Ascension of Evil (Battle for Souls Book 3)

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Ascension of Evil (Battle for Souls Book 3) Page 7

by Ciara Knight

  Sammy soared outside and landed with wings spread wide. “I never broke any angelic laws.”

  “Didn’t you?” The day he folded and accepted his fate stirred his emotions. He’d always blamed himself, but his memory had returned, mostly. Pieces were still trickling in. Thousands of years of memories, as if they had all happened yesterday. “I remember the day I fought for you, challenged Appius and the rest of the council. I placed my eternal salvation on you, but you’d gone against angelic law to find Boon. All this time, I lived with the weight that I had caused you to fall, but it was really you who had caused my fall.”

  Sammy shook her head, eyes wide. “No. Appius accused me of behavior unbecoming an angel. It had nothing to do with Boon. My innocence was proven, but we were sentenced because they believed I’d urged you to defy the council.”

  He froze. “Wait, if I regained my memory when I… then you must have regained yours when you bonded with Boon. You’ve known what happened all this time and let me continue to live with the guilt?” Hot anger bubbled inside him, then stilled as realization set in. Sammy had remembered once she bonded with Boon. Did the return of his memories mean he and Gabby had truly soulbonded? Was it different from that of other angels because she was part angel, demon, and human?

  Trees rustled overhead, reminding him of their purpose. “You lied. It wasn’t me. It was your determination to be with Boon that caused our fall. I have no use for Heaven and their laws now. Forras has Gabby, and she’s the only reason I’ve survived this long. The blame for my fall to Hell rests on your shoulders.”

  Sammy narrowed her eyes and lunged. He met her mid-air. Deep growls roared from the tree canopy. His shoulder smashed into the passenger side door of Bruce’s old tank of a car. Demon roars from the front drive answered the ones from the trees. He only hoped the ones in the rear joined in soon to watch the show.

  Sammy grabbed his hair, pulling his scalp tight. He clutched her hand and swung her overhead, onto her back on the gravel driveway. Rocks skidded across the grass and he jumped to keep her down, but she rolled back and ripped a branch from a tree. Bark rained down around them. He rolled. Dozens of eyes glowered down at him. As he jumped to his feet, Sammy rammed his side. The hood of the car crunched under his back, metal squealing as his wing tip raked down the side.

  “It was your fault,” Sammy grunted. “Don’t blame me.” She pinned his shoulders down.

  “You never take responsibility for anything. You deserved to fall.”

  Her words sliced through him, causing his body to react. His arms rose and broke her grip. He slammed the palm of his hand into her sternum. Air rushed past him as her wings flapped to keep her from flying across the driveway. Recovering quickly, she rammed him again, and they tumbled off the car.

  Jagged pebbles dug into his shoulder. More howls erupted from behind the house. “You lied to me. You act all pure and innocent, but you knew and left me in torment.” He shoved her from him.

  Boon swooped down and landed between them. Now, he shouted in their minds.

  Grace soared into the air. Demons jumped from the roof and tops of the trees, trying to stop her ascent, but they were too late. Boon snarled at Alexander, grabbed Sammy’s hand and bolted into the sky. A demon leapt from the tree, landing in front of Alexander. Two more soon joined in.

  Sammy looped and returned. She rammed the side of the one beast as Boon snatched the other one by the ear. All three of them bolted to the safety of the sky.

  Alexander’s mind reeled as he recalled more of their life in Heaven and the realization Sammy’d had her memories since she soulbonded with Boon. He wanted to confront Sammy and demand she tell him why she kept the truth from him. But Gabby came first. They needed to reach her before the howls of the demons warned Forras of their escape.

  He knew Bruce was right. He’d told them that before their battle with Forras had ensued, Forras had been mumbling about the school. The closer Alexander zoomed to the school the more his soul swelled with Gabby’s love. He dove. His feet connected with the ground so hard it caused cracks along the sidewalk at the east end of the school, Boon and Sammy landed by his side.

  Boon grabbed his arm, holding him back from opening the door. “You need to calm down.”

  “Let me go. You were supposed to stay with Bruce and Grace.”

  Boon’s dark lips pressed into a thin line. “Plan changed. You two needed me more.”

  “And I’m not losing you to the hatred and mistrust welling inside you.” Sammy stepped up to Alexander, but he backed away.

  Alexander huffed, “You better let go of me, Boon, or I’ll—”

  “No, you won’t.” Steam fumed from Boon’s nostrils. “You almost gave into your rage and hurt Sammy back there. We saw it in your eyes. If you fall, Gabby has no one left. I’m her humble servant, and I will not allow you to cause her to waver from her mission.”

  “If you don’t let me go, you won’t have a pawn to push around anymore with your self-proclaimed warrior hero status.”

  Boon’s lip curled up in disgust. “You don’t get it. I’m nothing more than a servant. Why Heaven chose you two, I’ll never understand.”

  “Us two?” What was he talking about? Gabby was the Chosen One. “Another lie? Is that all you two do?”

  “All we do is protect you two. And neither one of you makes our job easy.” Boon released his grip. “It’s time for you to think and regain control of your emotions. Or you can just hand all the humans over to Satan now, and condemn Gabby in the process. Are we going to save her? Without us, you don’t stand a chance. The demons are closing in fast.”

  The sounds of the horde’s cries and the destruction they left in their wake echoed through the woods.

  Alexander took a deep breath and nodded. The fire behind his eyes cooled, and he pushed the door open. “Afterwards, you’ll tell me everything. How we truly fell from Heaven. Why you kept your memories a secret. And if you know anything about our bonding, you will tell us. No more lies or deception.”

  Halfway down the hall, two figures were locked in a passionate kiss, Forras and a girl with long dark hair in a sweeping white dress. They parted, and the shape of the girl changed, her dark hair turning blonde.


  Chapter Seven

  Gabby’s body betrayed her, simmering under Forras’s embrace, but she sensed Charlotte’s love for him. She’d waited so long to be with him again. Gabby fought the connection between them, but finally gave in and let them have their moment.

  Forras still had love in his heart, his compassion and desire for Charlotte so strong it consumed her. His feelings wavered between his love for Charlotte and his hatred of Gabby’s father, coupled with the intense desire to murder Alexander and all earthbound angels. Through their connection, she realized his hatred stemmed from jealousy. He’d tried so hard to rip Gabby from Alexander’s arms, to make Alexander experience the same loss he had, but failed at every turn. He was alone in his misery and he only wanted companionship. A brother in darkness.

  Slowly, his mind filled with the possibility of being with Charlotte again. She tore her lips away and whispered, “Yes, it is possible.”

  Love surrounded them. Her gamble worked, his hatred shattering as his desire to be with Charlotte again won.

  “Let her go!”

  Their connection broke and Gabby was ripped from his arms. Charlotte snapped back to wherever she’d come from. Sammy clutched Gabby’s arms, dragging her a few steps away as Alexander swung with vengeance at Forras.

  “Stop him.” Gabby clawed for release from Sammy. Boon jumped between them and held his hands up, blocking Alexander’s path. “It’s not what you think,” Gabby yelled, thrashing for freedom. “He wasn’t kissing me.”

  Alexander glanced her way, his eyes full of fire.

  Breath hitched in Gabby’s throat. “He was kissing Charlotte.”

  Forras shook his head and stumbled back a few steps. “You. It wasn’t…You tricked me.”
  “No, Forras. Listen to me. It wasn’t a trick.” Gabby stopped fighting Sammy’s grip. “Let me go.”

  Sammy released her.

  Alexander shoved from Boon. “Don’t,” he ordered.

  Gabby ignored him and took a tentative step toward Forras. “Listen to me. I felt the love between you and Charlotte. It matched the intensity of my love for Alexander.”

  Alexander grunted, but she couldn’t risk averting her gaze from Forras for fear he’d run.

  “I know how much you loved her. Still love her. She loves you, too, and only wants to be with you.”

  “Lies. Another trick from Heaven. The same Heaven that sentenced me to forever be alone.” Forras’s ashen frame returned, his forehead bulging, nose expanding. The cracks of his bones altering echoed down the hall.

  Boon let go of Alexander and jumped between her and Forras.

  “No, step aside.” Gabby yanked Boon back and shot a sideways glance to Sammy for her to help. She nudged Boon back and stepped in front of him.

  Gabby slid her fingers into Alexander’s hand and tugged him to face her. Forras growled but didn’t advance. She still saw a hint of hope in his evil stare.

  She tightened her grip and gazed at Alexander. “Give me a chance,” she pleaded. “We need him.”

  Alexander shook his head. “No. He can’t be trusted.” Anger still etched in the frown lines around his mouth. “You’ll be in too much danger.”

  She chuckled. “I’m already in danger. Remember my destiny?”

  Sammy and Boon flanked them. “We stand together,” Sammy whispered. Boon nodded.

  Forras snarled. “Four against one? Hardly angelic-like.” Alexander squeezed Gabby’s hand tighter.

  “Forras, I connected with you.”

  Alexander’s grip cut into her hand and she winced. He loosened his grasp, but continued to keep hold of her.

  “Charlotte’s waiting for you. Please, you can’t let her down. We both saw the good still in your heart and soul. You’re not lost forever. Grace says if there is love in one’s heart, they are never lost. Your soul was released from the underworld for a greater purpose.”

  Forras edged back toward the side door. “I’ve never had a greater purpose.”

  Howls sounded outside. Boon broke away from them and marched to the door. “We need to go.”

  Alexander pinned Forras against the brick wall. “You called them here?”

  Gabby could sense Forras’s surprise as he stared down the hall toward Boon. Recovering quickly, he sneered. “What’s wrong? Can’t handle a few more on my team?”

  “Why, you—”

  “No,” Gabby shook her head. “Forras didn’t call them here. They followed you guys.”

  Alexander released him but didn’t back down.

  “They’re howling because you’re confused, Forras,” Gabby continued. Unsure what side you’re fighting for.” She stepped closer, but Alexander blocked her path.

  “No, don’t trust him. It’s a trick.”

  “Trust me. Please.”

  He shook his head, but reluctantly stepped aside.

  “You know Charlotte waits for you in Heaven,” Gabby tried again. “Hell can’t help you.”

  Forras stared at her and she could see his emotions warring behind his eyes. “Satan can retrieve Charlotte when we conquer Earth and move on to Heaven.”

  “No, Heaven’s gates will seal once Satan is on Earth.”

  Loud banging sounds echoed through the hall. Boon held the doors shut as sharp nails scraped down the metal on the other side.

  “Can’t hold them off long,” Boon shouted.

  “We’ve got to go,” Sammy urged.

  Gabby could see Forras wavering, but she had run out of time. For now. “Forras. Hear me out. Meet us at the Prim’s old house. It’s neutral ground for all of us. I’ll tell you everything I know.”

  “What?” Alexander spat, but Gabby ignored him.

  “Right, so your band of warriors here can take me down?”

  “No, I’ll be there with Sammy. Alexander and Boon will remain outside, guarding from any unexpected visitors. They won’t take you down. You have my word.” Forras hesitated, but she didn’t give him a chance to answer. “Charlotte will be there.”

  Gabby grabbed Alexander’s hand and nodded to the other two. “Let’s go.”

  Before they could take more than two steps, the doors burst open, sending Boon flying back. Grey, furry creatures charged through the doorway like cockroaches scurrying from light.

  Boon regained his footing in an instant and rammed the first wave, sending them rolling back into the night, but several slipped past him. “Get her out of here!” he yelled.

  Alexander shouldered one of them in the gut. Another one jumped over him, sailing right at her, its mouth wide, long fangs exposed. She squared her shoulders, ready for the assault, but Sammy grabbed a hand full of its fur and tossed him to the ground. The impact crushed the wood frame of the trophy cabinet, and the glass doors shattered as the whole thing collapsed under the pressure.

  The demon bolted from beneath the debris at Sammy. Gabby managed to grab its leg before it could reach her. It snapped at her hands. She yanked and the grey creature yelped before it turned and swiped at her. A claw slashed her bicep, weakening her grip, and she let go.

  Sammy screamed for Alexander. Throbbing pain paralyzed Gabby’s arm at her side. Alexander was barely visible beneath the blanket of demons pounding him. Jagged teeth shredded his skin. Two more snarling beasts left the pack. One launched at Sammy, sitting on her chest as two paws pressed her shoulders to the ground. Boon hunched then leapt toward Sammy, but three creatures broke through the bottlenecked entrance and bulldozed him to the ground.

  Demon stench mixed with the blood running down her arm. She palmed the cool wall and pushed up from the ground, slipping and sliding until she managed to stand. Forras remained where he was, watching the battle.

  “Help us,” she pleaded.

  Forras crinkled his nose in response.

  The sound of breaking windows drew her hazy attention and she shuffled to the nearby classroom, peering through the small glass pane in the door. Shadows floated in darkness within, desks and chairs crashing to the floor.

  Woozy, she slipped to the floor and leaned her head against the remnants of the trophy case. Blood dripped down her arm, forming a dark, sticky puddle on the floor.

  She peered around the cabinet. Dark fur and red eyes consumed the hall, covering nearly every bit of the sterile white. Sammy struggled with the monster on her chest. Boon’s dark frame was lost in the sea of demons. She heard Alexander cry out. Two demons had crunched down on his arms, their vice-like jaws tearing at his flesh.

  What had she done?

  She focused on Forras. He hadn’t moved, still leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest. “Forras, please.”

  The classroom door flew open and more demons flooded the hall behind them. Blocked in all directions, Gabby readied for her powers to surge forth and kill every dark furry creature in the building. She just hoped it would stop there.

  She held out her palm and energy surged to her hand. Red light blasted the beast from Sammy. Another sent several whimpering away from Boon.

  Her pulse beat against her neck as the demons turned and galloped toward her.

  But this time, no light pulsed from her hand.


  Alexander slammed the demons’ heads together. A sharp yelp interrupted the grunts and snarls. He rolled onto his knees and scanned the hall for Gabby. Sammy punched a mangy, red-eyed creature’s head, sending him against a wall. Through the mass of entangled bodies in the hall, he spotted Gabby on the floor. She thrashed about, kicking and punching at the demon snapping at her throat.

  A beast at his side lunged and clamped its jaws down on his leg. Bones crunched, but he didn’t feel the fangs pierce his skin, only the rush of adrenaline that propelled him forward.

  Forras stood
against the wall with his arms crossed. “Still can’t protect your girl?”

  Gabby tossed the beast across the hall and pushed up to her feet. She ripped a piece of wood from the crumbled cabinet and with her good arm, punted the creature down the hall. Then she swung again, and took out the demon attacking Sammy.

  Alexander climbed over the heap of bodies, dragging the beast clamped onto his leg with him as he struggled and tumbled to Gabby’s side. Claws dug into his back. Boon suddenly appeared at his side, jamming his fist into the beast’s jaw, forcing it to release its death grip on Alexander.

  “Get her out of here. Now!” Boon ordered.

  “No, you need us to help fight,” Gabby protested.

  Two more dogs jumped through the classroom door. Forras growled. The demons still in the hall and classroom snapped at him, but they remained crouched in obedience.

  Gabby smiled at Forras, churning Alexander’s stomach. “I knew—”

  “You know nothing,” Forras snapped, cutting her off. “I want information, that’s all. If you die, I can’t get it.”

  “What are you playing at?” Alexander demanded.

  Sammy wrapped her arm around Gabby. “Let’s go.”

  The sting from the demon’s bite in Alexander’s leg faded as he healed the torn flesh of his human form. He shuffled to Gabby and healed her.

  Boon grasped his shoulder. “No time to debate. We need to go.”

  Gabby glanced down at her palm then up at Boon. “Why didn’t my powers—”

  “Don’t know, but we’ll figure it out and be ready next time,” Boon offered. He turned to Forras. “Forras, come with us.”

  Forras lifted his chin and howled a deep, foreboding sound. All the beasts froze then lowered their heads to him. He returned his attention to them. “I’m still head demon here. I don’t care if you fall to darkness, but I have a few questions for Xena, warrior princess, over there, so get going. I’ll meet you at Prim’s house.”

  Gabby pointed to the open doorway behind them. “Take the stairwell. We need to fly out of here.”

  Alexander eyed her movements. She was standing taller now and spoke with more authority. Had she lost her innocence? Been corrupted by the ugliness of battle? Or was she turning into the warrior leader everyone expected her to be?


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