Long Way Home

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Long Way Home Page 9

by Vaughn, Ann

  “Think so?”

  “You’ll present just enough class for them to notice you. Just remember to act like Missy Andrews and you’ll be all set,” he chuckled, referring to an old classmate of theirs.

  “Noticed I was imitating her, did you?”

  “You nailed her. ‘Why, Pete, whatever do you mean?’” he singsonged.

  Tessa smiled. “She always did have that perfect Southern Belle thing going for her.”

  “I’m surprised she didn’t end up in a group like the Naturalists. She was so naïve.”

  “Maybe she has more brains than you give her credit for. Didn’t she end up marrying a doctor from Dallas?”

  “A plastic surgeon at that,” he laughed. “Come on, come to bed. You need to sleep.”

  “I’ll be there in a bit. I just need some time to myself.”

  He nodded and kissed her. “Don’t take too long, OK?”

  “OK. Shane?”

  “Yeah?” he said, stopping at the door.

  “I love you.”

  He came back to her and lifted her left hand, placing a lingering kiss over the engagement ring. For a moment, he stayed, gazing into her eyes, then winked at her and left. She almost called him back but her body was too deliciously sore for another round with him, and honestly, she didn’t know how much time she would have to herself in the weeks to come.

  Chapter Eight

  The ride back to Austin and the offices went much too quickly for them both. In spite of their best efforts, neither slept much the night before. They lay wrapped in each other’s arms, dozing periodically, but always waking at the other’s touch.

  She made him stop by his condo before going to the office; there were a couple of things she needed to take care of before she left. Last night she’d written two letters on hotel stationary, one to him and one to her mother, just in case anything were to go wrong. She placed them under his pillow then retrieved her Army dog tags.

  Shane was standing out on the balcony when she emerged from the bedroom. She went to him, took his hand, and placed the dog tags in it.

  “Hang on to these for me?” she asked.

  He looked at his hand, saw that she had placed his ring on the chain with the tags.

  “It’s a beautiful ring,” she said, smiling, “I don’t think I told you that last night.”

  He was solemn as he slipped the chain over his head and tucked it beneath his shirt.

  “Promise me you’ll come back to claim these.”

  “I’ll do my best,” she offered.

  He pressed his forehead to hers a moment, running his hands up and down her arms, just needing to touch her. It was killing him, knowing what she was walking into, knowing he couldn’t stop her.

  “We’re going to be late,” she said softly, “Gib’ll have a cow.”

  He kissed her forehead. “I know. Bruce has already called and texted several times.”

  She cupped his face in her hands and kissed him with every ounce of passion she possessed. “I love you, Shane McCanton.”

  “I love you, too. You take care of my Tessa, Maddie Parker,” he said, using her undercover name.

  She kissed him once again and then stepped back. It was the hardest step she’d ever taken.

  “Let’s get this show on the road, Serg.”

  Everyone was waiting for them in the Briefing Room when they arrived just ten minutes late. Gibson gave them a stern glare but wisely kept silent. They went over last minute details, quizzed her and Ian, the other agent going undercover, on their personas, then implanted each with a GPS tracker under their skin and a listening device attached to their scalps.

  “We will be able to monitor everything whenever you press it to activate it,” Crownover explained, “but the only time you’ll hear us is when you insert the ear piece.”

  “It stays fairly well concealed but don’t press your luck with it,” Shane told her, “try only to use it when you’re checking in.”

  “The glasses are a camera,” Crownover continued, “wear them as often as you can when you first arrive at the compound. Look at everything and everyone. They may not allow you to keep these and insist on giving you some of their own so the first few hours are crucial.”

  She nodded. “Are you ever going to tell me your first name, Crownover?” she asked, making them all laugh.

  “Not likely,” he said.

  “OK, well, I should go. It’s going to take nearly an hour to get to their revival tent from here.”

  “Be careful, Tessa,” Gibson told her.


  “I’ll walk you down to your car,” Shane said when she turned to him. She nodded and together they headed for the elevator. “If things get too rough, if you need me, you work San Antonio into a conversation and I’ll be there in a heartbeat, you hear me?” She nodded. “I mean it, Tess. I’ll tell the others too in case I’m not monitoring. If things go south, you say San Antonio and we’re there.”

  “I will.” She placed her hand on his heart, over her initials in his tattoo. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. You come back to me, Tessa Kelly.”


  The instant she was out of his sight, Shane felt a cold emptiness settle in his chest. He rubbed the heel of his hand over the tattoo, over his heart and prayed God would help them both through the coming days.

  Part Two

  Chapter Nine

  Getting recruited by the Naturalists turned out to be easier than Tessa had expected. She went to their so-called “revival” meeting Saturday evening, which turned out to be little more than a cattle call in her opinion. The “sermon” lasted just over 45 minutes and was followed by a mixer. She was amused to see that the “Supreme Leader”, Nathaniel Helton, had stepped off the stage and walked directly to her. Shane and his guys had a good chuckle over it.

  “Make a bee line to the hot blonde in designer clothes,” Pete had teased.

  It had been the perfect thing to say to put a smile on her face as Nathaniel approached. She had to admit he was handsome. He had dark blonde hair and golden eyes. She knew he was in his mid-forties but looked much younger.

  “Welcome to our meeting,” he greeted, a warm smile pasted on his face. A smile, Tessa noted, that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  “Thank you,” she said, adding a bit of a breathless tone to her voice. “It was most enlightening.”

  “I am Nathaniel Helton,” he said, taking her hand into his. “And you are?”

  “Madalyn Parker,” she replied.

  “Ah, Maddie, there you are,” Ian said, coming up to join them. “Nathaniel, I see you’ve met Maddie. She is the friend I was telling you about.”

  “You failed to mention how absolutely stunning she is, Ian,” Nathaniel said, raising her hand to his lips and placing a lingering kiss to her knuckles.

  “Aren’t you sweet,” Tessa purred to him, smiling brightly.

  “Just stating the obvious,” he said, giving her hand a squeeze before releasing it. She noted that his hands were smooth, no working man’s callouses. It was probably a good bet that the man had never done any physical labor in his life.

  “Maddie was saying that she was interested in exploring new experiences and so I thought she may enjoy your little group,” Ian told Nathaniel, “excuse me, won’t you? I want a word with Paul.”

  “Nathaniel,” a man across the way called out to him.

  “Yes, John, give me just a moment,” he replied, then turned his attention back to Tessa. “Forgive me, Ms. Parker, I’m afraid duty calls.

  “Of course,” she replied.

  “I would like to speak more with you on our group. How about lunch tomorrow?”

  “That would be wonderful.”

  “I could pick you up around noon?”

  “All right,” she agreed. She gave him her address and phone number then watched as he again raised her hand to his lips.

  “Until tomorrow then,” he said.

Until tomorrow,” she echoed.

  She watched him cross the room to join the men who had called out to him. She wandered the tent for a few more moments then decided to call it a night. Making eye contact with Ian, she nodded to him then began walking out of the tent.

  “Leaving already?” she heard Gib question.

  “It’s OK,” Shane spoke up, “she secured a meeting for tomorrow, Helton has her address and number now. There really isn’t more she can accomplish tonight.”

  “Fine,” Gib relented, “but Tessa, go straight to the condo. You and Shane can have no contact in case they are monitoring.”

  “I know that, Gib,” she spoke when she was safely in her car.

  “Come on, man,” Pete spoke, “chances that they will already have someone on her condo are slim to none, and transmissions...”

  “It’s OK, Pete,” Shane broke in, “I wasn’t planning on going over there. I don’t need to be seen by anyone in the building. It’s all good.”

  “All right, guys, I’m unplugging until the morning. You’re all going to be living in my life soon enough. I’m taking every last second of privacy I can get.”

  “No worries, Tess. We’ll talk more in the morning,” Gib assured her.

  When she got to her condo, Tessa powered up her personal phone and sent a text to Shane.

  I’m back now. That meeting was really weird. I’m still not clear on exactly

  what their appeal is, but it is clear to see Nathaniel’s appeal. He is much

  more handsome in person than in pictures.

  She hit send and poured herself a glass of wine while waiting for his reply. She didn’t have to wait long.

  Should I be worried?

  She laughed. He’s handsome but he gives me the creeps. His eyes are cold.

  He’s a bastard, Tess. Don’t lose sight of that, he replied.

  Yes, dear.

  I’m serious. The man is a master manipulator.

  I know. I’ll be fine, I promise. I’d better get in bed so I can be fresh for tomorrow.

  I wish I were there with you, he sent.

  Me, too. I love you. Good night.

  Tessa dressed carefully for her lunch date the next day. He didn’t specify what type of restaurant they would be going to, but she was banking on him wanting to impress her so she wore a Valentino form-fitting dress in a pale pink that showed off her tan and hit at a respectably conservative two-inches above her knee. She kept her legs bare and paired it with Louboutin stillies in a matching color. She wore her hair in a sleek braided knot at the nape of her neck, but allowed a few flirtatious wisps to remain free to fall on her left cheek. She kept her jewelry elegant but simple. Diamond stud earrings, no necklace, a simple cocktail ring on her right hand and a diamond tennis bracelet to complete the ensemble.

  Her doorbell rang and she noticed he was precisely on time.

  “Show time,” she said, checking her hair in the hallway mirror.

  “You look perfect, babe,” Shane encouraged.

  “Of course I do.”

  His laughter filled her ear as she opened the door to greet Nathaniel.

  “Don’t you look stunning,” he greeted her. “These are for you,” he said, handing her a dozen long-stemmed white roses.

  “They’re beautiful,” she said, opening the door wider. “Come in while I put these in a vase.”

  “Bottom right cabinet in the kitchen,” Crownover advised her.

  “Would you like a drink, Nathaniel?” she asked when she went into the kitchen.

  “I’m good, but thanks.”

  “They’re running your financials right now,” Shane told her.

  “What did you think of our service last night, Madelyn?” Nathaniel asked her as she arranged the roses in a vase. “I didn’t get a chance to ask you last night.”

  “You know, it wasn’t so bad. I’ve always been skeptical of revivals, but yours wasn’t like I’ve always heard about them.”

  He flashed her a smile, showing perfectly straight and whitened teeth. “No fire and brimstone threats?”

  Tessa laughed. “Exactly. My friend Ian has visited several times and told me I would find your services enjoyable.”

  “How do you know Ian?” he asked.

  “We went to college together. He dated my friend for a while, that’s how we met.”

  “Nothing romantic between the two of you? Ian is a handsome fellow.”

  “No, he’s just a friend.”

  Nathaniel nodded. “Ian has visited our retreat several times. Has he spoken of it?”

  “Just that he thought your group might be good for me.”

  “Why would he think that?”

  “He said your group seemed like a family. I’ve never really had much family to speak of. It appeals to me.”

  Nathaniel smiled and looked around her condo with an appraising eye.

  “Your home is nice,” he said, changing the subject. “What do you do for a living?”

  “Oh, well, I live off my trust fund. My parents were killed in a plane crash just after I graduated college. Although, I went to school to be a teacher.”

  His face brightened at that. “Really? We are always looking for teachers at the Retreat. Do you think you would be interested?”

  “Possibly,” she hedged.

  “Well, if you’re ready, lets discuss it over lunch.”

  “I am ready,” she agreed, following him out the door. He led her down to a black Cadillac Escalade with a driver waiting to open the door for them.

  “Seriously trying to impress the lady,” Joe’s voice sounded in her ear. “Fancy car, uniformed driver. Pull out all the stops.”

  She tapped the mike to get him to cut the chatter so she could concentrate. Their drive into town was short. They stopped at a small bistro that she knew was hard to get reservations for. When they walked in, she wasn’t surprised to see that the hostess was one of Nathaniel’s starry-eyed admirers who led them directly back to an intimate table in a quiet corner near a serene water feature. Nathaniel ordered for them both, without even asking her which irritated Tessa but she decided to let Maddie just go with the flow about it.

  To her surprise, conversation flowed freely between them. She found herself oddly relaxed in his presence and began to see even more of his appeal. He had a way about him that put her at ease in spite of the fact that she knew she had to keep on her toes with him. Conversation ran so smoothly that at one point, Shane actually growled in her ear to remember who he was, which made her inadvertently laugh out so that she had to offer a hasty explanation for it. Other than that, she felt everything was moving along well.

  “I would love to show you around The Retreat,” he said as they were finishing their meal. “You could see how we live and see whether you would want to take on teaching the children who live on the grounds.”

  “I’d like that, Nathaniel.”

  “Yeah?” he asked, smiling. He took her hand in his and once more brought it to her lips, this time kissing her fingertips and then her knuckles. Had Shane ever done this, kiss her hand like this? She tried to recall but didn’t believe he had...they were kids when they got together, he hadn’t needed this type of courting, and since she hadn’t really dated anyone but him, she really didn’t have anything to compare this to. She found that, while pleasant, she didn’t really think she’d like someone who was overly demonstrative like that. It wasn’t real affection and it felt that way, and she wouldn’t want Shane to be any way other than he was with her.

  “I could pick you up tomorrow,” Nathaniel offered, pulling her from her thoughts.

  “That’s OK, I can drive myself,” she said, not wanting to surrender that little bit of freedom.

  “Are you sure? It’s no trouble for me to come get you, and The Retreat is a bit of a drive from here.”

  “I don’t mind driving. Just give me the address and I’ll plug it into my GPS. What time would you like me to come?”

  Chapter Ten

She arrived at the compound at noon on Monday, was waved through the checkpoint and directed to the Main House where Nathaniel and his brother, Paul waited to greet her. Paul was in his late thirties, similar in height and build to his brother but she found his eyes to be a bit colder than Nathaniel’s. Here was the nasty side of the operation, she thought. Paul definitely reminded her of Harrison Kelly.

  “So glad you could make it, Madelyn,” Nathaniel greeted her when she got out of her Lexus. “Paul, this is the lovely young lady I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with yesterday, Madelyn Parker. Madelyn, this is my brother and Associate Leader, Paul.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Paul,” she beamed at him.

  “Miss Parker,” Paul replied coolly, his eyes assessing her.

  Tessa had to fight the urge to shudder under his scrutiny and kept a bright smile on her face. Nathaniel kissed her cheek and placed his hand on the small of her back to lead her up the steps of the Main House. The satellite images hadn’t really conveyed the opulence of the buildings. This was definitely no Branch Davidian compound.

  “This is your home?” she asked Nathaniel, taking his arm when he offered it.

  “This is it,” he confirmed. “We live here in the Main House with a few select others.”

  “Look around at everything, Tess,” Shane reminded her. Just the sound of his voice in her ear sent a shiver down her spine.

  “Are you all right?” Nathaniel asked, feeling her shiver.

  “Just got a chill,” she said, smiling when he rubbed her arm.

  Nathaniel stopped walking and turned to face her fully. “You are absolutely stunning, Madelyn. Your smile is brighter than the sun.”

  “Thank you,” she said, ignoring the gagging noises she was hearing from the guys in her ear.

  “Nathaniel?” Paul said from behind them, “May I have a word with you, please?”

  “Not just now, Paul. I’m giving Madelyn a tour of the grounds.”

  “Oo, tension amongst the brothers,” Joe said.


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