INVESTED (Dunning Trilogy Book 1)

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INVESTED (Dunning Trilogy Book 1) Page 11

by Iris Bolling

  "Of course you are." AnnieMarie touched her brother's big shoulders. "You can handle it, Myles. Don’t you think Dad knew that? He's been grooming you since I can remember. How many times did he send us to you whenever we had an issue? Mother knows it too. All she needs is a little backup when it comes to Uncle Walker. As for the office, well, your biggest headache there is Elaine. Keep an eye on her and you will be fine."

  "Elaine? Elaine Jacobson?"

  "Yes, I know everyone thinks Mitch is the competition, but he's not. Every time he tries something he gets caught. His execution is off. Now, Elaine - that chick is slick. They say any time a woman scorned is in the midst, it's a danger zone."

  "What are you talking about? I've never been involved with Elaine."

  "I hope not. She is old enough to be your mother." AnnieMarie laughed. "But I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about Dad."

  "What?" Myles could not hide his shocked expression. “What are you talking about?”

  "You really need to get out of your office more," she huffed. "The rumor had it that Elaine was crazy about Dad back in the day. He never encouraged it, so I was told, but they did work very closely together. Mother even thought Elaine had broken through. But once Daddy discovered her feelings about him, he had her position changed and her office moved from the front office next to his. Mitch was on the right and Elaine was on his left. The three of them ran things at Dunning. I don't know the entire story, but from what my people told me, something went down years ago and Dad moved her out. The office became Mother's place whenever she came into the office." She frowned. "Chrystina never mentioned any of this to you?"

  "No. This is the first I've heard of anything involving Dad and Elaine. How did Mother react?"

  "From what I was told, there was a major pow-wow in Dad's office one day between Dad, Mother, and Elaine. Elaine emerged, packed a few things and disappeared for about a month. While she was gone, her office was moved to where she is now. Her position was changed, but she wasn't demoted, or removed from the board. However, she did not spend time alone with Dad anymore."

  "Is Elaine married?"

  "No, she never married as far as I know."

  "How did Mother handle Elaine?"

  "From what I'm told she handled it like she did everything else, cool and collected. She trusted Dad to handle whatever it was. It seemed he did. But I still don't trust Elaine Jacobson and you shouldn't either."

  "How do you know about all of this and I don't?"

  "First of all, I venture out of my office on occasion. Second, I'm the public relations manager. It is my job to know everything about everyone connected to Dunning. The last thing I ever want to happen on my watch is a scandal involving personnel."

  "I'm planning on moving Mitch to that office you said was once Elaine’s and Chrystina into his office."

  AnnieMarie raised an eyebrow. "That is going to cause a stir. Have you told him yet?"

  "No, I've instructed Mrs. Vazquez to hold off until things settle down. But Chrystina is going to be next to me. I don't trust Mitch to have access to my office."

  Nodding, AnnieMarie agreed. "I think that's a good move. You do realize that is positioning Chrystina as your second in command."

  "No." Myles shook his head. "I just need her there."

  "So you are moving into Dad's office. Good. Dunning employees need to know they have a leader. The financial world needs to know as well." She took her brother's hand. "I know it's going to be difficult for you to occupy that space, just as it will be rough for Mother to visit. But with the right mindset I know you will take Dunning to the next level. So say it with me. I can do it."

  Myles smiled. "I can do that. Just as I know you can come into the office, look people in the face and move past this moment in your life. As for Cainan Scott, I don't know how you are going to handle that situation. I can't give you my blessings until I know what Dad's concerns were. But you are an adult. I can't forbid you from seeing him. However, I hope you will honor my wishes until we know more."

  AnnieMarie sighed. "If Mother was able to handle the situation with Elaine I should be able to handle Cainan."

  "Office romances." Myles looked out as if thinking. "They are bound to happen because we spend so much time with each other."

  AnnieMarie stared at him. "Are you referring to me or someone else?"

  "No, just thinking overall," he explained.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Elaine turned in her office chair looking out the window while she waited for the call she had just placed to be answered. It was noon in London. Jonathan should be available.

  While she waited she watched Cainan Scott pull into the parking lot. He did not get out of the car immediately. He was sitting inside talking on his cell phone. The call seemed to irritate him.

  She, like other members of the board, wondered how someone so young gained Hep's trust so fast. She shook her head correcting her thoughts. It wasn't just Hepburn's trust; the man admired Cainan Scott to the point where he put him on the board without the usual vetting done by the members. One day he showed up to work, the next day he was sitting as a full voting member of the board. In the Dunning atmosphere, that was unheard of.

  "Hello." The masculine accented voice pulled her from her thoughts.

  "Jonathan." She turned from the window. "I expected a call yesterday. What was the PI brass' take on the news of Myles Dunning's appointment?

  "I see you are straight to the point today," Jonathan replied. "Mild curiosity at this point."

  Elaine sat forward. "Any plans for counter actions?"

  "Dunning isn't a concern for us at this time. I must say I question your motives. You are working for a progressive mobile company. Why are you taking a chance on losing what must be a trusted position by attempting a sabotage? What happens when this becomes public knowledge?"

  "I don't plan on it being publicized. Do you?"

  "You offered to bring a major contract to us in exchange for employment considerations. I would think Dunning would notice if you and BIT signed with us."

  "We have plans to cover us."

  "We? It's been my experience, when more than one party is involved in a scheme there tends to be individual agendas. I would implore you to examine the 'we' factor."

  "I've covered all my bases. My only concern is where does PI stand? If I deliver BIT, signed and sealed, will I have a position with PI?"

  "We are noncommittal at this time. However, we will continue to monitor your actions." The call was disconnected.

  Elaine hung up the phone then turned back to the window. "I never put all my eggs into one basket, Jonathan...never."


  Jonathan stood at the window in this office. He had made a decision. The offer from Elaine Jacobson to deliver BIT would guarantee Phase the number one ranking for years to come. If he was the one who brought the multi-billion dollar company on board his position with Phase would be etched in stone. All that at the cost of selling out Dunning. That price was too high. The entity known as Dunning was too important to not only the African American community, but to the world. Its value debunked the myth that the good guys always finish last. He could not in all good conscious interfere with its progress. Turning down Elaine's proposal would leave Dunning in a vulnerable position. He was certain she would shop the offer around. Another financial entity would take it. He had to take steps to prevent her from succeeding.

  It was evident to him Elaine Jacobson was working with someone to disrupt Dunning's operations. If she contacted him regarding the BIT account she had certainly reached out to others. His first choice would be America's Bank. He knew the acquisition manager over there would be hesitant to get his hands dirty with the banking commission, the same as he was. That left who will benefit the most from acquiring BIT.

  Jonathan touched the Bluetooth in his ear. "Sydney, would you step inside please?"

  A very attractive slim brunette stepped inside with a tablet in her hand. "Whatever y
ou decide to do, I'm going with you," she said, sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

  Jonathan smiled as he took a seat at his desk. "What makes you think I'm going to do anything?"

  "You're a good mate. There is no way you're going to allow a takeover of Dunning by us or anyone else."

  "You know me too well."

  "How do you wish to proceed?"

  Jonathan sat forward. "Whoever is behind this is not out to just acquire BIT. My gut tells me they want Dunning cut to bloody hell. It’s not Phase or America's Bank. It will be one of the others who will take Dunning's place in the rankings. Let's look at the financials of the top 10."

  Sydney was keying into her personal phone. "I'll pull those reports. How do you want to handle Mr. Dewberry?"

  Sitting back, the regret was clear on his face. "I don't want to lie to him."

  "You certainly can't tell him what you are planning to do. He will never understand your emotional tie to Dunning's history."

  "The man has done so much for me. Hell, he orchestrated my career to this point."

  Sydney sat forward. "The company has rewarded you for a job well done. You should be running this organization. If it hadn't been for the color of your skin you would be running it. I know we like to think here in the UK race is not an issue, but in the business world that would be naive of us. Jonathan, you have gone as far as you can with Phase. It is time for you to start your own investment firm, financial advisor firm or your own bank if that's what you want. Whatever direction your heart takes you, it’s time for you to make that move." She sat back. "I commend your loyalty to Phase and all that you have accomplished here, but it is time."

  Jonathan sighed. "For now, let’s get the information on the top ten. Then find me a place stateside."

  Sydney smiled as she stood. "Any particular sate?"


  "Virginia?" Sydney slowed her stride and frowned. "Is that a real place?"

  "Yes," Jonathan laughed. "It is one of the original thirteen colonies."

  "Oh. Then they are sure to have pubs there."

  The words from Sydney lingered in the room long after she left. He had hit the ceiling at Phase. While he felt a certain loyalty with Phase he did not feel content, the kind that fills you with the satisfaction of getting up every morning and working towards something meaningful. Something you can look back on and see where you made a mark in the world. The drive and desire to do more is harder to fulfill once you've reached the top. The fear of losing it all is also greater. Then why in the bloody hell was he considering leaving Phase?

  He pushed away from the desk. His spirit was telling him to make a move, but was it the right move? The telly rung. The smile on his face was instant.

  "Hello, Mum. You sensed I needed to hear ya voice?"

  "I did, son. How are you?"

  "Torn," he sighed.

  "You are restless. I can hear it in your voice. Why don't you take some time off? I would love to see your Aunt English and S'mone."

  Jonathan froze. "In New York?"

  "Yes, son. Are you okay?"

  "Yes, yes of course. I think we should."

  "Should what?"

  "Visit Aunt English and S'mone. How about we leave next week? You can have a long visit while I work through some issues. I say, a month or longer should do the trick."

  "You are going to take a month off from work?"

  "Maybe longer. We'll see."

  "Are you all right, son? It seems you've lost your knocker."

  Jonathan laughed. "No, Mum, I'm fine. Really. I think this may be the very change that I need."

  After disconnecting the call with his mum Jonathan dialed another number. It wasn't programed in his phone where he could just push a button. No, he knew the number by heart.


  "Your voice is music to my ears, love." There was laughter on the other end of the line.

  "I know that seductive accent anywhere. Jonathan Michael. Tell me who I owe for this call and I will pay them double the fee."

  "Then write yourself a check, Love. You are on my mind. I wanted to give you a little time before I bell you up. How is life treating you?"

  "Day by day."

  "I was on a bit of business when I heard of your father’s death. My heart was with you."

  "I know. The flowers were lovely. Thank you."

  "Anything for you, Love. How is your mum?"

  "Amazing. I have no idea how she does it, but she keeps us together."

  "I imagine her nights must be bloody hell."

  "I try not to think about it."

  "How are your nights?"

  "You know me. I find a way through."

  "I wish I could help with that. Listen, Love, I will be in New York in a fortnight. Will you grace me with a bit of your time?"

  "When you ask in that voice, how can I resist?"

  The smile in her voice warmed his heart. "You can't, Love, that's why I gave you a bell."

  "I would love to see you," Grace replied. "Are you coming for business or pleasure?"

  "Now that I've had a word with you, it's strictly pleasure, Love."

  "Let me know when you land and I'll fly out."

  "Bees' knees. I'll give you a bell from the hotel."

  Grace’s laughter rang out. "Jonathan, when you arrive, please don't say bees' knees. Just say awesome."

  "I will try to remember, Love. See you soon."

  "I'm counting the nights."

  Jonathan smiled as he disconnected the call. His life was about to change in multiple ways. It was time to prepare for it. Sitting at his desk, he pushed a button on the telly.

  "Sydney, get me everything about Dunning you can put your hands on and set up an appointment with Richard as soon as possible."

  "Yes, sir. Shall I pack my bags?"

  "Are you willing to leave London without a job or a clear future?"

  "You need a PA to help you figure things out, mate. You can't do it without me."

  "All I can promise is when I land on my feet so will you."

  "Brilliant. Count me in."


  Cainan was serious as he sat in his car listening. "Why can't we just tell her or her brother the truth? I'm out here with no backup now that Mr. Dunning is gone."

  "People are out to kill you. What part of that do you not understand? Until you testify, no one and I mean no one, can know who you are or where you live. Your life depends on that."

  "Has it occurred to you that they may have found me? Is it possible that Mr. Dunning's death wasn't a heart attack? It's occurred to me."

  "We're checking into that. But there is no reason to believe there was foul play here." There was a hesitation on the other end of the line. "Look, I know you feel something for this young woman. I get it. However, bringing someone else into the mix jeopardizes you and them. Keep that in mind. We'll talk again soon." The call disconnected.

  Cainan laid his head back. He was twenty-nine years old and felt the weight of a sixty-year-old on his shoulder. For the last two years it’s been one delay after another with this case. Nothing could have prepared him for the loneliness he felt away from his family. His parents thought he was dead. As cruel as it seemed, it was for the best. His fake death was the only thing keeping them alive. So for now he would have to deal with the deception.

  "Deception," Cainan sighed as he stepped out of his car. Everything about him was a deception, from the lifts in his shoes, to the color contacts in his eyes. The braids and beard from his undercover days were all gone. Now he was sporting a clean-cut nerdy look with glasses. One would think it would cost him women, but it didn't. It seemed nerdy guys were in. But there was only one who touched the very core of him, AnnieMarie.

  He smiled as he walked across the parking lot, just thinking of her. Even her name sounded magical to him. The way she walked, talked, and the laughter, it was all genuine and he loved her. Loved her more than life itself. But for some reason, since her father's death,
she would not take his calls, or visits. No reply to text messages – nothing, and he had no idea why. He knew she was well. Saw her at the funeral, where he kept his distance trying not to create a scene. He asked her family members and Chrystina about her daily. The response was always the same. 'She's not taking her father's death well. Give her a little time.' It'd been well over a month now and still, nothing.

  There was so much he needed to tell her. Like, how the three months preceding her father's death had brought him out of despair. How her outrageous positive outlook on life had made him see the good in people again. How after so much senseless death she breathed life into him again. How the last month of not seeing her, touching her, kissing her has been like dying all over again. Something had to give soon or his natural instinct to take charge of his own destiny was going to take over.

  "Cainan, Cainan."

  Turning he saw Preston Long running up to join him.

  "Good morning, Preston," Cainan said as he held the employee elevator door open. "You're in early."

  "Elaine wants to give me some pointers on the BIT account I'm working on."

  "At seven in the morning?"

  "Hey, I'll take advice anywhere I can get it. I need to land this account. These are strange times, my friend. I'm getting weird vibes from Mitch since the vote did not go in his favor. It's like he's up to something."

  "Is there ever a time that he isn't? Cainan asked sarcastically.

  "You have a point. Tables have turned. He has no chance of taking Dunning over at this point. Myles is not a sit back and take the punches kind of guy like Mr. Dunning. That brother is going to come out punching."

  "He seems to be a pretty fair person. If Mr. Mitchell understands his place, he'll be okay."

  "I don't see it. If I were Myles, I would move his ass out of the vault, if not the building."

  The elevator opened to the first floor where they had to get out at the lobby then switch to the main elevators.


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