Crimson and Clover

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Crimson and Clover Page 10

by Juli Page Morgan

  She resumed stroking, squeezing, touching him the way she wanted to be touched. Jay raised a hand to cup the back of her head and the other insinuated itself between her legs. With his eyes holding hers captive, warm fingers slid under the lace of her panties, touching her with exquisite tenderness. Finally — finally! — she knew what it felt like to have him touch her and she moaned deep in her throat. Jay moved his fingers against her, back and forth, the slow, unhurried rhythm driving her mad with the longing for more. Katie trembled with the effort to remain still, her eyes pleading with him as her yearning rose higher with every stroke.

  He smiled into her eyes and tumbled her onto her back, rolling on top of her. Tangling her hands in his hair, she pulled him to her and kissed him with the burning passion he’d ignited.

  Jay pulled his mouth from hers, slid down and yanked her panties off. He spread her open with his thumbs and took his first long, slow taste of her. Katie arched her hips at the feel of his warm tongue, his hot lips. She was on the edge of climax when he stopped, moving his head to press soft kisses against the skin of her inner thigh. Katie lay panting until some of the tension began to drain from her body. The moment she started to relax, she felt the flick of his tongue against her again and that wild yearning began to build once more, growing higher and hotter until she was almost at its peak. Again he stopped, laying his head on her leg and panting with his own unreleased passion. When he returned his mouth to her aching center of desire, she grabbed his head in both hands, afraid if he stopped again she might tear him apart. He didn’t stop. Katie felt that incredible hunger building yet again, filling her, driving her mad; she cried out when Jay slipped two fingers inside her. He groaned and fluttered his fingers. The vibration of his voice against her sensitive flesh and the feel of his fingers took her over the edge into the most shattering climax of her life.

  Jay moved to lie on top of her, panting with the exertion of holding himself in control. He pushed her legs wider and drove himself into her with an inarticulate sound. Still quivering from her own release, she gasped as he entered her, filled her, stretched her beyond the boundaries of what she thought she could take. Her flesh clutched at his, wanting to contain that incredible fullness, that invading presence that thrust into her with delicious relentlessness. And again she was consumed by that explosion within her, an ecstasy so great she didn’t think she could bear it. She gasped as Jay thrust all the way into her and froze. She could feel every inch of him and marveled at the quivering, jerking reality as he spilled himself inside her. He lowered his head, his hair falling across her face and cried out his own release against her neck.

  After a moment, he pushed himself up on his elbows and gazed down at her. The sight — flushed face, lips parted, hair sweaty and tangled, and those hazel eyes, always intense and piercing — caused her flesh to convulse and clutch at him again. A deep sound was jerked out of him as he felt her tighten around him, still half-hard inside her. “Damn,” he whispered and covered her lips in a smothering kiss. Taking her with him, he rolled onto his side and held her close.


  Weak sunlight filtered through the smudged windows of the launderette, but was no match for the cold air outside. Katie shifted her shoulders in discomfort as the chill from the window caressed her back. With a shiver, she got up and headed toward a row of seats away from the front of the building.

  “I’m moving over here,” she called out to Maureen. “It’s too cold by the windows.”

  Maureen looked up from tossing her wet clothes into a dryer and nodded.

  Katie sat down, crossed her ankles and closed her eyes, and continued the pleasurable thoughts the cold had interrupted. She’d stayed at Jay’s over the weekend, returning home only that morning, and was still glowing inside and out. Sucking down hard on her bottom lip, she thought again about the feel of Jay’s hands on her body and the feel of his warm lips on her most sensitive places. Her hands curled into loose fists in a vain attempt to retain the feel of him against her palms. She’d been sexually active since the age of fifteen, but Jay Carey had awakened a sensual side of her she’d never dreamed existed. Though she’d left him only two hours before, she had to force herself not to rush back to his house.

  “Sex-crazed idiot,” she muttered under her breath. Except that wasn’t completely true. Yes, the sex was outstanding, but that wasn’t the only reason she wanted him. When she was with him, she felt free to be herself with none of the awkwardness she usually felt during the early days of a relationship. Their conversation flowed with ease, and even the silences that fell between them were comfortable. She could watch him for long minutes without feeling the need to be covert and she knew it didn’t bother him. And when he was looking at her, she felt no desire to act a certain way, or worry about her appearance; she felt only a warm glow that came straight from his eyes. And when he touched her — oh, when he touched her — that warm glow turned to fire, incendiary flames that consumed her.

  And she was consumed by him. She’d thought that once they finally scratched their mutual itch, it would relieve some of that tension. But it had only stoked the flames and they burned higher and hotter than ever. An almost unbearable ache to go back to him just so she could see him swept through her.

  “Stop that,” she told herself aloud and shook her head to dispel the urge.

  “Stop what?” Maureen plopped down next to her, crossed her legs and began jiggling her foot.

  “Oh, nothing.” Katie grinned at her. “Just thinking out loud.”

  “You’re apparently not thinking about Jay, then, because from what you’ve told me, you didn’t tell him to stop anything.”

  “The word doesn’t exist when it comes to Jay.” The jiggling foot caught Katie’s eye and she frowned. Such an outward show of agitation was unusual for Maureen, and now that she thought about it, her friend had been jumpy all morning. “Maureen, what’s going on with you? You’ve been acting like a whore in church all day.”

  The speed of Maureen’s foot increased. “It’s just that I want to ask you something, but I don’t know how to do it without sounding completely horrible.”

  “If you shake that foot any faster, you’re going to go airborne,” Katie observed. “So stop being all uptight about it and just lay it on me.”

  With an explosive sigh, Maureen put both feet flat on the floor. “All right then. I was wondering if you … well, if you’re interested … if you don’t want to, it won’t hurt my feelings a bit … ”

  “Spit it out,” Katie laughed.

  “Would-you-like-to-be-partners-in-a-clothing-design-business?” As soon as the words left her mouth, Maureen gasped and put her hands over her face.

  “Are you kidding? That would be far out!” Katie pried Maureen’s hands loose. “Why were you worried about asking me that? I’d love it.”

  “Would you really?” Some of the panic left her eyes at Katie’s affirmative nod. “Well, you see, the dress we made caused such a sensation that I’ve had loads of people asking me to do something similar for them. But I didn’t feel right about it since the dress was your design.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” Katie snorted. “You sketched it, you made it. All I did was come up with an idea out of left field.”

  “No, Katie.” Maureen’s expression was serious. “It’s your design. For me to use it and profit from it without including you would be wrong and I’d never do it. But I’ve been thinking and … ” Her eyes began to shine. “I think a blouse like that would be smashing. And can you imagine a pair of trousers?”

  “Ooh, risqué.” Katie grinned. “I think I’d like those. But you won’t do it unless we’re partners?”

  “Never,” Maureen declared. “It wouldn’t be honest. I was afraid to ask, though, because I didn’t want you to think I was just trying to get you to give me some of your money. Because I would never, ever do that. Ever. You know that, don’t you?”

  “I love you, Maur.” Katie hugged her friend tigh
t. “You’re the best person I’ve ever known. And I would never think you were trying to tap me for bread.”

  Maureen returned the hug with a sigh of relief. “I love you, too. And since we’re obviously arse over elbow for each other, does that mean we’re partners?”

  Laughing, Katie released her and nodded. “Under one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Since I can’t sew for shit, you have to let me hire someone to help you.” She held up a hand as Maureen opened her mouth to protest. “No, I mean it. I hear your sewing machine going all hours of the night and you need help. Don’t you want more time to spend with Nicky?”

  “Oh, right. Hit me at my weak spot.” Maureen’s forehead creased in a thoughtful frown. “Actually, it would be nice to have some help.”

  “I was thinking about asking Stephanie Glass,” Katie said, referencing their top-floor neighbor.

  “That’s a super idea. She’s a good hand with sewing and we do get on; love her to bits.” Maureen smiled. “Think she’d do it?”

  “We can always ask.” Katie stuck out her hand. “Partners, then?”

  Maureen grasped her hand and shook it. “Partners.”

  “Can anyone get in on this, or is it private?” Jay’s voice cut across the soporific hum of the dryers and both girls turned toward him in surprise. Maureen recovered first.

  “The best news, Jay! Katie and I are going to be partners in a clothing design business.”

  “That is good news.” Jay dropped into the chair next to Katie’s and removed one hand from the deep pocket of his black trench coat. Katie enjoyed the little thrill that shot through her when he took her hand and laced his fingers with hers.

  “Did you come down here to do your laundry?” she joked.

  His answering smile made her melt. “Hardly. Nicky’s coming round to get Stuart and Adam at one o’clock and I thought I’d catch a ride with them.”

  Katie snickered at the thought of those four crammed into Nicky’s 1954 Ford Prefect with its pitted gray paint and lone remaining hubcap. “Be careful in that car. I think it’s just hanging on by a prayer.”

  “That and elastics,” Maureen put in. “Scares me to tears every time he drives it.”

  “Clear something up for me.” Katie tilted her head. “Nicky won’t be here for two hours and you’re sitting in a launderette. How’d that happen?”

  With his free hand, Jay shook a cigarette from the pack he pulled from his pocket and put it between his lips. He fished around in the same pocket and pulled out a Zippo. “As to why I’m sitting here, I was passing by and saw you two through the window.” He lit the cigarette and stowed the lighter back in his pocket. “As to why I’m here so early … ” He smiled into her eyes.

  “Ah, get a room.” Maureen’s grin belied her nasty tone.

  “What a perfectly wonderful idea.” Jay got to his feet and pulled Katie from her chair.

  Maureen caught Katie’s glance toward the dryers and waved her on. “Go shag the lovely man, Katie. I’ll bring your wash home. After all, what are partners for?”

  • • •

  The frantic rhythm of her heart began to slow and Katie lay still, listening to it. She could hear Jay’s heart beating, too; faster than hers, but slowing from its former frenetic pace. His warm weight was sprawled on top of her, his face nuzzled in her neck. She let her hands drift down the planes of his back and noticed his skin was beginning to cool. The quilts were bunched in an untidy tangle at the foot of the bed and she tried to snag one with her toes to pull up over Jay’s shoulders. After a few unsuccessful tries, she gave up and wrapped her arms around him instead. He took a deep breath and sighed.

  “I’m sorry about your blouse,” he murmured.

  A quiet laugh shook her as she remembered the haste with which Jay had divested her of her clothing. Her blouse had ended up a casualty, ripped halfway to her waist. “I’m not. Besides, it was worth it.” She turned her head on the pillow. “Better now?”

  Black curls tickled her face as Jay raised his head. “No.” He gave her a look that reached to the depths of her soul. “I still want you more than ever.”

  “Me, too,” she whispered and blew his hair away with a softly exhaled whoof.

  One elegant hand rose and pushed the hair back from his forehead. “You’ll tell me if I’m too much for you?”

  “Fat chance. I’m as bad as you are.” The chill air in the room was beginning to reach her now that Jay had propped himself on his elbows. “Can you grab one of those quilts?”

  “Oh, yeah.” He jerked one of the quilts over them before rolling to his side and pulling Katie close. “Come here, love. You’re shivering.”

  Katie sighed and snuggled against his chest. “What time is it?”

  “I don’t know and I don’t care.” Jay slid his fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead. “I could stay here like this with you for days.” His sigh sounded aggravated and Katie felt a shiver of apprehension.

  “What is it?” she asked, not sure she wanted to know.

  One of Jay’s hands came around to stroke her cheek. “Nothing bad. I promise. It’s just that I thought once we’d been together, it would be … I’d feel … ” A note of frustration crept into his voice. “I thought it wouldn’t be so urgent. I thought I’d be able to stop thinking every bleedin’ minute about touching you and kissing you and being inside you.” His lips were hot against her forehead. “But I can’t. It’s worse now than it was and I didn’t fucking think that was possible!”

  His words were so close to her earlier thoughts that she jerked in surprise. “I was thinking the exact same thing before you got here,” she said in wonder. “I was thinking I was some depraved fool or something.”

  His laugh rumbled against her cheek. “If you are, then so am I. I must say, I’m relieved to know it’s not just me.” His voice grew serious. “I’ve never felt like this, Katie, and I don’t really know how to deal with it. I wasn’t having you on when I said I could stay with you like this for days. If it starts to bother you … ”

  She put her fingers over his lips to stop the flow of words. “Never.” She shook her head. “It will never bother me, Jay, because I feel the same way.”

  He took her hand in his and gently kissed her fingertips. “Then I’d say we’re well-matched.” Lifting her hand higher, he moved his lips across her palm, over her wrist, and down her arm to her elbow.

  Little tremors shook her as desire for him flooded her body. “What about your rehearsal with Stuart and … and Nicky … and … ”

  “Fuck them,” Jay muttered against her shoulder before continuing his slow, hot kisses up the side of her neck.

  “But what if Nicky comes looking for you? Oh!” She closed her eyes and buried her hands in his hair at the gentle bite on her earlobe.

  “If he’s into watching,” Jay breathed in her ear, “then he can bloody well takes notes. I want you, Katie.” He rolled her onto her back and spread her legs. “Right now.” He slipped a hand between her open thighs and she felt his smile against her lips. “And you want me, too.”

  “Yes, I do,” she gasped, and opened her legs wider. “Right now.”


  “Damn, Katie!” Stuart dropped his fork onto his plate, the resultant clatter making Katie wince. Though the plate was nowhere near Haviland, it was one of her good ones. After all, she’d wanted this dinner for the two of them to be nice and she’d been looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with the only other American she knew in London. “You’re part of the silent majority.”

  “So what if I am?” Katie narrowed her eyes at him across the table, her ire rising at his accusatory stare. She hadn’t intended for dinner to turn into one of those tedious discussions she’d had to put up with in the Haight. “Pulling out of Vietnam now will do more harm than good. If we just give up, do you honestly think Hanoi will stop at South Vietnam?”

  “Fuck Hanoi and fuck South Vietnam.” Red patches
appeared on Stuart’s cheeks. “Nixon just wants to keep this war going … ”

  “Bullshit!” Katie interrupted. “Johnson was the one who made it a war. He did nothing — nothing! — to try to win because he was making tons of bread off those Baby Hueys that kept getting blown out of the sky. Nixon’s having to clean up that mess and he can’t do it overnight. At least he’s bringing some of the boys home.”

  “In a box!”

  “Less boxes than Johnson brought home.” Katie felt her ears grow hot. This was not what she considered interesting dinner conversation.

  “And if my brother comes home in one of those boxes, then I should just be glad that he’s one of a few?”

  “No.” She took a deep breath. “Look, I don’t want anyone to come home in a box, dig? But if we just give up and leave then we’ll have to just do this again sometime in the future. Maybe not in Vietnam, but somewhere else, because the Viet Cong and other bastards like them will think we’ll just sit back while they take over the world.”

  “You’re giving them too much credit,” Stuart scoffed. “They can’t take over the world.”

  “Forgetting Tet, aren’t you? No one thought they could mount an offensive like that, either.”

  “Oh, come on!” The red in his cheeks spread to his forehead. “Westmoreland had his head up his ass and … ”

  “Enough!” Katie held up both hands. “I refuse to fight the Vietnam War over Thanksgiving dinner. In fact,” she forestalled another outburst from Stuart. “I refuse to in any way discuss, debate or dick around about the Vietnam War anywhere at any time. We’re just going to have to agree to disagree about this and let it go.”

  Stuart opened and closed his mouth a few times, but the flush of anger began to fade from his face. “All right, then,” he conceded. “No more war talk.”

  Katie breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn’t remember how they’d gotten started on the war anyway, since it was one of the things she avoided discussing like the plague. All it did in her opinion was start fights between friends and raise blood pressure levels to dangerous heights. She loved Stuart like a brother and didn’t want something like a war neither of them could do anything about to ruin that.


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