INVESTED (Dunning Trilogy Book 1)

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INVESTED (Dunning Trilogy Book 1) Page 23

by Iris Bolling

  "Ken." Vivian looked sadly up at her husband.

  He shook his head. "Don't, Vivian. Your brother has brought his troubles into this house for the last time."

  "Ken, he's my brother."

  "A brother who does nothing but use you to his own advantage. Why do you think he chose to call you and tell his story. I will bet you he made it seem like he didn't want to tell you what happened. That is how he gets to you. He makes you think you had to drag it out of him. When you do, you feel like you have to fix it for him. Walker is your older brother. He should be protecting you, not the other way around, Viv." Ken stopped and exhaled. "You and the children are my life. I will be damned if Walker is going to take you away from me." He pulled out his phone. "Hell, it would not surprise me one bit if it came out that Walker had something to do with Hep's death."

  "Ken," Vivian scolded.

  "Don't Ken me. You know how angry he was about Hep taking over the bank. It's been years and every time he comes into this house he has something to say about it. He was obsessed with schemes to take control away from Hep. You know that. He even said it, right here in this house."

  "He did not mean that," Vivian protested. "You know he had been drinking and was very angry."

  "Yes, but what if he did mean it? I'm sorry, Vivian, I worked out with Hep at least twice a week. I know how healthy he was. As I said before, I can't accept the heart attack as a cause of death. Out of respect to you I haven't voiced my concerns to anyone. But so help me, if I find out Walker had anything to do with Hep's death I'm going to tell everything I know."

  Grace heard the comment as she walked back towards the room. It stung her, causing her to take a step back. Was it possible that Daddy didn't die of a heart attack? she thought. No. An autopsy would have shown if there was foul play. Wait. She stopped herself before walking back to the room. Did they perform an autopsy? She thought back. No. There was no reason to once the doctor indicated it was a heart attack. Everyone just accepted it. She made a mental note to discuss this with Myles. If her father's death was caused by anything other than natural causes it could mean her mother, the other members of her family, may be in danger. She took a deep breath, exhaled then continued into the kitchen.

  "My friend is going to fly down on the next flight out of DC. We need to assess the situation a little deeper before he arrives."

  "I better call your mother."

  "Mommy?" Grace glanced at her aunt. "What does she have to do with this?"

  "We were going to have lunch today. My intention was to tell her about the situation with Walker."

  Grace smiled, a bit relieved. "I am happy to hear that. For a minute I thought you were going to try and deal with this on your own. I will call her and tell her to meet us here."

  "That's fine, dear. However, I will ask you one favor. Please don't tell Myles. It will ruin any chance Walker has of getting back into the bank."

  "Aunt Viv." Grace held her glare steady. "Believe me when I say, Uncle Walker has no shot at returning to the bank in any capacity."

  Ken walked back into the room. "A security team will be here within the hour."

  Grace nodded. "My friend with the FBI will be here soon. We are going to have to make a decision on how to proceed. From the little he has shared with me, this branch of the mafia family is dangerous and not afraid of the law."

  "I think we should advise Myles," Ken stated.

  "No," Vivian objected. "That would just cause more problems for Walker."

  "On this point I have to agree with Aunt Viv," Grace cautioned with a stern look at Vivian. "Myles has enough to deal with. We'll advise him on a need to know basis. Let's try to get this handled without involving Myles or the bank."

  "Plausible deniability?" Ken asked.

  "Exactly. Until we know the legalities of what we are dealing with there is an outside possibility that one, or all of us may get called into court. If Myles is called, as CEO, he would be able to say he has not been privy to the situation without perjuring himself."

  "Do you think that will happen?" Aunt Viv asked.

  "Until we know more I can't say. However, it is my responsibility to protect Myles and Dunning."

  "Don't tell me you are trying to protect Walker now too?" Ken smirked.

  "In this instance protecting him is a benefit to insuring family members I love are safe. Aunt Viv, how much money did Uncle Walker tell you he owed these people?"

  "He said he borrowed 10 million but with the interest it's now 30 million. They gave him the option of paying the money by the end of the week or he had to get a job with the bank."

  "But he receives at least 50 million a year from bank profits. Why would he need to borrow 10 million?"

  "Walker is broke," Ken stated. "He has been broke for years. The only reason he still has the house is because it is in the bank's name. He could not borrow against it. Have you been to his house lately?"

  "No," Grace replied to Ken as he sat at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee.

  "Well it's pretty empty, at least downstairs. Anything he has that had a value to it he sold."

  "Is his gambling that bad?"

  "It is not the gambling alone," Vivian added. "It is his over-the-top lifestyle. Everything has to be flashy - the car, the women. Everything is over-the-top."

  "And now he has no way to pay for it, so he gambles and takes from those who love him." Ken glared at his wife as he spoke.

  Grace saw the look on Ken's face when he spoke of Uncle Walker. If the Russians did not kill him first she was pretty sure Uncle Ken would.

  "What I do not understand is how would Walker working at the bank benefits these people? I mean he will make a salary but that would be nowhere near what he owes them."

  "They want access to something within the bank's grasp," Grace suggested. "Or it could be a way to get their money cleaned."

  "What does that mean?" Vivian asked.

  "It is a way to turn your illegal gains into legal assets," Ken explained.

  They all turned at the sound of the back door opening.

  Winnie walked in. She took one look at the long faces at the table and asked, "So?" She sat next to Grace. "What did Jr. do this time?"

  Grace kissed her mother on the cheek. "Did Jerome bring you or did you drive?"

  "Hello, sweetheart. I thought you were in DC."

  "I'm sorry." Grace smiled. "Hello, Mother. I was, however this situation came up and I was needed here more. Did you drive over?"

  "Yes. I drove over. Why?"

  "Excuse me." Grace stood. "I need to make a call." She stepped out the room.

  "Does this have anything to do with the call you made to me last night?" she asked Vivian.

  "I'm afraid so," Vivian replied. "Walker has gotten himself into a hot mess and it seems he has dragged me into the fire...again."

  Winnie glanced at Ken who shared a knowing glance her way as well.

  "What else is new?" Winnie smirked.

  "Jerome will be here to drive you home. My friend Byron Roark is flying in. He should be here in less than an hour. We hope he can shed a little more light on this situation."

  "The FBI agent?"

  Grace nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

  "He's a nice young man, but you know he is not the one for you."

  "Thank you, Mother." Grace glanced at her aunt and smiled. "Do you see what I have to deal with?"

  Vivian smiled. "Your mother knows best."

  "That's a good thing, Grace, for your aunt's judgment isn't very good these days."

  "Ken." Winnie reached out and touched his hand. "I don't know what we are dealing with, but whatever it is, do not allow Walker Jr. to come between the two of you. Life is too short."

  Ken sat back and exhaled. "You're right, Winnie." He reached out and took Vivian's hand. "I'm angry because I love you too much to watch your brother continue to use you in this way."

  Vivian covered his hand with hers. "I know. This is my fault for rushing to his side every time he
calls. I have to be the one to put a stop to him."

  "Grace." Her mother glanced her way. "Why is your friend coming here? Does it have anything to do with the bank?"

  "We aren't sure of all the details. We are only going on what Uncle Walker told Aunt Viv. However, the people involved have requested access to the bank through Uncle Walker."

  "What people?"

  "Bad people, Mother, very bad people."

  Chapter Thirty

  "Mr. Dunning." Mrs. Vazquez stood in the doorway of his new office. "I am sorry to disturb you, however, you have a visitor who is insisting on seeing you."

  Myles looked up to see a not too happy secretary staring at him. "Who is it?"

  "Ms. Savannah Whitfield. I explained you were in the office, however you were not free for visitors. She on the other hand insists you will want to see her."

  He noticed Mrs. Vazquez had taken a seat and gotten a bit comfortable. "I take it, you want to make her wait?"

  "That is the ideal thing to do. It pleases me to no end to have her removed from the building, if it pleases you."

  Myles smiled. "It may be time to get this visit done and over. Would you mind sending her in?"

  "Yes," Mrs. Vazquez replied as she stood. "I don't like her."

  "I know others who feel the same way. However, her father is a client and a business partner. It would be prudent to treat her nice."

  "I got her nice," Mrs. Vazquez muttered as she opened the door. "But if you insist I not demonstrate it at this time, I’ll show her in."

  Myles closed the folder on his desk and stood as Savannah walked into the office. She looked around then turned to him. "Impressive, Myles. Very impressive." She walked towards him. He held his hand out. She walked right up and kissed him on the lips.

  He stepped back. "Hello, Savannah. You look nice."

  "I have to when I'm coming to see you."

  Myles pointed to a chair in front of his desk. "Have a seat. What can I do for you?" He sat in his chair and waited.

  "I thought I would drop in to say hello since I was in the area. Elaine mentioned you moved into your new office today. So, I thought you would need a few decorating points. But it seems whoever you used knows you very well. This office fits you."

  "Thank you. Chrystina worked with Mrs. Vazquez to get it ready."

  "Oh." The response was flat. "Well, I can see Mrs. Vazquez's touch."

  "Yes," Myles agreed then waited.

  When he did not continue Savannah cleared her throat. "We saw the announcement yesterday on Hershel. What a catch on your first day as CEO. Congratulations, Myles. I can see we are going to get big things from you. Have you done anything to celebrate?"

  "No, I'm afraid it's been a little busy."

  "Oh, Myles, you have to throw a party. This is a great accomplishment. You need to celebrate not only becoming CEO but the new account. Let me plan it for you. I can see it now. We could rent out the Jefferson Ballrooms, invite the movers and shakers of the city and do it up right. What do you say? Let me do it, please."

  Myles sat forward. "You think it would be a good idea for me to celebrate becoming CEO due to my father's death? I don't think that would go over too well."

  "It could be looked down on," she sighed. "Well, let me at least take you to dinner to celebrate. I don't want your moment to go unrecognized. You work hard, Myles, but you never celebrate your moments."

  "The time isn't right. We have a number of board positions to fill and personnel to replace, not to mention some reorganization. It's a pretty busy time."

  She got the message. "I understand." She uncrossed her legs and stood. Myles did as well. "Why don't I get out of your...."

  "Myles, I have the information you requested on Jonathan..." Chrystina walked in from her new office with documents in her hand but stopped talking the moment she looked up and saw Savannah in the room. She glanced at Myles as she slowly walked over to his desk. "Excuse the interruption. I did not know you had a visitor." She pulled a tissue from the box on the desk then gave it to him. "You have lipstick on your mouth."

  "Oh." Savannah smiled brightly. "That was from me." She winked an eye at Myles. "There are more where that came from."

  "Hmm." Chrystina smirked.

  "Savannah stopped in to say hello," Myles explained.

  "I see," was Chrystina's short reply.

  "Yes, Mrs. Vazquez brings a much needed touch of professionalism to the office." She looked in the direction Chrystina had come from. "Where is your office, Chrystina?"

  She pointed to the door on the other side of the room. "Right through that door." Chrystina smiled.

  "Moving her next door to me was the best solution for everyone. I need her more now than I ever did before." Myles smiled at Chrystina.

  Savannah looked between the two. "I see," she said in a flat voice.

  "It's going to be a very busy time for us," Chrystina added.

  "Is that so?" Savannah nodded. "Well, Myles, I do hope you will take me up on that offer for dinner before things get too busy. In fact." She turned back to him. "You should know my father will be in town next week. It's my understanding he will be negotiating the deal for BIT with Elaine. Perhaps a dinner at my place will give you two an opportunity to talk without interruptions." She glared at Chrystina then turned back to Myles.

  "Yes, it would be. However, we have a number of meetings on the calendar for the next few weeks."

  "Oh, I'm sure you can squeeze in one little dinner." Savannah smiled. "I'll reach out to Mrs. Vazquez to set it all up. With that, I must be on my way." She smirked over her shoulder at Chrystina as she strutted out the office.

  "Do I need to explain what that was all about?" Myles glanced at Chrystina.

  "Her being here? No, that was her attempting to get back into your bed. Is that something I need to be concerned with?"

  "Savannah back in my bed? No. She doesn't fart on me." Myles laughed as Chrystina punched him in the chest.

  "You cannot hold that over my head forever." She pushed as he pulled her in his arms.

  He kissed her forehead. "I don't plan to, but it is funny right now."

  "We are not doing this in the office." She slowly pushed away. “Did you assign the BIT account to Elaine?”

  “No,” Myles replied.

  “Hmm, then why is Mr. Whitfield meeting with her on BIT?"

  Myles stared at her. “Good question.”

  “Yes, one we need an answer to. But that’s not why I came in here." She sat in front of his desk.

  "What do you have on Jonathan?" Myles asked as they got back to business.

  "These are the articles Pam has pulled together so far."

  "Really?" Myles looked at the stack of documents, impressed with the results in such a short period of time.

  "She's good and thorough. I like that. But there is more I need to tell you before you start digging in."

  Myles looked up. "What do you have?" He was curious because of the excitement in Chrystina's voice.

  "I called Mr. Michael's personal assistant. I love her accent. Anyway, it seems he will be state side next week."

  Myles sat up. "Really?"

  "Yes, that’s not all." Chrystina smiled. "He is taking a leave of absence from Phase effective Monday morning."

  "Did she say why?"

  "No, only that it would be a smashing idea."

  Myles stared at her, blinking. "Smashing?"

  Chrystina laughed. "Yes. 'It would be a smashing idea, mate,' were her exact words. So, you know me. I looked it up. It means a conversation would be a wonderful idea, friend."

  "Interesting," Myles said as he sat back.

  "I'm hoping it happens just so I can hear the accents and other phrases they use."

  "This looks promising. But I don't need you getting giddy over Michael."

  Chrystina was shocked. "Myles that a bit of jealousy I hear coming from you?"

  "No. I know what I have and how to keep it."

stina smiled. "Do you now?"

  "I do," Myles replied as he held her gaze. "Have dinner with me tonight?"


  "Good. Now stop looking at me like that if you want me to keep my word not to jump you in the office."

  Chrystina blushed and looked away. "Okay. Work. I've scheduled Elaine Jacobson, Cainan Scott and Preston Long’s meetings for this afternoon. I've allowed an hour for each. First up is Cainan." She checked her watch. "He should be here shortly. I've sent you a list of accomplishments over the last five years on each, with the exception of Cainan. He hasn't been here that long."

  Myles opened his laptop. "I'll review those now. Give Mike a call. See if he can do an investigation on Jonathan Michael's personal life."

  "Will do." Chrystina stood. "I'm liking what I see from Pamela Green. What do you think of promoting her to my position in Risk Management?"

  "Her personnel file indicates she is qualified. See if she would be interested." He shrugged and began reading the information on the computer.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chrystina loved giving good news to employees. Her mood was almost giddy when she walked out of her office to see Pam. She passed Cainan in the hallway on his way to see Myles. "Hey, good luck in the meeting."

  "Thanks," Cainan replied. "Any idea what it’s about?"

  "He's working on board members. You should be fine." She continued around the hallway to the elevator focused on how she would give Pam the news. The doors opened and she stepped inside. Right before they were about to close, Savannah stepped in with a wicked grin on her face.

  "Hello again, Chrystina."

  "Savannah," she groaned.

  Savannah hit the close door button, folded her arms across her chest and took the one leg out pose.

  Chrystina had to keep herself from laughing.

  "You seemed to have positioned yourself as useful to Myles. But I know what your game is and let me tell you something. Myles likes the finer things in life. And you, my dear" -she looked Chrystina up and down- "are far from it. Oh, I see the hair is in a ponytail. A little childish, but I get what you are trying to do. But try as you may, you will never look like this." She fanned her hand over her body.


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