Call of the Siren (Demons of the Infernum) (Entangled Edge)

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Call of the Siren (Demons of the Infernum) (Entangled Edge) Page 5

by Rosalie Lario

  Lina shot Ronin an amused glance and spread her arms wide, staring down at her torso. “All in one piece, as you can see.”

  “Your side is feeling better?”

  She gave him a “No duh” look. “Um, yeah…I’m an angel. I heal pretty quickly, in case you didn’t know.”

  Never let it be said Lina didn’t enjoy a little bit of sarcasm.

  She chugged her drink and set the glass down, meeting his gaze. “So why are you really here?”

  Ronin stifled the urge to smile. He had to admit, one of the things he liked most about this new, grown-up Lina was her lack of hesitation in calling people out.

  “I’ve been looking more into Sam’s background and trying to figure out why he might have turned against you. Whether he has some sort of connection to the dark fae, or to Mammon.”

  Lina shrugged. “Wish I knew. Don’t know much about the guy, other than I met him at Eros and he’s been a damned good mercenary every time I’ve worked with him. Not a lot surprises me anymore, but yeah, I must say I was shocked he turned against me.”

  Just one more person who’d let Lina down. Like him.

  “I’m sorry,” he murmured.

  “Whatever,” she said, appearing completely nonchalant about the fact that someone she trusted had betrayed her. “I tried calling him a couple of times, but hey, go figure, he didn’t answer.”

  No surprise there. Sam must know he was going to face retribution for his actions, at Ronin’s hand if no one else.

  “One of my contacts has been trying to track down information for me on Sam’s whereabouts.” He set his empty glass down on her counter. “I’m meeting him at Eros tonight, and I thought you might want to go with me.”

  Lina grabbed the whiskey bottle, poured each of them one more drink, and recapped the bottle. “No thanks.”

  Ronin paused in the act of taking hold of his glass. “What?”

  “I’m pissed he fucked me over. Of course I am. But I’m not really interested in getting revenge.”

  He shot her a disbelieving glance. “Are you serious? Don’t you want to know why Sam betrayed you?”

  Lina rested her hands on the counter and shifted her weight. “I figure I pretty much know why. The dark fae made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.”

  “Well then, don’t you at least care what this dark fae is up to?”

  She let out a low, easy laugh. “Ronin, you should know by now that I’m not into all this political bullshit. I only care when I’m paid to care.”

  Ronin stared at her, aghast at her callous words. How could she be so fucking shallow? He opened his mouth to spit out a blazing retort, but the challenge in her eyes stopped him cold.

  Shit, she was trying to pick a fight with him. Nothing new here. She’d done it quite a few times over the past few months.

  Lina clearly harbored resentment toward him for the mistakes he’d made. Her insistence on getting paid was probably one more way of sticking it to him for not being there for her when she was a child.

  Well, if that was the way she wanted it…

  He chugged his entire glass of whiskey. “Then I’ll pay you to care.”

  Lina stared at him for one long moment before the fight went out of her. Her shoulders sagged, and she appeared more soul-weary than he’d ever seen her before. “I’m really not up for a trip to Eros toni—”

  “Five grand.”

  She stiffened and gave him a suspicious glance. “You’ll give me five grand just for going to Eros with you?”

  “And wherever else we need to go to track Sam down.”

  Truth be told, if Ronin could reconnect with Lina even the slightest bit while out on this mission, it would be well worth the expense.

  “Besides…I’m worried about you,” he admitted. “With Mammon on the loose somewhere, it just isn’t safe for you out there alone.”

  She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “I told you, Mammon has no reason to go after me. You’re just being overprotective.”

  That was exactly what he thought she’d say, which was why he’d hired a guy to tail her went she left her home. It wasn’t a foolproof plan of action, however. Lina could fly, which meant she slipped from his view every now and again. The more time she spent with Ronin, the better. He would protect her with his dying breath.

  Lina let out a sigh. From her expression, it seemed like the answer would be no. But then, to his surprise, she said, “Okay.”

  Excellent. Ronin glanced at his watch, which read four thirty. “I’ll pick you up in four hours.”

  Lina straightened and took her hands off the counter. “No need. I’ll meet you there.”

  He wanted to protest, but knew a losing battle when he saw one. So instead, he nodded. As he began to turn, he noticed the sunglasses sitting on the pass through counter, right next to his now-empty glass of liquor.

  The very familiar pair of sunglasses.

  A tendril of anger unfurled within him as he lifted his gaze back to Lina’s face. “Was Dagan here?”

  Lina visibly froze. Her hands dropped back to the counter, nails digging into the surface. “Why do you ask?”

  He picked up the sunglasses and held them toward her. When Lina’s cheeks turned pink, Ronin’s suspicion ignited into a ball of fury that settled like coals in the pit of his stomach.

  She shrugged and tried to play it off. “He stopped by.”

  That asshole. He’d warned his little brother. If Dagan was making a play for Lina, Ronin was going to kill him.

  “Why?” he growled.

  She prickled at his tone. “None of your business.”

  “Lina…” He strove for calm, knowing that a display of anger would get him nowhere with her. “I told you about Dagan. He’s my little brother, and I love him, but he has a weakness—”

  “For women.” She sliced her hand through the air in a casual gesture. “Yeah, you told me. I’ve got news for you Ronin. Dagan hasn’t cornered the market on casual sex.”

  His hands clenched into fists, and the sunglasses snapped beneath his grip. “What?”

  Lina made an impatient sound in her throat and swept some of her hair behind her shoulder. “I’m not telling you we had sex, I’m just saying, what I do is my business.”

  She might have spoken again, but Ronin didn’t hear it past the sudden ringing in his ears. The word “sex” in conjunction with Lina and Dagan replayed itself over and over in his head, until he was left with one thought.

  I’m gonna kick his ass.

  Ronin turned without another word and headed for the door.


  “I’ll see you there in four hours,” he said without turning back around.

  His mind on his current mission, Ronin left without even processing her response.

  Chapter Five

  Belpheg paced the floors in the private reception chamber of his castle nestled deep in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania. When his hands shook uncontrollably, he shoved them inside the voluminous sleeves of his flowing black robe, praying his assistant didn’t realize how little control he was starting to have over his own body. He would give the demon no opportunity to question his authority.

  Turning to face the hubrin demon, he asked, “Do you know why I summoned you here today, Thorne?”

  The tall hubrin demon shuffled in his spot, appearing distinctly uneasy. Good. That was just how Belpheg wanted him.

  “No?” said Thorne, more of a question than answer.

  The air around Belpheg crackled with his anger at the obvious lie, and the demon took a cautious step back.

  “I discovered you went to see the angel without my approval.”

  Thorne blanched. “I can explain—”

  Belpheg lifted his hand, and Thorne clutched his throat, struggling for breath. Sometimes it was truly fun to be such a powerful being. But then his hand trembled, easing the constriction around Thorne’s neck. Belpheg muttered an inward curse and played off his momentary weakness by hiding his
hand in the folds of his robe. “What possible reason could you have for seeking her against my orders?”

  “I…I wanted to see her. I thought if I could reestablish a relationship, then maybe—”

  “I don’t pay you to think, do I?”

  Thorne cast his gaze to the ground. “No. I’m sorry.”

  “If you disobey me again, I’ll kill you.”

  When Thorne nodded his understanding, Belpheg turned his back on the demon. He truly hoped he didn’t have to kill Thorne…yet. Who would have known when he recruited him several months ago that the man would turn out to be so useful?

  It was through Thorne that Belpheg had learned of an angel mercenary who’d been adopted by a woman with a half angel, half demon son. From there it had been a simple matter to confirm that her adopted brother was one of Mammon’s sons. Hybrids weren’t all that common, especially of the angel-demon variety.

  After Belpheg’s twelfth minion, Asmodeus, had betrayed him and proved himself unworthy, Belpheg had hired Lina to kill Asmodeus with the true intent of orchestrating a reunion between the angel and Mammon’s son. Now that they’d been back in each others’ lives for several months, long enough to reestablish a bond, he would use her as bait to lure Mammon’s sons to him. Once Belpheg drained them of their power and transferred it to Mammon, by way of the succubi he held chained in one of the towers, he would have his twelfth all-powerful minion…and he would be primed to complete the magical circle that would center his body and strengthen his power.

  Belpheg speared Thorne with his gaze. “Do not contact the angel again until I tell you to do so.”

  When Thorne gave him an anxious nod, Belpheg turned and crossed to the marble pedestal in one corner of his dark, wood-paneled reception chamber. On top of the pedestal laid his most prized possession, the clan scrolls he’d been able to retrieve before his village was razed to the ground. Through them, he’d discovered a spell to stabilize the massive amounts of energy coursing through his veins. Power beyond what any one vessel was built to contain. In fact, if all went according to plan, once the spell was done, his power would increase tenfold.

  His clan had been the most powerful amongst the dark fae, but as a result of their inbred energy, their bodies grew weaker with time. So one of the elders had devised the magical circle to center their abilities…but it could only be performed on a solstice or equinox and required the Transformative Power of Twelve: the aid of a dozen gifted men, each of whom had been gifted with twelve special abilities.

  Belpheg had painstakingly created those twelve men over the past several months. The incubus Asmodeus had been the last of those twelve. It was only fitting that the men who’d helped take Asmodeus from him would be used to strengthen his replacement.

  And delightfully poetic that Mammon would be that replacement. His new twelfth.

  “What should I do now?” Thorne asked from behind him.

  Belpheg had already waited far longer than he should to center his power. He feared if he didn’t act soon, his body would implode on itself. And the summer solstice would be upon him in just a few weeks. Which meant Mammon would have to gain all twelve of his powers soon if Belpheg were to have any chance of creating the circle by the deadline. Otherwise he’d be forced to wait three more months—three months he wasn’t sure he had.

  Thankfully, being near his clan scrolls and occasionally touching them helped to stabilize his abilities. They pulsed with remnants of power from prior generations of his people. But even this wouldn’t be enough to last him much longer. His clan’s essence grew weaker, and he grew shorter on time.

  “Belpheg?” Thorne’s tentative voice sounded out behind him. “What should I do next?”

  He allowed himself one soft stroke of the vellum scrolls before turning back to the demon. “Did you take care of the mercenary—the one who calls himself Sam?”

  Thorne nodded. “Yes. A few hours ago.”


  The man had been a good, obedient servant, especially when it had come to implanting the device Belpheg would use to track the blond angel’s movements, but he’d outlived his usefulness.

  “You may leave for now.” He waited until Thorne had turned before calling out to him once again. “Oh, and Thorne…send Mammon in on your way out.”

  Mammon had begun to grow cocky in the months he’d resided here. Soon enough Belpheg would be forced to put him in his place. But for now, he would nurture him. Empower him.

  Use him like the puppet he was.


  Mammon sat in the dining hall of Belpheg’s massive castle, inhaling his fifth meal of the day, when the dark fae’s bastard lackey found him.

  “How’d I know you would be in here?” Thorne smirked and leaned casually against the doorjamb of the wooden double doors.

  Baring his teeth at the inconsequential demon, Mammon didn’t bother to respond. Truthfully, he’d spent much of the two months since Belpheg had rescued him in here, regaining his strength through sustenance. His time rotting in the Council prison had worn him down more than he cared to admit. They’d kept him all but starved, knowing that was the only way they could control him. That, more than anything, spoke to how much they feared him.

  With good reason.

  He would make them pay. Every single one of them.

  Especially you, my prodigal sons.

  They’d dared turn him into the Council, and for that they would forfeit their lives.

  Thorne crossed his arms and made a show of examining Mammon. “I’ve gotta say, you look way better than the last time I saw you. Freedom must be agreeing with you.”

  Despite the fact that Thorne’s smug tone rankled, he had to admit the stupid demon spoke the truth. Between the steady meals Belpheg’s staff provided and the stock of succubi he kept on hand to siphon powers into him, Mammon was feeling stronger than he had in quite a long time. Lucky for him, the Council had recently released a cure to the toxin sex demons naturally secreted during intercourse. That meant Belpheg could transfer powers to him without fear of him dying…and that Mammon had his very own harem of beautiful women to fuck whenever he pleased.

  Yes, this was infinitely better than the Council prison.

  “What do you want?” he growled at Thorne, tiring of the way the hubrin demon stared at him. The demon was far too cocky for his own good. He thought he was better than Mammon, simply because Belpheg had recruited him to do his bidding. He’d learn soon enough just how far beneath Mammon he was.

  Thorne grinned and straightened from the doorway. “Belpheg wants to see you in his reception chamber.”

  With those words, he turned and left.

  Mammon let out a throaty growl, stifling the urge to rush after Thorne and detach his head from his body. When the time was right, he’d teach the hubrin demon his place. And he would delight in doing so.

  As Mammon rose from his chair, he thought back to that night two months ago, when Belpheg had rescued him. Ever the gracious host, the dark fae had brought him back to his castle and shared a meal with him before discussing the reason he’d brought him here.

  Belpheg sat back in his chair, placing some distance between his body and his nearly empty plate.“You’re probably wondering why I freed you.”

  “The thought had crossed my mind,” Mammon replied, the sustenance he’d wolfed down lending his voice some strength.

  Belpheg’s hands trembled, and he dropped his utensils onto his plate. “I want to offer you the opportunity to take down the Council.”

  Just the words he’d wanted to hear. Mammon broke into a slow grin and began to speak, but Belpheg cut him off. “That’s not even the best part. You see…it also comes with revenge on your rebellious sons.”

  Mammon shifted back in his seat. Now this was getting more interesting. “I’m listening.”

  Belpheg explained the requirements of the magic circle. “It necessitates the aid of twelve men, who will channel their strength into me. From there, destroying the Counc
il will be an easy matter. I had almost everything I needed, but your sons murdered my twelfth before he could gain his full power.”

  A ribbon of excitement wound through Mammon’s chest. The plan that Belpheg had outlined seemed foolproof. Especially with Belpheg at the helm. Much as it grated to acknowledge it, Mammon knew of no other person who could equal Belpheg’s power. He’d gotten firsthand proof of that during Belpheg’s stunning rescue operation. To think, he’d simply waltzed in through the front door of the Council headquarters, paralyzing anyone who dared stand in his way. Those fools must have been out of their minds from the shock of it.

  Oh yes, Mammon would do well to partner with someone of Belpheg’s immense power. However, since it didn’t seem wise to show all his cards up front, he kept his tone nonchalant when he said, “And what do you suggest?”

  Belpheg returned his steady gaze. “I need another twelfth. I’d originally planned to use another incubus and perhaps bring you on to assist in controlling my twelve, but you see, there’s been a development recently.”

  When Mammon merely cocked a brow, Belpheg continued.

  “The Council has released a cure to the sex demon toxins. So I started to think.” Belpheg grinned. “How much more poetic would it be if I use you as my twelfth?”

  Mammon’s breath caught. He forced himself to stay relaxed, when he wanted to jump from the excitement of it all. This was more than he could have dared to imagine. With the powers Belpheg had mentioned coursing through his veins, Mammon would be unstoppable. Second to no one, other than perhaps Belpheg himself.

  He would be a king.

  “I believe I could be persuaded to join your cause,” Mammon said evenly.

  Belpheg chuckled, as if he found humor in Mammon’s words. The action caused momentary rage to rise up within Mammon, but he stifled it. He was wise enough to know not to bite the hand that fed him. Soon enough he’d have more than enough power…but for now, Belpheg held most of the control.

  “You mentioned my sons,” he said to Belpheg. “What do you intend to do with them?”

  “Ah, but that’s the best part.”


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