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Page numbers in italics refer to illustration captions.
AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
Acton, Lord
Alvarez, Luis
Artsimovich, Lev
Atkinson, Robert
atmospheric pressure
atom bomb, see fission bomb
Atomic Energy Commission, U.S. (AEC)n n n
Oppenheimer and
Strauss as head of
excitation of
stability of
Avogadro, Amedeo
Bangerter, Norman
Baruch, Bernard
Begley, Sharon
Bethe, Hans
sun’s energy studied by
Bhabha, Homi J.
big bang
Bishop, Jerry
Blackett, Patrick
Blondlot, René
Bockris, John
Boltzmann, Ludwig
Born, Max
Bradbury, Norris
Zero-Energy Thermonuclear Assembly in
British Atomic Energy Authority (BAEA)
Brophy, James
Brown, Harold
bubble chamber
bubble fusion
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
bullets, variable-speed
Bush, George W.
Bussard, Robert
Butt, Adam
Campbell, Michael
Carter, Jimmy
cathode rays
cesium oxide
Chadwick, James
chain reaction
Chirac, Jacques
Clinton, Bill
Cockcroft, John
cold fusion
bubble fusion compared with
control experiments lacking in
Colgate, Stirling
Columbus machines
Oppenheimer and
Teller and
Conference on Future Energy (CoFE)
conservation of momentumn
Coontz, Robert
Crum, Lawrence
Curie, Marie
Curie, Pierre
Dalton, John
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)nn
Darwin, Charles
Day After Trinity, The
in bubble fusion
in cold fusion
in Ditmire device
in Farnsworth device
in laser fusion
in muon-catalyzed fusion
in Putterman device
in Scylla
in the sun
deuterium-deuterium reactions
deuterium-tritium reactions
Ditmire, Todd
Dobrynin, Anatoly
Doolittle, James
Dulles, John Foster
Dyson, Freeman
E = mc2
h Brumaire of Louis Napoleon, The (Marx)
Einstein, Albert E = mc equation of
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
see also magnetic fusion
in laser fusion
muons and
in plasma
radiation and
television and
electron volts
Emmett, John
E = mc2 equation and
fission as best choice for
of sun
Energy, Department ofn
National Nuclear Security Administration
Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA)n
Everett, Cornelius
Executive Intelligence Reviewn
Farnsworth, Philo
Fermi, Enriconn
Feynman, Richard
as best choice for nuclear energy
chain reaction in
radioactive waste from
uranium and
and valley of iron
fission bomb (atom bomb)
chain reaction in
first test ofn
in fusion bomb
Manhattan Project and n
Fleischmann, Martin
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor and
Fuchs, Klausn
as clean energy
cold, see cold fusion
fusion (continued)
difficulty of
expense of
fuel for
inertial confinement ; see also laser fusion
laser, see laser fusion
magnetic, see magnetic fusion
secrets in research on
strong force in
in sun
tabletop devices for, see tabletop fusion
and valley of iron
fusion bomb (superbomb; hydrogen bomb)
Alarm Clock design for
Castle Bravo test of
Castle Koon test ofn
Castle Romeo test of
containment of ; see also magnetic fusion
detonation of
diminishing returns of
fission device in
Greenhouse tests of
Ivy Mike
Limited Test Ban Treaty and
major obstacle in creation of
moratoriums on
natural gas tests of
Nougat tests of
in Operation Storax
Plumbbob Rainier test of
in Program No.
in Project Chariot
in Project Plowshare n
radioactive fallout from
in Soviet Union n
Fusion Energy Foundationn
Gai, Moshe
gamma rays
Gamow, George
Garwin, Richard
gas, natural
General Advisory Committee (GAC)
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor and
Gilliland, Gil
global warming
Gorbachev, Mikhail
bsp; Greenhouse tests
Griggs, David
Gromyko, Andrei
Groves, Leslien
Guardian (London)
Guillen, Michael
Halite/Centurion experiments
Happer, Will
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Heisenberg, Werner
cold fusion and
on moonn
in sun
high temperature, effects of
Holloway, Marshall
Holt, Rush
Houtermans, Fritz
Huemul Island
Huggins, Robert
cold fusion and
in fusion
in muon-catalyzed fusion
stability of
in sun
hydrogen-, see deuterium
hydrogen-, see tritium
hydrogen bomb, see fusion bomb
image dissector
inertial confinement fusion
see also laser fusion
Infinite Energy
instability neutrons (false neutrons)
Iraolagoitia, Pedro
ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor)
Ivy Mike
James, William
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor and
JET (Joint European Torus)
Jones, Steven
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
Kaempffert, Waldemar
Kelvin, William Thomson, Lord
Kennedy, Donn
Kennedy, John F.
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kidder, Ray
kink instability
KMS Industries, Inc.
Koonin, Steve
Korean War
Kruskal, Martin
Kun, Béla
Lahey, Richard T., Jr.
Lapp, Ralph
LaRouche, Lyndonn
laser fusion
direct drive versus indirect drive
Ditmire device
Halite/Centurion experiments for
Sun in a Bottle_The Strange History of Fusion and the Science of Wishful Thinking Page 30