with the lawyer with the suggestion of a plea bargain, but no go. They were all well versed in their responses. This was not the first time any of them had been in this situation together … that was obvious. They all joked around like they were old friends while the lawyer tried to take care of the bail.”

  “Please tell me they aren’t walking the streets already. I actually thought I could relax a bit and stop looking over my shoulder,” gasped Megan.

  “Well, they are still in the sheriff’s care for now. It was too late for Sheriff Green to get hold of the judge to set their bail amount, so they will have to wait until Monday. They weren’t happy about that turn of events. Guess their lawyer is used to faster action. Either from coming up from a large city, or because whoever he is actually working for has deep pockets.”

  Aiden reached over and took hold of both her hands so that she had to look him in the eyes while he continued.

  “I know this is nerve wracking for you, but I think things are going to be coming to a head soon. They were too arrogant and cocky, like they knew something that would keep them out of jail. We all need to keep looking over our shoulders, ‘cause I think that even if these two stay locked up, there will be someone else sent in to take over their duties, whatever that may be. If you want to stop now, Megan, say the word. I can continue on my own with the sheriff and his staff. You do not have to keep yourself out there like a moving target.”

  Megan looked deep into his eyes and saw Aiden meant what he said. He wanted her safe. But Megan did not want to back down. She had started on this adventure and would see it through to the end, regardless of her personal safety.

  “We stay alert and keep being proactive: like we did this afternoon. I’m not quitting without knowing that I have done everything I possibly can. Too much has happened, and I’m in too deep to walk away now, Aiden. Besides, Lucy and I think we have part of what is going on figured out. With some more details and careful planning, there is a possibility we can get to the bottom of what is going on in Citrus Beach before the end of the weekend.”

  “Somehow I figured you would say something like that. Okay, let’s get proactive. Tell me what you two have come up with, and then we will develop a strategy that will put an end to this mess.”

  Megan grinned at the two men in front of her and began to lay out the plan she and Lucy had devised. She was determined to bring everything to a head before the weekend’s finish.

  Chapter Twenty One


  “Do you see her anywhere, Lucy?”

  Megan looked around the crowded clubhouse, searching for the silver gray hair of the matriarch of Citrus Beach. It seemed as if every woman who resided in Citrus Beach was in attendance at the luncheon. The elegant clubhouse itself was decorated with tropical flower arrangements, placed wherever room could be found for them. Colors and scents from the flowers mingled with the women’s beautiful clothes and perfumes. Woman of all ages were dressed in their best summer finery, and busy catching up on the latest news. It sounded like a beehive, and yes there she was, the Queen Bee herself: Mrs. Potter.

  “I see her, she’s over with Dorothy Ross from D&D Realtors. Wow, it’s like watching royalty work the room, she’s amazing.” Lucy nodded her head towards the front of the room, and there, sitting in one of the high back leather chairs was her neighbor, Mrs. Potter.

  Mrs. Potter was indeed working the room. She had a pleasant smile for everyone, and seemed to have something to say to each person who came up to speak with her, some little tidbit that made them laugh or engage in conversation. Knowing everyone in town, and having grown old with some and watching the others become adults, she was an intricate part of the town’s life. Even newcomers, like Megan, felt welcomed into her circle when they were around her.

  “Are you sure that Dorothy and Mrs. Potter know what to do?” Lucy asked nervously.

  “Oh yeah, we went over it in fine detail this morning. Mrs. Potter even had some suggestions of her own. Leslie Black and friends are not going to know what hit them.”

  “I wish we could get closer and hear what they are saying.”

  “I do too, but it’s best if Leslie doesn’t see me right away. Here we go; Dorothy is motioning for Leslie to join them.”

  Megan and Lucy positioned themselves a bit closer to the older woman, standing out of direct view behind a large Kentia Palm. The watched intently as Leslie Black made her way through the crowded room to stand next to Dorothy Ross. She acted pleased to see Dorothy, but seemed uninterested in Mrs. Potter. Then her whole demeanor seemed to change as Dorothy put her arm across the back of the chair Mrs. Potter sat in and said something to Leslie. Now the younger woman was being attentive, almost fawning over Mrs. Potter.

  “And it looks like the bait has been taken.” Megan smirked over at Lucy, giving her a thumbs up.

  “That almost seemed too easy, Megan.”

  “Not really, greed is a strong motivator and one that was easy to play on Leslie. With Dorothy already indicating that she would be investing with Leslie, it only makes sense that the little schemer would want to try and bring in any other investors that Dorothy would recommend. And Dorothy said she would really play up Mrs. Potter’s wealth, as well. It’s a good thing that Leslie had dismissed Mrs. Potter’s value when she had met her with John. Otherwise this would never work.”

  “Never judge a book by its cover that old saying is so true here. Little does Leslie know, but Mrs. Potter’s family are the founders of this town. And at one time they owned most of the island properties and citrus groves around here. That woman has more money than the US Treasury.” Lucy gleefully laughed, thrilled that Leslie had been so wrong in her initial assessment of the older woman.

  “If Leslie reacts true to form, then she will circulate the room and confirm what Dorothy has to say. I would bet she is back to Mrs. Potter by the end of this event with an investment offer that will be very interesting.”

  “And while we wait for that to happen, we had better circulate ourselves. We’ll draw more attention hiding behind this palm than if we move about in the open. This luncheon is for all of the charities to get volunteers and bids on
the silent auction items, so let’s go to each table like we would any other year. We can walk around a bit and then fill our plate from the buffet and find a place to sit and eat.”

  Leaving Megan behind her, Lucy approached the closest table and picked up a brochure from their display. Smiling at the women around them, Megan joined her friend and soon they were both talking with the others. The luncheon was an annual event put on by the Chamber of Commerce and was attended by almost every female citizen of Citrus Beach, young and old. The primary function was for each of the town’s clubs and charities to sponsor a table and promote their causes and plans and showcase items that are part of the silent auction. This was the time when events for the coming season were announced, and volunteers could sign up for what event they wanted to participate in. Items were chosen to bid on, with the results announced at the end of the luncheon. Since the town was small, many of the women worked on several events. It was a wonderful way to coordinate the town’s activities. Events could be well spaced, so there was no overlapping on dates, and the Chamber could see that there was an active seasonal calendar to promote and encourage those returning to Citrus Beach in the fall to attend.

  The luncheon was also a wonderful way for the women of the town to enjoy an afternoon in the company of friends and to catch up on the most current gossip. Stories were told of children’s summer adventures, husbands’ mishaps, who had just gotten engaged, who was expecting another child and who had caught the summer flu going around. But top of the conversations were the worry of an approaching storm and an unsolved murder. Megan and Lucy wandered from table to table, signing up for activities as their heart lead them, adding their opinion to topics under discussion and listening to the opinions of their friends.

  Time passed quickly and soon Megan could hear the grumble of Lucy’s hungry stomach. Excusing themselves from the group they were standing with, they headed over to the lunch buffet and filled their plates. Looking around, they found that Leslie Black had finally left Mrs. Potter and was on the other side of the large ballroom. Seizing the opening, they grabbed the two chairs next to their friend and sat down to eat and catch up.

  “Hello, dears, are you enjoying yourselves?” asked Mrs. Potter smiling at both of them as they joined her.

  “We most certainly are, but I don’t think as much as you are, Mrs. Potter. You have the look of a cat that swallowed the canary about you.” Megan grinned back at her.

  “Well, Megan, I have to say that your little assignment has given this luncheon more interest to me than I’ve enjoyed in a number of years. Dorothy is thoroughly enjoying herself too … there is a little bit of a mischief maker left in her from when she was young that she doesn’t let out very often. This is proving to be the perfect opportunity for her. I do hope that we haven’t created a monster. I believe that we can safely say that Ms. Black has taken your bait, and the trap is set. She was so excited to hear that I wanted to invest in her little project with so few details. ‘Just so it will help our wonderful little town,’ I told her, ‘that’s all I need to know.’ She all but rubbed her greedy little hands.”

  Lucy and Megan laughed along with Mrs. Potter, who did seem to be having the time of her life. The younger women were excited with the confirmation that their plan was working. There was so much depending on this step of their plan. As they ate their lunch, they let the conversation drift away from Leslie Black and talked about other people and events going on in town.

  “Megan, how is our girl Emma doing? And when is she going to come back here and visit us? I miss her popping in on me whenever she had a craving for some of my sweet tea and marmalade treats. And who is this Aiden fellow that Lucy has been telling me about? My goodness, I don’t see you for a week and just look at how much has been going on. Come on, it’s time to fill me in on everything.”

  Megan gave her friend a frown, but Lucy just laughed and watched her blush as she told Mrs. Potter about Aiden and caught her up on the activities of her daughter. There were no secrets kept among her friends, but that was all right because it was all done with love. The three of them spent the next half hour talking and saying hello to other friends as they passed by. All too quickly, Lucy was urging Megan to her feet.

  “We need to move around more, Megan. I think that Leslie is getting ready to head back in this direction, and I don’t want our being here to interfere with the next step in the process. Are you ready, Mrs. Potter?”

  “Yes, Lucy. I am to tell her that I am ready to invest. But you know I had a thought that might give Megan a little insurance….”

  “I’m all ready for a little safety net. What are you planning now, Mrs. Potter”

  “Well, since Megan takes care of so much for me … you really do, dear … I think I should tell her that Megan has to do my banking and will get a cashier’s check and bring with her to the party out at Neptune’s Trident tomorrow night. What do you think?”

  “Oh, my, gosh, that’s perfect!”

  “Yes, it is. I also think that I am going to insist that I personally give it to the people that she is representing. I mean really, for such a large amount I want to see who I’m working with. And, Megan, you are going to actually have to go to the bank and withdraw the money for this to work … we don’t know who else works for them, and everything must seem legitimate.”

  “Uhmm, how large of an amount are we talking about here? I don’t want you to be placed in any type of financial jeopardy.”

  “Don’t you worry about that, let’s just say I’m in the “golden” club of investors. You just go to the bank, and I will phone ahead and have everything ready for you. We’ll plan our next step tomorrow and, with everyone working together, things will be just fine. Maybe you could bring your friend Aiden around in the morning, and we can firm things up. Lucy, you and Paul are welcome too. Now scoot you two, here she comes.” Not giving the friends time to argue, Mrs. Potter stood up and turned towards the approaching Leslie Black and they retreated in the opposite direction.

  They had not gotten very far before Dorothy Ross intercepted them with a huge smile on her face and a tray of desserts in her hand. Holding the tray out for the woman to pick from, Dorothy asked how everything was going.

  “Just as we hoped for, Dorothy. And thank you so much for your help. Your introduction was perfect and exactly the convincing piece that was needed. I know you had so much to do with this luncheon as well, so we really appreciate it. Let’s not say any more about our special project just now, okay?” Lucy put her arm through Dorothy’s free arm and gave a small squeeze.

  “Dorothy, did the luncheon accomplish all that you hoped for today?” Megan helped Lucy out by changing the subject completely and soon they had Dorothy chattering up a storm about all she had hoped for from the event.

  “Megan, I hope you are planning on some fundraising events … you always come up with such clever ideas. I know that Neptune’s Trident is your special project, but we could really use your ideas on some of our other causes. I know Lucy is planning something to help promote our Art community … I’m sure it will be just as wonderful as last year’s. You young girls have such energy; we are really lucky to have you as part of our community.”

  Laughing, Megan and Lucy thanked Dorothy, both secretly pleased to be classified as one of the “young girls.” The three of them started throwing out ideas and soon found that a few other women had joined them. Their little corner of the room was quickly becoming quite lively with good hearted jokes and laughter. Megan found herself relaxing and letting go of her worries until a loud jarring voice barged its way in, shattering her good mood.

  “Megan Cassidy, I’ve been trying to get an interview with you for the last couple of days. Can you tell me how you came to be involved with the murder of John Travels II? Was Sheriff Green questioning you as a suspect yesterday at the diner? Are the Bloomquests involved?”

  Megan turned towards Kim Heart, with a look of outrage. Lucy quickly grabbed her arm to stop her from saying
or doing something she would regret. But before Megan could utter a single word, Dorothy drew herself up rim-rod straight like the grand ladies of the south before her and gracefully put the reporter in her place and Megan out of the line of fire.

  “Ms. Heart. How wonderful that you could be here. Please understand that all of these marvelous ladies are here to help our community and plan so many exciting events for our upcoming season. Surely that is something much better to talk about. As a matter of fact, that is all we will talk about within these walls this afternoon. There is to be no talk of ugliness and dark deeds. Ladies, I know that all of you are excited to let Ms. Heart have a preview … a sneak peak if you will … of our ideas for this year’s events. Kayla, can you bring Ms. Heart a plate with some of your wonderful treats and, Mrs. Green, why don’t you start by telling her all about the fundraiser we have planned to benefit our fine police department?”

  The women around Dorothy quickly fell into her scheme and surrounded Kim Heart, all seemingly eager to tell her what was in the preparations for Citrus Beach and the upcoming social season. Grabbing the opportunity to make their escape, Lucy and Megan decided it was time to leave.

  “Thanks, Dorothy. Pouring it on a little thick aren’t you?” Megan laughingly hissed to her friend as she and Lucy left. Giving the two a wink, Dorothy continued to organize Kim Heart’s next article for the Daily Press.

  Moving fast, the two women headed for the nearest exist, which happened to be the kitchen. Pushing open the swinging doors, they just made it inside the room before they burst out laughing. Once Megan started laughing she could not stop, and Lucy was just as bad. Holding their sides, they turned to see Kayla come in behind them. She was grinning from ear to ear, happy to have had a part in holding Kim Heart back from her intended target.

  “Okay, you two, out of my kitchen. Those women out there are good, but Megan, you’ve got Kim Heart’s target on your back, and they won’t be able to hold her back much longer. Y’all give me a call later on, and I’ll let you know all that happens back here. Don’t forget if you need any help with whatever you are up to with Mrs. Potter, you let me or Rose know. And don’t look at me so innocent. I saw what was going on. Remember, I’m the mother of young teenagers: I’m always watching. But please be careful.”


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