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Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 11

by Paige Cameron

  At one side of the room a piano sat by a bay window overlooking a wide expanse of prairie. Chandeliers hung from the ceilings. The room was large, colorful, and greeted you with warmth.

  “May I ask who decorated this room for you?”

  “I had it done a few years ago before my daughter went off to the big city. She helped me. She’s good with colors and seeing the placement of furniture. She likes rearranging furniture.”

  “She sure does,” Dirk said. “My brothers and I never knew what home we’d come into when we returned at the end of the day. Sometimes we were sure we’d gone to the wrong house, or we wished we had. Still, she has definitely gotten better.”

  “Dirk said she was a fashion designer?”

  “It seems she prefers that to decorating houses. She’s very talented,” Mrs. Brodie said.

  “Where is she?” Dirk glanced down a long hallway.

  “Where do you think?”


  “Yes, and obviously she’s forgotten the time again. Thank goodness Clayton isn’t here yet. He’d be fuming about her forgetting the time.”

  Chelsea heard a car, and Dirk looked out the window. “She’d better get back soon. The boss is here.”

  “Don’t call him that, Dirk. You know it gets his back up. I love him, but I don’t know where he got his uptightness from. Certainly not from his father or me.”

  Dirk moved to Chelsea’s side and put his arm around her. They both watched a tall, dark-brown-haired man and a very slim, tall blonde march toward the front door. Mrs. Brodie went to the door to greet Clayton and his fiancée.

  Introductions were made. Clayton had cool, light-blue eyes, high cheekbones, a tight mouth, and a strong, square jaw. His posture was upright and his dark-blue suit fit him to a tee. He was a handsome man, but not overly friendly. He gazed at her with speculation in his eyes.

  Priscilla, his fiancée, was cold. Apparently she thought a genuine smile might crack her lovely face. The slight upcurve of her lips must be the best she was willing to do.

  A young woman rushed in. She’d been hurrying, because her cheeks were flushed. She wore a pink sundress and sandals. Her auburn hair blew around her in soft waves halfway down her back. A man younger than Dirk followed behind. His hair was a lighter brown with tints of blond. He was tall, slim, and, with his golden-brown eyes, very handsome. He came across to Chelsea.

  “I’m Sam. Welcome.” He hugged Dirk. “I’ve missed you, brother.”

  “I’ll try to get over more often. Why don’t you visit me?”

  “I will. I want to see that new house.”

  Chelsea enjoyed watching the interaction of the family. She’d never been exposed to such a large group.

  Mrs. Brodie joined her. “We’re a lot of people for a person to get used to all at once. Come with me for a walk. Did you see my gazebo?”

  “It’s lovely. You can’t miss seeing it, but I’d love to check it out up close.”

  They walked slowly down the gentle slope to the lake. Ducks paddled along the edge of the water. A gentle breeze blew their hair.

  “Step inside. I have two comfy chairs and a nice table. I like to bring my lemonade, or hot tea when it’s cooler, and sit and contemplate my world.”

  “You have a beautiful ranch and house, six children that adore you, and I must say you taught your sons well. Dirk is a fine gentleman.”

  “Thank you. Are you in love with him?”

  Chelsea was taken aback by her blunt question. She looked around at the colorful surroundings and tried to find the right answer.

  “I think I fell a little in love with him the first time we met.” She glanced at Mrs. Brodie. “We were overseas and both had a few days off. He was funny, intelligent, and sexy.” She glanced at his mother.

  “You don’t have to blush. I remember the feelings well when I met his father. Go on, I interrupted.”

  “Later on he asked me to marry him.”

  “He never said a thing to any of the family as far as I know.”

  “I turned him down.”

  “I recognized you. You’re the reporter who got captured.”

  “Yes. Dirk and his friends rescued me. I hope none of you will mention my being here or that the military weren’t the ones to find me. It’s best that way. And I’m not ready to deal with my fellow reporters.”

  “We won’t say a word. But I wonder why my son went halfway around the world to rescue you, when you’d turned his proposal down?”

  “I’m pretty sure he loves me.”

  “And you?”

  “Loving someone is not always easy. Especially when he wants a wife and family at home on the ranch. I’m not sure I can survive in that setting.” Why had she said that? Why open up to his mother? Mrs. Brodie was extremely easy to talk to, and now she’d tell Dirk what she said. Then he’d question her before she was ready.

  Mrs. Brodie put her hand on Chelsea’s. “You look anxious. Don’t worry. I won’t say anything to Dirk. You two have to make decisions for yourselves. I understand.

  “My sister married Mr. Terrell, and she’d never lived on a ranch. It was an adjustment for her. They loved each other so much they made it work. She grew to be a part of the ranch as much as him.

  “It was the same for me. My husband, Clay, was a good friend of Frank Terrell’s. I met him when I visited my sister. It was love at first sight. But I took to the country living immediately. I was so ecstatic to be with him, working at his side, making a home for him, loving him, that I never looked back. If you have love, you can do a lot of things.”

  “But should the woman have to give up her career?”

  “I’m not sure. I think she has to decide on her own how she wants to live her life. Once you know the answer, you’ll know what to do. There is no wrong way to go if you follow your heart’s desire.” She squeezed Chelsea’s hand. “I think we’d better go back. It’s time to eat.”

  Dirk’s cell phone rang just as Chelsea walked up. He stepped aside. But she heard him say Rand. Evidently, the doctor brother was the caller.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked Dirk when he returned. “You’re frowning.”

  “Rand’s not coming today, but he wants to meet me at home tomorrow. He said to tell Mom he’d be by tomorrow to make up for missing the party.” He searched the room and then yelled, “Grace, are you staying here for a few days?”

  She walked in his direction. “I am. I took off four days. Why?”

  “Rand can’t make it today. He’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “That’s strange. He said he and his fiancée would both be coming.”

  “Probably one of them had to work after all. You know doctors. Starting out they don’t have good hours.”

  “Did he ask to speak to me or Mom?”

  “He asked about Mom. I told him she had walked down to the gazebo for a minute with Chelsea. Actually, I thought you might have been with them until I looked around after the call.”

  Graham, the writer, arrived late as they were sitting down at the table. “Sorry, the time slipped away.” He glanced down the table. “Happy birthday, little one.”

  Grace pretended to frown. “I’m not little. I’m an adult.”

  Graham shrugged his shoulders. “You’ll always be little one to me.” He grabbed his tea glass and took a long drink.”

  Soon the chatter went on all around the table. People talked to the person beside them, and the one at the far end of the table. Chelsea loved it. She’d fallen into a foreign country and wished she could stay. The only person not fully involved was Clayton’s fiancée, who picked at her food and looked totally bored. Some of the family tried to include her, but she answered with one or two words. Chelsea found herself involved in several heated discussions. No one ever got mad, though. There was much laughter at the table. Even Clayton smiled once or twice.

  * * * *

  They left late. The full moon shone a silver path across the land. The fresh air coming in the win
dows was cool. When they got to the TRC ranch, Dirk slowed.

  “Do you know what a night like this is good for?” he asked Chelsea.

  “For studying the thousands of stars?” She’d sat close to him and had her head leaning against his arm.

  He drove further before he answered. “For making love under the stars in the open.” He turned the wheel. They bounced down a two-lane dirt road. “I know just the spot. I’ve been hot for you all night.”

  “In front of your mother and family?” She gave him a side-glance. “For shame.”

  “They can’t read my mind, thank goodness, or my mom would have washed my head out.”

  “You are too funny.”

  Dirk pulled the truck into a spot near several trees. “I’m not joking. I intend take off your clothes and sink into your sweet pussy. Any objections?”

  “It’s a bit cold.”

  “Silly girl.” He pulled her out of the truck and into his arms. “I’ll keep you warm.” He reached around her and behind the driver’s seat and got a blanket. He spread the cover on the ground, and then led her to the spot.

  Desire shone out of Dirk’s eyes as he began to unbutton her shirt. He let it slip to the blanket. He didn’t kiss her, but just the touch of his fingers brushing across her skin sent heat flickering along every nerve ending. He made short work of unfastening her belt, unzipping her jeans, and removing them and her panties in one fell swoop. Her shoes were put to the side. He stood back.

  “I’d love to have a painting of you done at night, naked in the moonlight. Except I wouldn’t want another man to see you with your skin glowing, your red hair glistening like fire, and the light of the moon showcasing your lush curves.”

  “My turn. I want to see you.” She had his shirt off in a minute.

  “Let me help.” Dirk sat and yanked off his boots. Then he removed his jeans and shorts. He stood in front of her. “What do you think?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Hmmm.” She walked around him observing his long, lean back and tight ass. Moonlight shone on his broad shoulders, but other parts of his body were cast in shadows, giving his face a mysterious bearing. Light etched his wide chest, down his six-pack, to his hard cock. Well-muscled legs stood wide apart. He was a magnificent warrior from the past. She giggled at her silly thoughts.

  “This is bad if I inspire giggles and not moans.”

  “You have much too big a head anyway.”

  He glanced downward. “You think it’s too big?”

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  Dirk took her shoulders and moved her to the center of the blanket. “Stand there while I give you an inspection.”

  A shiver passed across her skin. She felt vulnerable.

  His hand touched her left shoulder and a finger trailed around to the back of her neck. Then he let his hand slide down the middle of her back to her bottom.

  “Skin like velvet.” His hands cupped her ass. “Nice.”

  She started to move. “Stay.”

  Next he touched her legs, and his lips whispered a kiss on the sensitive backside of her knee. His fingers trailed up the center of her legs and as he rose he held her back against his front and cupped her breast with one hand, while the other separated her soft folds and found her nub. She trembled.

  His lips kissed her neck and shivers ran down her spine. Desire coiled in her lower abdomen, and her nipples peaked, aching for attention.

  “You are mine. You may not admit it yet,” he whispered in her ear. His teeth ran across her earlobe. “But you will,” he said. His hand had moved up to hold her across her abdomen and his hand and arm circled around her breasts. “Mine.”

  Gently he lay her on the blanket and spread her legs. His mouth closed on her nub, and his tongue swirled around her most sensitive spot. Fluid seeped out of her pussy.

  Dirk breathed deep. “I love your scent when you’re excited. He licked along her folds and his tongue darted into her opening. Her hips rose to meet his mouth as she cried out his name.

  Her pussy walls clenched and unclenched, wanting him deep inside her. “Take me,” she cried out.

  “You’re sure you are ready?”

  “Don’t tease. I want to feel your hard cock deep in me.”

  He grinned. “A gentleman always gives a lady what she wants.” He reached for a condom, rolled it on and moved into position. His eyes met hers as he surged inside her hot, tight pussy.

  She raised her legs around him taking him in deeper. He groaned when she tightened her pussy walls. He moved in and out faster and faster, and she found his rhythm and followed. A wave of sheer delight ran up her body. Dirk plunged once more and held as they found their release together.

  Afterward, he held her tight in his arms. “Cold?”

  “I’m burning up, and my heart’s pounding a hundred miles an hour.”

  “Good, then I’m not alone.”

  His heart beat hard against her back. She was warm and safe. He kissed the top of her head. Dozens of stars shone in the dark night, and the moon touched the earth with silver. Could anything be better than this?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chelsea found a pattern to her days. She’d visit Lily in the mornings. They’d talk, and Lily taught her how to cook more dishes and to bake. It was fun surprising Dirk with different dinners. Other times, she and Lily played with Diana. Chelsea found herself becoming more and more comfortable handling Diana and caring for her. In the afternoons, she wrote. She was surprised her days were happy, interesting, and flew by.

  Tonight, she and Dirk were taking care of Diana while Ty and Lily went out to dinner. This was the first time for Chelsea, and she had to admit she was nervous. But not as much as she’d be if she hadn’t had more contact with the baby in the last few weeks.

  “Hi,” Dirk came in the door as she pulled out a tuna casserole.

  “I’m glad you’re early. We’ll eat and then we can give Diana our undivided attention when she gets here.”

  “Are you still nervous? I thought all those lessons from Lily would make you feel confident.”

  “Taking care of a baby when her mother is there is a little different than with both parents gone for the evening.”

  Dirk wrapped his arms around her and tickled her neck. “Don’t worry. Being the second oldest of six, I’ve had plenty of experience. And she’s been a doll when I kept her.”

  Laughing, she pulled out of his grasp. “I’ll remember when she’s crying, and I don’t know what to do. I feel much relieved to have such an expert on hand.”

  “Wait a minute. I didn’t say I was that good.”

  “Nope, you can’t back out now. Are you ready to eat?”

  “Will it keep if I take a quick shower?”

  She let her gaze go from his face down his body and up. “Yes, if I stay in the kitchen.” She winked at him.

  “I’d love to take you up on your offer. Make it again later.”

  “Did I make an offer?” She turned and started to set the table. Dirk whistled as he headed to the bedroom. They were becoming like an old married couple, and what frightened her was she thought she might like it to stay that way.

  Their timing was perfect. They’d eaten and were just finishing cleaning the kitchen when Lily brought Diana to the door. When the baby saw Dirk, she reached out her arms. Lily and Chelsea just laughed.

  “You can reach us on our cell,” Lily said. “Do you still have the doctor’s number?” Lily asked Dirk.

  “Yes. Don’t worry she’ll be fine with us.” Dirk handed Chelsea the diaper bag. He took the bottles out of the other bag and put them in the refrigerator.

  “Enough, sweetheart. We’re only going for dinner.” Ty had walked up behind Lily. “You’re a worse worrier than me. Relax. I’m sure Chelsea and Dirk can handle one little baby for a few hours.”

  “Forgive me. I know you all will do fine. I’m so seldom away from her that I get anxious.”

  “I can see I’m going to have to take her out more of
ten,” Ty teased. “See you all later.” He put his arm around Lily and escorted her to the car.

  Chelsea shut the door. “That’s it. We’re in charge.”

  Dirk carried Diana around the house. Chelsea could hear him talking nonsense, and the baby cooing. For a second, she imagined Diana was their baby. They were married and settled in this house. The idea didn’t scare her like it would have a few weeks ago. In fact the thought gave her a warm glow inside.

  She went looking for the two of them and found Dirk watching the sports channel with Diana cuddled in his arms.

  The baby swung her arms around and made noises as though talking.

  “You haven’t got a chance of getting his attention, sweetheart,” Chelsea said. “Not while he has his favorite sports channel news on.” She took Diana into her arms and sat in the rocker. “There, now we girls can have a talk.”

  Diana gave her one of her smiles and kicked her feet. She was a darling. Chelsea ran her hands over her golden curls. When she glanced across at Dirk, he was watching her. He had a thoughtful expression on his face.

  “You’ll make a beautiful mother.”

  “As I’ve said before, I haven’t given it much serious thought. But Diana is such a good, sweet baby. She makes you think about having one of your own. My guess is they don’t all come as calm and easygoing as her.”

  “You’re probably right.” Dirk went back to watching the television.

  Of course, eventually Diana started looking around the room. If Chelsea could read her mind, she was pretty certain she was looking for her mom and dad. Her little face screwed up, got red, and the crying began.

  Chelsea took her in the bedroom, undressed her, and changed her diaper. Then she put the little nightgown on. Diana stopped crying for a few minutes.

  “She must be tired. I’ll get her bottle. You hold her in the meantime.” She plopped the baby in Dirk’s arms. Looking back, Chelsea saw Dirk was unconcerned. He walked and talked to the baby.


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