INVESTED (Dunning Trilogy Book 1)

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INVESTED (Dunning Trilogy Book 1) Page 25

by Iris Bolling

  She sat there trying to collect her emotions. "What now?" she said. "How can I save this?" Scenarios ran through her mind. She planned to use William to lock in the BIT account, Walker to setup the investigation with Homeland Security and Jonathan to secure a new position. So far none of them had come through.

  She picked up her phone and dialed Walker.

  The phone rang, but he did not pick up. She left a message. "Walker, call me as soon as you get this. William has been fired from the bank."

  Her head fell back. "William is MIA." She screamed again as she watched her carefully timed scheme begin to unravel. She exhaled. "Phase." She dialed the international number. "Jonathan Michael, please."

  "Mr. Michael has taken a leave of absence. May I connect you with another party?"

  "A leave of absence? Where to? How long will he be gone?"

  "We are not able to give out that information. May I connect you-" She hung up the phone. "What in the hell is happening?"

  Her cell phone buzzed in her hand. It was her office. "Hello."

  "Hello, Ms. Jacobson, this is Chrystina Price calling with a reminder of your meeting with Mr. Dunning at 3:00 pm."

  "Thank you, Chrystina."

  What in the hell was the meeting about? That concerned her. And these files William mentioned. Could they have one on her? Have they been following her too as William said?

  Her cell phone buzzed again. She saw the number and cringed. She did not want this call...not now. But she knew it could not be ignored.

  "Things seem to be a bit off track."

  "Yes, well, that's what happens when men are involved."

  "How do you plan to deliver what you promised?"

  "All is not lost, I have another play."

  "Good. I would hate to think we are throwing in the towel when we are so close to winning. Remember, the bottom line is simple. It's time for the Dunning men to pay for their sins."

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  "Elaine, thank you for agreeing to meet with me."

  "Agreeing? Myles, you are the CEO. You request our presence and we make it happen. Is someone giving you concern in that area?"

  "No, not at all," he replied. "The transition has had a bump or two, but overall I believe we are in a good place." He did not let it show, but he wondered if Elaine had just given him a little shade when she called him Myles instead of Mr. Dunning and again when she insinuated he did not have control of his staff. "I thought it would be good to speak with the board members one-on-one to see where your thoughts are on the future of Dunning."

  "My thoughts aren't important, Myles. Dunning is now in your hands. It's up to you to determine if we are in a position to push for the number two ranking by bringing in more high level corporate business or to continue to grow on the loyalty of our personal customers. We've been exemplary on one, and okay on the other."

  "Do you believe one has to be sacrificed for the other?"

  "No. To my knowledge we haven't sacrificed either so far."

  "I hear a bit of hesitation in that response. Do you have a concern?"

  "Not a concern." She shrugged. "I think we have an opportunity here. With the acquisition of Hershel, which will surely raise our standing in the banking industry, another immediate corporation acquisition would set the industry on fire with Dunning's name."

  Myles could see her excitement at the possibility, he just wasn't sure if it was genuine.

  "What steps would you take to secure additional corporate accounts while keeping our base customers happy?"

  "You sound like you are interviewing me for a job," she laughed. Myles didn't. "Okay."

  He watched the emotions crossing her face.

  She cleared her throat. "We have great customer service on both fronts. I think we could improve incentives on the corporate side. Let's use BIT for example. I think we should take the current package off the table and enhance the incentive to lock up that acquisition."

  Myles nodded his head. "We have a number of corporate packages on the table. Is it your intention to enhance those packages also?"

  "None of them will bring in as much attention to the industry as BIT. Don't you agree?"

  "I believe all customers, corporate or personal, deserve to receive equal incentives in accordance to the size of the account they bring to us indifferent to what attention the acquisition brings to Dunning." Myles closed the folder, stood and extended his hand. "Thank you for your time, Elaine."

  She stood. "Of course." She nodded. "I have the feeling you were not pleased by my response."

  "This was a conversation where you have an open forum to discuss the future of Dunning. Your thoughts are just that, your thoughts. It's not my place as the CEO to say they are right or wrong. I'm here to listen to all then make the best decision for the direction of Dunning."

  "Will you answer a question for me?"

  "Of course."

  "What happened with William?"

  "You are a board member and will receive details in the next meeting. It came down to this, Mr. Mitchell attempted to sabotage the acquisition of the Hershel account. Any employee who takes such action to harm the reputation or bottom line of Dunning will be dealt with swiftly and severely."

  There was something in her eyes when he made the statement. Myles didn't understand her reaction. She was a board member. Their job was to promote and protect the sovereignty of the bank.

  "Well, thank you for the meeting."

  "We will talk again soon." He watched as she walked out the door. "Mrs. Vazquez, will you come in for a moment?"

  "Yes, sir."

  There was something about Elaine he had never been able to put his hand on. There were times when it felt she was with Dunning all the way. But, there were more times he had the impression that there was a certain hate just under the surface with her.

  "Yes, sir?"

  "Please have a seat."

  "Hmmm, I don't like the sound of that." She chuckled then took a seat.

  "What can you tell me about Elaine?" He held his hand out. "Please don't tell me what's in the file. Tell me what is not."

  Mrs. Vazquez dropped her head. "I knew this day would eventually come." She shook her head, then looked up at him. "Let me ask you this before I answer. You've been on the board with her for nine years. What does your gut tell you?"

  "She's a time bomb. There is something boiling right under the surface." He sat forward folding his hands on the desk. "Until I was named CEO I took it as just the way she was. The last few days there has been something different."

  "Okay." Mrs. Vazquez sat back. "What is not in the file is the reason Elaine took a leave of absence and returned to a lower position. Elaine believed herself to be in love with your father. Your mother took exception to this."

  Myles raised an eyebrow.

  "However, she dealt with it as she does everything, with grace. Until, we walked into Hepburn's office one night to bring him dinner and we found Elaine stretched out naked on his sofa."

  Myles cleared his throat. "With Dad?"

  "No. However your mother and I did not know that at the time. Needless to say, Winnie was more than a little upset and proceeded to force feed the dinner she brought for Hep to Elaine." She stopped talking and coughed to cover the laugh. "Hep came in while I was attempting to pull Winnie off Elaine. He was with a client." She laughed. "I'm sorry. It was a funny scene. Hep walked in the door, grabbed Winnie by the waist and put her over his shoulder. She was kicking and swinging until Hep swatted her on the behind. The client kindly took off his suit jacket and put it around Elaine. Your wildcat of a mother kicked Hep in the balls and he let her fall to the floor. She then started to give Hep a piece of her mind as he was bent over clutching his balls."

  Myles had tried to hold it in, but he laughed. "This is not a funny story." He stopped laughing. "But the visual is funny as hell."

  "It was funnier in the moment. It took a moment for her to calm down enough to look around, but when she did she notic
ed the client. Winnie looked up and asked, 'Who in the hell are you?' The client said I was with Hep at dinner. Winnie gave him a look, then she looked at Hep. Then she turned to Elaine and asked 'Who in the hell were you in here with?' Hep asked the same question. Come to find out Elaine was waiting to seduce Hep. He was clueless on how she felt about him. Winnie felt bad for the way she force-fed Elaine. She begged Hep for Elaine's job. They compromised. Winnie found her someone to help deal with her feelings for Hep. In return Elaine agreed to a demotion and never to approach Hep again."

  Myles nodded. "Thank you for that information. Do you believe she has a grudge over the incident?"


  "Enough to sabotage our accounts?"


  "Okay, thanks for the blow by blow," he laughed as she turned to walk out the door.

  "You have no idea."


  Myles checked his watch. There were so many things he needed to tackle. But for some reason the conversation with Elaine had him rattled. He walked over to Chrystina's office. He walked through the door and thought she wasn't there for a minute until he saw her feet. He walked over to the desk and looked under it. She was spread out under the desk pulling up carpet.

  "Chrystina, why are you under the desk?"

  She looked up. "Oh, hey, Myles. I'm trying to figure out where this wire goes."

  "It did not occur to you to call the tech people to check it out?"

  She looked from under the desk. "Why would I do that when I can figure it out myself." She sat up on her elbow. "Tell me something."

  "Sure." He sat in her chair.

  "Did you hear the contempt in Elaine's voice as she spoke?"

  "You heard that?"

  "I did. I walked in to tell you about this wire, but turned when I heard her talking. I never noticed it in her before."

  "Same here."

  "Do you think it's resentment for what happened with Mr. Mitchell or you being named CEO?"

  "It may be a little of both, I'm afraid."

  "Excuse me, Mr. Dunning."

  They both looked up to see Mrs. Vazquez in the doorway. "Yes?"

  "You have visitors in your office. I've had refreshments brought up. I think you are going to be a while."

  "Any idea what I'm walking into?"

  "None. I will say neither Grace nor your mother look very happy."

  Myles stood straight up. "My mother is here?"

  Mrs. Vazquez nodded as she opened the door for him.

  "I'm going to figure out what this wire is to. Yell if you need me."


  Walking back into his office, Myles was surprised to see his mother sitting in front of his desk. Next to her was a young man who looked vaguely familiar. Grace was standing by the window. She turned when he walked in.

  "Myles." Grace walked towards him. "You remember my friend Byron Roark from college."

  Myles kissed his mother on the cheek then extended his hand. "I do. It's good to see you again."

  Byron glanced from Myles to Grace as he shook Myles’ hand. "You may not feel that way in a moment."

  Myles raised an eyebrow as he glanced at Grace. "Why is that?" he asked as he pointed to a seat in front of his desk.

  "Why don't we sit at the conference table." Grace glanced at Myles, then Byron. "That will give us more room."

  "All right." A confused Myles nodded in agreement.

  "It's important, son, or you know I would not have bothered you," Winnieford explained as she stood and walked over to the conference area of the huge office.

  "Are you okay with me being here?" Myles leaned close to her ear.

  "In the office?" his mother questioned. "It's where you belong."

  Myles smiled as he pulled out the chair for her to sit.

  "I'm happy to see you moved into this office," Grace said while taking a seat at the table. "We are going to need your guidance."

  Myles sat at the head of the table. "You want to tell me what this is about?"

  "I'll explain as soon as AnnieMarie arrives."

  "I wasn't aware she was joining us."

  Grace exhaled. "I think all the family members of the board need to be in on this decision. I sent a message to Michael and Gary as well."

  "This is..." Myles questioned as he took a seat.

  "A mess," Grace responded just as the door to the office opened.

  "Hi." AnnieMarie rushed in. "I went to your old office only to discover you are now here." She walked over to the conference table. "Where is Chrystina?"

  "Organizing things in her office, tearing up carpet, fielding calls, handling the transfer of files."

  She nodded to Myles' reply then looked at Grace. "You look tired. Did you get any sleep last night?"

  "Not really," Grace replied. "Why don't we all take a seat and let me tell you what is happening."

  "That would be welcomed." Myles exhaled.

  "You all know Byron. What you may not know is he is now with the FBI."

  "The FBI?" AnnieMarie smiled then glanced at Myles.

  Myles sat up, concerned. "Is there a problem?"

  Byron reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a business card. "First, I want you to have this, Mr. Dunning. It is my contact information as well as my superior's name and phone number. This is a fast moving situation. He has given me the authority to act on behalf of the agency. I am with the DC FBI office and will coordinate our actions with the local office here, if you agree to cooperate with us."

  "Cooperate with you on what?" Myles asked.

  "Uncle Walker," Grace scoffed.

  Myles closed his eyes and sighed.

  "What about Uncle Walker?" AnnieMarie asked.

  "Mr. Dunning, I’m trained to read people. You don't seem surprised that Walker Dunning is the topic of this meeting. May I ask why?”

  "Uncle Walker has a history of doing things family members would frown upon,” Myles answered. “What are we talking about here?"

  "It seems Uncle Walker has some dealings with a member of the Russian mafia," Grace stated.

  "Do they exist?" AnnieMarie frowned.

  "Yes," was the reply from Byron, Grace and Myles.

  "Okay, so what does that have to do with us?" she asked.

  Byron spoke, "It seems Walker Dunning Jr. is in debt to this organization to the tune of twenty million dollars."

  "That sounds like Uncle Walker's problem," Myles retorted.

  "It seems that amount changes depending on who you speak to,” Grace added. “Uncle Walker told Aunt Vivian he owed thirty million. That’s why this is our problem. Uncle Walker involved Aunt Vivian."

  "Aunt Vivian?" Myles questioned. "What does she have to do with this?"

  Grace sighed. “She called me last night to check out a name that Uncle Walker gave her. He indicated the man cut his throat then demanded he infiltrate the bank with one of their people."

  "What?" Myles sat up, stunned. "To what end?"

  "It's our belief Pavel wants to use the bank to launder money," Roark added.

  Gary walked in then quietly took a seat as he nodded to Grace.

  "Money laundering?" Myles sighed, then turned to Grace. "Hold that thought." He pushed the intercom that was in the center of the table. "Mrs. Vazquez, find my brother Michael and conference him in on this meeting." Myles turned back to Grace. "Start from the beginning."

  Grace told Myles what was told to her in a chronological manner. Throughout the conversation tension built inside him as the scene from the security camera Jerome showed him last night played in his mind. This rendition of events from Grace seemed to correspond with what he saw on the tape. Mrs. Vazquez interrupted his thoughts when she walked in, pushed a few buttons on the intercom system, then walked back out.

  "Mike, are you with us?" Myles asked.

  "Yes, I'm on the highway. Grace did not give a lot of details."

  "She's giving them to us now. Grace, Gary, AnnieMarie, Mother and special Agent Roark from the FBI are in the ro
om with us. Continue, Grace."

  "As I was saying, we put security in place for Aunt Viv and her family. The question is how much do we believe of Uncle Walker's story to Aunt Viv? What exactly does this Stephan Pavel want from him? More important how do we want to proceed?"

  Gary chimed in. "We want to stay away from this, Myles. Any whispers of money laundering would have us under investigation."

  "I'm concerned about this mafia connection," AnnieMarie added. "From the human resources point of view I am concerned how this may impact our employees' safety."

  "If we are seriously talking the Russians," Michael chimed in, "once you get in bed with them there is no escape. Now, I don't know all the details. From what I've heard so far, I would have to say Uncle Walker is on his own."

  Myles watched his mother as the conversations swirled around the subject. Her expression was impassive. He wasn't sure where she stood. What he did know was she entrusted him to protect the bank and their family. There was no way he would let her down.

  "Special Agent Roark, what exactly is the FBI asking of us?" Myles sat back.

  "We have two options. One, we could allow Mr. Dunning to believe he is fulfilling his obligation with Pavel. Let him come to work at the bank with Pavel's person. Track their transactions then take them down at the opportune time. The agency would be able to swoop in and take out the entire organization."

  "At what cost?" Myles asked. "I have never known any criminal organization to go down without a fight. Someone, employees, family members or even your men would end up as a casualty. That is not an option."

  "I understand your concern, Mr. Dunning. However, I need you to understand, Russians believe that the debts one is owed is owed by the family as well. They will collect what they feel's owed to them one way or another," Byron stated.

  Myles sat forward. "Special Agent Roark, this is a bank. We will never jeopardize the trust our customers have in us or the reputation my family has enjoyed over the years to assist the agency in doing their job. What is your second option?"

  Byron cleared his throat. "The second option would be to allow Mr. Dunning to embezzle funds and we will arrest him in hopes he will turn evidence over on Pavel. However, the likelihood of Mr. Dunning testifying at the trial is quite low."


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